


2023.07.26 安徽


【作者】周兴嗣 【朝代】南北朝



The world is mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric: the world is mysterious and vast.


The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric. This is an opening sentence in ancient Chinese culture. It comes from the '易经', describing the origin of the universe and its vast and boundless artistic conception.


'Heaven and Earth' refers to the sky and the earth of the universe, representing the whole of the universe. 玄黄 is the color of  heaven and earth, and also refers to the profundity and mystery of heaven and earth. 'Universe prehistoric' means the boundless universe and the undivided state of chaos. This sentence shows the ancient Chinese's thinking and exploration of the universe by depicting the mysterious and vast scene of heaven and earth.


This sentence also symbolizes the ancient Chinese' pursuit of the mysteries of the universe and philosophical thinking. '易经' is an ancient classic cultural work, which contains rich philosophical thoughts and profound insights on the universe, life, morality and other aspects.


In a word, the phrase 'the heaven and the earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric' means the vastness, profundity and mystery of the universe, and represents the ancient Chinese' thinking and exploration of the philosophy of the universe.



The sun and the moon are in full swing, and the celestial constellations are arranged: when the sun and the moon are waxing and waning, the stars and constellations are arranged in an orderly manner.


'The sun, the moon, and the moon are in full bloom, and the celestial constellations are listed' is also a classic sentence from the 'Book of Changes', which is used to describe the law and orderly arrangement of the sun, moon, and stars.


'Sun and Moon Yingzhang' refers to the changes in the movement of the sun and the moon. 'Ying' means the moon is full, and '昃' means the moon is losing. This sentence expresses the periodic changes of the sun and moon in the sky, that is, the periodic cycle between full moon and new moon.


'Chen Xing Lie Zhang' describes the orderly arrangement of stars and constellations. 'Chen' refers to one of the twenty-eight mansions, and also represents the flow of time and the cycle of cycles. 'Lie Zhang' means the arrangement and deployment of stars in the sky. This sentence expresses the orderly arrangement of the stars in the sky and represents the law and order of the stars in the universe.


Through this sentence, the ancient Chinese observed the regular movement of the sun, moon and stars, and realized that there is an orderly cycle and arrangement in the universe. It also reflects the thinking and understanding of the ancient Chinese on the laws of nature.



The phrase 'cold comes and summer goes, autumn harvests and winter hides' describes the cycle of the four seasons and the activities the people carry out in different seasons.


'寒来暑往' means cold in winter and hot in summer. It expresses the concept of the alternation of seasons, winter passes, summer comes, and after summer passes, cold winter ushers in.


'Autumn harvest and winter storage' refers to harvest in autumn and storage in winter. In autumn, people work hard to harvest abundant crops and fruits. And winter is the time to store and preserve food for the coming year.


This sentence conveys the observation and understanding of seasonal changes in nature, as well as people's lifestyles in different seasons. It reminds people to follow the laws of nature, make good use of the characteristics of each season, carry out appropriate farming activities and food reserves, so as to maintain the balance and continuity of life.


This concept also reflects the ancient Chinese way of life that respects and relies on nature, as well as their understanding and utilization of seasonal changes.




闰月 becomes old, 律吕 adjusts 阳: leap month increases age, Lu Lu harmonizes Yang Qi.


'Leap Years' refers to the existence of leap years. A leap year refers to a day added in the Gregorian calendar to make up for the mismatch between the earth's revolution period and the length of the calendar year, that is, February 29. This sentence means that the insertion of the leap year makes the age increase, that is, the length of the year is increased.


“Lv Lu Tiao Yang' describes the role of rhythm in harmonizing Yang Qi. In ancient Chinese music theory, temperament refers to the tonal system of music, while Lu refers to a temperament that is one of the five tones. This sentence means that through the use and adjustment of temperament, the yang energy in the human body can be balanced and harmonized, and it can also be extended to harmonize the atmosphere and order of the entire society.


This sentence conveys the ancient Chinese's understanding of time and rhythm. Leap years exist to coincide with the Earth's revolution period, reconciling the passage of time. The application of temperament can affect people's emotions and body, and reconcile the harmony between the individual and the society.


