

高中英语总复习经典易错题会诊与试题预测考点9 名词性从句









命题角度 1  名词性从句中连接词的正确选用

1 (典型例题)Mary wrote an article on __ the team had failed to win the game.

  A. why      B. wtat      C. who      D. that

  [考场错解]  BD

  [专家把脉]  许多考生都误以为what在本题中充当 failed的宾语,或认为空格后不缺成分,故选BD。实际上就本题而言,不难看出句意为“玛丽写了一篇关于队伍为何在比赛中失败的文章”,所以应该选用强调原因的why

  [对症下药]  A

2 (典型例题 ) A computer can only do __ you have instructed it to do.

A. how       B. after       C. what       D. when

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  很多考生都认为应选after,事实上从句子结构可知,空缺处应填引导宾词从句的引导词,作do的宾语,同时该词还是从句中do的宾语,因此,应该选用what

  [对症下药]  C

3.(典型例题) __ made the school proud was more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.

   A. What, because          B. What, that       C. That, what              D. That, because

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  许多考生由于受汉语思维方式的影响,选A.because用来强调原因,构成因果关系。本题主要是考查主语从句和表语从句,What用在句首引导主语从句,充当句子成分,而that不充当句子成分,只起连结作用。

  [对症下药]  B

4.(典型例题)His ability has never been in doubtthe  question is        he is prepared to work hard.

  A. whether   B. if         C. that       D. where

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  很多同学对whetherif的用法一知半解,尽管二者都有“是否”的意思,但在主语、表语或同位语从句中只能用whether,不能用if

  [对症下药]  A

5.(典型例题) He cant answer the question       hegot the money.

  A. what                    B. that            C. how                     D. where

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  许多考生知道这是一个同位语从句,在定性思维中认为同位语从句用出at引导,事实上同位语从句也可用whenwherewhy等来引导,不一定只用that.

  [对症下药]  C



He told me (that) he would leave soon.


  Right:What he said was true.


    That he came late made the teacher angry.



1   I try to understand __ prevents them from being as happy as one might expect although they are so rich.

A. that     B. what     C. it        D. whether

答案: B


2   Although Mary is happy with her success she wonders __ will happen to her private life.

A. that     B. this     C. it        D. what

答案: D


3   The dealer told me how much he was prepared to pay for my car and __ I could have the money without delay.

A. what     B. that     C.不填       D. whether

答案: B


1         I have found out __ they will ask to lead the vic- tory march on Saturday.

A. when     B. where     C. whom      D. what

答案: C


5   It was not until dark       he found          he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.

A. that; what          B. that; that       C. when; that          D. when; that

答案: A


命题角度 2  that引导的宾语从句,wh-引导的宾语从句以及某些特殊词后所跟的宾语从句

1.(典型例题) As soon as he comes back, I will tell him when        and see him.

A. you will come           B. will you come      C. you come                D. do you come

[考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  本题是when引导的一个宾语从句,在名词性从句中,其从句部分一律用陈述语序,故应该用you will come

[对症下药]  A

2.( 典型例题庆) The old ladys hand shook frequenfiy, She explained to her doctor __ this shaking had begun half a year before, and        , only because of this,she had been forced to give up her job.

  A. when; how               B. how; when        C. how; how                D. why; why

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  本题考查的是动词explain后引导的宾语从句的引导词选用。第一空用how较易,但第二空很多考生填when,其实在前一分句中已有时间状语,故此处用when明显不对,仍然用how引导,即“她是如何被迫放弃工和的”。

  [对症下药]  C

3.(典型例题) The leaders of the battle ordered all of us        the work on time.

  A. if;finished              B. that;finish         C. whether; finished        D. what; finished

[考场错解]  AC

[专家把脉]  许多考生认为AC答案均讲得通,即“任务是否要以接时完成”,但本题由于受ordered这个词的限制,应该选B。其中finishshould finish的省略形式。

[对症下药]  B

4.(典型例题) Most of the university students are confident __ they can get a good job with higher pay.

  A. whether   B. that      C. where    D. when

[考场错解]  AC

  [专家把脉]  部分考生由于不知confident的含义,因而给做本题造成麻烦,confident为“有信心的,信心十足的”,作表语时其后跟that引导的宾语从句。

  [对症下药]  B

5.(典型例题都) We find __ necessary __ we practise English every day.

