

The Miracle Worker(奇迹创造者)
The Miracle Worker(奇迹创造者)
昨天闲暇之余,点播了一部ICS上海外语频道的电影The Miracle Worker(奇迹创造者),这是一部令人感到、震撼、发人深省的电影!看完之后,我就迫不及待整理写下以下博文,并推荐从事教育的人士、家长和学生也能看看。现在除了电视、电影,网络上播放和下载也很方便。 该部电影1963年曾获奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards(最佳女主角安妮·班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft、最佳女配角 帕蒂·杜克 Patty Duke和提名奖:最佳导演 阿瑟·佩恩 Arthur Penn、最佳改编剧本 威廉·吉普森 William Gibson、最佳服装设计(黑白)Ruth Morley)
从海伦凯勒小时候起, 沙利文老师则一直留在海伦凯勒身边,并将教科书与上课内容写在海伦.凯勒的手掌上,让凯勒能了解其内容,可说是对海伦不离不弃。海伦凯勒并不是一开始就接受苏利文老师;反而处处与他作对。那段期间,也因为海伦.凯勒的父母对他过度溺爱,让苏利文老师有了放弃的念头。只是当他们看到了海伦凯勒的进步,又决定放手将海伦凯勒全权交给沙利文老师管教。因为沙利文老师告诉他们,同情只是在浪费时间!自怨自艾更可怜。她必须学会如何保护自己。这部片子给了每个人很大的启发,虽然他并没有拍摄到成年后海伦凯勒的成功,但却隐约暗示了我们,要什么样的人生,就必须自己去追求。你光在那儿等待,你想要的东西并不会自己靠过来,一辈子倚靠父母给的依赖,自己也永远长不大。如果海伦.凯勒的父母亲,没有当机立断地在适时的时刻放手,今天,我们可能也不会在成功名人传等伟人传奇一生的书本上找到“海伦.凯勒”的名字。良师很重要,但自己的努力和心态更重要。
Based on the remarkable true story of Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan, this inspiring and unforgettable play has moved countless readers and become an American classic.
    Young Helen Keller, blind, deaf, and mute since infancy, is in danger of being sent to an institution because her inability to communicate has left her frustrated and violent. In desperation, her parents seek help from the Perkins Institute, which sends them a "half-blind Yankee schoolgirl" named Annie Sullivan to tutor their daughter. Despite the Kellers' resistance and the belief that Helen "is like a little safe, locked, that no one can open," Annie suspects that within Helen lies the potential for more, if only she can reach her. Through persistence, love, and sheer stubbornness, Annie breaks through Helen's walls of silence and darkness and teaches her to communicate, bringing her into the world at last.
This story is an emotional and vivid portrayal of the relationship between a child and her teacher. Helen Keller is rendered deaf and blind at an early age, and by the time she is six years old her behavior becomes completely unmanageable. In desperation, her parents send for teacher Annie Sullivan to bring some discipline into the spoiled child’s life. Helen and Annie become locked in a ferocious battle of wills but Annie is determined to bring a sense of discipline into Helens life. Annie teaches Helen words by constantly spelling them into Helens palm. Although Helen can spell them back, she doesn’t understand that these words actually represent things. At the water pump Annie spells water into Helens hand and suddenly the miracle happens; Helen understands.
- Welcome to lvy Green, Miss Sullivan.
- My husband, Miss Annie. Cap'n Keller.
- Captain, how do you do?
- Pleasure to see you.
- I trust you had an agreeable journey.
- Oh, I had several.
- Yes. Where's Helen?
- And the suitcase.
I'll take that. I've got something for Helen. When do I see her?
 (Kate) There. There's Helen.
- (Captain) Katie...
- Sh.
- She's very rough, Katie.
- I like her, Cap'n.
How old is she?
Well, she's not in her teens, you know.
Why does she wear those glasses? I like to see a person's eyes when I talk to 'em.
- For the sun. She was blind.
- Blind?
She had nine operations on her eyes.
One just before she left.
Blind? Good heavens! They expect one blind child to teach another?
How long did she teach there?
She was a pupil.
This is her first position?
She was valedictorian.
A houseful of grown-ups can't cope with Helen.
How can a half-blind Yankee schoolgirl manage?
Great improvement.
Now we have two of them.
- You be quiet.
- I was agreeing with you.
You talk too much.
- Nothing I say is right.
- Why say anything?
All the trouble I went to and that's how I look?
Oh, no, not the drawers.
 (doll makes sound)
All right, Miss O'Sullivan, let's begin.
With doll.
D...O...L...L.Doll.You spell pretty well.
Finding out if she's ticklish? She is.
- What is it, a game?
- An alphabet.
For the deaf.
- How bright she is.
- You think she knows what she's doing?
She's a monkey. She imitates everything.
Yes, she's a bright little monkey, all right.
She wants her doll back.
- When she spells it.
- She doesn't know the thing has a name.
Of course not. Who expects her to now?
All I want is her fingers to learn the letters.
Won't mean anything to her.
She doesn't like that alphabet.
You invent it yourself?
Spanish monks under a vow of silence -which I wish you'd take.
Yes... Yes!
C... A... K...E.Yes.
You do as my fingers do.
Never mind what it means.
Now...  D...O...L...L.
Think it over.
Imitate now. Understand later.
End of the first lesson.
Oh, you little wretch.
Nobody's taught you any manners.
Helen? Helen!
Helen! Helen, let me out...
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