

每日一曲:两代天后首次合作的隽永情歌《Tell Him》倾诉


两代天后首次合作的隽永情歌《Tell Him 》倾诉



    “ Tell Him 倾诉 ”是天王词曲创作与制作人 Walter A. 及 David Foster 为两代天后 Celine Dion (席琳·狄翁)与 Barbra Streisand (芭芭拉·史翠珊)的首次破天荒合作,所量身谱写制作的隽永情歌单曲。两位不同时代的优秀女歌手的合作可谓是天衣无缝,的确让人惊叹不已!此曲分别收录于 Celine Dion 97年的专辑《 Let's Talk About Love 谈情说爱 》及 Barbara Streisand 97年的专辑《 Higher Ground 更高境界 》中。

    Celine Dion 这位仅出道几年时间便红遍国际的英、法语歌唱奇才,以有别于一般女歌手柔软歌声的浑厚嗓音征服了全球歌迷的心。Celine 的情歌源自于对爱情的尊重,在不失缠绵的基础上多了一份庄严的意味,毫无矫情,赢得了大多人的共鸣。而她在国际间所获得的奖项,更非其他女艺人所能匹敌的。

    Barbra Streisand ——她是乐坛的骄傲,她是舞台的征服者,她的声音与身影穿梭于娱乐的舞台,那份唯有相信自己、相信梦想的自信心让她的专情、专才得以绽放无比的风采,专辑累积总销售高居女艺人之首,烙下一代女伶巨星的永恒标记

Tell Him

Celine Dion (席琳.狄翁) & ?Barbra Streisand(芭芭拉.史翠珊)

           ( Celine Dion )

           I'm scared 我很害怕
           So afraid to show I care 不敢表明我的心意
           Will he think me weak 他会否觉得我很没用
           If I tremble when I speak 若在表白时,我浑身颤抖

           Oooh - what if 哦,假如
           There's another one he's thinking of 他心有所属的另有他人,我该怎么办
           Maybe he's in love 说不定他已有爱人
           I'd feel like a fool 而我就像个傻瓜一样
           Life can be so cruel 生活竟能如此残酷
           I don't know what to do 我不知该如何是好?


          ( Barbra Streisand )

           I've been there 我也曾领略过此中滋味
           With my heart out in my hand 心如刀割,意懒心灰
           But what you must understand 但你必须明白
           You can't let the chance to love him pass you by 你不能让爱他的机会从身边擦肩而过


( Together )

 Tell him 向他倾诉
 Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes 告诉他,他眼神中闪现的希望
 Reach out to him 令你心驰神往
 And whisper 低声对他诉说
 Tender words so soft and sweet 温柔甜蜜的情话


          ( Celine Dion )

           I'll hold him close to feel his heart beat 我要抱紧他,感觉他的心跳

          ( Barbra Streisand )

            Love will be the gift you give yourself 爱,将是你给自己的礼物

            Touch him ( Ooohh ) 爱抚他
            With the gentleness you feel inside( I feel it ) 发自内心的温柔
            Your love can't be denied 爱一个人不容否认
            The truth will set you free 真心话会使你获得自由
            You'll have what's meant to be 你会拥有原本属于你的一切
            All in time you'll see 将来,你就明白了

( Celine Dion )

    Ooohh I love him( Then show him ) 哦,我爱他
    Of that much I can be sure( Hold him close to you ) 这毋庸置疑
    I don't think I could endure 我想我会无法承受
    If I let him walk away, when I have so much to say 如果我让他就这么离开,而我还有好多话还没说

( Together )

        Tell him 向他倾诉
        Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes 告诉他,他眼神中闪现的希望
        Reach out to him 令你心驰神往
        And whisper 低声对他诉说
        Tender words so soft and sweet 温柔甜蜜的情话

( Barbra Streisand )

    Hold him close to feel his heart beat 抱紧他,感觉他的心跳

( Celine Dion )

    Love will be the gift you give yourself 爱,将是你给自己的礼物

    Love is light that surely glows in the hearts of those who know 爱是懂爱的人心中永不熄灭的灯火
    It's a steady flame that grows, Oh ooh oh oh 爱是熊熊燃烧的火焰

( Barbra Streisand )

         Feed the fire with all the passion you can show 用你所有的热情为这火焰添火
         Tonight love will assume its place 今夜,爱将呈现出它的价值

( Barbra Streisand )

        This memory time cannot erase 这段时光的回忆无法抹去


( Together )

       Your faith will lead love where it has to go 痴心终将得到回报

       Tell him 向他倾诉
       Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes 告诉他,他的眼神中闪现的希望
       Reach out to him 令你心驰神往
       And whisper 低声对他诉说
       Whisper words so soft and sweet 温柔甜蜜的情话

( Barbra Streisand )

       Hold him close to feel his heart beat 抱紧他,感觉他的心跳

( Celine Dion )

       Love will be the gift you give yourself 爱,将是你给自己的礼物

       Ooh ooh ooh


     ( Together )

       Never let him go 决不要放弃他

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