




We must choose a suitable path that will help us attain self-achievement, self-liberation, and Buddhahood. With the right choice, we will definitely reach our goal of significance beyond this world. One of such choices is Lamrim29, or following the stages in the complete path to enlightenment. This is not to say that we can call the process of reading a verse, reciting a passage, and discussing with others as “studying in stages.” We may close the sutra book and still not know how to handle a situation, how to explain the meaning of our actions, or how to build conviction in our minds. We may leave the monastery, and still not know the direction. We may go home and still not have a plan on what we should do next. If so, how could we refer to ourselves as studying in stages? How could we think of ourselves as practicing the Dharma?

道次第在我们内心真正有作用的话,我们绝对是非常清楚明了的,自己的一步一步怎么走, 自己的所作所为,一点一滴都是非常清楚、笃定的。我们当下 —— 此时此刻都不知道要干什么,那我们的明天、我们的明年、我们的未来,更不知道会怎么样。我们此时此刻 —— 当下把握不住,我们要等到明天、等到以后去修行,这又怎么可能呢?我们此时此刻的问题都不能解决,此时此刻的境界都认识不清,要等待未来,会有希望吗?希望绝对是非常地渺茫。

If we have truly adopted Lamrim, we will be crystal clear as to how to make progress step by step and how to examine our actions bit by bit. If we do not know what to do at this instant, how do we know what to do tomorrow, the following year, or in the future? How would it be possible to cultivate tomorrow or in the distant future if we cannot control today? Will there be any hope in the future if we cannot solve pressing problems and have a clear understanding of our current affairs? That hope must be so slim.

我们学了佛法,学了道次第,就要认清楚世间上生死轮回的因、缘、果报、过程以及循环的规律。我们要出离,就要出离这种轮回的规律, 走上解脱的规律, 走上成佛的规律。

As we have been studying the Dharma and the concept of Lamrim, we should clearly recognize the nature of reincarnation and its related causes, triggering conditions, effects, as well as its process and cyclicality. We must strive to untether, or to break away from the endless cycle of reincarnation, to embark on the path to freedom, and to march towards enlightenment.

我们要走向成佛之道,在道次第上用功,我们自己的心、语言、身体的造作 —— 身语意三业就必须要符合佛法的规律、规范,符合道次第的要求。这样才有办法把我们整个身心、所有的行为都扭转过来。不然的话,力量太弱了。我们要选择一条自我完善、自我提升、究竟成佛的路子,而不能去选择一条自甘堕落、自我毁灭、堕入三恶道的路子。

As we make an effort towards Buddhahood, we must work hard to ensure that our bodies, speeches, and minds are in accordance with the teachings of the Dharma and the requirements of Lamrim. Only by doing so can we reverse the wrong course that we were on before. Otherwise, our strength for the practice would be too weak. Again, I emphasize that we must choose a path for self-perfection, self-improvement, and self-enlightenment, and not a path of self-abandonment or self-destruction that leads to the descent into the three evil realms (the realms of animals, hungry ghosts, and hell).

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