

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ] | Simply, Sandy, Me
[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

午夜的花生餅乾 / PB Cookies at Midnight

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

前幾天在Milk & Mode看到了簡單的杏仁醬餅乾食譜。 開心的發現是全素且無麩質的餅乾, 而且材料家裡都有,因此心血來潮的在晚上十點把食材一一搬出來開始準備烤餅乾。這個餅乾做法非常的簡單, 食譜是來自Gwyneth Paltrow的新書 It’s All Good , 雖然家中並沒有這本書但聽到了不少正面的評價。食譜中用的是杏仁醬但喜愛優質花生醬如我們, 還是選擇了使用花生醬來替代杏仁醬, 加上我們在春天買的Crown Maple Syrup, 我等不及嚐嚐餅乾出爐後的滋味。

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a simple almond butter cookie recipe on Milk & Mode. I was happy to discover that the cookies were not only gluten-free but vegan as well. All of the ingredients listed in the recipe were ALREADY in my pantry so at 10pm at night I put everything out on the counter and decided to just bake away! This is a crazy simple recipe from the Gwyneth Paltrow’s new book It’s All Good. I don’t own the cookbook but I’ve heard good things about it. The recipe called for almond butter, but for the good-quality peanut butter lovers like us, I chose to use peanut butter in the cookies instead. Combined with the excellent Crown Maple Syrup we got back in the Spring, I couldn’t wait to see how these cookies turn out.

整個食譜中的主角食材絕對是Maldon Sea Salt Flakes。近幾年來有許多甜點師傅都喜歡這種鹹甜組合的創新, 例如海鹽巧克力和培根巧克力。前年在ICE上由Eleven Madison Park的甜點師傅教的甜點課時, 她就說過其實做冰淇淋的時候加入比平常再多一點點的鹽分, 整個甜點的風味會完全的不同, 希望我們都可以勇敢的嘗試。她說的一點都沒有錯, 只要不加入過量的鹽,那少許的鹹味會顛覆整個甜點的風味, 甜鹹兩味同時在口中炸開的的感覺是絕等美妙的。

One of the most important ingredient in this particular cookie recipe is probably the Maldon Sea Salt Flakes

. There has definitely been a craze in the baking world about combining savory and sweet ingredients in the past few years, two quick example would be seasalt and bacon in chocolate. I’ve even taken a pastry making class at ICE with the pastry chef from Eleven Madison Park that swears on adding more salt into the ice cream base to bring out the flavor. You know what, it really works! Sometimes too much salt can be overwhelming, but with just the right touch, you could revolutionize the entire dessert!

動手時間15分鐘, 餅乾分兩次進烤箱花了30分鐘, 總共45分鐘我就烤出了這個材料簡單又好吃的餅乾了。在網架上放涼了45分鐘後到午夜我就能好好的品嚐, 很快吧! 雖然公司的同事大部分都不是蔬食者也沒有麩質過敏, 但大家都覺得好吃喔, 一起來試試這個簡單健康又美味的餅乾吧!

These cookies turned out to be delicious。 The mixing took me about 15 minutes, the two batches of baking took me about 30 minutes, but that was it. I made these cookies in 45 minutes and was able to get a taste of them by midnight once they’ve had enough time to cool off on the rack. Majority of the people in my office are not vegan or gluten-free but I think every one enjoyed having a taste of these cookies, try baking them yourselves!

梅爾頓海鹽花生餅乾 / 可以作出約24個餅乾
從Gwyneth Paltrow的It’s All Good裡的Almond Butter Cookie改良的

1 1/2杯 無麩質麵粉(若麵粉中不含黃原膠, 請自行加入3/4茶匙)
1/2茶匙 細緻海鹽
1茶匙 泡打粉
1杯 優質花生醬 (最好的花生醬是只用花生和鹽製成的, 沒有棕櫚油也沒有其他念不出名字的食材)
1杯 優質楓葉糖漿
1茶匙 香草精
1/2茶匙 梅爾頓海鹽海鹽


在一個大碗中把乾的食材(麵粉, 細緻海鹽, 泡打粉)充分混合,在另一個碗裡把濕的食材(花生醬, 楓葉糖漿, 香草精)也充分混合後將兩個碗中的食材混合, 用手搓出一個個的小球後壓扁放上烤盤, 記得餅乾與餅乾間要留些間隙. 最後在餅乾上撒上梅爾頓海鹽, 不用多, 5-7粒就可以了。

在烤箱中烤至餅乾變硬, 空氣中充滿香氣, 約10-12分鐘, 放在烘培用網架上放涼後即可享用。

Peanut Butter Cookies with Maldon Sea Salt / Makes about 2 dozen
Based on the Almond Butter Cookie from It’s All Good, by Gwyneth Paltrow

1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour (if the flour doesn’t include xanthan gum, add 3/4 teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup peanut butter (peauts & salt are all you need to see in the ingredient list)
1 cup good-quality maple syrup
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon Maldon sea salt

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line baking sheet(s) with parchment paper.

Whisk together the flour, fine sea salt, and baking powder. In a separate bowl, whisk together the peanut butter, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Thoroughly combine the wet and dry ingredients. With your hands, form the cookies into small balls, then press them into disc shapes. Place each of them on the baking sheet, and remember to leave about 1 inch of space in between all cookies. Sprinkle each cookie with just a bit of the Maldon salt, it doesn’t need to be much, 5-7 flakes for each cookie is a great amount.

Bake until the air is fragrant and the cookies are just firm, 10 to 12 minutes. Let them cool on a rack before serving.

迷你年夜飯 / Mini Chinese New Year Gathering

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

新的一年又到了! 在國外住的越久, 越會懷念小時候大肆過年的感覺。今年姊姊剛好來紐約出差, 所以當然馬上下廚做了一頓小小的年夜飯嘍。今年是第一年做全素的年夜飯, 自然要多點思考多點創意, 但我在廚房玩的不亦樂乎!

It’s Chinese New Year again! It has been many years since I left Taiwan, with each year passing, I miss the true new year festivities more and more. This year, my older sister coincidentally stopped by NYC for a business trip, so yup, I ran into the kitchen and made a small new year’s eve meal for the three of us. It was my first time making a vegan new year’s meal, a lot of creativity and thinking was required, but I had so much fun in the kitchen!