In general, the poem 'Leap Yu Chengsui, Rhythm Lu Tiaoyang' expresses the role of leap year and rhythm in time and harmony, and shows the importance and understanding of time and music in ancient China.



Clouds rise to rain, dew to frost: Clouds rise to rain, dew freezes to frost.


'Clouds make rain, dew turns frost' is used to describe the process of water vapor turning into rain and dew condensing into frost.


'Clouds make rain' refers to the process by which clouds rise and turn into rain. When water vapor in the atmosphere rises through the air and encounters cooling air, it will form clouds, which will then condense into water droplets and eventually form rainfall.


'Dew to frost' describes the phenomenon that dew condenses into frost at low temperature. On cold nights, when the temperature of the ground or the surface of an object is lower than the dew point temperature, the water vapor in the air will condense into water droplets and then freeze into frost.


This sentence conveys the changing process of water in nature. Through the rise and condensation of water vapor, water transforms from clouds into raindrops, which moisten the earth; while in cold environments, water transforms from dew into frost, taking on a beautiful crystalline form.


It also reflects cycles and changes in nature, and the effect of temperature on the condensation and evaporation processes of water. At the same time, this sentence also reflects the ancient Chinese's observation of natural phenomena and understanding of water culture.



Gold grows in Lishui, jade grows in Kungang: Gold grows in beautiful waters, and jade grows in Kunlun Mountains.


'Gold grows in Lishui, jade grows in Kungang' describes the origin of gold and jade.


'Gold grows in Lishui' refers to the fact that gold is produced in beautiful waters. Gold is often related to water flow in geology, so 'Lishui' means waters rich in gold mines, which may be near rivers, riverbeds or veins. This sentence conveys the beautiful landscape of the gold producing area.


'Jade out of Kungang' refers to the fact that jade comes from Kunlun Mountains. Kungang is a sacred mountain in ancient Chinese legends and one of the traditional origins of jade. The Kunlun Mountains are considered sacred mountains, and the jade they produce is considered a precious treasure.


This sentence emphasizes the preciousness and preciousness of gold and jade. Gold symbolizes wealth and nobility, while jade is a symbol of auspiciousness, beauty and nobility in Chinese culture.


In general, the poem 'gold grows in Lishui, jade grows in Kungang' describes the origin and value of gold and jade. It reflects the ancient Chinese's emphasis on natural resources and admiration for beautiful landscapes, and it also shows the importance of gold and jade in culture.



The sword is called Juque, and the pearl is called night light: the sword is called the giant gate, and the jewel is called night light.


The phrase 'the sword is called Juque, and the pearl is called night light' vividly describes the characteristics and reputation of swords and jewelry.


'Jianhao Juque' means that the sword is known as a huge gate. 'Sword' symbolized force, bravery and power in ancient Chinese culture, and was regarded as a powerful weapon and a symbol of authority. 'Juque' means grand and lofty, describing the importance and power of the sword.


'Beads called luminous' refers to jewelry that is said to glow at night. 'Bead' refers to precious jewels, such as pearls, etc. And 'glow in the night' means that the jewelry shines in the dark and has a dazzling brilliance. This phrase compliments the beauty and brilliance of jewelry.


Through this sentence, we can see the important status and praise of swords and jewelry in ancient Chinese culture. Swords symbolize strength and authority, while jewelry represents beauty and preciousness. They are viewed as objects of special value and significance in the culture. At the same time, this sentence also reflects the ancient Chinese's pursuit of force and beauty, as well as their appreciation and praise of treasures.



Guozhen Li Nai, Caizhong Mustard Ginger: There are many kinds of fruits, including plums and apples, and vegetables include Zhongcai, mustard greens and ginger.


The poem 'Guo Zhen Li Nai, Cai Zhong Mustard Ginger' describes the variety and variety of fruits and vegetables.


'Guozhen Li Nai' refers to the rich variety of fruits, including plums, naizi, etc. This sentence emphasizes the preciousness and diversity of fruits, and implies the delicacy and value of fruits.


