






(Text 1)
M:  Jane, let’s meet at the café after school. Then I can give you back your DVDs.
W:  Sorry, Nick, I can’t. I’m going swimming with Jenny. Why don’t you come too? I’m meeting her at the bus stop at five o’clock.
M:  OK. I’ll get my things and see you at the pool later.
(Text 2)
M:  Will you have any time to type this English paper before lunch?
W:  No problem. I can start right now and finish it in about an hour.
(Text 3) 
M:  Do you know where I can get some good second-hand books?
W:  There’s a good used bookstore not far from here. I’d be happy to show you where it is after work.
M:  OK. After buying the books I can drive you home. 
(Text 4)
W:  I saw a coat just the same as Linda’s. It was beautiful and fitted me well.
M:  Why didn’t you buy it?
W:  I thought it was too expensive.
M:  You can think about online shopping. It may be cheaper.
(Text 5) 
W:  Look! Is that John?
M:  Yes, he just returned from Italy. He will be a doctor.
W:  Really? He looks so different from the way he looked in school.
(Text 6) 
M:  There are so many unanswered questions on these customer survey forms. There’s no way I can give them to the marketing director.
W:  In my opinion, the surveys are poorly organized; they’re too long and ask the wrong questions. 
M:  I agree with you. These surveys are outdated. Let’s sit down together this afternoon and make a new customer survey form.
W:  I think that’s the best choice before we get off work.

(Text 7) 
W:  Westwood Golf Club, can I help you?
M:  Yes. I’d like some information about the club, please. 
W:  Now we just have a restaurant, but we are building a new clubhouse next year with a small swimming pool.
M:  Do you have to wear any special clothes?
W:  We’re not like some clubs where you have to wear golf trousers! But we do like people to play in golf shoes — only players in competitions have to wear our club sweaters.
M:  Right. What about lessons for children?
W:  Our teacher is excellent, but he doesn’t do group lessons. They usually only do half an hour, and an hour is too much and costs £8 — it’s always half price for children.
M:  Mmm. Can visitors play here?
W:  Yes. But you must be a guest of someone in the club.
 (Text 8) 
M:  Hi, May. What’s up?
W:  Hi, John. I’m thinking. I’ve got lots of gifts to buy in the next few weeks and I’m just making a list of what to get.
M:  How exciting! I love buying gifts. Tell me what you’re going to buy and who for.
W:  Well, it’s my cousin Rachel’s wedding soon. I’m going to get her a dinner set of plates, bowls and glasses for their new apartment, because they like to hold dinner parties. My friend Bonnie is having a baby soon, and there is a baby shower for her next week.
M:  So what gift are you giving her?
W:  What about a teddy bear? Is it too simple?
M:  No, I think a teddy bear is a classic gift for babies. Well, have you got it all figured out?
W:  Yeah. I think it will cost a fortune to buy all the gifts.
 (Text 9) 
W:  Today I’m going to talk to Martin Carter, who is going to make a rather special journey. Martin, tell us what you’re going to do.
M:  My plan is to fly around the world in a balloon. I made a similar trip last August but it wasn’t successful.
W:  Are you using a similar balloon this time? 
M:  I found last time I didn’t have enough fuel to cross the Pacific so I had to land in India. My new balloon is larger so I can take more fuel with me. It will make it heavier but I’ll be able to fly further.
W:  What did you find most difficult on a long flight?
M:  Well, last time I spent a lot of time talking on the radio. Because of that I only got two hours’ sleep a day. So that was a real problem for me. The food is terrible but it keeps me alive and it’s not for long so I don’t mind.
W:  I heard that you’re taking several books to read. Is that a joke?
M:  On my first trip I took some books but I never opened them. This time any space I have I’ll fill with maps and I need room for my sleeping bag of course.
W:  Well, we wish you good luck. What about the future?
M:  My adventures started in a boat and I’ve already sailed across the Atlantic. I can fly a plane but I prefer balloons. Anyway, after this trip, I’ll go back to my hobby of climbing. On my list are the seven highest mountains in the world so I need to start before I get too old.
 (Text 10) 
W:  Listen carefully everyone. There is a school trip to Hilltop Castle next week. It’s a really interesting place and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. We’re getting a group ticket, so instead of the usual price of $6.5, you only have to pay $3 to visit the castle, saving you $3.5. And the bus is free. Now, don’t forget. We’re going on March 4th. Mrs. Philips, the school secretary, is away this week so take your money to Mrs. Gifford. That’s G-I-double F-O-R-D. She works in the office, too. I’m afraid you’ll have to get up early because you need to be at school at 7:30. The bus is going at 7:45 and I want you all here 15 minutes before that. At the castle, I’ll give you a worksheet and a pen. Now, you should try to answer all the questions on it. And one last thing: don’t forget to bring some lunch. There isn’t a café there so you’ll get hungry.


听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 CACAB  6—10 CBABB  11—15 CACAA  16—20 BCCBA
阅读理解(15×2=30):21—23 ADC  24—27 BCDB  28—31 ABDD  32—35 CADA
七选五阅读填空(5×2=10):36—40 CFGEA
完形填空(20×1.5=30): 41—45 ABCAB  46—50 DDBCB  51—55 DACDB  56—60 AABCC 
61. official  62. which   63. an   64. with   65. dates  
66. be dressed  67. changing  68. It  69. silently 70. decision  
 Recently, a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great Wall. In the fact, this 
                                             anger        去掉the         
happens in many place of interest. I had some suggestions to solve this problem.
              places          have
First, make more posters to inform the public∧ the damage of graffiti (涂鸦). Besides, punishments, such as 
a fine, is necessary to tourists with so bad behaviors. Also, I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the 
     are                    such                          helpful
tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages.
I’m sure with our efforts, more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics.

Dear David,
It has been half a year since you left China. How’s everything going?
Recently, an activity themed “Foreigners Tell Chinese Stories” will be held in our school. Any foreign student who is enthusiastic about China can take part in it. I think you are suitable for the activity, for you used to live here and learned so much about the country. You can write about your understanding of Chinese culture as well as your personal experiences in China. You are expected to write a 500-word article in English. I’d appreciate it if you could mail your article to chinesestory2017@126.com before February 1st, 2017.
I’m looking forward to your participation.
                                                                     Li Hua

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