全素的餃子我想了一陣子, 還是希望保留最喜愛的高麗菜, 但配料還能加些什麼呢? 考慮了瓠瓜, 但不是季節也買不到, 所以決定用容易入手的佛手瓜, 蛋白質的部分就用之前就自己做好的凍豆腐。依照往常的蔬菜切丁後撒鹽出水擰乾後, 拌入壓碎了的凍豆腐, 少許薑末, 2大匙的醬油溜就完成了餡料。

I thought long and hard about the vegan dumplings, I definitely wanted to keep my favorite ingredient, green cabbage, but what else could I add to the filling? I thought about adding calabash, but it’s totally out of season, so I bought the easy to find chayote. For the protein of the dumpling, I added the frozen tofu that I made days before (Throw your tofu into the freezer for a few days. Before using, thaw it out and squeeze out the access water, add to stew or stir-fry, you will be pleasantly surprised by the texture, I kid you not!). As usual, I diced the veggies, mixed them with salt and let sit for 15 minutes, squeezed out the access water and mix with meshed frozen tofu, some minced ginger, 2 tbsp of miso tamari, and the filling was done.

煮完試吃後非常滿意, 全素水餃真的不難呢, 下次再來試試其他的內餡!

The taste test received a high score, vegan dumplings is NOT difficult at all, I’m excited to come up with new fillings in the future!

過年習俗桌上要有魚有年糕, 所以我想出了好辦法, 將媽媽從台灣寄來的紅豆年糕切成長條, 外面裹上自己做的芋泥(很簡單, 芋頭切丁蒸熟, 拌入糖及椰子油), 用餃子皮包成魚的形狀, 蒸好不就成了一條條的小魚了嗎?

It is tradition for Chinese to have fish and rice cake in the new year’s eve meal. How do I come up with a vegan fish without resorting to the processed food section? I made dessert! I cut the red bean rice cake my mom sent from Taiwan into small rectangular blocks, wrap them around the sweet taro mesh I made (cubed the taro, steam it, mesh it with some sugar of choice and coconut oil until smooth), then wrap these sweet blocks into dumplings skins and folded the skin into fish shapes. Steamed fish for dessert!

另外兩道加了兩道菜, 一個是簡單的蒜炒豆苗, 另一道是比較費時的鑲油豆腐, 費時的是準備工作, 真正料理的時間其實非常的短。將香菇, 金針菇, 荸薺, 紅蘿蔔切丁, 薑切末。起油鍋把薑末炒香, 其他材料都入鍋加點鹽麴和白胡椒粉炒熟後盛入碗中備用。在剛炒好的餡料上磨山藥泥, 量的多寡不一定, 我是大約以餡料4:山藥泥1的比例。山藥泥除了有強大的營養成分, 另一個作用是讓餡料黏稠, 所以接下來就是仔細的把碗中的材料混合攪拌。接下來把油豆腐一個個挖出四方形的空洞, 挖出來的油豆腐可以順手加入餃子餡料喔, 把攪拌好的餡料填滿油豆腐, 入鍋蒸5-7分鐘。最後放上香菜葉點綴, 比較重口味的朋友們可以再灑上薄醬油或任何自己喜歡的醬汁。

I added two other dishes to the table, one is a simple stir fried pea shoots with garlic, the other is veggie stuffed fried-tofu cube (you can get fried-tofu cubes in Chinatown). The stuffed tofu dish took some time to prepare but the actual cooking time was really short. First, dice some shitake mushroom, enoki mushroom, fresh water chestnut, and carrots, mince a small amount of ginger. In a heated pan, add some oil, first add minced ginger to the pan and stir fry for a minute until fragrant, then add in the rest of the ingredients, with some shio koji and ground white pepper, stir fry for 3-5 minutes then set aside in a bowl. Grind some raw mountain yam into the same bowl, It’s completely up to your personal taste in terms of how much mountain yam to add to the bowl. I adore mountain yam so I added 1 part of mountain yam to 4 parts of veggies. The mountain yam is not only nutritious, it also becomes a binding agend for the filling. Now mix everything together and mix it well. The next step is to cut openings to the fried-tofu cubes and spoon out the middle until you have hallowed tofu cubes. Don’t throw what you spoon out away, throw them into the dumpling filling! Now stuff each tofu cube with the mountain yam/veggie mixture you just made, place all stuffed cubes on a plate and steam for 5-7 minutes. Now the finishing touches, for decoration, place a cilantro leaf on top of each tofu cube. If you prefer heavier flavors, you can sprinkle some soy sauce on top of the steamed tofu cubes or any sauces you come up with really, it could be spicy or sweet too. It really depends on the flavors you like.

這是我們的迷你三人年夜飯, 翡翠元寶, 鮮蔬金磚, 蒜茸豆苗, 年(糕)年有魚(芋)。

So this is our mini three-person new year’s eve dinner, Evergreen Yuan Bao, Veggie Golden Blocks, Garlic Pea Shoots, Nian Nian You Yu (rice cake with taro shaped like fish).

除夕前的暴風雪留下了這個奇特形狀的冰柱長得非常像龍爪, 似乎是來為龍年的最後一天道別。在龍年, 我這小家庭有了不少改變, 今年新年新希望絕對是在私人寫作時間和工作時間上取得更好的平衡, 心裡也盤算著要把這一整年的全素心得好好寫出來和你們分享, 我把大綱都想好了。當然也會恢復替10/10 Apothecary, Malin+Goetz, Hello NYC寫文, 謝謝你們持續的支持。我也還是會在FB粉絲頁持續的分享日常生活。在此祝所有朋友們蛇年行大運, 事事順心, 財源廣進!

The blizzard left a strange icicle by our window on New Year’s Eve. It looks sort of like a dragon feet, it’s as if the dragon year is saying goodbye on the last day. During the year of dragon, my tiny little family went through quite a few changes in life. My biggest wish for this year is again finding better balance in working and writing. And I really want to share my experiences and thoughts about our vegan journey in the past year, I came up with the general outline already, just gotta sit down and do it. And of course, I will resume working with 10/10 Apothecary, Malin+Goetz Taiwan, and Hello NYC to share my observations of New York, thank you for all of your support. And as always, I’ll continue to share daily life and links on the FB page. To all my friends, happy snake year, hope all your wishes come true, and as the Chinese love to say, hope you have a profitable year no matter what you do!