'Caizhong Mustard Ginger' describes the importance and variety of vegetables. 'Cai' refers to vegetables in general, while 'mustard ginger' refers to mustard greens and ginger respectively. This sentence emphasizes the important position of vegetables and mentions mustard greens and ginger, two common vegetables, implying the importance and diversity of vegetables in daily life.


This verse conveys the Chinese people's desire to value and taste fruits and vegetables. It shows the pursuit of rich and varied food and healthy diet in Chinese culture. At the same time, this sentence also reflects the widespread use of fruits and vegetables and the concept of emphasizing nutrition in traditional Chinese food culture.



The sea is salty and the river is fresh, the scales hide and the feathers fly: the sea is salty, the river is fresh, fish hide in the water, and birds fly in the air.


The phrase 'The sea is salty and the river is fresh, the scales submerge and the feathers soar' describes the different tastes of sea water and river water, as well as the behavior of fish and birds.


'Sea salty river fresh' means that the sea water is salty, while the river water is relatively light. This sentence conveys the difference in water quality characteristics and taste in different waters.


Lin Qian Yu Xiang' describes the behavior of fish and birds. 'Scale diving' refers to the fish hiding in the water, implying the characteristics of the fish living and swimming in the water. 'Yuxiang' means the movement of the bird flying in the air, expressing the freedom and the ability of the bird to fly.


This sentence shows the diversity of nature and the adaptability of living things by describing the taste of water and the behavior of fish and birds. Different waters have different water quality, while fish and birds have adapted to lifestyles in the water and in the air respectively.


This kind of observation and metaphor also reflects the ancient Chinese's observation and understanding of the natural world. By observing and thinking about natural phenomena, they summarize the characteristics and laws of waters and creatures, and convey them in poetic language.



The dragon is the master of fire, the bird is the emperor of the people: the dragon is the master of fire, and the bird is the king of human beings.


The phrase 'Dragon Master Fire Emperor, Bird Official Renhuang' is a metaphor used to describe the roles of dragons and birds in cultural symbols and status.


'Dragon Master Fire Emperor' means that the dragon is the master of fire. In traditional Chinese culture, dragons are regarded as mysterious, powerful and capable of controlling fire. This sentence implies that the dragon has the ability and status to command the fire element.


'Niao Guan Ren Huang' describes the bird as the king of human beings. In ancient Chinese legends, birds were endowed with sacred symbols and considered to be a symbol of auspiciousness, authority and monarchy. This sentence expresses the honor and lofty status of birds in human society.


This metaphor gives dragons and birds important roles in culture and society through the relationship between dragon and fire and the relationship between birds and people. It shows the ancient Chinese's awe of the magical creatures in nature and their thinking about power and status in human society.


It should be noted that this sentence is a poetic and metaphorical expression, not a literal description, but conveying a symbolic and metaphorical meaning.



Start writing, then wear clothes: start to make words, and then put on clothes.


The phrase 'beginning to make writing is to wear clothes' emphasizes the importance and sequence of writing and clothing in the development of human civilization.


'Initial character creation' means the process of starting to create characters. Writing is an important milestone in the development of human civilization. It enables people to record and inherit knowledge, ideas and culture in written form. This sentence emphasizes the importance of writing to human society, which is the cornerstone of the development of human civilization.


'Naifu clothes' means to put on clothes afterwards. Clothing is one of the earliest material cultures of mankind. It not only provides protection and adaptation to the environment, but also reflects people's culture, identity and social status. Putting on clothes is a part of human civilization, and it marks social development and progress.


This sentence conveys the important position and order of words and clothing in human civilization. As the carrier of thought and culture, words help humans inherit and record knowledge; while clothing provides people with the necessary conditions for survival and social interaction.


In general, this sentence expresses the importance of writing and clothing in the development of human society, emphasizing their contribution to the progress of civilization. The emergence of writing enables human beings to record and pass on knowledge, while the use of clothing reflects the development of society and the evolution of culture.



There are Yu, Tao, and Tang Dynasties in pushing the position and giving up the country: passing on the position and giving up the country, there are the three dynasties of Yu, Tao, and Tang.


