

著名版画家高荣生木刻插图 老舍小说《四世同堂》共二十帧


老舍小说《四世同堂》 共二十帧

A famous painter; Gao Rongsheng;

 woodcut illustrations

Lao She's novel 

'four generations under one roof'

 (twenty frames)


Novel original.Lao She

         老舍(1899年2月3日—1966年8月24日)北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、作家,语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作有《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、剧本《茶馆》。老舍的一生,总是忘我地工作,他是文艺界当之无愧的“劳动模范”。 2017年9月,中国现代文学长篇小说经典《四世同堂》由东方出版中心出版上市。这是该作自发表以来第一次以完整版形式出版 。

     Lao She (February 3, 1899 - August 24, 1966) Beijing Manchu is a red flag person. Chinese modern novelist, writer, master of language, artist of the people, the first author of 'people's artist' in new china. The representative works include 'camel Xiangzi', 'four generations under one roof', and 'teahouse'. Lao She's life is always selfless work, he is worthy of literature and art 'model worker''. In September 2017, the classic novel 'four generations under one roof' was published and published by the Oriental publishing center. This is the first time it has been published in full form since its publication.


Woodcut illustration. Gao Rongsheng

       高荣生,男,1952年生于北京。中央美术学院版画系教授。1982年毕业于中央美术学院版画系(科),毕业留校任教至今。现任中央美术学院版画系第五工作室主任 、中国美术家协会插图装帧艺委会委员,作品以版画及插图为主。代表作:版画《紫禁城》、《钟楼》、《老房子》、《树》等,插图《老张的哲学》、《不说谎的人》、《四世同堂》、《巴山夜雨》、《钻石项圈奇案》等。作品曾多次在全国性美展中获奖及被中国美术馆、大英博物馆、德国路德维希博物馆、美国波兰特博物馆收藏。著述:《黑白涉步》、《插图创作中的语言转换》等。

     Gao Rongsheng, male, born in Beijing in 1952. Professor of printmaking at China Central Academy of Fine Arts. 1982 graduated from the printmaking department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts (Science), Graduate School to teach so far. The printmaking department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of the fifth studio Chinese Artists Association, member of Art Council of graphic illustrations and illustration works in print, mainly. Representative: print 'Forbidden City', 'tower', 'old house', the 'tree', 'Zhang's philosophy,' illustrations 'don't lie', 'Sishitongtang', '', 'diamond necklace I hope of reunion among friends.'. Works on many occasions in the national art exhibition of the winning and being Chinese Art Museum, British Museum, the Ludwig Museum, Germany Poland museum. Writing: 'black and white step', 'illustrations of language conversion' and so on.


A brief introduction to Lao She's 

novel 'four generations under one roof'



     Lao She's 'Sishitongtang' is Chinese modern novels classic masterpiece, novel by Qi Jia Sishitongtang life as the main line, depicting the Lugou Bridge incident after the outbreak of Anti Japanese War, the fall of the city, all classes of people's ups and downs in the lanes of vital importance. Lao She's novel high skills to describe the elderly, Qi Rui Xuan and a series of true to life art image, show the rich flavor of Beijing has read picture of life, not bad,.

     Gao Rongsheng, the famous painter of the painting, 'four generations under one roof', was created in 1982-1984. It is the most famous of many illustrations of this famous book. It is closely related to the plot development of the novel, and in addition to the deep epic temperament, it emphasizes the humor and banter peculiar to Lao She's works.


A woodcut illustration of

 'four generations under one roof'

四世同堂  插图之一  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

One of four illustrations: black and white woodcut

37.5x25cm 1982-1984 years Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之二  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年   高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: two black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之三  黑白木刻

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年   高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: three black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之四  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: four black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之五  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: five black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之六  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: six black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之七  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: seven black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之八  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: eight black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之九   黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: nine black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Ten black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十一  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Eleven black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十二  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Twelve black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十三  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Thirteen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十四   黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Fourteen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十五  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Fifteen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十六  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Sixteen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十七   黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Seventeen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂   插图之十八  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Eighteen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十九  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Nineteen black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

四世同堂  插图之十  黑白木刻  

37.5x25cm  1982-1984年  高荣生 

Four generations with illustrations: Twenty black and white woodcut, 

37.5x25cm, 1982-1984 years, Gao Rongsheng

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