健康素 / Healthy Vegan

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

漂亮的當季食材 / Beautiful seasonal produce

大家是不是很好奇為什麼很久都沒看到我發關於飲食的文了? 其實這過去的三個半月來, 我們非常認真的在享受全素的排毒飲食, 沒錯, 不是蛋奶素, 是全素! 可能你也早就在我的FB上看到我一直提到”我們最近在養生“的訊息但一直不確定我們到底怎麼養生。

Are you all curious as to why I haven’t been posting any food-related writings for a while? Actually, I have a confession to make, in the past 3 and 1/2 months, we have been enjoying a thoroughly vegan detox diet, nope, not vegetarian, vegan! Perhaps you have seen on my Facebook page about my messages on “we are trying to eat better,” but you probably were wondering how we have been doing it.

滿滿鈣質的杏仁奶 / Calcium-filled almond milk

一切都是從我自己本身開始的, 自從青少年時期我便一直有臉上冒痘的困擾, 一直到現在都過30了還是不間斷的有這樣的困擾。曾經好幾次都有皮膚科醫生或者是美容師勸我戒掉乳製品, 但在今年之前的我卻一直以”怎麼可能不吃乳製品”為藉口從來沒有試過。另一個偏方, 每天清晨一杯熱檸檬水來解毒, 我倒是試了一陣子, 但成效不彰。除了痘痘的問題, 我也有最惱人的女生每月下腹疼痛。隨著疼痛, 全身腫脹及情緒不穩也都會跟著一起來。。這些問題從我14歲搬來美國後都變得更加嚴重, 我一直認為反正很多人和我有相同的困擾, 這些都是正常的。但一年一年下來我感覺自己變得越來越不健康, 就算運動正常睡眠也還是常容易感覺疲累, 容易感冒, 肩膀及後背常工作久了就非常痠。我真心的想解決這群小小的生理問題。於是年初開始我和老公說, 我打算不吃乳製品一陣子看看身體會不會有變化, 這句話一出口, 我到現在也沒有碰過任何的乳製品。

The whole thing started with my relationship with my acne-prone skin. I have always had acne problems ever since I was a teenager, even now at over 30, I’m still having breakout issues. Several dermatologists and estheticians have made recommendations for me to cut dairy out of my diet, but before this year, I’ve always used the excuse of “how could I give dairy up?” and ignored the thought. Another recommendation was to drink a warm glass of lemon water every morning as an detoxing agent, I tried that for a while and somehow it never really worked that well. Besides my love-hate relationship with my skin, I also have the horrible monthly cramps that many girls have, bloating and ill emotions come with the cramps as well. All of these problems have become worse ever since I moved to the US when I was 14. Honestly, I always thought since a lot of girls have the same problems, I was normal and all these symptoms are normal. But year after year, I noticed that my health is not as good as before, even if I exercise regularly and sleep my 8-hrs a night, I still often feel exhausted, got sick a lot, and easily had tightness around my back and shoulders. I really wanted to fix all these little physical annoyance so at the beginning of this year, I told my husband, no more dairy for me for a while, I want to see what happens. I’ve not touched dairy since I spoke those words.

紅豆沙腰果拿鐵 / Warm red bean and cashew latte

瞭解了乳製品中含的激素及酪蛋白對人體產生的害處後, 我著實震驚了一陣子也有點半信半疑, 但在戒掉乳製品觀察自己身體的轉變後, 我認真的相信了。從痘痘漸漸的消失, 皮膚亮了起來, 每個月身體不再腫脹, 一半生理上的問題通通消失。我不需要看醫生也不需要止痛藥了。

After some research and readings on the negative impact hormones and casein in dairy do to human bodies, I was still on the fence but definitely shocked to the core. After some dairy-free weeks, I noticed major changes to my body and finally believed that dairy is not great for me. My breakouts have lessened, my skin started to glow more, my monthly bloating and cramping session disappeared, half of my physical discomforts were gone. I didn’t need to go see a doctor or carry pain killers with me any more.

時蔬芝麻醬蕎麥涼麵 / Cold soba noodle with seasonal vegetables and tahini sauce

去年的七月我曾認真的去Natural Gourmet Institute上了兩個星期的廚藝課, NGI除了教導我料理中的技巧之外, 還很認真的讓我瞭解食物和健康的關聯。我學習到了用當季食材做出蔬菜滿點的料理, 學到了運用植物性蛋白質的方法, 也瞭解了所謂酸鹼性與身體健康的關聯。眼界打開後我全心的和老公一起改善了我們的飲食。我仔細觀看我之前所食用的物品, 很多都是經過加工, 並不是”真正的食材”。我們下定決心要學習怎麼利用天然食材以及食補的方法吸取更多不同的維他命及酵素。我也因此發現之前為什麼喝檸檬水沒有用, 如果真的要改善體質, 不能從小小的單方面著手, 那一小杯檸檬水只會被其他的破壞性食材抵消。

Last year in July, I attended a two-week summer intensive session at the Natural Gourmet Institute. Not only did I learn culinary skills, we also learned so much about the correlation between eating and health. I learned to make dishes with lots of seasonal produce, got my knowledge about plant-based proteins, and really understood the impact of alkalinity and acidity balance to our health. After seeing a whole different world through my teachers’ eyes, I made up my mind to try to change the way we eat for the better. I identified so many processed food in my regular diet, many of them don’t even belong to food groups. The two of us embarked on a journey to learn about natural ingredients and how to absorb vitamins and enzymes through food. And I also understood why the daily warm lemon water technique never worked before. If we truly wanted to change the condition of our health, we can’t just change one little thing, the affect of the lemon water was probably cancelled out by all the toxic bites that I put in my mouth.

其中有幾本書帶給我很深的影響, 其中一本叫做Clean, 是屬於21天的排毒概念。若摒除了所謂21天這件事, 裡面講了不少東西都是很有趣的。這個概念主張著把帶有過敏原的食物在21天內剔除, 也就是所謂的刪除法, 21天排毒後再一樣一樣加入日常飲食。這段時間內仔細觀察身體重新接受這些食材的反映, 認真聽自己身體告訴你的訊息, 像我就發現我如果吃了太多的麥類製品腸胃便很不舒服。Green for Life還有The China Study對我也影響很深, 也使我認真的開始吃起全素, 除了戒掉了讓體內容易生痰且非常酸性的乳製品, 我連一樣是酸性且對腸胃造成很大負擔的肉食也停止食用, 我希望腸胃能好好的休息也吸收植物性維他命。雖然有這些改變, 我們的每一餐都還是有著讓血糖穩定的兩份蔬菜, 一分蛋白質, 一分澱粉的黃金組合。很多人一定問我難道不會很沒營養嗎? 真的不會, 懂得怎麼運用食材的話, 素食也可以吸收到足夠的蛋白質及鈣質。這三個半月下來, 我們非常享受從多種食材攝取營養的生活, 我也認真的決定我要繼續研究這方面的料理。