The phrase 'push the throne to give up the country, Yu Tao Tang' describes the ancient Chinese succession system of succession and alternation of the throne, as well as the three dynasties of Yu, Tao, and Tang.


'Pushing the position and giving up the country' refers to the succession and alternation of the throne. In ancient China, the monarch would often elect a suitable heir at the right time and pass the throne to the next generation to ensure the continuation and stability of the country.


'Yu Tao Tang' refers to the three dynasties in ancient China, they are Yu, Tao and Tang. Youyu, Tao, and Tang are the three legendary ancient dynasties, which are considered to be the beginning stages of ancient Chinese history.


This sentence conveys the importance and stability of the ancient Chinese throne succession system. By abdicating the throne, the monarch can ensure the succession of the state and the continuity of governance. At the same time, the mention of the Yu, Tao, and Tang dynasties also hints at the origin and evolution of ancient Chinese history.


It should be noted that the three dynasties of Yu, Tao, and Tang had elements of legends and myths in history, and their exact historical and historical backgrounds are still controversial. This sentence more reflects the thinking and traditional concepts of ancient Chinese people about succession to the throne and national stability.



Condolences to the people and punishment of crimes, Zhou issued Yin soup: condolences to the people, punishment of crimes, the rise of the Zhou Dynasty, and the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.


Hang the people and punish crimes, Zhou issued Yin Tang' This sentence expresses the historical events of the rise of the Zhou Dynasty and the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, as well as the concept of condolence to the people and punishment of crimes.


Hanging people and punishing crimes' refers to the monarch caring about the people, condolences to the people, and punishing criminal behavior. This sentence emphasizes that the monarch should pay attention to the sufferings of the people, express care and condolences to the people, and actively punish criminal behaviors to maintain social fairness and order.


'Zhou Fa Yin Tang' describes the historical events of the rise of the Zhou Dynasty and the demise of the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty is an important dynasty in Chinese history. It rose up after the demise of the Shang Dynasty and established its own dynasty.


This sentence conveys the ancient Chinese concept of the responsibilities and duties of the monarch. The monarch should care about people's livelihood, condolences to the people, and severely punish criminal behavior. At the same time, the mention of the rise of the Zhou Dynasty and the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties also reflects the change of dynasties and the evolution of social development in Chinese history.


It should be noted that this sentence is a generalization and induction of historical events, in which Zhou Fa and Yin Tang are not specific names, but symbols representing the Zhou Dynasty and Yin Shang. This sentence shows the thinking and concept of ancient Chinese people on social governance and historical process.



Sitting in the court and asking questions, the bow is flat: the monarch inquires about morality in the court hall, and governs the country while sitting upright.


Sitting in the court and asking questions, bowing the arch to level the chapter' This sentence describes the image of the monarch pursuing morality in the court and governing the country by sitting upright.


'Sitting in the court and asking questions' refers to the monarch sitting in the court hall and asking his ministers questions about morality and governance. This shows that the monarch pays attention to morality and ethics, upholds lofty moral principles, and pursues the way of governing the country through dialogue and discussion with his subordinates.


'Changing Gong Ping Zhang' means that the monarch governs the country by sitting upright, so as to keep the country peaceful and stable. This sentence vividly depicts the monarch sitting in the court, controlling government affairs, and promoting the balance and tranquility of the country.


This sentence conveys the image and concept of the monarch governing the country. The monarch takes morality as the criterion, listens to the suggestions of his subordinates, and pursues the way of governing the country. At the same time, the monarch governs the country by sitting upright, maintains a peaceful posture, and is committed to the stability and development of the country.


This concept reflects the importance that ancient Chinese attached to monarchy and moral ethics, emphasizing the duties and missions of the monarch in the court. It embodies the values of advocating benevolence, righteousness and morality in ancient Chinese political concepts and the wisdom of the monarch in governing the country.



Aiyu Lishou, minister to Rong and Qiang: care for all people, and submit to Rong, Di and Qiang.


