

Xiang Lingyun: How black is to destroy the world

How black is to destroy the world (good depth article)

Xiang Lingyun 06-11 03:37 Complaints Reading: 38688

First of all, please think about it: If all the United States are black, and there is no other race, there will be no racial discrimination, will black people become better? You will know by reading this article.

Detroit was originally known as the capital of the world's auto industry. It was the birthplace of the three major American auto giants—Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, and the industrial center of the central and northern United States. However, since the large number of blacks moved into Detroit, social security has deteriorated sharply, whites have fled, and the economy has gone bankrupt. Many abandoned houses have become a lair for black criminals and drug addicts. For more than a decade, Detroit has ranked among the nation's "most dangerous cities".

How did the black people destroy Detroit?

"Political correctness" and black issues

In the environment of fashionable and "politically correct" media and public opinion led by the American left, it is difficult to publish and discuss the reasons for Detroit's true bankruptcy. Because it involves the "black problem" that no one in the United States dares to provoke and is unwilling to touch, and of course there is also the "Democratic left-wing ideology" issue that the leftist media does not want to mention.

One obvious difference between Detroit and other big cities in the United States is that it has the highest proportion of black people in the largest cities in the northern United States, at 82.7%. Where there are many black people, public security is not good. This is an obvious fact (but it is an issue that the American media does not want to mention or dare to touch). Like New York, the largest city in the United States, the "Black Harlem" in Manhattan's black area, even when going there during the day, has a lingering fear, because the streets are full of idle, brutal and violent black men. In the United States, people are used to "political correctness" and do not talk about the problem of poor security in the black area, but when choosing to live, they obviously vote with their feet. Just like Susan Sontag, a white female literary critic who called "white people are cancers of the United States", she never lived in the black area, and lived in the prosperous, almost white, wealthy man in Manhattan until her death. People area. She is white herself, why not commit suicide because she is "a cancer of the United States"! The hypocritical white left like Sontag is the real devil that harms the United States and humanity!

The fundamental problem with Detroit is that the city has a high proportion of blacks, which has led to the election of the Detroit mayor, government, and parliament as black leftists (Democrats). Although the United States is a two-party system, in Detroit, it has been one-party in power for half a century, and the left has been in power. In the United States, the vast majority of blacks support the left-wing Democrats. Obama was re-elected as president, receiving 95% of the black votes; Clinton also received nearly 80%.

Blacks mostly support the left-wing Democratic Party, so the elected black left mayors and parliamentarians are keen to implement policies similar to the "Northern Left" such as big government, high taxation, high welfare, and criminal tolerance. You don’t have the ability to make money from the rich, but you will spend more money and lose money than the rich, so what awaits you is a disaster. The blacks plus the left are the source of the Detroit disaster.

This phenomenon is not only in the United States. For example, in South Africa, the largest country in Africa, after the white regime was ended, black people had been in power. The Mandela of South Africa implemented the same policy as the black left of Detroit, and as a result dragged South Africa into the same abyss of disaster: South Africa’s unemployment rate is as high as 25%, the homicide rate and rape rate are among the highest in the world, and the number of people living with HIV is among the highest in the world. 52.1 years old, nearly 20 years lower than the era of white rule!

South African blacks have only been in power for more than 20 years, spoiling the country that was once known as the "Pearl of Africa". The blacks of the Detroit Left Democrats have been in power for more than 40 years. If it were not for such a good environment in the United States, Detroit would have been poorer than Africa.

According to the proportion of ethnic groups, African Americans are the ethnic group receiving the most welfare coupons. After the arrival of black President Barack Obama, the distribution of welfare coupons in the United States became more lenient, and even reached a "rampant" level. When Obama took office, as many as 48 million people in the United States received welfare coupons. Almost every six Americans received benefits. The fact is, there is no such thing as one out of six people in the United States. Too many people are exploiting welfare opportunities. There is a high proportion of black people in Detroit, and more people receive benefits. Welfare is available. Those black people wandering around abandoned houses in ghost towns and wandering on the streets of Harlem in Manhattan’s black district can stop working because they can lie on welfare to eat others and eat the wealth of hardworking creators. Many renovations, cleaning, and yard repairs in the United States are done by Mexicans and other Hispanics. Why can't black people do these jobs? It is because they have become "nobles" who do not need to work (because they have welfare to eat).

Black people can lead a welfare life and do not want to work, so they need to find something to vent their strong energy, such as drug abuse, promiscuity, and violent crime. American black teenagers popular a cruel game: they hang out on the street, randomly choose an innocent stranger, attack from behind, punch the head and neck of passers-by, and then post the video to show off how powerful and how powerful they are Manly. Many innocent American citizens were injured, seriously injured and even killed.

The same happened in South Africa, where black people rule. Of the 50 million people in South Africa, up to 15 million people (nearly a quarter of the population) receive various government relief. The huge welfare expenditures have strained the already constrained South African economy.

