


Poaceae, the family of grasses. One of the most successful and ubiquitous plant lineages in the world. Members of this family are known for dominating dry treeless plains, hence the name grassland. Bamboos, however, are an anomaly. Contrasting with many of their iconic relatives, bamboos represent the only major grass lineage to diversify primarily in association with forests. Their superficial tree-like appearance, built by its strong stem, also stands them out in their family of “grasses.”


Not all bamboos are tall and mighty, though. As bamboos evolved from grassy ancestors (bamboos’ closest subfamily is Pooideae, containing wheat), naturally, groups that diverged early will have retained the ancestral “grassiness.” Bambusoideae, the taxonomic group bamboos belong to, has three subdivisions: the herbaceous bamboos, and two types of woody bamboos, the temperate woody bamboos and the tropical woody bamboos.


Evolutionary relationships of bamboos 竹子的演化关系

This is technically the more accurate and scientific version. 

Late Cretaceous, 70 million years ago. The group we today know as the grasses was still in its embryonic stage. Most likely in what is now South Asia, the first bamboo came to life, giving rise to the long lineage of bamboos that are to come.


The first major event to have occurred in bamboo evolution was during the Eocene 40 million years ago. The ancestral bamboo group diverged into two lineages, the herbaceous bamboos and the woody bamboos (both temperate and tropical). Both of them continue to this day and are classified both as bamboos. Because herbaceous bamboos diverged first, it is commonly believed that they represent the ancestral appearance for bamboos.


Caption: A herbaceous bamboo. This is its adult stage already.

Herbaceous bamboos like these used to be the most common bamboo, found throughout the whole world. However, they gradually declined, replaced by woody bamboos. Today, herbaceous bamboos can only be found in the Americas, except a single species of herbaceous bamboo living in Papua New Guinea. (Buergersiochloa bambusoides)

原先草本竹才是竹子家族中的优势种群,在全世界都有分布。然而,随着木本竹逐渐得势,草本竹也渐渐衰落,如今,除了一种分布于巴布亚新几内亚的草本竹 (Buergersiochloa bambusoides),其余草本竹都只在美洲有分布。

While all this is happening, at Oligocene around 31 million years ago, a series of complex hybridizations (which are actually pretty common in plants) gave rise to the ancestors of modern-day temperate and tropical woody bamboos. In fact, temperate woody bamboos have a tetraploid genome, two times of the normal diploid genome, meaning it has experienced at least one mass hybridization in its evolutionary history. Some tropical woody bamboos even have hexaploid genomes, indicating at least two hybridizations.


Based on their name “temperate”, temperate woody bamboos have adapted to live in conditions of high latitudes and altitudes, so most of the bamboos we imagine covered in snow belong to temperate woody bamboos. One innovation made by the temperate bamboos is the running bamboos.


Woody bamboos can be informally classified into two groups: clumping bamboos, or professionally called pachymorphs, and running bamboos, called leptomorphs. The ability to “run” allows one bamboo to spread rapidly and invasively, and in theory permits indeterminate extension. Not only do running bamboos possess an extraordinary ability to occupy available living space, their interconnected rhizomes also form an underground nutrition network, and the distancing between bamboos mean less competition than clumping bamboos, presenting them a significant advantage in competing with clumping bamboos. There are evidence of bamboos benefiting through deforestation by rapidly occupying those empty lands where they were previously obstructed.


Underground diagram for pachymorphs and leptomorphs. Most of temperate bamboos are running bamboos while most of tropical bamboos are clumping bamboos.

Temperate bamboos experienced a rapid diversification around the mid-Miocene as a result of the intensification of the East Asian Monsoon, bringing a moist climate that facilitated expansion. They even crossed the Bering Land Bridge and entered North America during the Pliocene, thus extending the territory of the temperate bamboos into the Americas and bringing a seemingly alien figure to this faraway continent.


Distribution map for different groups of Bambusoideae. Red represents temperate woody bamboos; blue represents tropical woody bamboos; purple represents herbaceous bamboos.

On the other hand, temperature fluctuations during the Oligocene-Miocene boundary caused a myriad of hybridizations (species living in different environments overlap due to those temperature fluctuations), promulgating the ancestors of the tropical woody bamboos. With the opportunity of the monsoons, they diversified from Southeast Asia both into the Americas and to Africa, where they left a lot of beautiful fossils.


Pollen fossils.   花粉化石

Bamboo stem fossil.  竹子茎化石

Vascular bundle fossil.   竹子维管束化石 

Map of bamboo fossils unearthed. One thing worth noting is that Europe, with the most dots on the map, has zero bamboos today.

One of the most characteristic publicities bamboos have is the widespread trivia of “bamboos being a kind of grass.” The fact that creates this surprise is the high lignification (woodification) taking place in bamboo culm (stem) cells, which is linked to their hybrid history (still remember it?). Today, every grass has genes that code the deposit of cellulose and lignin for basic support, though at a moderate level. However, since bamboos duplicated their genomes several times due to hybridization, some of their functions are magnified as well, for example the deposit of lignin. With tetraploid or even hexaploid genomes, the deposit of lignin is multiplied to a quantity enough to make the supposed grassy stems tree-like. And this of course explains why only the polyploid bamboos happen to all be woody while the herbaceous ones are normal diploids.


Bamboo growth diagram.    竹子生长图示

One cool fact for bamboos is the phenomenon that all bamboos of the same species flower and breed at the same time, and after that they die simultaneously. This is because bamboo saplings are extremely shade-intolerant, and their seeds are also vulnerable against hungry herbivores. Therefore, evolution has driven them to adopt a synchronized breeding event, maximizing the success rate for the next generation of bamboos by providing a shadeless habitat and overwhelming the predators with seeds.


Flower of bamboos before their death. 竹子枯萎前绽放的小白花

So this is the story of the bamboos. Since their establishment in the Late Cretaceous, they have persisted to this day with species numbering in the thousands and a truly global distribution. They no doubt innovated an unprecedented way of living and thrived in their own niche. And about how their future will turn out? No one knows, but we shall see.


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