



说明:文章选自Jääskeläinen S K. Is burning mouth syndrome a neuropathic pain condition?[J]. PAIN,2017:1-4.




根据国际头痛协会(IHS)最新分类,灼口综合征(burning mouth syndrome, BMS)归属于痛性颅神经病,定义为:口腔内有烧灼疼痛感,每天反复发作时间超过2小时,持续3个月以上,没有明确的临床病因。疼痛程度为中到重度,与牙痛相似,具有明显黏膜烧灼感,常常伴有味觉改变和口干(50%-70%的患者出现),最常见于舌尖,但口腔内任何一处黏膜都有可能受影响。据估算,灼口综合征人群发病率差异相当大,从0.02%到40%,但在最近一份具有较好对照设置的临床研究中,运用目前的诊断标准,估计灼口综合征发病率小于1%-3.7%。灼口综合征在绝经后妇女中发病率最高(18%),女性与男性比例范围从3:1到20:1。许多灼口综合征患者在夜间缓解,疼痛不影响睡眠,早晨症状轻,白天症状加重。根据定义,无量化心理物理学的临床调查和临床感官检查结果是正常的,因此BMS与目前国际疼痛研究协会(IASP)的神经性疼痛的定义不相符合。因此IHS所持的BMS为痛性颅神经病和IASP的神经病理性疼痛定义出现了分歧。尽管如此,在近二十年的对BMS进行的研究中采用了严格诊断标准,以及与临床神经生理学,心理物理学,神经病理学工具以及功能性大脑成像有关的精密诊断,这些研究提示神经病理参与大多数患者不同层面的神经轴索。



















Is burning mouth syndrome a neuropathic pain condition?

1. Introduction

In the most recent classification by International Headache Society,21 burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is classified under the header “Painful cranial neuropathies” and defined as an “intraoral burning or dysaesthetic sensation, recurring daily for more than 2hours per day over more than 3 months, without clinically evident causative lesions.” The pain is moderate to severe, similar to tooth ache in intensity but has a distinct superficial, burning character and is often accompanied by taste alterations and xerostomia (in 50% to 70% of the patients).31 The tip of the tongue is most frequently affected, but any part of the intraoral mucosa may be involved. The estimates of population prevalence of BMS range considerably, from 0.01% to 40%, but in more recent well-controlled studies using current diagnostic criteria, it has been estimated to be less than 1% to 3.7%.31 Prevalence of BMS is highest in postmenopausal women (18%), and reported female-to-male ratios range from 3:1 to 20:1.31 Many patients with BMS report night benefit; the pain does not disturb sleep and is better in the morning, gettingworse during the day.31 By definition,21 clinical investigations and clinical sensory examination, without quantitative psychophysical measures, are normal and thus, BMS does not seem to fit the current IASP definition of neuropathic pain, which arises as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system, with both symptoms and clinical signs within a neuroanatomically plausible distribution.12 Thus, there seems to be a discrepancy between the IHS classification of BMS as a painful cranial neuropathy and the IASP definition of neuropathic pain.

Nevertheless, research done on BMS during the last 2 decades,using strict clinical diagnostic criteria for primary BMS and sophisticated diagnostics with clinical neurophysiologic, psychophysical,and neuropathological tools as well as functional brainimagi ng, has revealed neuropathic involvement at various levels ofthe neuraxis in the majority of the patients with BMS [reviewed in

detail in: Ref. 26,31].

In the following section, the existing evidence for neuropathicetiology of primary BMS will be summarized

2. Evidence for neuropathic involvement in burning mouth syndrome

2.1. Peripheral nervous system in burning mouth syndrome

Brainstem reflex recordings, mediated via large myelinated Ab afferents have shown signs of damage in the trigeminal nerve or its brainstem circuits in approximately 20% of clinically typical primary patients with BMS.13,26,27 This subgroup of patients with BMS represents subclinical trigeminal neuropathic pain without clear clinical signs, which is compatible with the poor diagnostic sensitivity of clinical sensory examination, especially at chronic stage after nerve injury.25,30,44,45 Thermal quantitative sensory testing (QST) and tongue mucosal biopsies have further elucidated the peripheral nervous system involvement in BMS pain. The majority (76%13) of patients with BMS show hypoesthesia in thermal QST, especially to innocuous cooling and warming and, to a lesser extent,

hypoalgesia.13,15,22,38,42 Quantitative sensory testing profiles in patients with BMS thus very much resemble those reported in a large cohort of different neuropathic pain conditions.35 These

loss-of-function signs in thermal QST of patients with BMS have later been shown to be due to focal damage of the small nerve fibers of the tongue epithelium.4,33,38,47 In individual patients with

