


2024.03.11 上海


What to Know About Converting Buildings into Modern Data Centers

译 者 说

现有建筑的情况相对复杂且限制较多, 根据实际情况改造设计过程中会遇到许多与新建建筑不同的问题. 本文意在总结既有建筑改造数据中心过程中的设计要点, 整理出相对共性和重点的方面, 加以总结形成简单的参考, 希望对后期的既有建筑改造数据中心项目提供一些启发和思考.

过去几年,远程工作、云计算和流媒体娱乐增加了对广泛的高速互联网接入的需求。这种需求伴随而来的是不断增长的安全的数据中心市场。 研究表明,到 2027 年,仅在美国,数据中心建筑面积将达到 2007 万平方英尺,建筑市场规模约为 250 亿美元。

Remote work, cloud-based computing, and streaming entertainment have helped increase demand for widespread high-speed internet access in the last several years. And with that demand comes a growing market for secure data centers. Research indicates that data center buildings will reach 20.07 million square feet and a construction market size of approximately $25 billion by 2027 in the United States alone.

一种方式是,开发商、建设方和设施运营商为应对这一时刻与建筑师合作,将现有建筑改造成现代数据中心。自 2018 年以来,HKS 的关键任务设计工作室已翻新或重新利用了 250 多座建筑,面积从 10,000 平方英尺到 585,000 平方英尺不等。 这些项目包括改造商业高楼办公空间,以及电子制造、半导体生产和仓储设施。

One way developers, building owners and facility operators are meeting the moment is by working with architects to convert existing buildings into modern data centers. Since 2018, HKS’ Mission Critical design practice has renovated or re-purposed more than 250 buildings ranging from 10,000 square feet to 585,000 square feet. The projects include adapting office space in commercial high-rise buildings in addition to electronic manufacturing, semi-conductor production and warehouse and distribution facilities.


There are many things to consider when purchasing and transforming properties that weren’t purpose-built as data centers. With years of experience converting buildings into these important facilities, we want to highlight lessons learned to help our collaborators and partners avoid costly issues and challenges that may arise when we’re making buildings into something they were not initially designed for.

Getting the Project Going


Repurposing a building as opposed to building from scratch usually provides the opportunity to deliver a space quicker, and cities and counties are increasingly accommodating of data centers. As a conversion project idea develops, these are the first things to evaluate:


Zoning – Many jurisdictions include specific data center requirements in their zoning, but if a jurisdiction is not familiar with the building type, proactive dialogue will limit surprises throughout project. If the site doesn’t allow for data centers, a rezone and a 'change in use’ will need to be implemented. Approval processes can become quite laborious and lengthy, especially if rezoning or permits are required. Clear and consistent communication about expectations and timelines among all project team members as renovation proceeds will help ease the design and delivery process.

公众意识 – 重要的是要了解公众可能不知道数据中心是什么或项目将如何影响社区。如果选址需要“改变用途”,可能会引发公开听证。在这种情况下,教育宣传可以帮助邻居了解数据中心是什么、它与现有设施有何不同以及该项目的好处是什么。

Public Awareness – It’s important to understand that the public may not know what a data center is or how a project will impact a community. If a 'change in use’ is required for the site, it may trigger a public hearing. In that case, educational outreach can help neighbors understand what a data center is, how it will be different from the existing facility, and what the benefits of the project will be.

Understanding the Site’s Constraints and Opportunities


Dozens of site-related factors can impact a data center’s design as well as how efficiently and cost-effectively a conversion project can be completed. Here are a few:

电力和连接—数据中心需要大量电力和连接才能有效运行。这些建筑物每平方英尺的功耗可能比办公楼高 30 倍以上,或比配送中心高 60 倍以上。与当地公用事业公司的早期沟通非常重要—升级变电站或配电线路、建设站内变电站或建立或重新安置地役权可能需要几个月的时间。此外,多个高速、大容量的电信运营商对于吸引数据中心设施的租户至关重要。在从房地产经纪人或报告实体处购买之前掌握这些信息对于项目的可行性至关重要。

Power and Connectivity – Data centers require a large amount of power and connectivity to operate effectively. The typical number of watts per square foot for these buildings can be more than 30 times higher than office buildings or 60 times higher than distribution centers. Early conversations with local utility providers are important — upgrading substations or distribution lines, building an on-site substation, or establishing or relocating easements can take several months. Additionally, multiple, high-speed, high-capacity telecommunications carriers are critical to attracting tenants to data center facilities. Getting a handle on this information prior to purchase from real estate brokers or reporting entities is crucial for the project’s viability.