  A. it;/                B. it;that            C. its;/               D. its;that

[考场错解]  AD

  [专家把脉]  许多考生认为necessary是一个形容词,故前面该用be动词。事实上当主语的谓动词为make findsee等时,用it替换从句,此时it用作形式宾语。

  [对症下药]  B



   He has told me that he will go to Shanghaitomorrow.他已经告诉我他明天要去上海。

   注意:在demandordersuggestdecide等表示要求、命令、建议、决定等意义的动词后,hat从句 常用“(should)+动词原形”的结构。


   I want to know what he has told you.我想知道他告诉了你什么。



 例句:I am confident that I can get the job.我有信心我可以得到这份工作。


1   We cant figure out __ quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out.

A.that      B. as         C. why       D. when

答案: C


2   A modem city has been set up in __ was a waste- land ten years ago.

A. what     B. which     C. that      D. where

答案: A

解析:what此时作介词set up in的宾词并在宾词从句中充当主语。  

3   Mr Smith suggested that all of the students __ their exercise books.

A. handed in              B. should hand in  C. handing in             D. that hand in

答案: B


4   After five hoursdrive, they reached __ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.

    A. that                   B. where     C. which                  D. what

答案: D


5   It is certain         little Tom can work out such a difficult problem.

    A. whether                B. that

C. if                     D. when

答案: B


命题角度 3     thatwh-引导的主语从句及形式主语的几种主要句型

1.(典型例题)After Yany Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,        our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.

A. where     B. what      C. that       D. how

  [考场错解]  CD

  [专家把脉]  本题考查主语从句。首先排除C,因为该主语从句缺成分,而that不充当任何成分的。where how只能充当状语成分,而本句缺少do的宾语,因此应选B.

  [对症下药]  B

2.(典型例题)        has been announced that we shall have our final exam next month.

   A. As       B. It        C. What     D. That

  [考场错解]  AC

  [专家把脉]  考生误以为是定语从句,把that后的内容部分当作一句话用作先行词。如果改成: has been announcedwe shall have our... ,用As尚可。本句应该用It充当形式主语,真正的主语是that之后的内容。

  [对症下药]  B

3.(典型例题) It is a shame __ we lost that expensive car.

  A. that       B. when      C. as        D. if

  [考场错解]  BD

  [专家把脉]  很多考生不知道It在本句中作形式主语。本句实际上是It iswas a+名词+that结构。

  [对症下药]  A

4.(典型例题)_ seems to be a fact       he didnt go to attend the meeting.

  A. That;that            B. What;that     C. It;which             D. It;that

  [考场错解]  AB

  [专家把脉]  考生易误以为用that放在句首,来引导主语从句,事实上本题是“It seemshappensappears that...”句型。h在句中充当形式主语。

  [对症下药]  D

5.(典型例题)__ I have done is only for you.

  A. What                 B. Why      C. Whatever             D. Where


  [专家把脉]  许多考生认为此题用What引导主语从匀,事实上从句意角度分析会发现应该用Whatever,意为我做的任何事都是为了你”

[对症下药]  C




 That he passed the English test is true.

 It is true that he passed the English test.


  It + be + 名词 + that从句

  It is a pity that...可惜的是,用于此句型的名词还有factshamehonorquestion等。

    It + be + 形容词 + that从句

  It is certain that...很肯定,可用于此句型的形容词还有clearbetternaturalimportantneeessary.

    It + be + 动词的过去分词 + that从句

    It is said that...据说,可用于此句型的过去分词还有believedknownreported等。

    It + 不及物动词 + that从句

: It seems that...好像是……似乎……



1   __ there is life on another planet is almost impossible.

A. How      B. That      C. why      D. Whether

答案: B


2   __ in the newspaper that the Japanese minister will arrive next week.

    A. It says                B. It is said    C. It has said            D. He is said

答案: B


3   __ is still a secret when the president will make a public speech.

A. That     B. He      C. What     D. It

答案: D


4   __ China is a developing country is known to all.

    A. That               B. When

C. If                 D. Why

答案: A


5   __ the hidden gun was needed

    A. Where; discovering      B. When; to find

C. How much; finding      D. How, to discover

答案: A


命题角度 4    thatwh-疑问词引导的表语从句及从属连词引导的表语从句、同位语从句

1.(典型例题) A stroy goes __ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.