BMS, overlap between large and small fiber pathology may occur.13,31,33 Furthermore, abnormalities in electrogustatometry suggest that pathophysiological process in primary BMS involves the small Ad taste afferents as well,11,16,24,37 giving explanation to frequent taste alterations in these patients. Of interest is that in BMS, the Ad cool afferents seem to be more often impaired than C fibers,13,38 indicating an imbalance within small fiber input to the central nervous system. As the cool Ad fibers exert a tonic inhibition of the polymodal C nociceptor signaling in normal conditions,9 this kind of more severe damage to the Ad fiber system with relative preservation of C fiber function could lead to ongoing burning pain sensation because of unmasking or disinhibition of the system, in BMS 26 similarly as in central pain.9 In addition to loss-of-function in thermal modalities, QST has shown gain-of-function in a small proportion of patients with BMS

either in the form of decreased heat pain tolerance15,17 or heat pain hyperalgesia and allodynia.13,16 Likewise, brainstem reflex recordings have objectively shown disinhibition of the trigeminal

brainstem complex in the form of deficient habituation of the blink reflex R2 component in approximately 1/3 of the patients.13,27,36 As blink reflex habituation is under descending nigrostriatal dopaminergic control,3 neurotransmitter–positron emission tomography (PET) studies have been conducted to elucidate possible central dopaminergic system pathophysiology in BMS.

These were intended to test the hypothesis of deficient striatal dopaminergic top–down inhibition as a major trigger of neuropathic orofacial pain.18,19,26,28,29 The results, together with other converging evidence for central nervous system (CNS) involvement in primary BMS will be dealt with in the next part.

2.2. Central nervous system in burning mouth syndrome

Changes typical for neuropathic or central pain have been shown in BMS with functional brain imaging methods (for detailed review, c.f.31). Patients with BMS show less volumetric brain activation in fMRI to painful hot stimuli than control subjects, especially in bilateral thalamus,1 which is similar to functional brain imaging findings in other neuropathic pain conditions because of deafferentation of the somatosensory pathways.2

Neurotransmitter PET studies on the striatal dopamine system with fluoro-DOPA and 11C-raclopride scans indicate a decrease in synaptic dopamine levels in patients with BMS compared to controls.18,28 The PET findings in BMS are similar to those in early Parkinson disease,20 in which central type neuropathic pain is rather common, and the incidence of BMS has been suggested to be increased compared to general opulation.7,8,36,39 Our neurophysiologic and neurotransmitter PET findings in BMS gave the first direct evidence in humans for the important role of basal ganglia, and especially the brain dopaminergic network in processing and modulation of clinical pain,18,19,28 which has later been further corroborated in several reviews.5,23,26,31 Experimental evidence supports the connection between the striatal DA system and trigeminal pain, as lesioning of the

nigrostriatal DA pathway has been shown to induce allodynia within the trigeminal distribution.10

Furthermore, the genetically determined function of the dopamine D2 receptors (DRD2) via the DRD2 957C . T singlenucleotide polymorphism has been shown to be related to the risk for and symptom severity in neuropathic orofacial pain, including BMS.29 The prevalence of the homozygous 957 TT genotype, associated with low synaptic dopamine levels in the striatum, is increased (50%) in patients with neuropathic orofacial pain compared to general population (27%), and patients with this

genotype report the highest pain intensities in NRS scores.29 

In addition to psychophysical and neurophysiological methods, peripheral lidocaine block of the lingual nerve can be used to cluster patients with BMS into 2 distinct subgroups. The peripheral subgroup demonstrates good analgesic response to local anesthesia, whereas the central subgroup shows no response or even hyperalgesia after peripheral nerve block.16 This easy procedure also seems to be able to predict the response to topical clonazepam treatment that was beneficial

only in the peripheral subgroup of patients with BMS.16 Furthermore, the central subgroup showed higher scores in hospital anxiety and depression scores.

Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with BMS is recognized and currently often considered a secondary, nonspecific phenomenon frequently encountered in patients with chronic pain.14 However,

most studies on psychological factors in BMS have applied questionnaires that cannot be used for proper psychiatric diagnostics. A novel explanation for psychiatric morbidity in BMS

has been presented in a thorough study on patients with BMS utilizing structured psychiatric interviews, giving current (state) and lifetime (trait) diagnoses for both psychiatric (axis I) and personality (axis II) disorders.43 According to this study, patients with BMS seemto suffer only of psychiatric conditions attributed to low-brain dopamine tone: major depression and social phobia were found in 55% of the patients with BMS, and type C (fearful/neurotic) personality in 16% of the patients with BMS.43 Similar psychiatric profile has also been found in a BMS study using questionnaires.16 Thus, inherent or induced weakness of brain dopamine system may offer a common pathway to both chronic neuropathic painand comorbid psychiatric disorders.26,31,43

Further support to the dopamine hypothesis of BMS paincomes from noninvasive brain stimulation studies showing that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, by initially releasing dopamine in the striatum40,41 thereby activating the endogenous opioid system,32 also effectively relieves BMS pain.34,46

3. Discussion

Current converging evidence from several lines of investigations, covering neural pathways from the epithelial nerve fibers to the brain, indicates that clinically typical BMS, in the majority of cases,is a chronic neuropathic pain condition, consisting of 2 main subgroups, peripheral and central. These conditions are subclinical, as they do not show evident clinical signs of neuropathy and thus, they can be correctly identified and classified only by means of neurophysiologic, psychophysical, and neuropathological investigations. Peripheral lingual nerve lidocaine blocks may also help in classifying the patients with BMS into peripheral and central subgroups, but this method should still be validated against thorough neurophysiologic, psychophysical, and neuropathological diagnostics. The first BMS subgroup involves subclinical peripheral neuropathic pain, caused either by more

extensive yet subclinical trigeminal neuropathies and trigeminal brainstem lesions, or by pure small fiber neuropathy of the intraoral mucosa with loss-of-function signs in confirmatory tests.

