

Sew a travel bag made of felt


  How to sew a large, roomy, comfortable and beautiful cosmetic bag-nessesser, which will accommodate so many important things. The size of the finished bag is 18 cm by 18 cm by 7 cm.


  Materials that will be required for sewing a handbag.

  1. The felt is hard 1-2 mm thick, the cut is 45 cm by 55 cm.

  2. The zipper 40 cm, preferably detachable.

  3. Sublimation thermo-sticker for decoration.

  4. A pattern printed on sheet A 4 on a scale of 1: 1.


  For ease of printing, I placed on the sheet a pattern of 1/4 of the main part of the bag and 1/2 part for sewing zippers. The cutting pattern on felt looks like this.


  First of all, we translate thermo-stickers into felt.


  After the picture has been translated into felt, let's start sewing a zipper. We need a thread and a needle for manual sewing.


  To tack to the top (front) party of a zipper of a strip of felt, receding to steam of millimeters from the line of cloves.


  Now we take the resulting detail to the main part of the cosmetic bag, evenly comparing all the ends.


  It will be much more convenient to perform this operation if the zipper is detachable.


  We sew two rows of seams from each edge, fixing the zipper between them. Temporary stitches can be removed after performing machine stitches. Sticking out excess zipper pruned.


  That's how it should be on the inside. As you can see, this method allows you to gently sew a zipper.


  After the zipper is sewn, we squeeze the short ends of the top and bottom, matching them face to face.


  Prepare two pieces of felt 8 cm by 2 cm, they will help us to hide the slices of zipper inside the cosmetic bag.


  Pitch the strip parallel to the previous seam, retreating 1-2 mm from it.


  Pitch the second edge of the strip, hiding a section of zipper.


  It remains to close all the side seams of the bag. Before that, do not forget to unzip the bags a little.


  Stall all four side seams and gently trim excess surpluses, forming a smooth and accurate cut.


  The cosmetic bag is ready! Gently twist it. Straighten all corners and walls.







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