A. when     B. where     C. what     D. that

[考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  同位语从句考查。本题若从句紧跟在 story后面,就比较容易看出成分,而为避免句子头重脚轻,把story与它的同位语分隔开了;wherewhenwhat不引导同位语从句,故最佳选项为D。类似的句子还有: Word came that the Mayor would come to visit our school

  [对症下药]  D

2.(典型例题京)Are you still thinking about yesterdays game?

oh, thats __

A. what makes me feel excited

B. whatever feels me about

C. how I feel about it

D. when I feel excited

  [考场错解]  CD

  [专家把脉]  B项本身表达有误。考生选CD则没有完全弄清本题的含义。答语中表达的意思并不是“如何”感觉,也不是“何时”感觉到兴奋,而是说“那就是使我倍感兴奋的原因(兴奋之处)”。

  [对症下药]  A

3.(典型例题) There is a feeling in me         we will never know what a UFO is like.

  A. that      B. which     C. of which  D. what

  [考场错解)  B

  [专家把脉]  考生认为用which来引导一个定语从句,事实上本题是一个同位语从句,中心词是feeling。若理解成定语从句,删去定语部分以后该句句意不通。

  [对症下药]  A

4.(典型例题江) The question he asked was __ the electrical equipment should be stored.

  A. what       B. which     C. where     D. because

  [考场错解]  D

  [专家把脉]  考生忽略了题目所给予的信息,本题空缺处之后部分成分齐全,根据句意,可以用表地点的 where来引导表语从句,句意为“他问电力设备应安置在那儿”。

  [对症下药]  C

5.(典型例题) The question is        we should ask them for help.

A. that            B. whether   C. if              D. why

  [考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  从句意角度不难看出应该填表示“是否,能否”这个含义的词,值得注意的是订不能引导表语从句,故选B

  [对症下药]  B



  基本结构:主语 + 系动词 + that从句例句:

    The fact is that we have lost the game.


That is why I tell you the news.那就是我为什么告诉你这个消息的原因。

  3.从属连词as if,boecause,just as等引导的表语从句

    It is because I have ever heard of the story.那是因为我曾经听说过这个故事。


  同位语从句通常由that引导,可用于同位语从句的名词有advicedemanddoubtfacthopeidea informationmessagenewsorderproblempromise questionrepuestsuggestiontruthwishword等。


1   The reason she gave for not being present was __ the heavy snow prevented her coming.

A. /; because             B. why; because

C. /; that                D. why; whether

答案: C


2   The possbility __ the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.

A. which    B. /         C. that      D. what

答案: C


3   He doesnt know        is         he was born.

A. that/where              B. that/what     C. where/that               D. what/where

答案: A


4   What she  wants  to  know  is           dress  she should buy.

A. that      B. what      C. which    D. why

答案: C


5   He asked the question __ this material can stand high temperature.

A. what      B. why       C. whether   D. when

答案: C



预测角度 1    名词性从句中,从句部分的语序要用陈述语序,不能用疑问语序

1.(经典题)These photographs will show you

  A. what our village looks like

  B. what does our village look like

  C. how our village look like

  D. how does our village look like

  [解题思路]  本题中空格部分明显作动词show的宾语,由于look like是及物动词短语,本句中缺少宾语,故应选用能充当宾语的what,排除CD答案。在AB答案中,由于what引导的从句作宾语,即是一个宾语从句,所以应该用陈述语序,B项显然是疑问语序。

  [解答]  A

预测角度 2    that引导同位语从句与定语从句的区别

2.The news       our team won the match was true.

  A. if     B. that       C. whether      D. why

  [解题思路]   在本句中,that在从句中不作成分,删去后为The news was true,意思完整,因此是个同位语从句。判断是定语从句还是同位语从句,关键看出at从句部分有无意义,是否作句子成分。

  [解答]  B

 预测角度 3    Whetherif在名词性从句中的用法区别

3.    well go camping next week depends on the weather.

