

PLS SEM:基于偏最小二乘法的结构方程模型

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🎦 2021 Stata 暑期班
📅 2021 年 7 月 20-30 日
🔑 连玉君(中山大学);江艇 (中国人民大学)

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作者:赵玉 (山东大学)


  • 1. 简介

  • 2. PLS-SEM 方法

    • 2.1 PLS-SEM 的应用情况

    • 2.2 PLS-SEM 软件和资源

  • 3. Stata 实操:plssem 命令

    • 3.1. 命令安装

    • 3.2. 语法结构

    • 3.3. Stata 实操

  • 4. 参考文献

  • 5. 相关推文

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1. 简介

本文拟介绍基于偏最小二乘法的 SEM (PLS-SEM) 的 plssem 命令。该命令是由 Venturini and Mehmetoglu (2019) 编写。与传统统计方法(如线性回归,多元回归等)不同,在更广泛的意义上, SEM 可以作为一个联立多方程的估计模型,在方程的两边可以包括单项或/和多项变量,并有助于对非常复杂的模型进行适当而完整的中介效应分析。在文献中,目前存在着许多关于基于协方差的 SEM(COV-SEM)和 PLS-SEM 优缺点的争论 (如 Henseler et al., 2014), PLS-SEM 通常被认为是一种与 COV-SEM 的互补方法 (Jöreskog, 1969; Wold, 1975)。根据 Hair et al. (2017) 的建议,一般在以下情况下使用 PLS-SEM :

  • 目标是预测关键目标结构
  • 形式化度量的构造是结构模型的一部分
  • 结构模型是复杂的,包括许多指标/结构
  • 样本量小
  • 计划是在进一步分析中使用潜在变量分数


Venturini, S., M. Mehmetoglu, 2019, Plssem: A stata package for structural equation modeling with partial least squares, Journal of Statistical Software, 88 (8): 1-35. -Link-, -PDF-

2. PLS-SEM 方法

一个典型的 PLS-SEM 模型将由两部分组成:测量模型 (measurement) 和 结构模型 (structural),如图 1 所示。

测量模型 (measurement model) 提供了潜在变量和它们所定义的指标之间的关系。由图 1 除虚线框中包含的箭头以外的所有箭头表示。图中包括了两个反射结构( 和 )和一个构成结构()。反射结构/构成结构与相应指标之间的关系由箭头上的系数表示。

结构模型 (structural mode) 显示了潜在变量之间的关系,图 1 中是由虚线框中包含的箭头表示。结构模型中作为预测变量的潜在变量为外生变量,而表示为结果变量的则为内生变量。在图 1 中有两个外生变量( 和 )和一个内生变量(),利用相应的路径系数( 和 )标记潜在变量之间的关系。

用于估计 PLS-SEM 模型的算法基本上由三个阶段组成:

  • 第一阶段使用 PLS 迭代估计每个 case 的潜在变量得分;
  • 第二阶段度量模型中的参数被估计;
  • 第三阶段,估计路径系数。

更多的细节参照文献 Venturini and Mehmetoglu (2019)。

2.1 PLS-SEM 的应用情况

在 微软学术 中检索如下经典教材,引用率超过 20000 次:

  • Hair JF, Hult GTM, Ringle CM, Sarstedt M, 2017, A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), 2nd edition. Sage. -Link-, Datasets

2.2 PLS-SEM 软件和资源

  • SmartPLS 软件 ( 30 天试用) 下载地址
  • PLS-SEM Literature. Besides our recommendations on these pages, please also check smartpls Documents or the 'Announcements' in the SmartPLS Forum for literature on PLS path modeling
    • New Literature on PLS-SEM
    • Selected Journal Articles on PLS-SEM
    • Books and Book Chapter
    • Our Special Issues On PLS-SEM
  • Get to Know PLS-SEM and SmartPLS 有关 PLS-SEM 的资源汇总

3. Stata 实操:plssem 命令

3.1. 命令安装

. ssc install plssem, replace

. help plssem

作者也提供了一些两份范例 dofile 和一个数据文件 workout2.dta (后文会用到),可以用如下命令获取:

. net get plssem.pkg, replace

copying into current directory...
copying workout2.dta
copying ecsimobi.dta
copying plssem_application.do
ancillary files successfully copied.