The phrase 'Love the head of Li, minister to the Rong and Qiang' expresses the monarch's will to care for all people and submit to the Rong, Di and Qiang people.


'Ai Yu Li Shou' means the monarch's love and care, aimed at the broad masses of the people. 'Aiyu' means to care for and cultivate mainly, and 'Lishou' refers to the people governed by the monarch, emphasizing the monarch's care and attention to the people.


'Chen Fu Rong and Qiang' describes the attitude of Rongdi and Qiang people to submit to the monarch. 'Chenfu' means that Rongdi and Qiang people belong to the rule of the monarch, and they are willing to be loyal to the monarch.


This sentence conveys the concept of the monarch caring for all people, shows that the monarch governs the country with love and justice, and wins the loyalty and submission of the Rongdi and Qiang people. It embodies the ancient Chinese' pursuit of benevolent rule and national unity.


It should be noted that this sentence emphasizes the benevolence of the monarch and the attachment of the people, but the actual situation in history may be different. This sentence is more of an idealized expression, reflecting the expectations of the ancient Chinese for monarchy and national unity.



The far and near are one, and the guests are brought back to the king: the far and the near are united, and the guests are led back to the king.


The phrase 'far and near are one, and the guests return to the king' expresses the meaning of the far and near being one, and the king leading the guests back.


'Far and near' refers to the integration of distant and near. This sentence emphasizes that people belong to the same whole and form a unified group, no matter how far or near.


'Leading guests back to the king' means that the king leads the guests back to the palace. This sentence expresses the responsibility and mission of the king as a leader, leading the guests back to their territory and authority.


This phrase conveys the idea of unity and belonging. Regardless of distance, people belong to the same whole, and the king acts as the leader, leading the guests back to his territory. It emphasizes collective solidarity and the leadership of the king.


This concept reflects the ancient Chinese's emphasis on unity and leadership, emphasizing the duties and missions of the monarch. It embodies the unified thought and the leadership wisdom of the monarch in ancient Chinese political philosophy.



The phoenix sings in the bamboo, the white horse feeds: the phoenix sings in the bamboo forest, and the white horse grazes in the pasture.


The phrase 'Mingfeng is in the bamboo, and the white horse eats the field' vividly 【1】 describes the scene of the phoenix singing in the bamboo forest and the white horse grazing in the pasture.

vividly 生动的 in a way that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.


'Ming Feng Zai Zhu' refers to the phoenix singing in the bamboo forest. Phoenix is regarded as a sacred bird in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing auspiciousness and authority. This sentence expresses the elegant image of the phoenix in the tranquil bamboo forest.


'白骑食场' means white horses grazing on pastures. The white horse is often regarded as a symbol of purity, nobility and auspiciousness in Chinese culture. This sentence vividly depicts the scene of a white horse foraging freely on a wide pasture.


This sentence conveys the beauty of natural landscapes and living figures. The chirping of the phoenix in the bamboo forest and the grazing of the white horse in the pasture show the harmony and elegance in nature.


At the same time, as cultural symbols, the phoenix and white horse also have certain symbolic meanings. The phoenix symbolizes auspiciousness and authority, while the white horse represents purity and nobility. This sentence conveys a beautiful, peaceful and noble image by depicting the image of the phoenix and the white horse.



Transformed into vegetation, dependent on all places: change pervades vegetation and covers everything.


The phrase 'transformed by vegetation, dependent on all places' describes the meaning of change that pervades vegetation and all things.


'Changing vegetation' indicates that changes affect vegetation. This sentence means that the changes in the natural world are not limited to humans, but also include the plant world. Plants also undergo changes and development as they grow.


'Laijiwanfang' means that change pervades all things. This phrase expresses the pervasiveness and ubiquity of change. It means that changes in nature involve countless things and aspects.


This sentence conveys that change is a universal phenomenon, not only limited to human beings, but also includes other creatures and things in nature. It emphasizes that everything in nature is subject to change, and shows the diversity and inevitability of change in nature.


At the same time, this sentence also echoes the observation and thinking of the ancient Chinese on the natural world. By observing natural phenomena, they summed up the universal laws of change and applied them to natural philosophy and cultural concepts.