In the name of freedom, the left-wing Democratic Party holds high the banner of "goodness" and "higher morality" and finds various reasons to tolerate criminals. When Mandela was elected president, he announced the abolition of the death penalty. As a result, the homicide rate in South Africa soared. According to the South African "Citizen" poll, up to 98.1% of South Africans favor the reinstatement of the death penalty, but Mandela refused. In places such as Detroit, where black leftists are in power, crime is rampant, which is directly related to the Democratic Party's "view of freedom". They protect criminals on the grounds of human rights, but at the same time they are enthusiastic about hype "racial issues." If there is a case of whites killing blacks, the left-wing media in the United States must hype them up, inciting blacks to go on the streets and intensifying ethnic conflicts. However, in Detroit and Chicago, where there are many black people, there are black people killing black people almost every day, but not only is there no hype, they are not even treated as news, and "killing" is normal. Whether in Detroit or South Africa, the deterioration of law and order is related to the incompetence of the black left-wing power holders. While lacking the ability to govern the country or the city, they are severely poisoned by the white left ideology.

Since the election of the first black mayor, Coleman, in 1973, Detroit's economy and security have worsened. Because he charged more taxes to the rich (mostly white) and then paid benefits to the poor (mostly black). The white people felt unfair and fled, but the black people were happy, so he was re-elected, and the mayor was for 20 years!

The former black mayor, Kvarm Kilpatrick (6 years in office), was sentenced to 20 years in prison for 24 crimes including fraud, extortion, corruption, and bribery. The current black mayor, Dai Weibing, is a retired NBA player. According to a report by Fox TV reporter John Stossel, the black star mayor is also corrupt and incompetent. He took public luxury limousines to "nightclubs" as many as 50 times, and also inserted 29 relatives and friends into the municipal government department. Why the Detroit city government is so corrupt but can continue to hold power, because they have the support of black people, many black people do not ask right and wrong, only ask skin color.

And black leaders are keen to incite "black-and-white confrontation" and bring everything to "blacks are discriminated against." In the 1960s, as a result of this incitement, black residents of Detroit clashed with white society (43 people were killed, 1,100 were injured, and 2,900 shops and buildings were destroyed). "Escape" incident. The middle-class white people who paid the most tax escaped, and Detroit's taxation and security were even worse. This is the same as the current black ruling South Africa: the Mandela promoted black racism, and as a result, white people fled in large numbers, and public order and economic deterioration.

So some people lamented that fortunately, American blacks only account for 13% of the population. If the majority is like South Africa, the US president may always be black (the prospect of white people being elected president in South Africa is not seen). Obama is an enlarged version of the black mayor of Detroit, and he wants to lead the United States on the road to bankruptcy. Fortunately, the US President is only allowed to serve two terms. The possibility of the next election of a black president in the United States is zero. It is no longer the left-wing ruling party such as Obama that the United States can avoid Detroit-style bankruptcy.

As a "black elite", Obama shouted to bridge the gap between races, but his approach obviously continued to play "ethnic cards" to win the favor of black people. In his speech, he emphasized that black people are discriminated against in the United States, saying that black men are not responsible for their families (most black men only care about their daily care, and they use any means to engage in big women's stomachs and then run away. 70% of American black children are Single-parent families are mainly raised by single mothers, I don’t know where my father is) because of “black men lack economic opportunities”, and criticized that black people live in too few local parks, too few patrol police officers, and improper garbage management. The policy "created a cycle of black violence".

Obama has been criticized for playing the "race card" because it is not conducive to ethnic harmony, nor is it true of the United States. In fact, in terms of education, employment, housing, etc., black Americans have received special preferential treatment from the government (from federal, state, and local) policy regulations, and even more because of the "Black Care Act" (ie, the Equal Rights Act). For example, many government care rooms (house prices are much lower than the market price) are obtained by black people. In terms of employment and enrollment, even if the test scores or degree are the same, because of the "Black Care Act", blacks are preferentially admitted and hired. Asians because of the "Black Care Act" led to the situation that Asians were squeezed out of university places by poor blacks despite their good academic performance. Black people not only gain equality, they even get "privileges"! Bring "inequality" to other ethnic groups.

Obama not only ignored the improvement of black status (even to enjoy privileges), but also avoided the serious problems of blacks themselves. For example, the United States is often criticized as one of the countries with the highest crime rates in the world, but it is rarely mentioned that black crime accounts for a very large proportion. According to statistics from the US Department of Justice in 2003, 21 of the 1,000 black men aged 18 to 19 were in prison. Of the 1,000 black men aged 20 to 24, 70 were in prison. This ratio is 7 times that of white people. In 2004, black males between 14 and 24 years old accounted for only 1% of the total population of the United States, but accounted for 26% of homicides nationwide. 15% of homicides in the United States occurred between black people of the same age.

Although there is a "Black Care Act", blacks receive special care when they go to college, but only blacks who can complete university studies and get a diploma account for only 17% of blacks. Although public middle schools and elementary schools in the United States do not charge tuition fees and have free school bus transfers, the dropout rate of black students is the highest among all ethnic groups. The US government invests more in education in urban areas where blacks are concentrated than in suburban and township areas where there are more white children. This is more obvious in Boston, Chicago, and St. Louis. The most typical one is Washington, the capital of the United States with a high percentage of blacks (blacks gather for good welfare). The government spends $15,000 per student per year (much higher than the national average), but the average score of students there At the bottom of the United States.

