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Ron Vokoun, Fluor  Ron Vokoun 是美国福陆公司的项目总监



1. 数据中心需要根本性地回归“可持续发展”的主题上







2. 5G 技术在2019年对人们生活的改变微乎其微,在2020年也无需有所期待






关于边缘计算一些根本问题的补充分析——成本、连接性、边缘计算的运行方式等。从工业界专家和从DCD 读者等角度对边缘计算的发展方向进行了解。

4. 边缘计算持续处于上升期,但2020年,边缘计算依然不会呈现量的跃升


5. 人才缺口将开始得到填补



InfrastructureMasons 是当前许多致力于解决数据中心人才问题的一个代表。在他们的推动下,数据中心的人才问题将有望在今年得到改善。

6. 另一轮产业联合即将到来


7. 数据主权将进入“青春期”的阵痛

2019年10月下旬,德国经济部长Peter Altmaier 宣布了一项欧洲云行动计划,名为“Gaia-X”。他在宣布后不久就下台了。考虑到这一行动计划将会带来的种种麻烦,这样的结果也是情理之中。GDPR的尘埃还未落定,他们这些行为又要把问题搞得更加复杂。


8. 数据的惯性将继续妨碍数字化转型的步伐


随着数据体量的增大,它们更难迁移。数据惯性的作用,使其保持数据在其当前数据中心里,防止它移动到云或其他更有用的平台。这样可以防止通过更富有分析能力的工具(如人工智能(AI) 和其他高级分析)来分析数据。这可能是一个缓慢的演变; 因此,数据惯性今年将继续阻碍数字化转型。

9. 液冷技术市场仍将处于早期阶段




我对关于数据中心的未来变化和技术趋势的预测基本就到这里。这些预测正是DCD的首席执行官George Rockett 需要的吗?为何不是10大趋势预测呢?或许,第10条趋势已经在我去夏威夷路上被整日整夜的雨冲掉了……不过,任何时候,我都非常愿意听取您对我的趋势判断的看法,因此请别忘了在网页下面、领英或者推特下给我们留言,感谢!


Top 9 data center and tech predictions for 2020

Ron Vokoun, Fluor RonVokoun is a project director for Fluor Corporation
Eggnog inspired divinations on the worlds of 5G, IoT and more
January 08, 2020

After reflecting onthe accuracy of my predictions for 2019, it’s time to wade into the unknown of 2020 and unveil the eggnog-inspired divinations that came to me over the holiday season. Read on to see my predictions on edge, IoT, 5G, and the other tech inspired geekery.

1: Time to get backto the fundamentals of sustainability

Data centers are going backwards: getting cooler, not warmer! –Thinkstock

This is aprediction that we all need to work on together to make happen. Given all ofthe headlines about the massive amounts of renewable energy being implemented around the world to power data centers, many incorrectly assumed that the basic blocking and tackling of sustainability was happening in the background.

In December,Supermicro released its second annual Data Centers and the Environment report based on an industry survey of over 5,000 IT professionals. The results are disturbing to say the least. 86 percent of those surveyed don't consider the environmental impact of their facilities as an important factor for their data centers. Less than 15 percent report that energy efficiency, corporate social responsibility, or environmental impact were key considerations for their facilities.

One of the simplest things you can do in a data center to improve energy efficiency, turn up the thermostat, has reversed course. The percentage of respondents that keep their inlet air temperatures at or below 21°C (69.8°F) increased from 12 percent in2018 to 17 percent in 2019. Those that keep inlet air temperatures between 21°Cand 24°C (75.2°F) rose from 43 percent to 51 percent. Operation in all other higher temperature ranges decreased.

The cautionary warnings about legacy equipment not being able to operate at higher temperatures become less relevant as time goes on. I wrote about this in 2013 and again in2014, so this isn’t new or rocket science for crying out loud! Due to the efforts of Greenpeace, whether you approve of their methods or not, the largest players in the industry are transparent about their energy efficiency and they are doing quite well. That puts the onus squarely on the enterprise.

Perhaps this highlights why most enterprises shouldn’t own and operate their own data centers. Enterprises are also more susceptible to FUD (fear, uncertainty,doubt). In any case, change is necessary, and it is incumbent on each of us todo our part.

2: 5G didn’t changeour lives in 2019, and it won’t in 2020 either

Last year, Ipredicted that 5G will change our lives, but not in 2019. Well, it won’t in2020 either. Yes, there are far more 5G enabled mobile devices on the market,so that is improvement. To provide context, let’s first make the distinction between low-band and millimeter wavelength. Low band has a longer wavelength,which allows it to travel longer distances and travel through solid objects like walls more easily, but this comes at the expense of bandwidth. Millimeter wavelength has a much smaller wavelength (thus the name) and much higher bandwidth potential, but is highly affected by walls, trees, and even rain.

With this in mind,low band 5G will be a nice little upgrade. Millimeter wavelength is the lifechanging 5G we have all been hearing about. Given the technological limitations, critics believe that it will never scale beyond dense urban areas.To roll-out millimeter wave length in a serious way, it will take a monumental number of installations, which in turn will take time and a lot of money. Unfortunately,the near-term realities of 5G also impact my next two predictions.