During this whole journey of realization, I ran into a few good books and they left huge impressions. One of them was Clean, it’s focused on the idea of a 21-day cleanse. But if we take away the 21-day restriction, lots of the thoughts behind the book were really useful. It stressed on the idea of an elimination diet, where you exclude the types of food that are known as natural allergens. After 21 days, you could start adding these ingredients back to your diet one by one. A close observation on how your body reacts to these food groups is a must, because it will help you identify what your body is sensitive to. It’s a great time to really listen to your own body. For me, I discovered that if I had too much food with wheat, my digestive system gets really irritated. Two other books shifted my attention to a vegan lifestyle, they’re Green for Life and The China Study. Besides getting rid of the highly acidic and mucus forming dairy in my diet, I also decided to stay away from meat, which is difficult to digest and also really acidic. I’m giving my digestive system a big break and allowing it to gently absorb the plant-based vitamins and nutrients. With these changes, we still ate very well and stuck to the golden rule of 2 parts vegetable, 1 part protein and 1 part starch so our glycemic levels stay balanced throughout the day. A lot of people are probably wondering if I get enough nutrients, trust me, I do! If you know what ingredients to use, vegans also get enough protein and calcium. During the 3 and 1/2 months, we truly enjoyed trying so many new vegetables, grains, legumes and fruit. I also decided that I would like to dedicate a lot of my effort in studying and trying recipes that support this lifestyle.

這篇文是報告我們的近況, 也想讓大家知道我沒有放棄飲食這一塊。反之, 我比之前更加認真的學習, 也很慶幸住在紐約這個對素食者非常友善的城市。我希望能把身體調養到最佳狀態, 想要拿到廚師執照的心也沒有改變, 但還在慢慢存學費種。吃了素後, 在最近設計案子異常忙碌之下, 我發現我還是有很多精力完成所有的事, 也不會像以前一樣一直喊累, 唯一的遺憾是少了時間好好寫文和你們分享。健康及飲食真的是一門大學問, 我從自己小小的二人家庭開始管理, 這三個半月我學到的是認真觀察自己對身邊食物的反應, 並從中改善。也開心的發現原來簡單的料理方法, 平衡生食及熟食組合, 是對我們的身體及腸胃最溫和的飲食。接下來我們會不會一直吃素, 說真的我不能完全肯定, 但我知道我們精神越來越好, 思緒非常清楚, 健康也維持住了。看看能不能達到一整年甚至兩整年都不生病的目標吧。

This post is really about a status update from me to you, and to also let everyone know that I have not given up on learning about food. On the contrary, I’m getting more and more into it and really glad that we live in New York, a town that is ultra friendly to the vegans and vegetarians. I want to get my health into tip top shape, and my desire to go to culinary school hasn’t changed, I’m just slowly saving up to get to the point. On this healthy vegan life, even with a demanding office job, I noticed I have so much more energy to finish my tasks, and I don’t really complain about how exhausted I am any more. The only drawback on my busy schedule is that I am having less time to write and share with you… Health is our wealth, learning about food and nutrition is a major undertaking but I want to start with my little two-person family. During this whole detoxing period, I mastered the skill of spotting what my body loved and hated, and try to make changes or adjustment this way. I also am ecstatic to come to a major realization that really simple cooking, and a mix of well-balanced raw and cooked food are really the most gentle to our digestive system. I’m not extremely sure right now if we would continue to be vegan forever, but I know I’m reaping some major benefits such as great energy, incredible focus, clarity in mental thoughts and of course, health. Let’s see if we can reach our goal of not getting sick for a year, maybe two!

*對於這些排毒話題有興趣, 願意和我分享及討論的朋友們, 非常歡迎問問題!! 但因為我不是營養師也不是醫師, 所以要先聲明我只是分享經驗, 不是在教導方向喔, 一定要先瞭解自己的體質再進行飲食改善, 每個人都不太一樣, 但一定要聆聽你們身體傳達的訊息喔。

*If you’re also interested in cleanse and detox and have questions, or you just want to share your experiences with me, I welcome all comments and contact! But because I’m not a nutritionist or a doctor, so please understand I’m just sharing my experiences, not providing directions on how to manage health. Please get to know your body better before changing your diet, everyone is a little different, but listen to your body!

蝦夷蔥, 花 / Chives, Blossoms

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

蝦夷蔥是在西方料理中常見的配角, 但你看過蝦夷蔥的花嗎? 一球一球的紫色圓朵, 光是觀賞就令人舒心。

Chives is often seen on dishes as decoration or the sidekick, have you ever seen chives blossom? Rounds and rounds of lilac, they brighten up the mood effortlessly.

你知道蝦夷蔥的花也是可以食用的嗎? 花苞可炒,花朵可泡製美麗淡粉紅色的醋,花瓣可當作香草食用撒在沙拉上加入炒蛋中。

Did you know chives blossoms are edible? The bulbs could be stir-fried, whole flowers can be used to make beautiful light pink chive vinegar, the petals can be used as an herb in salad or in scrambled eggs.

兩個星期前帶回了一大束的蝦夷蔥花後, 我迅速的自己製作了蔥花的醋。把10-12朵的蔥花清洗乾淨後, 取一個空瓶浸入米醋或是白醋, 兩個星期後就可以收成了。在此我用的是有機玄米醋。

After brining home a huge bouquet of chives blossom two weeks ago, I quickly made some chives blossom vinegar. It’s really simple. Take 10-12 blossoms and clean well, put them in an empty jar and soak them in your vinegar, be it white vinegar, rice vinegar or champagne vinegar. I’m using organic brown rice vinegar here. After two weeks of soaking/infusing, the vinegar would be ready to use.


Isn’t it beautiful?

三天後醋已經被花染成美麗的粉紅色, 醋也散發出清香的蔥味。好神奇啊。 這種大自然給我們的禮物, 和人工味素色素絕不能相提並論。兩個星期後變成深桃紅色, 將花朵取出後, 蝦夷蔥花醋就可以如正常的醋一般的使用了喔!

The vinegar already turned a pretty pale pink after three days and the vinegar has been infused with a light chive scent, magical. The gift from nature can never be put in the same category as artificial flavoring the coloring. Straining the blossoms after two weeks, the chives blossom vinegar is ready to use just as your regular vinegar!

