



2014年12月29日 12:14 阅读 60万+





My first contact with foreign languages was at the age of two when my mother taught me “Je m’appelle Laura.” She speaks Romanian, Italian and understands some English, French and Spanish, but at that time she was only a beginner in English and French.

我第一次接触外语是在我两岁的时候,母亲教我说”Je m’appelle Laura”(我的名字是劳拉)。她会说罗马尼亚语、意大利语,还懂一点点英语、法语和西班牙语,但在当时,她只是一个英语和法语的初学者。

Still, she was my first contact with a foreign language and I enjoyed the sounds so much that I started learning more and more phrases, up to the point when I was actually begging my mother to teach me more.


At the age of six, the Latino soap operas were very famous in Romania. I was too little to be able to read the subtitles and my grandmother had to read them for me. It was quite an adventure. However, she sometimes skipped lines, which I didn’t like. So I had two options: learn to read faster, or learn the language of the soap operas so I could understand the original dialog. I actually took both options. I learned to read fast, but also I learned Spanish pretty well. It was so automatic that I didn’t think of it as anything special until later on. I now realize I found a new mechanism that blends learning the language in the context and the gestures.

 在 我六岁的时候,拉丁美洲的肥皂剧在罗马尼亚非常流行。我那时候太小,自己还没办法读懂字幕,我奶奶不得不为我翻译。这很像是个探险,但是,有时候她会跳过 一些台词,我不喜欢这样。所以我有两个选择:学着提高阅读速度,或者学会那个肥皂剧的语言,这样我就能自己听懂原始对话了。事实上,我也采取了两手抓的措 施。我学着阅读得更快,同时西班牙语学得也相当不错。这个事情是如此的水到渠成,我一直都不认为有什么特殊,直到后来。现在我意识到我发现了一种新的机 制,那就是将文中的语言与手势结合在一起。

As I’ve analyzed how new language learners learn a language from movies, I’ve discovered five techniques to fast forward your learning.


  1. 1. Easy language


At first you may find it hard to watch a full two-hour movie that isn’t in English, but later on you’ll get used to it. But until then, why not choose shorter, easier material? Start your journey with a mini-series, catch new wordsnot whole sentences, and practice the pronunciation.


You may want to pause the movie and repeat after the actor and then go back and hear it again. That’s why I recommend you rent, buy, watch online movies or record movies rather than watching them in the cinema or as part of TV broadcasts.


You can start with cartoons. As they are made for children, the language is simple and they talk slowly. If you feel confident you can also start with 20 minute episodes. I remember my journey with English. I probably watched Friends four or five times in its entirety. The language is easy, they speak slightly fast, but I focused on words and short phrases rather than on whole sentences and tried to pick up the girls’ pronunciation.

  1. 你 可以从动画片入门。因为它们是为孩子制作的,语言浅显易懂,语速也不快。如果你有信心也可以从20分钟的短剧开始。我还记得我学习英语的过程。大概完整地 看了四到五边的FRIENDS(老友记)。剧中的语言比较简单,他们的语速有一点快,但是我重点放在单词和短语上,而非整个句子,同时我也试着学习女生们 的发音。
  2. 2. Start with shorter phrases


And this gets me to the second technique. Focus on high-frequency words and phrases rather than on long and complex sentences. Try and understand their meaning from context. What is the character doing? Is he or she pointing to somebody and saying “She is my girlfriend?” Well, that obviously is a way of introducing someone. Do they hold hands? Well, they’re close friends. You get the bigger picture.

这 是我想说的第二个方法。专注于高频词汇和短语,而非冗长复杂的句子。试着从上下文来理解他们的含义。剧中的人物正在做什么?他或她是否指着某人并说“她是 我的女朋友?”那么,这很明显是一种介绍人物的方式。他们有没有牵手?如果是,说明他们是比较亲密的朋友。你会到达一个更高的层面。

You need to focus on placing the words and phrases in context to understand their meaning without translation. If that’s not possible, it’s alright to use a dictionary.


  1. 3. Pay attention to context


Can you see how one technique leads to another? The simple and short words and phrases are understandable from context. So, pay attention to what happens. Who are the characters? What are they wearing? Where are they at? Some words have a way of jumping and sticking with you and those will be the words that will help you most in communication. They are familiar; you know when to use them and how to pronounce them.

你 能看出来一个方法如果衍生出另外一个?简短的词语和短语很容易通过上下文来理解。所以,留心正在发生的事件。谁是主要角色?他们的穿着是什么样子的?他们 在哪里?一些单词会出现在你面前并跟随着你,这些词将对你的沟通交流帮助最大。他们看起来很眼熟,你知道何时使用它们并如何发音。

  1. 4. Use subtitles in the target language


Hearing the words combined with seeing them is one of the oldest and most productive language learning techniques. Luckily for you, it is easy to do when watching movies by turning on the subtitles. Instead of using subtitles in English or your native language, use subtitles in the target language and see what happens. You get to hear and see the words, you can fix them in a context and understand them without translating to your native language. How great is that?

一 边听单词的发音一遍看它们如何书写,这是一种最古老,但也最有成效的语言学习方法。幸运的是,现在看电影时打开字幕是件很方便的件事情。停止使用英语、或 者你母语的字幕,使用目标语言的字幕,看看会发生什么。你能同时听见并看到单词,你可以将它们固定在一个意境中理解它们的意思,而不要将它们翻译成你的母 语。这么做是不是很棒?

  1. 5. Identify “double-meaning” phrases

 5. 识别多重含义的短语

Last but not least, the fifth technique is to identify the words and phrases that seem ordinary, but that also imply something else when used in a certain context. As in English, or any language, you can find words that are used to imply more than one meaning. These kind of phrases are sometimes hard to translate and they might get lost in translation. If you translate them word-by-word, they might not mean much in your native language, but you can find their meaning in the target language by examining their usage.

最 后一点,第五个方法是识别那些看似普通、但在一定语境中有隐含意义的单词或者短语。就像在英语中,或其他任何语言,你能找到许多含义至少超过一种的单词。 这一类的短语有时候很难翻译,它们在翻译的过程中可能就被忽略了。如果你是逐字逐句翻译,它们可能在你的母语中没有什么含义,但是通过查找它们的用法你会 发现它们在目标语言中的意思。

Native speakers will appreciate you trying to learn the spoken language. And you’ll appreciate it too when they tell a joke that is based on these dual meanings! 




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