A. If                         B. Whether   C. That                       D. Where

[解题思路]  尽管whetherif都作“如果,是否”理解,但订不能引导主语从句,同位语从句和表语从句,而 whether却可以引导。

[解答]  B


1.  Can you tell me __ ?

    A. who is that woman         B. who the woman is

C. whom is the woman         D. that woman is

答案: B


2.  Father made a promise __ I passed the examination he would buy me a new dictionary.

    A. that                    B. if   C. whether                 D. that if

答案: D


3.  There is some doubt __ she will be able to repay the money on time.

  A. that        B. if   C. what        D. whether

答案: D




1   The teacher demanded that our examination paper   handed in at once.

A. be               B. must be       C. would be            D. had to be

答案: A

解析:某些动词,如demandsuggestorder等后接 that从句时用should do结构,should可以省略。

2   We all agree with him on __ he said.

A. what      B. that      C. why      D. how

答案: A


3   We must do well __ the party assigns us to do.

A. that       B. what      C. which     D. those

答案: B


4   I will give this dictionary to __ wants to have it.

A. whomever  B. whoever   C. whatever  D. wherever

答案: B


5   Im sorry __ your mother is iii.

A. whom     B. if        C. that      D. how

答案: C


6   We think it important __ we should keep the balance of nature.

A. whether    B. what      C. that       D. which

答案: B


7   I hope __ happy while you are here.

A. you to be                B. for your being

C. you will be               D. you being

答案: C

解析:希望某人做某事,不可用hope sb to do sthhope后不接动名词结构,但可接宾语从句。

8   We all know the news       he told her.

A. to which   B. /        C. what     D. at that

答案: B


9   Word has come __ some American guests will come for a visit to our college next week.

A. what       B. that       C. whether   D. when

答案: B


10  Things were not __ they seemed to be.

  A. what     B. because   C. that       D. where

答案: A


11  When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as ifit

  A. breaks                 B. has broken

C. were broken            D. had been broken

答案: C

解析:as if引导的表语从句中,谓动词有时,可用虚拟语气,如本题中“铅笔似乎断了”实际上未断。

12  The reason I plan to go is __ if I dont.

    A. because she will be disappointed

    B. that she will be disappointed

    C. because she will be disappointed

D. on account of she will have a disappointed

答案: B


13       the old mans sons wanted to know was __ the gold had been hidden.

    A. That; what            B. What; where           C. What; that           D. What; if

答案: B


14  __ knows the truth will tell you about it.

    A. Who that              B. Whoever

C. Whom that             D. That who

答案: B


15  It worried her a bit __ her hair was tunrning grey.

A. while    B. that      C. if        D. for

答案: B


16        is known to all that WTO stands for World  Trade Organization.

A. Which   B. What     C. As       D. It

答案: D


17  The fact       she works hard is well known to us.

A. that     B. what     C. why      D. which

答案: A


18  The mountain is no longer __ it used to be.

A. which   B. that      C. as       D. what

答案: D


19  We know little about the young lady except __  you told me.

A. what     B. that      C. how      D. /

答案: A


20  __ proves that my advice is right.

    A. It will happen that      B. That has happened

C. What has happened     D. When it happened

答案: C


21  I know nothing about her except __ she is from Canada.

A. how      B. when     C. that       D. why

答案: C


22  What a pity__ is __you didnt arrive by daylight.

    A. there; because          B. it; that               C. he ;when              D. that; for

答案: B

解析:it充当形式主语,此句结构可还原成:It is a pity that...

23  __ we can? t get seems better than __ we have.

    A. What; what          B. What; that

C. That; that             D. That; what

答案: A


24  Its not yet clear __ of those will be chosen to do the job.

A. that      B. whom     C. which     D. whose

答案: C


25  It is probable __ he told her everything.

A. who     B. which    C. why      D. that


解析:It iswas+形容词+that结构。

26  __ you go or stay make any no differences.

A. If       B. When     C. That      D. Whether

答案: D


27  It doesnt matter          I rest or not.

A. if       B. whether   C. that      D. when

答案: B

解析:whetheror not连用,if则不可。

28  __ is still a secret when the president will make a public speech.

A. That   B. He     C. What    D. It

答案: D


29  It worried her a bit __ her hair was turning grey.

A. while   B. that      C. if       D. whether

答案: B


30  __ breaks the law should be punished.

    A. No matter who        B. Whoever              C. All                  D. Who

答案: B

解析:whoever引导主语从句,no matter who虽语 意相同,但不能引导主语从句。

31  __ is to practise using English often.

    A. That you should do     B. Which you should do

C. What you should do    D. Whatever you do

答案: C


32  I believe         youve done your best and__ things will be proved.

A. that;/  B./;/     C. what;that D./;that

答案: D


33  The fire destroyed __ was in the building.

A. all      B. what     C. that      D. which

答案: B


34  She dresses well,but the trouble is __ the clothes she is wearing dont go with each other very well.

A. even if  B. whether   C. that      D. if

答案: C


35  The suggestion __ students should learn some practical English is worth considering.

A. if      B. which    C. /        D. that

答案: D


36  __ they dont like us is very clear.

A. What    B. That      C. Which    D. Where

答案: B


37  __ yonve all had a wonderful vacation.

    A. It would be good that  B. It is good that

C. It was good that        D. It will be good that

答案: B

解析:It iswas + 形容词 + that结构。

38  __ the headmaster is not coming to the sports meeting.

