

If You Can’t Make Predictions, You’re Still In A C...

A New York Times article by Northeastern University professor Lisa Feldman Barrett claims that Psychology Is Not In Crisis:

Is psychology in the midst of a research crisis?

An initiative called the Reproducibility Project at the University of Virginia recently reran 100 psychology experiments and found that over 60 percent of them failed to replicate — that is, their findings did not hold up the second time around. The results, published last week in Science, have generated alarm (and in some cases, confirmed suspicions) that the field of psychology is in poor shape.

But the failure to replicate is not a cause for alarm; in fact, it is a normal part of how science works.

Suppose you have two well-designed, carefully run studies, A and B, that investigate the same phenomenon. They perform what appear to be identical experiments, and yet they reach opposite conclusions. Study A produces the predicted phenomenon, whereas Study B does not. We have a failure to replicate.

Does this mean that the phenomenon in question is necessarily illusory? Absolutely not. If the studies were well designed and executed, it is more likely that the phenomenon from Study A is true only under certain conditions. The scientist’s job now is to figure out what those conditions are, in order to form new and better hypotheses to test […]

When physicists discovered that subatomic particles didn’t obey Newton’s laws of motion, they didn’t cry out that Newton’s laws had “failed to replicate.” Instead, they realized that Newton’s laws were valid only in certain contexts, rather than being universal, and thus the science of quantum mechanics was born […]

Science is not a body of facts that emerge, like an orderly string of light bulbs, to illuminate a linear path to universal truth. Rather, science (to paraphrase Henry Gee, an editor at Nature) is a method to quantify doubt about a hypothesis, and to find the contexts in which a phenomenon is likely. Failure to replicate is not a bug; it is a feature. It is what leads us along the path — the wonderfully twisty path — of scientific discovery.

Needless to say, I disagree with this rosy assessment.

The first concern is that it ignores publication bias. One out of every twenty studies will be positive by pure chance – more if you’re willing to play fast and loose with your methods. Probably quite a lot of the research we see is that 1/20. Then when it gets replicated in a preregistered trial, it fails. This is not because the two studies were applying the same principle to different domains. It’s because the first study posited something that simply wasn’t true, in any domain. This may be the outright majority of replication failures, and you can’t just sweep this under the rug with paeans to the complexity of science.

The second concern is experimenter effects. Why do experimenters who believe in and support a phenomenon usually find it occurs, and experimenters who doubt the phenomenon usually find that it doesn’t? That’s easy to explain through publication bias and other forms of bias, but if we’re just positing that there are some conditions where it does work and others where it doesn’t, the ability of experimenters to so often end out in the conditions that flatter their preconceptions is a remarkable coincidence.

The third and biggest concern is the phrase “it is more likely”. Read that sentence again: “If the studies were well designed and executed, it is more likely that the phenomenon from Study A is true only under certain conditions [than that it is illusory]”. Really? Why? This is exactly the thing that John Ioannidis has spent so long arguing against! Suppose that I throw a dart at the Big Chart O’ Human Metabolic Pathways and when it hits a chemical I say “This! This is the chemical that is the key to curing cancer!”. Then I do a study to check. There’s a 5% chance my study comes back positive by coincidence, an even higher chance that a biased experimenter can hack it into submission, but a much smaller chance that out of the thousands of chemicals I just so happened to pick the one that really does cause cancer. So if my study comes back positive, but another team’s study comes back negative, it’s not “more likely” that my chemical does cure cancer but only under certain circumstances. Given the base rate – that most hypotheses are false – it’s more likely that I accidentally proved a false hypothesis, a very easy thing to do, and now somebody else is correcting me.

Given that many of the most famous psychology results are either extremely counterintuitive or highly politically motivated, there is no reason at all to choose a prior probability of correctness such that we should try to reconcile our prior belief in them with a study showing they don’t work. It would be like James Randi finding Uri Geller can’t bend spoons, and saying “Well, he bent spoons other times, but not around Randi, let’s try to figure out what feature of Randi’s shows interferes with the magic spoon-bending rays”. I am not saying that we shouldn’t try to reconcile results and failed replications of those results, but we should do so in an informed Bayesian way instead of automatically assuming it’s “more likely” that they deserve reconciliation.

