



The things in the story


The people in the story


Life is always made up of


All kinds of stories put together


I have been drifting, always on the road


The beauty of life is its unpredictability


The people and things around me


All encouters are beautiful


Everybody's Talkin' - Harry Nilsson.flac2:44


'Today he sold one of the most valuable things for him, from that moment he should take more responsibility for what happened.' - Said the woman sitting next to him.


There were not many customers in the bar last night. One of them, a man and a woman, they invited me to come and sit with them. After finishing several beers the man said to me :


'Boss, please come and sit with us. I want to have a chat with you.' I'm always happy to accept a polite invitation from a guest. Of course, the vast majority of customers in the bar are extremely polite.


The man began to talk about his experience of this day and of the past 30 years.


'I didn't expect to come back to the start point, like 30 years ago. The same people, same smells, same surrounding. It's like a vicious cycle.'


He was engaged in the hardware industry, its heyday in the 90s. He made a lot of money, so they began to swell, dabbled in various industries. Life changed with upgrading in all areas. Several years ago he bought a range rover. But soon all new businesses failed, so a few years ago, he went back to the once let him get rich industry. And yesterday his beloved car was sold. 'He bought this car for more than one million yuan, and now sold just a bit more than one hundred thousand' - the woman added.


'Noone's buying a car to sell it, right? It is a kind of strained unwillingness. So I deliberately raised the price on 10,000 yuan more, but the buyer cut the price. He said he had mixed feelings watching the car being driven away from him. He posted about that in his WeChat moments, but did not tell me the content.


'You'll never know that feeling. You'll never know it.' He kept repeating that to me, countless times.


'Yes, no one can feel what you feel, only you.' - I replied.


I told him a story about ChuShiJian entrepreneurship to make him feel better, but I knew he didn't need it now, he needed an empathy, needed feel all sadness, confusion and anger, so I let him. I was just listening to, agreeing with all he said.


He told me that he had done a lot of things, including running a bar. So, he showed me some pictures in his phone. I actually have been to his bar before. He kept showing me his original cakes, the design of the environment. Speaking about the bars, he went on to tell me a story that happened once to him.


'Once I was in a bad mood and went to a bar. I was sitting at the bar. The bartender looked at me without saying anything. He mixed a drink, then offered it to me and told me to drink and go home. I didn't realize that the glass of that drink was exactly what I wanted, exactly how I felt. The feeling was indescribable, but it moved me and offset a lot of the inexplicable emotions in my heart.'


After listening, I said immediately. 'Sorry if you won't like what I'll say, but it's just a trick of the bartender. In fact, whatever he gave you to drink at that time, a glass of water, any kind of drinks, any kind of alcohol, would suit your mood. Because you're waiting for an approval, for an explanation and relief.'


He replied: 'Yes, that's what I do when I post on my wechat moments, including talking to you. In fact, I am the only one who knows all answers.'


Finally, the woman took advantage of the man's bathroom break to tell me, 'he has a bigger responsibility tomorrow. He won't have a chance. Do you know how old he is now?' I politely gave my guess. She continued, 'he has no chance... .'


Then we had some pleasant conversations till three o 'clock in the morning. But it was clear to me that he was confused, his talking repetitive with not to much logic.


I always remember in my mind, he repeated to me: 'tomorrow, I really do not know what to do to the factory, what I am gonna do? What kind of things are waiting for me? What to do with my life......'


And I could only say with relief: ' Only you know, you must wake up tomorrow, you must face it, you must to know what to do. Noone can judge you. Noone has this right. Noone really care'.


To tell the truth, I know, what I said is nothing to him. He will not remember, anyone could be instead of me that night. He didn't want other peoples' voices. He needed to hear his own.


In any era, the human body will be bounded by the trend of The Times, willing or unwilling, this is inevitable. Individual in the vast society as a drop in the ocean. But behind each individual has his small society, inside there are real human warmth, life energy and those who care about him. Just want those people in regardless of the ups and downs always have true feelings accompanied, always have their own voice echo.


Harry Nilsson once said in the song: 'Everyone is talking to me, so I can't hear the echo of my thoughts.'


I am Yang JiangYong, I grew up in Dali, YunNan Province.


Several years ago i was passing by the Huadu by chance , then i stayed and opened this free bookshop ,art space and lounge bar called 'Haitang'. I also write four articles a month, and real stories about people i met,.


All encounters are beautiful.


When will you be in my story?

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