

英语 | 这20道陷阱题,90%的学生都做错过

1. My uncle bought me ____ MP4 as my birthday present yesterday.

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. /



2. We decided to buy the flat because there was ____ underground station within walking distance and we could both take ____ underground to work.

A. a, an

B. an, an

C. the, \

D. an, the


【解析】此题第一个空根据句意判断有一个地铁站,又根据 underground的发音判断首字母发元音,故答案为an;第二个空考查乘地铁的两种说法by underground & take an underground,但是此处考查的是特指乘公寓附近的这个地铁去上班, 故要填the,综合两空答案为D。

3. Gold is similar____ color____ brass(黄铜).

A. in, with

B. in, to

C. of, with

D. of, to


【解析】此题考查similar的搭配,A be similar to B,相似于A be the same with B,有一定混淆性,另外表达在某方面相似,搭配介词in,故答案为B。

4. What a dangerous scene! A car has missed the boy playing on the roadside ____ only an inch.

A. within

B. for

C. by

D. at



5. The girl has some balloons in her hand. One is red, ____ are yellow.

A. others

B. another

C. the other

D. the rest


【解析】此题题意为“那个女孩手上有一些气球,一个是红色的,其余的是黄色的”,根据句意很容易错选A,而整句的重点是强调除一个红色气球外其他所有的都是黄色,题干中虽然没有the others,却有the rest可以表达同样的意思,故答案为D。

6. ____ an English –Chinese dictionary.

A. Each of students has

B. The students each has

C. Each of the students have

D. The students each have


【解析】此题考查each的用法,在each of the students中,主语是each,决定谓语动词要用单数,此搭配中the是不能缺少的,故排除A和C;在the students each中,主语是the students决定谓语动词要用复数,故答案为D。

7. Americans eat ____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice

B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as

D. twice as many


【解析】此题考查倍数的表达方式:倍数+as + adj. +as,首先排除A和B,而结构中第二个as隐藏在题干中出现,故答案为D。

8. Shanghai Art Museum holds more than________art collections.

A. four thousands

B. four thousand

C. thousands of

D. four thousand of


【解析】此题考查“成千上万”的类似表达,数字+thousand + n(复)或者thousands of +n(复),符合的有选项B和C;题干中隐藏的more than是容易忽略的提示,出现more than /over / several 等标志词要加具体数字,故答案为B。

9. I’ve got. I hope they aren’t over ____ weight.

A. two luggages

B. two pieces of luggages

C. two luggage

D. two pieces of luggage



10. It is no ____ for us to find seashells in the sand.

A. unusual

B. sad

C. surprise

D. strange


【解析】题干出现类似“it is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.”的结构,根据题意容易错选D,但是题干中出现的是It is no而不是not,所填内容需用名词,故答案为C。

11. He is quite talented, for example, he can speak ____ language as fluently as three other ones.

A. the German

B. German

C. Germany

D. Germans



12. The show ____ me so much ____ that I thought everyone found it.

A. bored, boring

B. boring, bored

C. bored, bored

D. bores, boring


【解析】此题考查bore的两个形容词boring & bored的区别,第二个空意为“令人厌烦的”应填boring,排除B和C;第一个空考查的是bore作为动词的用法,同句中动词thought提示时态应该为一般过去式,故答案为A。

13. Flowers of different colors and shapes ____ the garden in spring.

A. are fill with

B. fill

C. are full of

D. full of


【解析】此题涉及常见词组sp. be filled with sth. = sp. be full of sth.表示“充满”,根据结构排除A和D,容易错选C,忽略了本题中地点位于句末,要用fill的主动形式,故答案为B。

14. Scientists discovered the level of the sea ____ a few millimeters because of the greenhouse effect.

A. raised

B. raise

C. rose

D. rise


【解析】此题考查形近词raise & rise的用法,期中前者为vt. 表示“举起,募捐,养育”,而后者为vi. 表示“上升”,故排除A和B;另外rise的变形为rise-rose-risen,故答案为C。

15. How we miss her! She ____ for months.

A. has been away from

B. has left

C. has left from

D. has been away


【解析】此题考查have done + for +时间段,必须和延续性动词连用,从而排除B和C,而has been away from +具体地点,题干中并无具体地点,故答案为D。

16. Al, together with his two friends, ____ to Beijing for a holiday this summer.

A. are going

B. was going

C. will be going

D. is going


【解析】此题考点为A + together with B + V,其中V的单复数要看A,“就近原则”,但是题干中Al, together with his two friends,特别容易被马虎的学生看成all together从而造成错选,正确案为D。

17. My uncle often ____ some good books to me during his stay in Shanghai.

A. recommends

B. recommended

C. will recommend

D. recommend


【解析】题干中出现一般现在时常见暗示词“often”容易错选A,而忽略了题干中出现的另一个表示时间的暗示 “during his stay in Shanghai”,表示叔叔在上海的那个时间,应该用一般过去时,故答案为B。

18. My cousin went to Canada two years ago. He ____ there for a few months and then went to America.

A. worked

B. would work

C. would be working

D. has been working


【解析】题干中出现“for a few months"是现在完成时常见标志,故容易错选D,其实本题真正考查点是did A, did B and did C,表示三个连续发生的动作,应该用统一时态,故答案为A。

19. These silk shirts made by our factory ____ easily and ____ well.

A. washes; sells

B. are washed; are sold

C. wash; sell

D. are washed; sell



20. There is less rain this spring than last spring, ____ ?

A. is there

B. isn’t there

C. is it

D. isn’t it


【解析】学生熟悉结构There is little rain this spring than last spring, isn’t there?其中little表示否定含义,所以反义疑问句要用肯定,而本题中less虽是little的比较级,但是却不具备“几乎没有”的含义,故不影响整句肯定句的性质,反义疑问句应该用相应的否定,故答案为B。


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