Covering the body and hair, the four elements and five constants: This refers to the individual body, the four elements refer to earth, water, fire, and wind, and the five constants refer to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith.


The phrase 'cover this body and hair, the four elements and five elements' describes the composition of the individual body and the concept of the four elements and five elements.


Cover this body hair' refers to the body of an individual. This sentence means that an individual's body is made up of various components, including hair, muscles, bones, etc.


The 'Four Great Ones' refer to earth, water, fire, and wind, and are descriptions of the basic elements of nature in ancient Chinese philosophy. These four elements represent natural phenomena such as earth, water, fire and wind, and are considered the basic building blocks of the universe.


'Five Constants' refers to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, which are the core values of ancient Chinese Confucianism. Ren refers to kindness and kindness, righteousness refers to justice and morality, li refers to social etiquette and moral norms, wisdom refers to wisdom and knowledge, and faith refers to honesty and loyalty.


This quote conveys the connection between the personal body and the elements of the universe and core values. The individual body is composed of different components, and the universe is also composed of elements such as earth, water, fire, and wind. At the same time, personal behavior and values should also conform to the principles of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.


This concept reflects the concern and thinking of the ancient Chinese on the human body, nature and morality. It emphasizes the individual's connection to nature and society, and the alignment of individual behavior with moral values.



Gongwei bows and raises, dare not damage: Serve reverently, dare not destroy.


The phrase 'Gentlemen, Juyang, dare not harm' expresses the attitude of serving others and things devoutly, and expresses the attitude of not daring to destroy or harm.


'Kung Wei Ju Yang' means to treat others or things with respect and reverence. This sentence emphasizes that we should show respect and respect to others and things, and advocate care and care for others.


'How dare to damage' means not daring to destroy or harm. This sentence expresses the willingness to respect and protect others and things, and implies the moral principle of maintaining the dignity of others and the integrity of things.


This phrase conveys humility and respect for others and things. It emphasizes the concept of treating people with courtesy and protecting the rights and interests of others, and expresses the pursuit of harmony, dignity and integrity.


At the same time, this sentence also reflects the moral principles and behavioral norms of ancient Chinese people in dealing with others and things. It embodies the importance of caring and respect for one another, as well as the values of maintaining peace and harmony.



Women admire chastity, men emulate talents: women advocate chastity, men pursue virtue.


The phrase 'Women admire chastity, men follow talents' expresses the concept that women admire chastity and men pursue virtue.


'Nv Mu chastity' means that women advocate the virtue of chastity. Chastity refers to the character and behavior of women to maintain purity and loyalty. This sentence emphasizes that women should cherish their chastity and morality in order to shape their beautiful image.


'Male effect is good' means that men pursue the excellent quality of talent and virtue. Cai refers to wisdom and ability, and Liang refers to good character and behavior. This sentence emphasizes that men should pursue outstanding talents and noble morals in order to realize their own value and contribution.


This sentence conveys the admiration and expectation for female chastity and male virtue. It emphasizes the virtues and responsibilities within gender roles, showing different values and behavioral norms for women and men.


This concept reflects the ancient Chinese's emphasis on women's chastity and men's virtues, as well as their pursuit of moral cultivation and character shaping. It embodies gender norms and values in ancient Chinese society, emphasizing the importance of family and social morality.



If you know a mistake, you must correct it, and if you can do it, never forget it: If you know a mistake, you must correct it, and if you gain ability, don’t forget it.


The phrase 'If you know your mistakes, you must correct them, and you must never forget them' expresses two important concepts that should be held in life: one is to correct mistakes in a timely manner, and the other is to keep in mind and make good use of them once you have acquired abilities.


'If we learn from mistakes, we must correct them' means that once we realize that we have made a mistake or made a mistake, we should actively take action to correct it. This sentence emphasizes that being aware of mistakes is for better growth and progress, and we should have the courage to admit mistakes and take positive measures to correct and improve.