在炎熱的一天, 我自製蕎麥麻醬涼麵當作晚餐, 在拌入許多當季的嫩苗時蔬的涼麵上最後撒上了一圈蝦夷蔥花瓣。花瓣帶點辛辣, 但非常清淡, 和涼麵一起食用讓口感又多了一個層次, 我非常喜歡並且也貫徹了我儘量吃全食的心。全食的理念就是運用整個食材能食用的部分, 而蝦夷蔥花絕對是可以食用的, 所以不浪費的加入料理中嘍!

On a hot day, I made tahini sauce cold soba for dinner. After mixing in the various micro vegetables and seasonal greens to the noodles, I sprinkled the chive blossom petals on the dish. The blossoms has a light onion taste to it, a bit spicy but not overwhelming at all. It added another layer of flavor to the soba noodles, which I absolutely loved. On top of that, I stuck to my mentality of eating whole foods. Eating whole foods meaning using all of the ingredient’s edible parts in your cooking, and yes, not only are chives edible, their blossoms are definitely edible.

蝦夷蔥花還能怎麼用呢? 讓 The Kitchn 還有 小熊 帶你來看看他們的用法吧。

What else can you do with chives blossom? Check out what The Kitchn and ikai123 did with their blossoms.

解救冰箱內的食物 / Save Food From the Refrigerator

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

Save Food From the Refrigerator是一個概念深厚資料俱全的作品, 也是Jihyun Ryou在荷蘭艾恩霍芬設計學院的畢業作品。你有沒有想過其實我們的冰箱在慢性謀殺我們的蔬果? 其實在沒有冰箱的時代, 早就有有口耳相傳的妙招保存不同的蔬果。Jihyun Ryou結合了這些傳統飲食保存學問及她精湛的視覺概念作出了這一系列在家中以不同方法保存不同蔬果的好設計。

Save Food From the Refrigerator is a conceptual and well-researched project, it’s also Jihyun Ryou’s thesis project from the famed Design Academy of Eindhoven. Have you ever thought about the fact that our fridge slowly kill our produce? In the era of no refrigeration, there have been tips in fruit and vegetable preservation. Jihyun Ryou combined this knowledge with her exquisite visual design sensibilities to create this beautiful design project to save food from your fridge.

你知道嗎? 蘋果產生大量的乙烯讓擺在一起的蔬果快速熟化, 但蘋果和馬鈴薯放在一起反而會幫助馬鈴薯不長芽。

Did you know? Apples emit so much ethylene gas that they make any produce around them ripen really quickly, but ethylene gas also stop potatoes from sprouting! Putting the two groups together is definitely a good idea.

新鮮的蛋在水中會往下沈, 試試看你的蛋是否還是新鮮就靠一杯水。

Fresh eggs sink in water, a glass of water will help you identify the freshness of your egg.

蔬果盆下放一碗新鮮的水, 水在空氣中揮發後也保存了這些蔬果的溼度, 讓它們不會乾燥萎縮。

Putting a bowl of fresh water below the produce container creates a perfect humidity tray to stop the veggies from drying and shriveling up.


Root vegetables stored standing up in slightly moist sand last much longer than usual.

香料瓶中放入一些米粒能吸收空氣中不必要的溼氣, 讓香料保持新鮮及乾燥。

Rice kernels in spice jars would absorb the humidity in the air to help the spices stay fresh and dry.

雖然這個設計並不是店家中能購買的用品, 只是一個概念作品, Jihyun的本意也不是完全取代冰箱; 但這個作品督促所有人一次只購買家中所需要的蔬果份量, 高透明化的設計也讓大家能對還有多少存貨一目瞭然並持續觀察蔬果是否新鮮。最棒的是, Jihyun讓所有人都知道別忘了老祖母的知識, 也引發了一些好友分享他們保存食物的小偏方。

This is a conceptual idea and not a product sold in store. On top of this, Jihyun had no intention in asking people to abandon their refrigerators. Instead, this project is like a reminder for people to buy “just enough” of produce. The transparent nature of these containers allow people to gauge how much they have at home with just one glance and it makes continuous observation of the produce super simple. The best part is that Jihyun reminded all of us to not forget the knowledge from grandmothers, and she also inspired a bunch of friends to share their own preservation tips.

自己做鹽麴 / Shio Koji at Home

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

在日本風靡全國的鹽麴, 其實做法真的很簡單, 但麻煩的是找到好品質的米麴。米麴帶有活菌, 是製作醬油,味噌,日本甜酒及許多不同日常廚房佐料的酵母。

The greatly popular condiment in Japan, shio koji, is extremely simple to make, the hard part is to locate great quality koji. Koji is fermented rice, a live culture, and the base of soy sauce, miso, amazaki and many other everyday condiments.

米麴有分普通白米麴或玄米麴。我去年在Whole Foods發現了在美國麻州利用古法製作味噌的South River Miso後, 就持續的購入他們的味噌。但後來發現原來還可以從他們的網站購買玄米麴, 我便馬上下了訂單。

Koji is usually made with white rice but it could also be made with brown rice. I discovered South River Miso last year at Whole Foods and found out that they follow the real traditional methods in making miso with superior quality ingredients. I have been a huge fan since. I then later found out that they also sell brown rice koji through their website so I placed an order right away to get some koji on hand.

在家裡煮食與外食最不同的地方便是每一道程序及每一個醬料你都能自己掌控。所有由口入胃的料理都會影響我們的生理及心理狀態。因此在家煮食時在食材上澆滿了加了味素及複雜化學成分的市售醬汁, 和外食其實是沒有差別的… 自己想辦法用簡單的醬油醋香料及薑蒜調出最合家人胃口的醬汁, 才是王道。因為理解這點, 我連鹽都堅持只用海鹽, 玫瑰鹽及灰鹽。

The difference in cooking at home and eating out is that you could decide what to do every step of the process and select all of the ingredients yourself. All bites that are going in our mouths could affect our physical and mental conditions. So if you cook at home and still doused the food with store bought MSG and chemical-filled sauces, it’s pretty much the same as eating out… Figuring out how to make condiments and sauces that fit the palette of your family is really the way to go. Because I understand this, I insist on using only sea salt, himalayan salt or grey salt.

