




With Humility, Starbucks Will Enter Italian Market带着一颗谦卑的心,星巴克来到意大利

MILAN — Standing in the art-soaked splendor of a Milanese parlor as an array of A-list Italian business leaders listened intently, Howard D. Schultz, chairman and chief executive of Starbucks, recited a remarkable statistic on Friday: Each week, roughly 90 million people pass through a Starbucks somewhere on earth.

米兰——周五,在一间充满艺术气息的米兰会客厅中,星巴克(Starbucks)董事长兼首席执行官霍华德·D·舒尔茨(Howard D. Schultz)向正在凝神聆听的意大利商界领袖列举了一个惊人的数据:每个星期,大约有9000万人会经过地球上某个地方的星巴克。

Equally remarkable, given that Starbucks operates in 70 countries, is this: Not one of those people is in Italy, a country where coffee culture is central to daily life, and that represents something of a coffee holy grail to Schultz. Italy, land of the perfect espresso and the exquisitely frothy cappuccino, is a Starbucks-free nation.


Or it was. Schultz swooped into Milan during Fashion Week to announce that Starbucks would open its first coffee shop in Italy early next year, in Milan. Given that Starbucks is opening 500 stores a year in China, the Milan venture might seem like a nice little ornament. But for Schultz, coming to Italy is personal. It is also delicate — and a bit of a risk.


“There are very few markets and stores that I'm as intimately involved in as this,” he said in an interview after the announcement. He added, “We're going to come here with great humility.”


Starbucks has always been careful in Europe, aware that the Continent's coffee aficionados have refined tastes and an abundance of good coffee shops — and might take offense at the idea that an American company is needed for a better espresso. Yet Starbucks has marched successfully into Britain, France and Germany, and it has even found success in Vienna, the Austrian capital, which gave birth to the coffeehouse.


Italy, though, is Italy.


“I think young people will try it out, for curiosity,” said Orlando Chiari, the 82-year-old owner of Camparino, a century-old coffee bar in central Milan, “but I doubt it will become a major player in Italy.”

“我觉得年轻人会出于好奇尝试一下,”位于米兰市中心的百年咖啡吧Camparino的82岁老板奥兰多·基亚里(Orlando Chiari)说道,“但我怀疑它能在意大利受到欢迎。”

Chiari, impeccable in a gray suit and light blue shirt, said that about 1,500 clients came to his bar every day, and that few were titillated by “new trends.” He decided against deliveries of the sports drink Red Bull because it simply would not sell at Camparino.

穿着一身无可挑剔的灰色套装和浅蓝色衬衫的基亚里说,每天大约1500位客人来他的咖啡吧,而很少有人会对“新潮流”感兴趣。他决定不提供运动饮料红牛(Red Bull),因为在Camparino根本卖不出去。

“We worship coffee in Italy, while Americans drink coffee on the go in large cups,” he elaborated. “It's two extremely different cultures.”


Schultz credits Italy's distinct coffee culture for inspiring him to create the Starbucks of today. In 1983, he visited Milan for a trade show and wandered into coffee bars in the city. Then, he was marketing director for Starbucks, a chain of four stores in Seattle that sold coffee for people to make at home. His visit to Milan's coffee bars convinced him that the coffee shop was an experience and culture that could work in the United States.


Schultz has returned to Italy at least once a year since then, befriending business leaders while studying the local market. His lunchtime announcement ceremony, held in the refined, 19th-century setting of an elegant apartment, was an open embrace from Italy's business elite: Brunello Cucinelli, the fashion designer and cashmere specialist, mingled with Nerio Alessandri, founder and president of Technogym, a maker of fitness equipment. Cristina Nonino, chief executive of one of Italy's most famous producers of grappa, was there, as was Renzo Rosso, chairman of OTB Group, parent company of Diesel and other clothing brands.

从那以后,舒尔茨每年至少回一次意大利,结交商界领袖,同时研究本地市场。他在午餐时间举行的发布仪式,选在了一间优雅精致的19世纪风格公寓中举行,得到了意大利商界精英的欢迎:时装设计师和羊绒专家布鲁内洛·库奇内利(Brunello Cucinelli)与健身器材制造商泰诺健(Technogym)的创始人和总裁内里奥·亚历山德里(Nerio Alessandri)相谈甚欢。意大利最著名的格拉巴酒生产商之一的首席执行官克里斯蒂娜·诺尼诺(Cristina Nonino)也在那里,还有迪赛(Diesel)和其他服装品牌的母公司OTB集团董事长伦佐·罗索(Renzo Rosso)。

“Here, he was inspired,” said Leonardo Ferragamo, a director of the luxury Salvatore Ferragamo line, who met Schultz for the first time on Friday. “He understood the tradition of drinking coffee at the bar, which is unique to Italy.”

“在这里,他受到了启发,”奢侈品牌Salvatore Ferragamo董事莱昂纳多·菲拉格慕(Leonardo Ferragamo)说道,这是他第一次与舒尔茨会面。“他了解在咖啡吧喝咖啡的传统,这是意大利特有的。”

Word began to leak out in October that Starbucks was looking at Italy. The company will partner with Percassi, the Italian retail and real estate group, which will own and operate the stores as licensee. Schultz said the first store in Milan would open early next year, followed by others in the city before the company expands elsewhere in Italy. And as has happened in other countries, Starbucks will tailor itself to local coffee habits.


Schultz said he was “involved in every detail of this opening,” underscoring the sentimental and strategic importance he assigns to Italy. Coming back to the place he considers the taproot of the Starbucks experience does bring risks, especially if the company falls flat with Italian customers. But success would bring rewards, especially symbolic, as Schultz returns to the country synonymous with great coffee.


“He loves Italy more than many Italians,” said Gianmario Tondato Da Ruos, chief executive of Autogrill, the global food and beverage operator for travelers, which is a partner of Starbucks in the United States. “Really.”

“他比许多意大利人更喜欢意大利,”星巴克在美国的合作伙伴、全球旅游食品和饮料经营商Autogrill的首席执行官吉安马里奥·托纳多·达·鲁奥斯(Gianmario Tondato Da Ruos)说。“真的是这样。”

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【意大利 米兰 (Milan Italy) 】
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