

Yun Lu Hotel by Ares Partners

Appreciation towards Ares Partners for providing the following description:

位于广西興坪的“云庐”是由散落在一個自然村中的几栋破落的农宅改造而成, 酒店深藏于漓江好山好水间。项目是从老农宅的改造开始,逐步梳理宅与宅之间的空间、并将一栋老宅拆除扩建为餐厅和客人可聚集的场所。设计師采取一种对当地文化和周围村民的尊重和谨慎态度,對原有狹小凌亂的農宅與場地進行梳理改造。 云廬酒店的幾棟老建筑与环境的关系紧密,与当地村民的房屋也没有明显的隔绝,与周围环境的自然共生和与当地村民的和谐共存是我们设计的出发点。 另一方面,酒店的主要服务对象大多来自现代城市, 如何找到城市生活的舒适和农村生活的淳朴之间的平衡也是我们的重点考虑。


▽  整体鸟瞰夜景,bird view


▽  餐厅鸟瞰夜景,bird view


Yun Lu is a boutique eco-resort nestled within a village at north eastern part of Yangshuo which situated along the dramatic landscape of the Li River. The site consists of nine renovated old farm houses and one new addition which functions as an all-day dining restaurant for hotel guests. Taking on a sensitive approach to the local culture with villagers still living nearby, the overall planning and landscape design blends into the original village structure without creating new boundary conditions to the villagers. The rammed earthed buildings were retrofitted to accommodate refreshing and uncompromisingly contemporary living, while the new restaurant addition adopts an understated presence with the use of steel frame, glass pivot doors and windows, in contrast with the locally sourced rough-cut stone blocks, charcoal treated wooden louvers and terra-cotta roof tiles to provide a rich tactile experience. The spatial dialogue and sense of continuity between the old and the new buildings maintain an order of symbiosis between the foreign (hotel) and the local (village). The same design principle extends into the interior space of the hotel. The dialogue between people, space, light and landscape is well thought out. The typical layout of the vernacular house here is a three bay structure with a double height volume in the middle bay. Each typical building consists of four guest rooms with a shared living and hangout space in the center. Bamboo, wood, galvanized steel, concrete finishes and pebble washed stones are main materials being used in interior spaces. Most of wood beams and existing wooden doors are being refurbished and reused on the project.


▽  小院,鸟瞰,bird view




▽深藏于漓江好山好水间的破败农宅大变身后依然与环境协调 We would very much like to see the symbiosis of nature and architecture of tradition, of local villagers, modern city visitors (intruders), of present and past that are all opposing entities.



There are issues which we expected and issues that we did not anticipated through design stages. The owner prefers to achieve certain number of guest rooms which requires adding a second floor. To make sure the houses are structurally stable after renovation is a major concern. For the interior space, we decided to keep the east and west ram earth brick walls as they are and adding new gypsum boards to the south and north walls. The cavity between the new added gypsum boards and the existing brick wall is the space for housing all M&E ducts and pipes. However, the corner detail when the new and old meets take quite an effort to resolve. Besides all the technical issues, we also have to answer to comments and demands raised from the villagers live nearby on daily bases.

Our objective is not to just preserve these traditional houses. We would very much like to see the symbiosis of nature and architecture of tradition, of local villagers, modern city visitors (intruders), of present and past that are all opposing entities. These opposing entities being in an interactive collaboration evokes multivalent and ambivalent meanings through differences and tension.


▽ 新餐厅,低调的建筑语汇,以变截面钢结构和玻璃中轴门窗系统与毛石外墙、炭化木格栅、和屋面陶土瓦形成一种材料对比,新老建筑形成的空间对话和延续感则是维系外来(酒店)与本土(农村)自然共生的基本法则。The rammed earthed buildings were retrofitted to accommodate refreshing and uncompromisingly contemporary living, while the new restaurant addition adopts an understated presence with the use of steel frame, glass pivot doors and windows, in contrast with the locally sourced rough-cut stone blocks, charcoal treated wooden louvers and terra-cotta roof tiles to provide a rich tactile experience.


▽ 新餐厅 restaurant


▽ 新餐厅 restaurant


▽ 新餐厅 restaurant


在室内设计中,依然遵循了自然共生的法则。为了不影响依山傍水的好风景及与老村落的协调,低调的新建餐厅为一层楼高的坡屋顶建筑并尽可能的降低了尺度,而室内空间在满足了空调等功能需求的前提下, 尽可能的提升了层高,与建筑呼应,让空间明快,简洁,流畅。 原有农宅的室内虽然久经年代的风雨而显得破旧,但却不失空间上的趣味, 典型的一栋青瓦黄土砖屋为三开间,中间为二层挑高的厅堂,两侧各有四小间房,二层为杂物储藏用。在改造中,保留了原建筑的木结构,黄土墙,坡屋面及顶上透光的“亮瓦“,在功能上一层的厅堂保留并设有吧台,沙发, 是客人小聚的社交空间, 客厅的两侧各有一间客房,厅堂中增加了通向二层两间客房的楼梯。对于东西方向的室内墙面,只是作了必要的清洁和修缮,南北方向的墙面在土砖墙以内增加了轻钢龙骨石膏板墙, 新旧墙体中间的空隙满足了所有管线,管井走向的需求。 在空間改造中侧重于思考现代人的生活方式与原生态空间的对话,空间本身与光影的对话,室内与室外空间的互动。在材料運用上,室外保留了纯朴厚重并显得与当地桂林山水浑然一体的夯土外墙和青瓦屋面,原来的旧木窗换作了现代的铝合金窗框,新与旧的对比让老建筑有了几分现代感和新老建筑的对话场景。室内采用了再生老木,素面水泥,竹子,黑色钢板等材料,力求遵循朴实,自然,简单的原则。这些现代材料与原始的土坯墙形成了一种对比,但都有著一种厚重感,整体上有着相似的历史感。

The material we picked for interior space is mainly concrete, wood and natural finish black steel. We wanted to avoid glitz and glamour in this project. The main idea is to bring clam and tranquility atmosphere into the space. We wanted people to concentrate on enjoying the spatial relationship, the dialogue between indoor and outdoor space and how the natural light casts onto the surface throughout different time of the day and of the year rather than concentrate on many different materials. The exterior building material is quite modest and unpretentious which we would want the interior to echo.


▽ 带有吧台和沙发的厅堂,lobby(酒店小楼中,中间为二层挑高的厅堂,两侧各有四小间房,二层为杂物储藏用)




▽ 客房 rooms



▽ 图纸 drawings

总用地面积:3,700 m2
老建筑改造与室内设计:景会设计Ares Partners
景观与灯光设计:景会设计 Ares Partners

MORE: 景会设计  Ares Partners

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