The local small fiber type of BMS might also fit in the entity of nonlength-dependent small fiber neuropathy that is more prevalent in women than men and shows a patchy distribution that may cover, for example, face or trunk.6 The other subgroup consists of central BMS with neurophysiologic and neurotransmitter PET signs, indicating low-brain dopamine tone and increased prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity and, sometimes, additional gain-of-function signs in QST. In individual patients, these subtypes, peripheral and central, may overlap with different combinations of loss- or gain-of-function signs.26,31

Profile of comorbid psychiatric disorders in patients with BMS is interesting, especially regarding the PET findings of low striatal dopamine tone in these patients. Weak top–down inhibitory control via endogenous dopamine–opioid axis and basal ganglia circuits could represent shared vulnerability both to depression, anxiety as well as type C personality disorders, and to chronic neuropathic pain. Accordingly, for example, neuropathic pain and depression would not be causal to each other but, instead, result from common predisposition because of low-brain dopamine tone, genetic or acquired, in the presence of neuropathic involvement of the peripheral and/or CNS.26,31,43

Recently, a novel hypothesis has been proposed to encompass various pathophysiological processes leading to BMS and to explain open questions regarding, for example, gender differences and age distribution of patients with BMS.31 Four key features of BMS have to be taken into account: (1)

preponderance of postmenopausal women, (2) type of psychiatric comorbidity, (3) oral location of the symptoms, and (4) peripheral and CNS abnormalities found in confirmatory tests. In short, chronic anxiety/depression with stress-related alterations in adrenal steroid physiology and/or drastic menopausal changes in gonadal hormone levels lead to significant decrease in neuroprotective steroids (eg, dehydroepiandrosterone).48 In the presence of neurotoxic influences, this reduction in neuroprotective and neuroregenerative capacity induces preferential damage of small Ad fibers (dependent on dehydroepiandrosterone in maintenance), and nigrostriatal DA neurons, both of which

are especially vulnerable to internal and external toxic agents. These factors alone or in combination with genetically weak top–down inhibition via DA–opioid axis can then eventually cause

clinical BMS phenotype with peripheral, central or combined neuropathic features (for detailed discussion, c.f.31,48).

In addition, it is noteworthy that in neurophysiologic investigations, approximately 20% of clinically typical patients with BMS show subclinical trigeminal system pathology; for example, subclinical lingual of mandibular nerve injuries or brainstem level lesions. From the existing literature, it is obvious that clinical sensory examination does not provide tools sensitive and accurate enough for the diagnostics and classification of neuropathic orofacial pain.25,26,30,31,44,45 It may thus be argued

that the current definition of neuropathic pain, requiring neuroanatomically plausible symptoms and clinical signs in addition to confirmatory tests for definite diagnosis of neuropathic pain,12 is not appropriate, as it does not recognize subclinical neuropathic pain conditions. Furthermore, it currently does not accept results of confirmatory tests alone as evidence for neuropathic nature of the pain.12 Nevertheless, for example, pure small fiber neuropathies and neuropathies within the orofacial region, where clinical sensory examination may be especially difficult, are challenging to diagnose with traditional clinical tools only. In the definition of neuropathic pain, a shortcut from symptoms to

neurophysiologic, psychophysical, neuropathological, and/or functional brain imaging findings, bypassing the requirement of neuroanatomically plausible clinical signs, could thus provide

a reasonable way to establish definite diagnosis of neuropathic pain in conditions such as BMS. In addition, the distribution of symptoms and signs in nonlength-dependent small fiber neuropathies6 and central pain conditions due to basal ganglia disorders7,9 does not comply with classic peripheral or central neuroanatomical distributions, which should be taken into account when defining criteria for neuropathic pain. Accordingly, taking into account the existing evidence for neuropathic etiology

of BMS, the current IHS classification ofBMSunder painful cranial neuropathies21 seems most appropriate.

Correct diagnostics and classification of the 2 neuropathic subgroups of BMS, peripheral and central, is important, as this may in the future guide the choice of the best treatment on individual patient level. Patients with signs of peripheral neuropathic BMS pain could benefit from topical treatments, for

example, with clonazepam or capsaicin, while pain in central BMS may best be alleviated by boosting the endogenous top–down control via brain dopamine–opioid axis with noninvasive neuromodulation techniques such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation or with dopaminergic medications.

Furthermore, signs of pure small fiber neuropathy in patients with BMS imply systematic nvestigation of possible etiologies for small fiber neuropathy, some of which may be curable. These options warrant further studies, controlled with appropriate and sensitive diagnostic methods.

Conflict of interest statement

The author reports no conflicts of interest.

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