3.2. 语法结构

. plssem (LV1 > indblock1)
(LV2 > indblock2) (...)
[if] [in]
[, structural(LV2 LV1, ...) options]

其中,options 包括:

binary(namelist)使用 logit 匹配的潜在变量列表
boot(numlist)bootstrap 次数
seed(numlist)bootstrap 种子数
maxiter(#)最大迭代次数;默认值为 100
missing(knn)用 k 近邻法估算指标缺失值
k(#)用于 missing(knn)的最近邻数;默认值为 5
digits(#)显示的位数;默认值为 3
loadpval显示外部荷载的 p 值

3.3. Stata 实操

基于相关的进化心理学文献 (如 Kirsner, Figueredo and Jacobs,2003),我们提出以下假设:

  • H1: 一个人觉得自己越有魅力,就越想通过锻炼来改善自己的外表 (即,有魅力 → 外表)。
  • H2: 一个人越想通过锻炼来改善自己的外表,他就越想通过锻炼来增强肌肉 (即外表 → 肌肉)。
  • H3: 一个人越想通过锻炼来改善自己的外表,他就越想通过锻炼来减肥 (即外表 → 体重)。
  • H4: 一个人越觉得自己有魅力,就会间接影响这个人去锻炼肌肉 (即:有魅力 → 外表 → 肌肉)。
  • H5: 越是觉得自己有魅力的人,就会间接影响对方去锻炼减肥 (即:有魅力 → 外表 → 体重)。

根据上述假设,建立如图 2 的关系:

按照第 3.2 节中描述的语法和选项,我们用以下代码指定和估计图 2 中所示的研究模型:

. net get plssem.pkg, replace // 下载数据文件

. use workout2.dta,clear

. plssem (Attractive > face sexy) ///
(Appearance > body appear attract) ///
(Muscle > muscle strength endur) ///
(Weight > lweight calories cweight) ///
, ///
structural(Appearance Attractive, ///
Muscle Appearance, ///
Weight Appearance) ///
boot(200) seed(123) stats correlate(lv)

. estat indirect, effects(Muscle Appearance Attractive, ///
Weight Appearance Attractive) ///
boot(200) seed(456)

. plssemplot, loadings
. ereturn list


. use workout2.dta,clear

. plssem (Attractive > face sexy) ///
(Appearance > body appear attract) ///
(Muscle > muscle strength endur) ///
(Weight > lweight calories cweight) ///
, ///
structural(Appearance Attractive, ///
Muscle Appearance, ///
Weight Appearance) ///
boot(200) seed(123) stats correlate(lv)

PLS-SEM --> Bootstrap replications (200)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
.................................................. 50
.................................................. 100
.................................................. 150
.................................................. 200

Iteration 1: outer weights rel. diff. = 6.31e-01
Iteration 2: outer weights rel. diff. = 1.49e-02
Iteration 3: outer weights rel. diff. = 1.34e-03
Iteration 4: outer weights rel. diff. = 7.76e-05
Iteration 5: outer weights rel. diff. = 6.80e-06
Iteration 6: outer weights rel. diff. = 4.00e-07
Iteration 7: outer weights rel. diff. = 3.49e-08

Partial least squares SEM Number of obs = 187
Average R-squared = 0.15795
Average communality = 0.79165
Weighting scheme: path Absolute GoF = 0.35361
Tolerance: 1.00e-07 Relative GoF = 0.83138
Initialization: indsum Average redundancy = 0.11941

Table of summary statistics for indicator variables
Indicator | mean sd median min max N missing
face | 3.290 1.005 3.000 1.000 6.000 200 46
sexy | 2.592 1.113 3.000 1.000 6.000 196 50
body | 4.034 1.470 4.000 1.000 6.000 205 41
appear | 3.365 1.672 3.000 1.000 6.000 203 43
attract | 3.059 1.707 3.000 1.000 6.000 204 42
muscle | 3.853 1.587 4.000 1.000 6.000 204 42
strength | 4.779 1.159 5.000 1.000 6.000 208 38
endur | 4.976 1.111 5.000 1.000 6.000 209 37
lweight | 3.604 1.759 4.000 1.000 6.000 207 39
calories | 4.053 1.638 4.000 1.000 6.000 207 39
cweight | 4.048 1.666 4.000 1.000 6.000 207 39

Measurement model - Standardized loadings
| Reflective: Reflective: Reflective: Reflective:
| Attractive Appearance Muscle Weight
face | 0.908
sexy | 0.919
body | 0.899
appear | 0.949
attract | 0.923
muscle | 0.886
strength | 0.873
endur | 0.623
lweight | 0.916
calories | 0.937
cweight | 0.911
Cronbach | 0.801 0.914 0.734 0.912
DG | 0.909 0.946 0.842 0.944
rho_A | 0.803 0.917 0.849 0.931

