


1. through thick and thin:甘苦与共,共同分担艰难困苦 (go through all  adversity)

例如:She feels like a fool for sticking with her husband through thick and thin.


       He has walked through thick and thin during the past five years.



2. cry wolf'狼来了'的假警报。(false alarm; call attention for something which is not true or not serious)

例如:Don't cry wolf unless you really need help.


 Crying wolf is not a responsible behavior.


Parents should teach their children not to cry wolf.



 3. banner year:意思是特别得意或特别好的一年(如升官、加薪、赢得奖励等等)(a  wonderful or fantastic year)

 例如:This has been a banner year for Mrs. Lin.(这是林太太最得意的一年)

       With a promotion and marriage, he really had a banner year in 1998.

1998 年他又升职又结婚,真是非常的得意)

有时老外也用 banner month,但不用 banner day

例如:Mr. A had a banner month at his car dealership.



4. shell company:这是指假冒或有名无实的公司行号,也就是所谓「皮包」公司。(fake company; just make it up)

例如:They used fake receipts from shell companies with no staff or premises. (他们的假公司没有员工和经营场址,却开出了假收据)

      Shell companies are illegal in the U.S. (在美国开皮包公司是犯法的)

     (company 的复数是 companies


5. no dice:意思是不可能发生的事情,不会改变的,徒劳的,无用的;也就是'不行'。(something not going to happen; not going to change; absolutely not)(dice本意是骰子,单复数相同)

例如:No dice, I will not change my position on this matter. (不行,我不会对这件事改变立场)

      There was no dice he would be able to get this job.

       (他不可能得到这份工作) (no dice = no way)

      He asked her for more money, but she said no dice to him.


       I tried to contact Mr. Wang, but no dice.(设法与王先生联络,但是徒劳无功)


6. dislocated worker:指失业或正在找工作的人(refers to a person who lost a job or still looking for a job) (老外为了礼貌含蓄,才有此说法)

 例如:There are 200 dislocated workers in our community when the company closed its door.


     To avoid being a dislocated worker, one needs a good education with skills.



7. stick-in-the-mud:这是指一些落伍保守,墨守成规者;或是思想落后,毫无进取心的人,就像陷入泥淖一样。(old fashioned or unprogressive person)(多作名词用)

 例如:He is a boring stick-in-the-mud. (他是一个循规蹈矩的人)

      Being a stick-in-the-mud, people don't value his opinions.


      (注:如果是专指'老顽固',通常是用 old fogy old foggy;不过stick-in-the-mud 既可指年轻人又可指老人)


8. Take chances:意思是冒险,也就是 take a risk take a chance。反之,take no chances 就是不冒险,很小心 (to be cautious; careful)的意思。I take no chances =I take no risk (我很小心) take (one's) chances 则是'准备冒险'的意思。

例如: The soldier must take his chances in the battle.


       Some people are more prone to take chances than others.



9. Dog's life:意思是生活中的困境或痛苦的日子 (hard and oppressive time or difficult time in life)

例如:Over the past years she led a dog's life with her alcoholic husband.


 Many new immigrants in the U.S. initially endure a dog's life.



10. En masse:这是法文,意思是全体人员,一同,一起 (As a whole; a large group of people) , 按照字面意义看,就是 in mass的意思。

例如:The audience applauded en masse upon the completion of his speech.


     Employees marched en masse to the company headquarters for pay raise.



11. Con-man:是指骗子或坏蛋 (crook),专门设法取得他人信任后再行骗的人。(someone who tries to gain your confidence, but later betray you)


 例如:Be careful of con-men; they may try to rip you off.


   Beware of telephone con-men who may solicit for a fake charity.


 (不过通常不用 con-woman,也不用 con-person con-people)


12. Walking dead man:就是身体健康很差的人。

例如:Due to severe illness, he now becomes a walking dead man.


 注意: 这个词只用于第三人称,所以不要说:'You are a walking dead man',这样是很不礼貌的。 而且不用来形容女人,所以不能说:She is a walking dead woman. 此外,也不说:They are walking dead persons (people)


13. Take heart:意思是'鼓起勇气,振作起来,不要悲观 (cheer up; don't worry; don't let something get you down; be cheerful; don't be discouraged)

例如:Take heart, Mr. Chen, things will get better.


      We have taken heart from the news of victory.



14. Happy-go-lucky:意思是无忧无虑的,乐天派的 (not worry about anything; care free)

例如:He has been happy-go-lucky all his life.


      It is always better being happy-go-lucky versus being depressed. (乐观总比闷闷不乐好。)

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