找到了好品質的玄米麴和鹽, 鹽麴的做法就真的再簡單不過了。因為第一次試做所以我做了非常的少量, 但我家兩口子也用了超過一個半月了。找一個容器(我選擇用最衛生乾淨的玻璃罐)加入100克的玄米麴, 30克的鹽, 搓揉混合約5分鐘後加入100cc的溫水, 接下來就等它在常溫中發酵完成了(請看分解步驟)。蓋上容器蓋子時記得留一個小縫隙讓空氣能混合入內幫助鹽麴製造好菌。每天都要充分混合一次, 約7天到10天就會熟成, 我是在初春製作, 那時還有一點涼所以熟成花了8天。鹽麴熟成後就可放入冰箱冷藏保存。完成後鹽麴應該會融化開來米的形狀看不太見, 也會有很棒的穀香及少許酸酸的養樂多味道。因為我用的是玄米麴所以熟成後還是有點米粒的形狀, 檢討後發現下次製作前先研磨一下可能會讓鹽麴質地更細緻。

After acquiring the brown rice koji and salt, it’s time to make some shio koji, and it couldn’t be simpler. Because it was my first time so I made a very small batch, but the two of us have used it for over a month and a half. First decide where you’d like your shio koji to ferment and live, I picked a Weck glass jar because it’s the most sanitary. Add to the container 3 oz. of brown rice koji and 1 oz. of salt, mix it together with your hands for 5 minutes, rub them together so they mix well and even break down a little. After 5 minutes, pour in 1/2 cup of luke warm water and that’s it!(see clear instruction here) Keep the container in room temperature with a lid but leave a sliver of opening for air to go in the shio koji and help with the fermentation process. Mix the shio koji thoroughly once everyday until it’s done fermenting. It takes about 7-10 days on the counter to be fermented depending on the temperature. I made it in early April and the weather was still a bit chilly so it took my shio koji 8 days to finish fermenting. Once it’s done fermenting, you could close the container and move it into the fridge to keep. When the shio koji is done, the rice bran should have broken down a lot, to a point where the shape of rice grains is almost gone. And it’s as if the grains dissolved a little, the shio koji would smell almost like yeast bread, yogurt and delicious. I used brown rice koji so even when it was done the grains can be seen quite well. I’ve searched for solutions and decided that in the next batch I should coarse grind the koji a bit before fermentation just so I could have a smoother consistency in the shio koji.

鹽麴是活的, 所以熟成後放入冰箱可以用非常的久, 但也請不要放個兩年都沒有用。怎麼用鹽麴呢? 平常煮菜你在哪裡用到鹽都可以用鹽麴代替。我發現鹽麴讓簡單的炒青菜都變的好甜, 也能在煮飯時加一茶匙入飯裡讓飯更香, 其他還有各種食譜例如麵包, 醃漬, 醬汁, 任何可能性都有。

Shio koji is a living condiment. After fermentation, it would last for a very long time in the fridge, but please don’t make it and forget it in the fridge for 2 years. How do we use shio koji? Whenever you need to add salt to your dish, replace it with shio koji. I use it a lot in stir-fry because it makes the vegetables taste super sweet. Some people add a teaspoon to cooking rice to make the rice more flavorful. There are also tons of recipes such as adding it in bread, pickles and sauces. There are endless possibilities.

我瘋著做鹽麴真正的理由其實很簡單, 我們人體的免疫力70%來自腸道健康。這也是為什麼近年來酵素及益生菌這麼的火紅, 但與其一直依靠藥粒, 其實在生活中就可以天天都加入天然的益生菌。它可以來自任何發酵的東西, 醋, 鹽麴, 泡菜, 天然優格等等的。這幾年在廚房玩出了強大的興趣, 我也認為能照顧好我家兩口的健康比工作上任何的表獎更來得優成就感, 畢竟健康才能做更多的事。寫著寫著發現鹽麴快用完了, 該是重新製作新的一罐啦!

The reason for me to rave about shio koji and decided to make it myself is really simple – 70% of our immunity comes from our intestinal health. That’s the biggest reason why digestive enzymes and probiotics are this popular lately. But instead of relying on pills, we can add probiotics to our diet everyday. It could come from anything naturally fermented, such as vinegar, shio koji, pickles/kimchi, dairy or non-dairy yogurt, etc. I’ve been having so much fun in the kitchen the past few years, I just see it as my playground now. And I actually think being able to take care of our health is more satisfying than any awards on a job. Because staying healthy allow us to do more things and dream bigger. And yup, I just realized the shio koji is running low, time to make a new batch!


[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

自從在電視上看到廚師作家Mike Colameco介紹這家在西村的Spasso後, 我倆就非常希望能去試試這家自己手作義大利麵的小餐館。

Ever since we saw the chef/writer Mike Colameco’s visit to Spasso on his PBS show, we’ve always wanted to visit the little Italian restaurant in the West Village that makes their own fresh pasta.

特別喜歡新鮮淡菜的我們, 決定先來一道白酒蒸淡菜。來自淡菜的海味湯汁, 非常順口。用麵包蘸到吸滿湯汁一起食用, 好享受!

We love mussels, so we decide to start our meal by sharing a bowl of mussels steamed in white wine. The natural juices and flavors from the mussels made a great broth, toasted bread dipped and soaked in the broth was absolutely heavenly.

我幾乎從來都不敵墨魚麵的魔力所以選擇了一道海鮮墨魚麵。雖然前菜已經吃了貝類, 但最終我還是選擇了這道麵食, 蛤蜊和淡菜不一樣嘛。果然手工的麵非常好吃, 義大利手工麵最忌諱的就是不彈牙, 這點Spasso做得很好, 我的墨魚麵有彈性不軟爛且充分的混合包裹住醬汁。

As usual, I couldn’t resist the squid ink pasta. Even though we already had quite a bit of shellfish for appetizer, I still caved and ordered this seafood squid ink pasta dish. Clams and mussels are different! I was really impressed with the handmade pasta. The one thing about handmade pasta is how chewy and al-dente they can be, Spasso did a really great job. My pasta was definitely al-dente with a bite to it, not soggy, and coated the sauce expertly.

牛奶選擇了一道菇麕迷迭香義大利麵疙瘩, 有濃稠但爽口的起司醬, 非常好吃。而佐菜是兩人分食了一道烤野生韭蔥。野生韭蔥是這個季節我最愛的蔬菜。每個星期去農夫市場是大把大把的買回家料理。這個香氣十足的韭蔥在我家取代了青蔥也成了非常清淡的蒜苗。在Spasso看到我還是忍不住嘴饞, 一口接一口, 季節性時蔬真的很迷人。

Milk chose a mushroom rosemary gnocchi dish, it came with a savory but light cheese sauce, very tasty. For the side, we shared a grilled ramps dish. Ramps are my absolute favorite vegetables for this season. I’m picking up bunches and bunches of ramps at the farmer’s market every week, I use it almost everyday in my cooking. It has replaced scallion and garlic sprouts for me this season. But seeing it at Spasso, I couldn’t resist, what can I say, I love ramps! And seasonal produce is just irresistible.