'Never forget' means that once we acquire a certain ability or skill, we should not forget it, but continue to use and develop it. This sentence emphasizes that we should cherish and make good use of the abilities and opportunities we have, don't forget their hard-won, and constantly strive to improve ourselves.


This quote conveys the values of self-reflection and continuous improvement. It reminds us to maintain humility and courage to correct mistakes in the journey of life, and it also reminds us to cherish and make good use of the abilities and opportunities we have.


This concept reflects an emphasis on personal growth and development, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and improvement. It embodies the pursuit of self-improvement and continuous development, helping us become better versions of ourselves.



Don't talk about each other's shortcomings, and rely on your own strengths: don't laugh at others' shortcomings, and don't be overconfident.


'Don't talk about the other's shortcomings, but rely on your own strengths' expresses an attitude of not laughing at others' shortcomings and not being overly confident.


'Let's not talk about each other's weaknesses' means not laughing at or exposing others' weaknesses or shortcomings. This sentence emphasizes respect and understanding for others, and advocates not to ridicule or belittle others with their shortcomings.


'Excessive self-reliance' means not overly confident or conceited. This sentence reminds us not to be overly arrogant, not to look down on others because of our own strengths, but to maintain a humble and balanced attitude.


This quote conveys the idea of humility and balance towards others and yourself. It emphasizes the importance of respecting each other and not laughing at the shortcomings of others, while also reminding us to maintain a moderate level of self-confidence and not to be overly egotistical.


This concept reflects the moral principles and codes of conduct of the ancient Chinese towards others and themselves. It embodies the values of respect for others and modesty, helping us to live in harmony with others, while also avoiding an overly egotistical and arrogant mentality.



Messenger can be overthrown, but utensils are incalculable: the messenger can be overthrown, and the value of utensils is inestimable.


The phrase 'a messenger can be overturned, but an object cannot be measured' conveys two concepts: one is that people's words and deeds can be overturned or denied, and the other is that it is difficult to accurately evaluate the value of objects.


'Messenger can be reversed' means that people's words and deeds can be overturned or proven wrong. This quote emphasizes the variability and relativity of human speech. It reminds us to be cautious and prudent, not to believe or accept information easily, but to think and verify ourselves.


'It's difficult to measure the desire for utensils' means that the value of utensils is difficult to estimate accurately. This sentence emphasizes that material value is subjective and changeable. It reminds us not to rely too much on material and surface value, but to focus on inner quality and true meaning.


This sentence conveys the idea of caution and objectivity. It reminds us to be vigilant and speculative when accepting information and evaluating things, not blindly following and gullible. At the same time, it also emphasizes the importance of values and true meaning, not just the external form of the material.


This concept reflects an emphasis on human thinking and values, emphasizing the importance of objectivity and prudence. It helps us maintain a sensible and balanced attitude and avoid the pitfalls of blind conformity and materialistic pursuits.



Ink mourns silk dyeing, poetry praises lamb: Ink mourns silk dyeing, poetry praises lamb.


The phrase 'Ink mourns silk dyeing, poetry praises lamb' vividly depicts the scene of ink ink mourning silk dyeing, and praises the lamb.


'Mo sad silk dyeing' expresses the sad emotion shown in the process of dyeing silk with ink. The blackness of the ink and the process of dyeing it, as well as the combination with the silk, give a feeling of sadness or sadness.


'Psalm to the Lamb' is a hymn to express the praise of the Lamb. Lambs are often seen as a symbol of purity and innocence in Chinese culture. The psalm expresses the virtues and excellent qualities of the lamb in praise.


This sentence conveys the artistic conception of beauty and praise. The combination of ink and silk presents a sad color, while poetry expresses the praise and appreciation of the lamb in the form of praise.


At the same time, this sentence also shows the importance ancient Chinese attached to aesthetics and poetic expression. It conveys the meaning of emotion and value by depicting the scene and the object of praise.


It should be noted that this sentence has a certain symbolic and poetic flavor, and its specific meaning and interpretation may vary due to context and personal understanding. It is more of an expression of artistic conception, reflecting the importance of poetry and art in the field of emotional expression and aesthetics.

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