Discriminant validity - Squared interfactor correlation vs. Average variance extracted (AVE)
| Attractive Appearance Muscle Weight
Attractive | 1.000 0.080 0.021 0.002
Appearance | 0.080 1.000 0.217 0.177
Muscle | 0.021 0.217 1.000 0.041
Weight | 0.002 0.177 0.041 1.000
AVE | 0.834 0.854 0.645 0.849

Structural model - Standardized path coefficients (Bootstrap)
Variable | Appearance Muscle Weight
Attractive | 0.283
| (0.000)
Appearance | 0.466 0.420
| (0.000) (0.000)
r2_a | 0.075 0.213 0.172
p-values in parentheses

Correlation of latent variables
| Attrac~e Appear~e Muscle Weight
Attractive | 1.0000
Appearance | 0.2830 1.0000
Muscle | 0.1435 0.4658 1.0000
Weight | -0.0414 0.4204 0.2032 1.0000


提供的输出为我们提供了测试前三个假设的必要信息,即 、 和 。为了能够检验中介假设( 和 ),我们进一步使用以下代码来估计间接效应,并使用bootstrap方法检验其统计显著性。

. estat indirect, effects(Muscle Appearance Attractive, ///
Weight Appearance Attractive) ///
boot(200) seed(456)
Bootstrapping indirect effects...

Significance testing of (standardized) indirect effects (Bootstrap)
| Muscle <- | Weight <-
Statistics | Appearance <- | Appearance <-
| Attractive | Attractive
Indirect effect | 0.132 | 0.119
Standard error | 0.040 | 0.033
Z statistic | 3.285 | 3.564
P-value | 0.001 | 0.000
Conf. interval (N) | (0.053, 0.210) | (0.054, 0.184)
Conf. interval (P) | (0.066, 0.228) | (0.067, 0.197)
Conf. interval (BC) | (0.071, 0.240) | (0.068, 0.198)
confidence level: 95%
(N) normal confidence interval
(P) percentile confidence interval
(BC) bias-corrected confidence interval

我们可以使用下面的代码进一步要求一个显示每个潜在变量外部负载大小的图形输出,这将产生如图 3 所示的图:

. plssemplot, loadings

| Reflective: Reflective: Reflective: Reflective:
| Attractive Appearance Muscle Weight
face | 0.9077
sexy | 0.9186
body | 0.8989
appear | 0.9492
attract | 0.9230
muscle | 0.8856
strength | 0.8730
endur | 0.6225
lweight | 0.9156
calories | 0.9366
cweight | 0.9111

图 3: 外部负载的条形图报告

  • 重现资料,Venturini, S., M. Mehmetoglu, 2019, Plssem: A stata package for structural equation modeling with partial least squares, Journal of Statistical Software, 88 (8): 1-35. -Link-, -PDF-
    • plssem.zip: Stata source code, Download , -PDF-
    • Replication materials, Download
    • Replication data, Download

4. 参考文献

  • Venturini, S., M. Mehmetoglu, 2019, Plssem: A stata package for structural equation modeling with partial least squares, Journal of Statistical Software, 88 (8): 1-35. -Link-
  • Hair JF, Hult GTM, Ringle CM, Sarstedt M, 2017, A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), 2nd edition. Sage. -Link-, Datasets
  • Hair, Joseph F., Marko Sarstedt, Lucas Hopkins, and Volker G. Kuppelwieser. 2014. “Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An Emerging Tool in Business Research.” European Business Review 26 (2): 106–21. -PDF-
  • Henseler J, Dijkstra TK, Sarstedt M, Ringle CM, Diamantopoulos A, Straub DW, Ketchen DJ, Hair JF, Hult GTM, Calantone RJ,2014, Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS: Comments on Rönkkö and Evermann, Organizational Research Methods, 17(2), 182–209. -PDF-
  • Henseler, Joerg, Christian M. Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2015. “A New Criterion for Assessing Discriminant Validity in Variance-Based Structural Equation Modeling.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 43 (1): 115–35. -PDF-
  • Jöreskog KG,1969, A General Approach to Confirmatory Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis, Psychometrika, 34(2), 183–202. -PDF-
  • Wold HOA, 1975, Path Models with Latent Variables: The NIPALS Approach, In HM Blalock, A Aganbegian, FM Borodkin, R Boudon, V Cappecchi (eds.), Quantitative Sociology, pp. 307–359. -PDF-
  • Kirsner BR, Figueredo AJ, Jacobs WJ, 2003, Self, Friends, and Lovers: Structural Relations Among Beck Depression Inventory Scores and Perceived Mate Values, Journal of Affective Disorders, 75(2), 131–148. -PDF-

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