甜點我們簡單的選擇了餐廳自製的新鮮香蕉冰淇淋。通常香蕉冰淇淋因為都是使用加工過的食用香精, 所以吃起來都有嚴重的不自然香水味。但Spasso的香蕉冰淇淋有新鮮香蕉的淡淡甜味, 不過甜, 味道也非常柔順。

For dessert, we shared a house-made banana gelato. Generally banana ice cream is made with processed banana essence, so it always tastes fake and almost like perfume. But Spasso used fresh banana, you could taste the soft sweetness from the gelato, it wasn’t overly sweet and the flavor is very mild and soothing.


Also happy to see the (Malin+Goetz) lime hand wash in the restroom, one of my favorite brands.

走之前順便去看看廚房, 忙碌的廚師們把一道道美食盛盤送至客人桌上。肚子很飽了但還是看到了好多很想嘗試的誘人料理, 相信這不是我們最後一次來Spasso!

Before we left, I swung by the kitchen. The chefs were really hard at work in cranking out these excellent dishes, I saw a number I wanted to try even with a full stomach. I’m sure this won’t be the last visit to Spasso!

快手的摩洛哥風味晚餐 / Quick Morrocan-inspired dinner

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

摩洛哥風味的餐點聽起來似乎非常的陌生, 其實真正了解之後, 這是一個善用香料、鹽漬檸檬、乾果類及大量新鮮食材的簡易料理法。這天會想要做這道摩洛哥風味的晚餐是因為家裡有很多新鮮的芫荽(香菜)、生菜、鷹嘴豆、希臘優格及烘烤好的奶油瓜泥及甜菜根。所以在超市買了新鮮的有機雞胸肉, 一盒小番茄就回家迅速的料理晚餐了。

Moroccan flavors might sound really distant, but with a little bit of studies, you’ll find that it’s a simple way of cooking that incorporate loads of spice, preserved lemon, nuts, dried fruit, and mostly fresh ingredients. I wanted to make this moroccan-inspired dinner because I already had some fresh cilantro, lettuce, chickpeas, greek yogurt, and the roasted butternut squash and beets that I pre-made a couple days ago. So really I just picked up a packet of organic chicken breasts and a box of grape tomatoes from the market and I’ve got everything to make dinner.

這是一個我三年前從epicurious找到的的快手料理, 我覺得材料非常簡單且製作起來非常方便, 所以這個食譜我一直好好的收藏著。當我不想煮鍋物或亞洲料理但又想有一頓風味十足的晚餐時拿出來的殺手鐧。為了讓雞胸肉入味及軟嫩, 我都會多做一道手續, 那就是把雞胸肉正反面都如切花枝一樣切上淺格子狀。把橄欖油、紅椒粉、孜然粉、蒜末、少許的粗辣椒粒、黑胡椒、鹽及半杯的芫荽混合後仔細且均勻的塗抹在雞胸肉上空隙中, 小番茄及鷹嘴豆也拌入相同的醬料後舖在烤盤底, 雞肉放上後在450oF的烤箱裡20-25分鐘, 烤出來的雞肉非常柔軟。烤好後再拌入剩下的半杯新鮮芫荽, 就可上桌! 而佐主食的澱粉類這天我以奶油瓜來代替米飯或庫司庫司。

I found this roasted chicken recipe on epicurious 3 years ago, the simple ingredients and process astounded me and I’ve kept it as one of my favorites ever since. When I am really not so into the one-pot-meal or any Asian flavors that day, yet I still want something packed with flavors, this recipe always comes to the rescue. To let the flavors really get into the meat, I added one more step to the recipe, which is to criss-cross cut the chicken breasts front and back. After mixing the olive oil, paprika, cumin, garlic paste, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper with 1/2 cup of the fresh chopped cilantro, I rub the chicken breasts really well and make sure the marinade gets into the criss cross cuts. The grape tomatoes and chickpeas are also tossed with the same marinade and sit at the bottom of the roasting dish as the bed for the chicken. In a 450oF oven, roast everything for 20-25 minutes, the chicken breasts will be absolutely tender and juicy, mix the other 1/2 cup of cilantro into the roasted dish, and you’re ready to serve! And today I’m using the roasted butternut squash as the starch instead of couscous or rice.

為了再多加一點蔬菜我也做了一道簡易的沙拉。把1/4個紅洋蔥切成細條狀灑上一點鹽, 過5-10分鐘後洋蔥有點軟化後加入之前烘烤好儲存在冰箱的甜菜根、少許的檸檬汁、橄欖油、鹽、充分混合後再加入新鮮生菜, 最後灑上壓碎的巴西豆(約3-4粒, 也可以用核桃取代)。這道沙拉在雞肉入烤箱後就能製作完成, 一起上桌。當然這兩道菜中的烘烤奶油瓜和甜菜根都是週末就貯備起來隨時都可以用的。有時候想要天天上菜還是要事先做少許簡單的準備啊。

Wanting to add another plate of vegetable to dinner, I made a simple salad. Cut 1/4 of a red onion to thin strips and sprinkle it with salt, let it stand for 5-10 minutes until it starts to soften and break down. Mix in the pre-roasted beets with some fresh-squeezed lemon juice, olive oil and salt, mix them well. Add in the fresh lettuce and sprinkle the whole salad with some crushed brazil nuts (about 3-4 of them, can be replaced with walnuts). This salad can totally be made while the chicken is in the oven. And of course, the pre-roasted butternut squash and beets are good to have in the fridge at any time. Sometimes a bit of preparation for the coming week really pays off, and they are so simple to make.

而這頓晚餐不能少的就是這個優格蘸醬。簡簡單單的把之前同樣用在雞肉上的醬料留下一小匙均勻的攪拌入1/4杯的希臘優格, 灑上一點芫荽就完成了。乳製品能中合辣味, 所以任何的乳製品是不敢吃辣朋友們的救星。吃辣時喝冰水只會越吃越辣, 喝下一口牛奶或優酪乳很快的就能解辣喔。雖然今天的烤雞胸只是非常的微辣, 但這個優格蘸醬讓整道菜吃起來清爽滑順, 不膩嘴, 試試吧!