Security – Perimeter security is important to protect a data center from breaches. Most existing sites will not have adequate space to accommodate all secured entrance and setback requirements. That means some of the most challenging security planning aspects will be appropriate access lanes for vehicles and adequate space around the building that reduces vulnerability to vehicle ramming and explosives. By engaging with the client’s security team, project teams can develop viable solutions to this problem.


Flood Mitigation and Water Systems – As with all building types, it’s crucial to evaluate a data center site’s proximity to flood plains and the possibility of disruptions due to weather events. In addition to potentially flooding the data center itself, floods can interrupt fuel delivery, maintenance, and other services around the facility. Also, repurposing a site for use as a data center often requires new or additional equipment yards on semi-pervious or non-pervious ground. Working to understand the current size of the existing stormwater system and completing a stormwater study will lead to appropriate planning.


Major Equipment – Jurisdictions will likely have specific rules and regulations regarding a data center’s on-site equipment. Some may require permits for fuel storage that will take time to get approved and need to be renewed regularly. It’s also important to make sure adequate planning for fuel filling stations and truck access takes place. Another thing to consider during early planning is screening — in many places, data centers must include aesthetically pleasing equipment screens. Sideline studies from the property lines are useful for design teams who need to meet screening requirements.

位置相关的影响 - 如果场地靠近铁路,项目团队应进行振动研究并评估项目所需的铁路服务的任何变化,例如新的铁路交叉口。在传输线周围有电磁场的站点上,如果电磁场有可能中断数据中心的运行或对员工造成健康问题,则需要制定屏蔽计划。此外,大多数城市和县都有噪音法令,限制场界噪音水平,项目团队可以进行声学研究,以帮助确保数据中心的运行设备不超过分贝水平。关于发电机运行时间和频率的宣传和教育可以积极地减轻公众对噪音的担忧。

Location-related Impacts – If the site is near railroads, project teams should conduct a vibration study and evaluate any changes to rail service required by the project such as new crossings. On sites with electromagnetic fields surrounding transmission lines, a shielding plan will be required if the forces have potential to interrupt data center operations or pose health problems to employees. Also, most cities and counties have a noise ordinance that limits decibel levels at the property lines and project teams can conduct acoustical studies to help assure the data center’s operating equipment do not exceed them. Outreach and education about when and how often generators will run can proactively mediate public concern about noise.

Making the Most of Structural Planning and Analysis


Not all building types will be structural matches for the requirements of a data center. Commercial offices and distribution and manufacturing facilities are often the best fit, but no matter what type of building is on the table, these are key things project teams should evaluate regarding a structure’s capacity for data center uses:

外部设备-- 许多不是专门为数据中心建造的建筑物将没有基础设施来容纳该建筑类型所需的所有设备以及大规模的电力和冷却分配系统。将设备和负载分配在屋顶和公用设施区之间是解决这个问题的一个好方法,但重要的是要注意现有建筑的可用结构能力。在最好的情况下,您投资的建筑物结构良好,但如果建筑物需要结构加固,则该项目可能需要一个带有柱子和地基的新内部子结构,这可以产生大量的额外成本。

Exterior Equipment – Many buildings that weren’t purpose-built as data centers will not have the infrastructure to accommodate all the equipment and extensive power and cooling distribution systems required for this building type. Splitting the equipment and loads between the rooftop and a utility yard is a good solution to this problem, but it’s important to pay attention to the existing building’s available structural capacity. In a best-case scenario, you’re investing in a building whose structure is good to go, but if a building requires structural strengthening, the project could require a new internal sub-structure with columns and foundations, which can yield a substantial added cost.

内部荷载 – 一旦项目团队解决了最大系统和设备的容量问题,建筑物内部的剩余结构容量可能会低于结构天花板网格常用的典型容量。为了避免现有结构超载或昂贵的内部结构解决方案,项目团队应在初始结构规划中考虑内部荷载。

Interior Loads – Once a project team has resolved capacity for the largest systems and equipment, the remaining structural capacity for the interior of the building may be lower than the typical capacity commonly used for structural ceiling grids. To avoid overloading the existing structure or costly work-around interior structural solutions, project teams should take into account interior loads during initial structural planning.

