

每日一歌:无怨无悔 Jesus to a child(George Michael 乔治.迈克)

无怨无悔 Jesus to a child

(George Michael 乔治.迈克



    George Michael乔治.迈克人称最佳灵魂歌者。这首震撼人心的歌曲,凝聚了George Michael乔治.迈克对音乐的感知与一往情深,他是在用一个赤裸的灵魂演绎这首无比忧郁又无比深情的歌曲,歌声飞扬处,片片心伤。。。


Kindness in your eyes.                你眼中闪现着温柔  
I guess you heard me cry.             我想你听到了我在哭泣  
you smiled at me.                     你对着我在微笑  
Like Jesus to a child !               就像耶稣面对着孩子!   

I'm blessed,I know.                   我知道你在祈福于我  
Heaven sent & heaven stole.           仿如天赐 
you smiled at me.                     你对着我在微笑  
Like Jesus to a child !               就像耶稣面对着孩子!  

And what have I learned.              我得到了什么  
From all this pain ?                  从所有这些伤疼中?  
I thoyought I'd never feel the same.  我想我不再会有同感  
About anyone.                         于任何人  
Or anything again.                    任何事  
But now I know.                       但现在我知道  

When you find a love.                当你寻觅到真爱  
When you know that it exists.        当你感受到爱的存在  
Then the lover that you miss.        你所思念的那个人  
Will come to you.                    将会归来  
On those cold,cold nights.           在如此冰冷的夜  
When you've been loved.              当你坠入爱河  
When you know it holds souch bliss.   当你知道这意味着无限幸福  
Then the lover that you kissed.      你吻着的爱人  
Will comfort you.                    会带给你抚慰  
When there's no hope in sight.       在你最绝望的时候  

Sadness in my eyes.                  我眼中的悲痛  
No one guessed,or no one tried.      无人知,无人问  
you smiled at me.                    你对着我在微笑  
Like Jesus to a child !              就像耶稣面对着孩子!  
Loveless & cold.                     冷漠而毫无爱意  
With your last breath you saved my soul.   你那最后一丝呼吸拯救了我的灵魂  
you smiled at me.                    你仍对我着在微笑  
Like Jesus to a child !              就像耶稣面对着孩子!  
And what have I learned.             我得到了什么  
From all these tears.                从所有这些泪水中  
I've waited for you all those years.   这些年来我一直在默默等候着你  
Then just when it began.             然而这一切开始了  
He took your love away.              他夺走了你的爱  
But I still say.                     但我依然要说  

When you find a love.                当你寻觅到真爱  
When you know that it exists.        当你感受到爱的存在  
Then the lover that you miss.        你所思念的那个人  
Will come to you.                    将会归来  
On those cold,cold nights.           在如此冰冷的夜  
When you've been loved.              当你坠入爱河  
When you know it holds such bliss.   当你知道这意味着无限幸福  
Then the lover that you kissed.      你吻着的爱人  
Will comfort you.                    将会带给你抚慰  
When there's no hope in sight.       在你最绝望的时候  

So the words you could not say.      你未能表达的爱意  
I'll sing them for you.              我将为你吟唱  
And the love we would have made.     我们本应拥有的爱  
I'll make it for two.                我将为我们彼此珍藏  
For every single memory.             为了每一丝回忆  
Has become a part of me.             它将成为我生命中最珍贵的时光  

you will always be.                  你将永远是  
My love.                             我的至爱!  

Well,I've been loved.                是啊,我曾坠入了爱河  
So I know just what love is.         才真正理解爱的真谛  
And the love that I kissed.          我曾吻过的爱人呢  
Is always by my side.                你将永远陪伴在我身旁  

Oh the lover I still miss.           哦,我思念的爱人  
Was Jesus to a child !               你深藏着耶稣般的仁慈!



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