In 2002, the book "Black Pride and Black Prejudice", written by two American scholars, said that according to a sample survey, blacks are more "anti-Semitic" than whites. A quarter of blacks even believe that AIDS was invented by white doctors in the laboratory, specifically for genocide blacks; at the same time, nearly half of blacks said that drugs and guns in the black community were provided by the CIA and FBI in the United States to allow Black people kill each other. The book concludes, "It is the black people's prejudice against other ethnic groups that has led them to believe others' prejudice against them."

Hispanic and Asian Americans do have "views" on black people. According to polls in the mid-1990s in the United States, Hispanics and Asians are more inclined than whites to think that blacks "living on welfare" and "cannot manage their own affairs." Recent polls show that 44% of Hispanics say they fear blacks "because they cause a lot of crimes"; among Asians, the proportion of empathy is higher, accounting for 47%.

Obama mentioned in his autobiography that once his white grandmother was waiting for a bus, a black young man kept asking her for a dollar non-stop and aggressively. She told Obama, "If it is not for the bus to come, I think he will break my head." But Obama thinks this is his grandmother's prejudice against black people.

Not to mention Latinos, Asians and whites, even blacks themselves are afraid of blacks. Black pastor Jesse, who had competed for the failure of the Democratic presidential nominee. Jackson (JesseJackson) said a famous saying in 1993: "I live to this age, nothing is more painful than this: walking in the streets and hearing footsteps in the back, thinking that it may be robbery, But looking back, it was white, so he was relieved."

Stephen Holmes, a black reporter from the New York Times, recalled that when he worked hard and worked hard in 1999 and drove a taxi in New York at night, "My tolerance and racial solidarity are tested every night, when I dress specially, especially when I wear Nike. When the black youth in the shoes called for a car on the roadside, most of the time I didn’t stop... If I didn’t do this, a wrong judgment might kill me.” When Holmes drove a taxi in New York, there were The two were robbed by black youths.

Why didn't Obama dare to criticize the ugliness of his own ethnic group and help black people to really get healthy, but he would play the "race card"? Because he was sensitive to "black and white" since he was a child, he wrote in his autobiography: "My father is completely different from the people around me. His skin is as black as asphalt, but my mother is as white as milk. Impressed." But the main reason is probably because Obama made "bad friends": in the past two decades since his youth, he has been influenced by black racist and his pastor Wright. On September 5, the fifth day after the terrorist attack in the United States and the death of 3,000 people, Wright said in the church sermon: "We threw atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Changqi, and more people were killed than the collapse of the World Trade Center. None blinked. We treated Palestinians and black South Africans with national terrorism, and now we are angry because people use the same way in our courtyard. This is American self-reliance!" Wright said in other sermons that it was the US government AIDS was invented to genocide black people. "The US government gave black drugs and guns to cruel black people, but asked us to sing'God bless America.' No, no, no, God cursed the United States!"

But Obama has maintained a "friendship" with such a crazy black priest for two decades, with the father and son and "soul partner". Obama is married, Wright is the main wedding. Obama’s two daughters became Christians and were baptized by Wright. Even when Obama made the decision to run for the Democratic nominee, he also prayed with Wright. Wright became Obama's "mental mentor."

After Wright's anti-American fanaticism was widely criticized, Obama also guarded his pastor friends, saying that Wright and his church are the embodiment of the whole black. Later, Wright's speech directly affected his own campaign. At the call of the media and staff, he had to endure the pain and cut off his relationship with Wright. But over the years, the mentality of black racism, black persecution and delusion represented by Wright has long taken root in black people, so that black people will only push their own problems to other races without repentance.

In addition to Detroit and South Africa, the achievements of black people are: Haiti was very rich during the French rule. In 1780, about 40% of the sugar and 60% of the coffee in the European market were produced in Haiti. After the independence of black people in the 19th century, Haiti became the poorest in the Americas Chaotic place. Somalia is strategically located. During the British colonial era, it was a luxurious resort and shipping center in the world (just like Hong Kong and Singapore). After independence, black people fell into a civil war. Now they are poor and chaotic, and are rich in pirates. Zimbabwe is a fertile land. During the period of white rule, agriculture was developed. It was known as the "African bread basket" and exported a lot of agricultural products. However, after 1980, black people in Zimbabwe overthrew white rule. These black people did not even have a good IQ! Zimbabwe has become a grain importer from a grain exporter, and hyperinflation has become one of the poorest countries in Africa. Liberia was once known as the "Little America". In the early 19th century, the United States bought this land to establish the Republic of Liberia in the early 19th century. The Liberian Constitution was modeled on the American Constitution, and the national regime and institutions followed the example of the United States. A lot of aid has been given, but Liberia is now one of the world’s least developed countries announced by the United Nations... The question I raised at the beginning: "If the entire United States is black, there is no other race, there will be no racial discrimination. Will the Negro become better?" Now everyone knows the answer!

(中文原文链接:http://t.cn/A6Lvv9uU  英文译文:谷歌翻译)

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