


An Interview with Madeline Bruser


By Mindful Staff


<trans oldtip="Ms. Bruser" s="" mindfulness="" training="" began="" at="" 29,="" after="" she="" had="" won="" many="" awards="" and="" prizes="" as="" a="" young="" artist="" but="" was="" still="" dissatisfied="" with="" how="" felt="" onstage.="" in="" search="" of="" greater="" relaxation="" confidence="" performance,="" practicing="" meditation,="" which="" transformed="" her="" playing="" teaching.="" book,="" published="" 1997,="" presents="" an="" approach="" to="" that="" combines="" traditional="" conservatory="" techniques="" help="" musicians="" release="" tension="" unleash="" their="" full="" potential.'="" newtip="布吕瑟在29岁开始接受专注力训练,当时她在年轻艺术家时曾多次获奖,但仍对自己在舞台上的感受感到不满。为了寻求更大的放松和对表演的信心,她开始练习正念冥想,这改变了她的演奏和教学。她的书于1997年出版,介绍了一种将传统音乐训练与正念技术相结合的练习方法,以帮助音乐家释放紧张情绪,释放出他们的全部潜能。">她在29岁开始接受专注力训练,当时她在年轻艺术家时曾多次获奖,但仍对自己在舞台上的感受感到不满。为了寻求更大的放松和对表演的信心,她开始练习正念冥想,这改变了她的演奏和教学。她的书于1997年出版,介绍了一种将传统音乐训练与正念冥想相结合的练习方法,以帮助音乐家释放紧张情绪,释放出他们的全部潜能。著有《练琴的艺术》一书。




Who are the people who have meant the most to you in your musical education?


The first person I think of is Menahem Pressler, whom I studied with for two years at Indiana University. He has amazing ears for color and sound – an extraordinary sensitivity to musical poetry and nuance. He got me to listen like I had never listened before, and he also taught me how to touch the piano keys; he transmitted that by his example. The piano is a living thing in his hands, and he transmitted his exceptional passion for piano sound. Listening became an active practice for me when I was studying with him. 


He kept pointing out nuances I had missed. He also pointed me toward creativity as a performer toward spontaneity. He had the ability to wait for the right moment to play a certain note, to tune into one sound right through to the moment when the next one should come in and to know when that moment had come. Sound was like living magic to him.




While studying with Pressler I felt like I went from being a student to being an artist, who could discover magic in music on her own. I developed an intense relationship with sound and with the instrument. Pressler modeled artistic engagement with music and brought it out in me, so I discovered my own imagination and artistic responses. By the time I transferred to Juilliard, I felt I knew who I was as an artist. 


My Juilliard experience was mostly about discovering a whole world of young musicians like myself. I felt I'd found my musical family colleagues I could share music with. That was an extremely important time in my life. It gave me a sense of belonging in the world.


Previous teachers got me ready for my conservatory study by giving me a solid foundation in technique and musical taste and style. They encouraged my natural rhythm and expressiveness and showed me shapes and architecture in music, cultivating my intelligence. Especially Alexander Libermann, whom I studied with in my teens, gave me a very strong foundation in technique and musicianship.


Of course, the first people who made an impact were my parents. They played music at home and took me to concerts, so from a very young age I was introduced to music as a basic part of life, like books or food. My father was actually an amazing amateur pianist, almost entirely self-taught. I remember him playing every morning and evening, while I was eating breakfast or falling asleep. He had a very gentle touch, which made a deep impression on me.


I also feel very indebted to teachers I studied with later on John Crown at the University of Southern California, Jeanne Stark-Iochmans in Berkeley, and Paul Hersh at the San Francisco Conservatory. I only had five lessons with John Crown before he developed a fatal disease. But in that short time he taught me something very important, which was to take my time and to put comfort first in learning a piece, before trying to achieve the full range of dynamics, as well as before trying to achieve speed. 

我对后来南加州大学的约翰·克劳,伯克利的珍妮·斯塔克·奥特曼,以及旧金山的保罗·赫什也非常感恩。在约翰·克劳身患重病前,我只跟他上了五次课,时间很短,但他教了我些很重要的东西,那就是: 在学一件作品时,要先花时间,让自己进入舒适的学习状态,而非直接努力达到全面的兴奋,努力去追求速度。

And Jeanne Stark-Iochmans and Paul Hersh, both of whom are tremendous musicians, gave me an understanding of crucial aspects of rhythm, things that make all the difference in creating a vital, cohesive performance of a piece.All of these teachers were very warm and nurturing, which was so important to me as a young musician.


You've practiced mindfulness meditation since completing your masters degree studies in 1977. What exactly led you to meditation, and how has it changed you as a musician?


In my late twenties I felt something was missing from my playing, and I wanted to feel more relaxed and confident onstage. I remembered that meditation, which I had tried once for a couple of days, had had a relaxing effect, so I tried it again. 


And this time I stuck with it. It changed my whole life as a musician. It's slowed down my mind and cleared it of a lot of extraneous thoughts so that I can be more open and receptive. 


I notice everything more clearly the quality of sounds and sensations and how they affect me, the energy in my body while I'm playing, how my hands and arms are moving, my thoughts and feelings. And this increased openness also means I can be more creative because there's more space in my mind, more exchange can take place between me and the music, and between me and the listener as well.


 I'm more mentally and emotionally available and more ready to express myself and the composer's intentions. I can go deeper into a piece, and music can flow through me more freely.


To begin that whole process I had to give in to my need for relaxation I was tired of joyless, compulsive work at the piano, meeting deadlines for auditions and concerts I needed freedom to find my natural inclinations, to discover who I really was as a pianist, artist, and person. At first I relaxed so much that I didn't practice the piano at all.


 It took me two months to want to come back to it, and when I did I found myself working in a totally different way really engaged in details, enjoying them very much, going slowly and absorbing the music much more deeply, responding more to every sound. I began teaching my students to do that too.


I also became more receptive to my students. Actually, Carl Rogers's bookFreedom to Learnhad helped me do that a year or so earlier. That book taught me to dialogue with my students and to encourage them to develop their own intelligence, rather than just feeding them information and ideas. Reading it was part of my moving toward a more enjoyable experience with music as a teacher first, and then as a performer. I was wearing out a narrow way of life as a musician.


People who come to me for lessons or workshops are generally looking for the same thing more enjoyment and a deeper connection to music and to themselves. They know that the extreme demands on us as musicians to be high-level athletes at our instruments and coordinate body, mind, ears, and emotions to an extreme degree can easily make us lose the joy that drew us to music in the first place. It's similar to other highly demanding activities raising a child, for instance. 


You have to pay attention to the child's needs, not neglect your own needs, and balance out keeping the house stocked with food, maintaining a sane environment by resolving family conflicts and keeping clutter at bay, provide both the comfort of routine and the freedom of breaking routine at times, all the while making a living and keeping up with essential reading and social ties outside of the home. 


How does anyone do all this? You have to relax. That's what makes it possible to focus on what needs to be done and on what needs your attention at any given moment.



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