Yet even ignoring the publication bias, and the low base rates, and the statistical malpractice, and the couple of cases of outright falsification, and concentrating on the ones that really are differences in replication conditions, this is still a crisis.

A while ago, Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg published a famous priming study showing that people who spend a few minutes before an exam thinking about brilliant professors will get better grades; conversely, people who spend a few minutes thinking about moronic soccer hooligans will get worse ones. They did four related experiments, and all strongly confirmed their thesis. A few years later, Shanks et al tried to replicate the effect and couldn’t. They did the same four experiments, and none of them replicated at all. What are we to make of this?

We could blame differences in the two experiments’ conditions. But the second experiment made every attempt to match the conditions of the first experiment as closely as possible. Certainly they didn’t do anything idiotic, like switch from an all-female sample to an all-male sample. So if we want to explain the difference in results, we have to think on the level of tiny things that the replication team wouldn’t have thought about. The color of the wallpaper in the room where the experiments were taking place. The accents of the scientists involved. The barometric pressure on the day the study was conducted.

We could laboriously test the effect of wallpaper color, scientist accent, and barometric pressure on priming effects, but it would be extraordinarily difficult. Remember, we’ve already shown that two well-conducted studies can get diametrically opposite results. Who is to say that if we studied the effect of wallpaper color, the first study wouldn’t find that it made a big difference and the second study find that it made no difference at all? What we’d probably end out with is a big conflicting morass of studies that’s even more confusing than the original smaller conflicting morass.

But as far as I know, nobody is doing this. There is not enough psychology to devote time to teasing out the wallpaper-effect from the barometric-pressure effect on social priming. Especially given that maybe at the end of all of these dozens of teasing-apart studies we would learn nothing. And that quite possibly the original study was simply wrong, full stop.

Since we have not yet done this, and don’t even know if it would work, we can expect even strong and well-accepted results not to apply in even very slightly different conditions. But that makes claims of scientific understanding very weak. When a study shows that Rote Memorization works better than New Math, we hope this means we’ve discovered something about human learning and we can change school curricula to reflect the new finding and help children learn better. But if we fully expect that the next replication attempt will show New Math is better than Rote Memorization, then that plan goes down the toilet and we shouldn’t ask schools to change their curricula at all, let alone claim to have figured out deep truths about the human mind.

Barrett states that psychology is not in crisis, because it’s in a position similar to physics, where gravity applies at the macroscopic level but not the microscopic level. But if you ask a physicist to predict whether an apple will fall up or down, she will say “Down, obviously, because we’re talking about the macroscopic level.” If you ask a psychologist to predict whether priming a student with the thought of a brilliant professor will make them do better on an exam or not, the psychologist will have no idea, because she won’t know what factors cause the prime to work sometimes and fail other times, or even whether it really ever works at all. She will be at the level of a physicist who says “Apples sometimes fall down, but equally often they fall up, and we can’t predict which any given apple will do at any given time, and we don’t know why – but our field is not in crisis, because in theory some reason should exist. Maybe.”

If by physics you mean “the practice of doing physics experiments”, then perhaps that is justified. If by physics you mean “a collection of results that purport to describe physical reality”, then it’s clear you don’t actually have any.

So the Times article is not an argument that psychology is not in crisis. It is, at best, an IOU, saying that we should keep doing psychology because maybe if we work really hard we will reach a point where the crisis is no longer so critical.

On the other hand, there’s one part of this I agree with entirely. I don’t think we can do a full post-mortem on every failed replication. But we ought to do them on some failed replications. Right now, failed replications are deeply mysterious. Is it really things like the wallpaper color or barometric pressure? Or is it more sinister things, like failure to double-blind, or massive fraud? How come this keeps happening to us? I don’t know. If we could solve one or two of these, we might at least know what we’re up against.

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