    A. It sems that            B. It seem that                  C. It seems              D. It seemed

答案: A

解析:It seemsseemed that…结构。

39  Has it been announced __ the planes are to take off?

A. when     B. if        C. which     D. what

答案: A


40  It has not been decided yet __ the meeting will start.

A. when     B. why       C. where     D. now

答案: A


41  I dont doubt       he will come.

A. that      B. if        C. what      D. whether

答案: A


42  Its not clear      he did it.

A. who      B. which     C. whom     D. why

答案: A


43  I missed a word here in the sentence.

    Well, thats __ you were mistaken.

A. when    B. what      C. where     D. why

答案: D


44  There are three books on the desk. I dont know     one he will choose.

A. whose   B. which    C. that what  D. what

答案: C


45  The old man was shocked by       had happened to her son.

A. whom   B. which    C. what     D. that

答案: C


46  Never take __ for granted that I will help you.

A. that     B. it        C. which    D. that

答案: B


47  Jack said __ to meet the American friends.

    A. he pleased            B. he is pleased

C. that he was pleased    D. what he was pleased

答案: C


48  Lei Feng was always thinking of __ he could help others.

A. that     B. how      C. when     D. which

答案: B


49  The green typewriter is mine.

Do you know whose typewriter      ?

    A. is this blue one        B. this blue one               C. is this blue            D. this blue one is

答案: D


50  It depends on __ we have enough time.

A. if        B. ff or not  C. that      D. whether

答案: D

解析:if 不能引导主语从句,表语从句和宾语从句,当表达“是否”时只能用whether


  One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I  51  that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction,  52  he knew me. The man had a newspaper   53   in front of him, which he was   54  to read,but I could   55  that he was keeping an eye on me. when the waiter brought my  56  the man was clearly puzzled(困惑) by the  57  way in which the waiter and I   58  each other. He seened even more puzzled as   59 went on and it became  60  that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got.

    Up and went into the  61  . When he came out,he paid his bill and  62  without another glance in my direction. I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had   63  . Well,he said, that man ws a detective (侦探). He  64 you here because he though you were the man he  65  . what?I said,showing my   66  . The owner continued, He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I  67  say he looked very much like you ! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had madea  68  . Well,its really  69  Icametoa restaurant where Im known,I said.   70   ,I might have been in trouble.

51. A. knew                   B. understood

C. noticed                  D. recognized

答案: C


52. A. since       B. ever if   C. though    D. as if

答案: D


53. A. flat        B. open      C. cut       D. fnted

答案: B


54. A. hoping     B. thinking   C. pretending D. continuing

答案: C


55. A. see        B. find       C. guess     D. learn

答案: A


56. A. menu       B. bill       C. paper     D. food

答案: D


57. A. dircet      B. familiar  C. strange   D. funny

答案: B


58. A. chatted with            B. looked at

C. laughed at              D. talked about

答案: A

解析:chaaed with意为“闲聊”,符合语境。

59. A. the waiter  B. time      C. I         D. the dinner

答案: B

解析:As time went on为固定用法,意为“随着时间推移”。

60. A. true        B. hopeful   C. clear     D. possible

答案: C


61. A. restaurant   B. washroom C. office     D. kitchen

答案: D


62. A. left                    B. acted                       C. sat down                D. calmed down

答案: A


63. A. wanted     B. tried      C. ordered   D. wished

答案: A


64. A. met         B. caught    C. followed   D. discovered

答案: C


65. A. was to beat             B. was dealing with

C. was to meet              D. was looking for

答案: D


66. A. care        B. surprise   C. worry     D. regret

答案: B


67. A. must       B. can       C. need      D. may

答案: A


68. A. dicovery    B. mistake   C. decision   D. fortune

答案: B

解析:make a mistake意为“犯了错误”。

69. A. a pity      B. natural    C. a chance  D. lucky

答案: D


70. A. Thus       B. Howver   C. Otherwise D. Therefore

答案: C



    此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾 ();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





Dear friends,

     It is real a good chance to have met all of you here.


答案: real改为really

We have spent several precious weekend in learning in the


答案: weekend改为weekends

English Club, Although we have been members for a short


答案: 正确

period of time, we have made a great progress,That is


答案: 去掉a

because we are all very much active and the activities are not


答案: 去掉much

only enjoyable and also helpful. Besides, the foreign teachers


答案: and改为but

here work hard and try his best to make the activities


答案: his改为their

lively and interested. I am very pleased to say that all of


答案: interested改为interesting

us greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am


答案: us后加上have

looking forward to see all of you again in the near future !


答案: see改为seeing

Thank you.




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