


Question: Memory, according to you, gives vitality to the creator of illusion, the ego, the ‘I’ consciousness, the bundle of hindrances. So, pure action can never spring from this memory.


Is spontaneous recollection of past incidents a hindrance, even though we do not allow our action to spring from that recollection? Freed from this memory, how can we normally adjust our relations with individuals? Is it not almost impossible in life?


KRISHNAMURTI: You have understood the question? I have explained what I mean by memory, i.e. an ill-digested experience or an incident which you do not meet completely, wholly, leaves a scratch in the mind, which we call a memory. Now, with that memory we try to meet life, and that memory gives vitality because it creates hindrances. If I had a memory of an experience, which is an experience which I have not completely understood, that memory creates a further hindrance, because that prevents me from meeting experience fully.


Most of us have such memories—many such memories—which you call recollection, with which we try to meet experiences. Naturally, when you meet that recollection with memory, a person, an incident or an experience, you do not meet fully; therefore, you are further increasing the burden. Now, if you meet every person, experience, anew, with a free mind, with an awakened full mind, you will meet them with an adaptability, not with a fixation of mind.


Memory gives us a rigidity so that, when you have many recollections, that rigidity becomes so strong that when you meet a person, or an experience, you do not fully comprehend it. Therefore, that recollection impedes you; whereas, if you meet every person or every experience free from that rigidity, which is memory, then in that there is a pliability, there is an adjustment, not a cunningness of mind which tries to get beyond a person or beyond an experience.


Let us say, someone has deceived me two years ago. That has left a memory, a recollection, and I meet that person again now. I meet him or her with that memory which is still in my mind. So, when I meet him, I am very cunning not to be deceived again, because I am suspicious and I do not want to be deceived, but my mind is so acute, cunning, that it is watching. Now, if you have nothing to give or nothing to receive, if you are not expecting something from that person, you can never be deceived.


Please, I am taking the principle, not the detail. You can apply the detail for yourself, when you think it over. If a person deceives you and you are hurt by that deception, that hurt is a memory, and that memory reacts later, when you meet that person again. Therefore, your mind has become more clever, more cunning, not more adaptable, more understanding; it has only become cleverer, more cunning, not to be caught in the same position again, and we think we have understood.


We think our mind has become more cunning, and we know how to avoid being deceived the next time, and we think experience has taught us that. You have lent someone some money, and he does not return it, and the next time he comes, you think you have learned; your mind has become more cunning and you say, “Shall I give it to him or not?”


I feel this is a wrong method of approach, a wrong way of doing things. Either give it to him and forget about it and not have this rigidity of mind or this prejudice, or, when you meet him next time, say, “Sorry, if I could give it to you I would, but I cannot.” Be quite open. Do not have a suspicious mind, a cunning mind, a rigid mind, but be frank.  


A frank mind is adaptable and therefore able to meet everything afresh, anew. Your mind is then so adjustable, so pliable, that when you meet this person again, there is something anew, not the same old suspicion brought forward. But, as long as we do not meet persons or experiences of life completely, with all our mind and heart, there must be conflict, and that conflict creates memory. It is really very simple.


When you have no conflict in your mind, there is no memory. You may remember an incident, I am not talking of that, but there is no attachment to that memory, which pursues you through time until you have completed that incident or that experience. We are living constantly in this conflict. That conflict creates memory, and the mind is filled with that memory and is identified with it, and so there is in that identification the idea of ‘I’— which is conflict.  


There is a vast difference between the primitive man and the liberated man. The primitive man has no memory, because he acts immediately without thought; whereas the liberated man meets everything completely, because he has understanding. In him there is a richness, a fullness, and therefore through intelligence he is able to meet it. I hope I have answered that question.


The Art of Listening, Eleventh Talk at Ommen, August 12, 1933



【报名通知】冥思坊北京读书会 · 第七十八期








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