Diving into the Building Design


When a data center conversion project is put into motion, thoughtful evaluation of the existing building’s design will lead to conscientious solutions. These are the most important things to assess that will impact design:

当前的建筑条件——俗话说“每次我们打开一堵墙,我们都会得到惊喜”,这对于任何类型的建筑项目来说肯定都是正确的,但对于重新利用的数据中心来说可能尤其相关。大多数现有建筑物不会附带原样条件或竣工图纸。在建筑物的整个生命周期中,很可能会发生改建,而现有条件的记录并不准确。由于项目团队不太可能在全面设计之前知道所有潜在的陷阱,因此选择性拆除可能是一个有用的步骤,可以发现需要解决布局问题的情况,例如需要重新布线或结构障碍的公用设施位置。比其他建筑类型正常预算高出约 10% 的应急预算将涵盖这些问题。

Current Building Conditions – The common phrase “every time we open a wall, we get a surprise,” can certainly ring true on any type of building project, but it may be particularly relevant on repurposed data centers. Most existing buildings won’t come with as-is conditions or an as-built set of drawings. And over the lifetime of a building, chances are remodeling has occurred and documentation of existing conditions isn’t accurate. Since it’s highly unlikely project teams can know all the potential pitfalls prior to full design, selective demolition could be a helpful step to uncover conditions that will need workarounds for layout such as utility locations that require reroutes or structural impediments. A contingency budget approximately 10% above what would be normally carried for other building types will cover these issues.


If a building’s roof and its drainages slope are not up to current code requirements for data centers, some adjustments will need to be made. Rebuilding the roof structure is often out of the question due to cost, so the alternative is to re-roof at the required slope. Sizing of the roof and overflow drains should also be reviewed, as should the need for roof enhancements to meet necessary wind performance ratings.

层高和空间效率——由于数据中心内部有复杂的电力和 IT 分配需求,因此楼层高度成为需要注意的一个非常重要的事情 - 净空间越高越好。当今商业建筑的流行设计通常没有用于电力和 IT 分配的高架地板,这意味着它们具有更清晰的多层空间,并且是重新利用的良好候选者。混凝土结构的净空间通常平均约为 11 英尺,而钢结构的净空间约为 14 英尺。项目团队应为设备机架进行空间规划测试,以确保结构柱的间距能够适应有效的布局,从而最大限度地利用空间。可能需要采取其他措施来最大限度地提高空间和效率,例如新建、扩建或重新安置楼梯和电梯,并且也会增加成本。

Floor-to-Floor Heights and Space Efficiency – With all the complex power and IT distribution needs in a data center’s interior, floor-to-floor heights become a very crucial thing to pay attention to — the higher the clear spaces, the better. Trending designs for commercial buildings today usually do not have raised floors for power and IT distribution, which means they have more clear space multi-story and are a good candidate for repurposing. Concrete structures typically net an average of about 11 feet of clear spaces, while steel structures net about 14 feet of clear space. Project teams should create a test-fit for equipment racks to ensure the column spacing can accommodate an efficient layout that maximizes space. Other efforts to maximize space and efficiency — such as new, expanded, or relocated stairs and elevators — may be required and will add costs as well.


Service and Maintenance Accommodations – Since many multistory buildings have water lines in above-ceiling locations, they can present a challenge for data center conversion. Avoiding water-related lines above data halls is best, but relocating lines can be a challenge both physically and financially. If relocation is not physically possible, a prevention system must be installed to protect major equipment. If relocation is possible, that cost needs to be taken into account. The simplest and cost-effective solution is to plan the data halls and support rooms around these routes if possible. Additionally, sufficient docks for truck circulation with trash compactors and dumpsters are required to make sure the facility can operate effectively and smoothly.

Setting the Project Up for Sustainability and Long-term Success

简而言之,现有建筑的重新利用比新建建筑更具可持续性。然而,将建筑物改造成其最初用途之外的用途也存在其自身的可持续性挑战。数据中心会对电网产生巨大影响,如果设计和运营不当,可能会产生大量碳足迹。与设计师和可持续发展顾问合作是确保建筑物改造和数据中心运营限制对环境影响的最佳方式。HKS 的关键任务实践建立在协作解决方案和对高质量项目交付的承诺之上。

Simply put, the repurposing of an existing building is more sustainable than a new build. However, converting a building for use outside its initial purpose has its own sustainability challenges. Data centers can have a large impact on the electrical grid and if not designed and operated thoughtfully, may have a large carbon footprint. Working with designers and sustainability consultants is the best way to ensure that a building’s conversion and operations as a data center limit impact on the environment. HKS’ Mission Critical practice is founded on collaborative solutions and a commitment to high quality project delivery.

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