3: The grandpromise of IIoT won’t be realized in 2020

Before we getstarted on this one, let’s define IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things). Very generally speaking, it’s the use of instruments, connected sensors and otherdevices on machinery and vehicles in fields such as transportation, energy, andother industrial sectors. IIoT obviously extends beyond an Internet-connected refrigerator or light bulb.

IIoT has amazing potential, but it takes band width to enable real-time data gathering and analysis on an industrial scale. We can’t run fiber to every single little sensor,so herein lies the tie to 5G. Lack of robust 5G won’t impact certain applications like factories, but it will impact more widely distributed and remote applications. Without widespread millimeter wavelength 5G, we are just scratching the surface of what IIoT can deliver.

A special supplement tackling the fundamental questions surrounding Edge computing - fromthe cost, to the connectivity, to how it is processed, and more. Hear fromindustry experts, and from DCD's readers, to learn where the Edge will live.

4: Edge computingwill continue its upward trajectory, but will remain in its infancy in 2020

Edge computing hasgone from buzzword to reality, yet it’s still just beginning to crawl in termsof maturity. Everyone’s edge is different, which means widespread installationsof varying sizes and shapes. Edge is also very much tied to the success andmaturity of 5G and IoT. As each matures, the effectiveness of the other two will increase. That is going to take some time, which will prevent edge from bearing substantial fruit in 2020.

5: Solutions to thetalent gap will begin to emerge

The staffing challenges of the data center and tech industries are well documented. While those issues aren’t going to go away any time soon with the impending ‘silver tsunami’, there are groups that are working on them and I believe their efforts will begin to bear fruit this year.

One such group isthe Infrastructure Masons, an industry association with multiple committees focused on diversifying the data center community. The Infrastructure Masons Women Committee is focused on addressing “the talent shortage and expanding the qualified applicant pool and avoid unconscious bias by co-publishing a HiringManagers Toolkit.” The Infrastructure Masons Employ Military Veterans Committee focuses on attracting “Military Veterans to pursue a career in this industry.”Finally, the Infrastructure Masons LatinX Community’s goal is “to create acollaborative ecosystem within the Hispanic community to drive digital infrastructure awareness.”

The Infrastructure Masons are but one of many groups tackling these issues and progress shouldbegin to emerge this year.

6: Another wave ofindustry consolidation is coming

There has been substantial industry consolidation over the past few years, but this seems tohave attracted even more money into the sector. Some of these new investorshave purchased existing data center assets and formed new players in the colocation market. There is the possibility that some of these investors are init for the long haul, but that is typically more the exception than the norm.Logic would dictate that many of these companies are being created with theintent of selling them off at a profit as quickly as possible. This new wave of consolidation will gain momentum this year.

7: Data sovereigntyenters its painful prepubescent stage

In late October of2019, Germany's Economic Minister Peter Altmaier announced a European cloudinitiative called Gaia-X. He then promptly fell off of the stage, which isappropriate given how messy this thing is going to be. The dust hasn’t even settled from GDPR and they have to throw another layer of complexity into thering?

It’s been interpreted as a direct competitor to US cloud providers by some and a set of standards and rules by others. Depending on where these lands, it has thepotential to further complicate where data is stored at the very least. Justwhen I thought it couldn’t get any stranger, I read that France backs theinitiative as well. When was the last time Germany and France agreed onanything? In any case, 2020 looks to be an interesting year for datasovereignty.

8: Data gravitycontinues to hinder digital transformation

In 2019, Ipredicted that digital transformation would turn IT into a profit center.Unfortunately, I was a bit premature and/or optimistic in my prediction of alignment between business and IT. In hindsight, FUD was not the only factor atplay. I believe data gravity, the idea that data and applications are attractedto each other, also played a part.

As datasets grow larger, they are harder to move. This data gravity works to keep the data inits current location, preventing it from moving to the cloud or some other more useful place. This prevents the data from being analyzed by more insightful tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other advanced analytics. Thiswill likely be a slow evolution; thus, data gravity will continue to hinder digital transformation again this year.

9: Market forliquid cooling remains nascent

After years ofhype, power densities finally rose substantially in 2019. This was driven inlarge part by new chip sets aimed at AI. The newest hardware is driving rackdensities as high as 60 kW. The limits of air cooling are thought to be in the40-60 kW/rack range. Simple math would indicate that something has to change.

My contention withthis prediction doesn’t lie in liquid cooling being up to the challenge. The technologies, whether total immersion cooling or liquid to the chip, are provenand ready for prime time. My prediction is simply that the implementation of the hardware that drives these densities is still limited. As AI grows inadoption, it will drive densities even higher and liquid cooling will be more wide spread. For now, liquid cooling will be limited to certain areas of thedata center where these AI compute clusters reside.

Time will tell…

There you have it,my attempt at predicting the future of the ever-changing data center and tech world. Are these the bold predictions DCD CEO George Rockett was looking for? Why couldn’t I come up with an even 10 predictions? Perhaps the non-stop rainon my trip to Hawaii washed away the last one. In any case, I am alway sinterested in hearing your thoughts on my predictions, so please share your feedback below, on LinkedIn, or on Twitter.


严睿婷 研发工程师 华为技术有限公司


蔡海霞  湖北威那尔机电技术有限公司

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