And one of the must-have for this dinner is the yogurt sauce. Use the teaspoon of marinade you saved aside from before, mix it into 1/4 cup of the greek yogurt, with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro, the sauce is complete. All dairy product is an agent to neutralize spiciness, it’s the savior for people who are afraid of spicy food. When something is burning in your mouth, iced water would make it worse, but a sip of milk or yogurt would make the burning sensation subside immediately. Though the roasted chicken today is extremely mild in spiciness, but the yogurt sauce helps balance the spices out and creates an easy and light flavor. Try it out!

媽媽的愛心醬料 / Sauces with love from Mom

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]

媽媽從我十四歲出國後就不間斷的常常寄愛心包裹給我。從高中, 大學, 碩士, 出社會, 到現在已經成為人妻, 她從不間斷的擔心我是否吃飽吃好, 也總是看到什麼便多帶一份等著下次寄給我。和我一起出國的朋友無數, 而我母親的包裹是朋友圈中出名的, 因為什麼都寄過了, 包括不該寄的芋頭及文旦都偷偷寄了好多次。這次媽媽又找到了有機及純淨的永豐餘生技醬料讓我試試。

Ever since coming to the US when I was 14, my mom has never stopped sending me care packages. Through the years of high school, college, masters studies, professional life, until now as a married woman, she is still worrying about whether or not I’ve been eating well and enough. Whatever quality food items she comes across in Taiwan, she would always buy an extra portion for the package that she would mail me later. Throughout my journey as a student, I’ve met numerous friends that also came abroad as students , and amongst the circle, mom’s package has always been infamous because it could contain anything at all. Just as an example, Taiwanese taro and Taiwanese pummelo have snuck inside of the boxes quite a few times. This time, mom found some organic and pure Taiwanese sauces from Green&Safe for me to try.

取出也是媽媽寄來的麵線, 還有在農夫市場買到的高麗菜。把麵線和高麗菜都燙熟了拌入少許的油蔥便成為清香的高麗菜麵線。

With the Taiwanese angel hair noodles that mom mailed along with the sauces and the cabbage I got from the farmer’s market a few days ago, I made a simple dish. After boiling the noodles and cabbage until they’re soft, I mixed in a bit of the scallion oil to make a quick noodle dish. And the reason why I didn’t add any salt here is because the Taiwanese angel noodles already incorporate a small amount of salt, so adding any additional salt would make the dish hard to eat.


As a side, I drizzled the dark soy sauce on the blanched veggies from the Japanese market.

雖然是早春但氣溫還是很低, 讓人不自覺的就想喝碗熱湯。我覺得能搭配上這兩道簡單的菜便是熱熱的雞湯。為了節省時間我用了已經去皮的雞腿熬湯, 配上一樣是農夫市場買來的大頭菜, 台灣的花菇, 紅蘿蔔及兩粒乾燥的無花果, 煮個25分鐘就可以上桌了。

To go along with the two dishes, the first thing that came to mind was some chicken soup. Though it’s already early Spring, the temperature is still quite low but makes it a perfect weather for a bowl of hot broth. To save time, I made the soup with skinless drumsticks with the farmer’s market kohlrabi, carrot, some Taiwanese dried mushroom and two dried figs. After a 25 minute boil, the soup is done.

自從出國後, 我時常想念著台灣的食物及媽媽的料理。從大學開始也從亂煮, 只照食譜煮, 到現在偶爾自己自創一些簡單的家常菜。從毫無想法追隨流行的料理方式到現在每一樣食材都非常注意。除了在幾年前家人出了健康問題後對自己再三的提醒之外, 也有了擁有健康才能向前走, 我的健康才是家人的安慰的想法, 我儘量的身體力行。有沒有上班一整天很累下班還是選擇外食的情況, 那當然還是常常發生, 但外食若是能能選擇均衡及好食材的餐廳, 其實只是替自己減輕壓力, 對心理的健康也是有很大的幫助的。

Living abroad, I often miss mom’s cooking and Taiwanese food in general. So in college, I dabbled in the kitchen, then I followed recipes to a T for a while, and now I sometimes create a few of my own dishes or make adjustments to the recipes I come across. I progressed from mindlessly following food trends to focusing on selecting quality ingredients. With the health scare from my family a few years ago, I constantly reminded myself to stay on top of my own health, and the best way to do it is to watch what I put on my plate. Besides the reminders, I also believe that without health I wouldn’t really be able to do anything and staying healthy would also help ease the worries of my family living far away from me. I try my best to cook as often as I can but are there days when I am just absolutely exhausted from work and opt for eating out? Absolutely, very often, but I pick restaurants that serve quality and balanced meals. Sometimes when eating out is enjoyable, it releases stress and aid in our inner health.

今天的自創簡便家常菜, 並不是什麼五星級料理。但料理過程中我感謝媽媽不辭辛勞的愛心包裹, 還有她從我們孩兒時代每日煮食養育的態度。這一切讓我很堅持的一直學習著飲食且為自己的小家庭健康把關。

The self made home meal today is not a meal made with luxurious ingredients. But while making it, I keep thinking about mom’s efforts in sending me the care package, and her positive attitude in making good meals to feed us everyday ever since we were babies. All of these thoughts help me stay on track with my food studies and my commitment to keep my own little tiny family healthy for as long as I can.

愛, 小蘿蔔 / Love, Radish

[大肆談食 / Food Talk Thursday ]


I wanted to make something really different this Valentine’s Day.


The watermelon radish from the farmer’s market became center stage.


The radish slices became pieces of hearts.

撒鹽絞汁把甜味逼出後, 排列在塗了薄薄的檸檬奶油(奶油加入一點檸檬汁及磨碎的檸檬皮)的吐司上就是一個好吃又好看的情人節小點。

After salted and excessive juice squeezed, place neatly on lightly lemon-buttered (butter with a splash of lemon juice and lemon zest) bread, and this becomes a lovely quick Valentine’s day treat.

心形模具切剩下來的小蘿蔔切成同等大小也一起撒鹽, 還是可以吃的不要丟掉喔。

The leftover radish from hearts-making are still edible, cut them into equally sized pieces and salt them as well, don’t throw them away.

不管你是單身或有伴侶, 都別忘了一定要愛自己, 因為懂得愛自己的人才更能以同等的方式愛身邊的人。情人節快樂!

No matter you’re single or in a relationship, don’t forget to love yourself always. Because the ones who know how to appreciate themselves will know to give their mates the same type of respectful love. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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