

(周运) TIM 周占星运势10,7

★★★序言——译者: juntos


双鱼座,现在至2014年2月,你业力轴所在区域涉及:沟通、旅行、事实及理念的传播,和谐的人际关系。以上关系中涉及“短期”事项时会出现进展困难、延误、诱惑及陷阱,比如短途旅行、细节或事实、报告、文字工作、跑腿、电子邮件、泛泛之交、新闻媒体和交谈。但如果你专注于“长期”事项,你会进展顺利、做出明智选择且有保障,比如:理念,深刻的人际关系、长途旅行、文化与宗教、法律事务、出版“长期事物”。但是,即使此处所说的进展顺利事项,也会遇到放缓和渐进的情形,你收到的仅是你为此赚取的,不会更多。尽管如此,这段时间却有利于你进入一家综合性大学(较好的方向是科学、药剂或工程)或工学院。这个时段,有利于你学习,钻研宗教和/或哲学 -- 你进步神速,将有利于你改变你未来10年的社交生活和目标。看起来的延误,实际在为你遥远的未来提供助力。


周一 0:33 a.m. 至周二 4:55 a.m.,
周三2:40 p.m. 至周四 12:23 p.m.
以及周五 4:48 p.m. 至周六 4:02 p.m.

★★★白羊座——译者: Judy
这个星期使得你的伴侣关系变成焦点——而且也有可能再这个星期中段的时候带来浪漫。星期天/星期一的重点在于你的家,家庭,房产价值,安全和健康——星期天的不确定,焦虑:星期一的幸运但是“没有价值”。浪漫,和孩子一起的乐趣,创意澎湃,冒险和奖励,快乐和美丽充满了星期二和星期三——在数年来的第一次,你可能会遇见可行的爱情,甚至可能是一生的伴侣。(性,健康,金钱/职业和安静性质的东西也会很不错。) 。一次赌博也是不错的一个投资。很多琐事的星期四(注意安全)和星期五。


★★★双子座——译者: Linen 星琦珊
crystalsuns 的蟹子版本:家庭、孩子、美食、自然、园艺、心灵、安全和退休——未来两周尽情享受一种温润、多产的氛围吧,因此选择在这些最基本的领域(而非事业、政治等领域)开启并完成你的项目。唯一的例外是周日/周一,那时你能量和魅力都高涨,不过你的努力可能会遭遇反对或“空头支票”。尽管如此,宇宙会安排一个“命中注定的事件”,你将因此获得政府或(和)同伴的主动支援。接受它,不要发问,不要推却。在周中努力赚钱;爱的鼓舞在灵魂深处暗中滋长。周四开始,听候派遣、调用。

本周前几天短途出差,文书工作,报告,媒体,短途旅行,普通朋友和兄弟姐们充斥着你的生活。 一切都平和且有效率,除了周日/周一,因为一股诡异的欲望吸引你的注意,而且生活会忽略你的努力。所以休息祈祷吧。 奇怪的是,宇宙会带给你一个意外的礼物----一段友谊,一个漂亮的家居物品(什么也不买?)或是 工作加薪。 能量,美丽,影响力会在周中猛增。寻求帮助,开始新项目,取得重要联系。爱情很有可能哦。你会感到你安心,并将持续好几年。周四周五追求金钱,购物。(但是不要在周四的下午1:30到6:45,也不要选在周六。)
★★★处女座——译者: virgos
★★★天秤座——译者: 王嘻嘻哈哈
mingmouqiushui 的橙子版本: 你的魅力、能量、影响力和效率达到年度的高点,。其实应该说是几年才一度的高点。所以在接下来的两周内,建立重要联系,开始重大项目,并寻求合作——你会完成的。当你不能开展一些项目时,唯一的“警告”就是周日(伙伴的健康或焦虑会引起你的不适)和周一。(然而,周一可能给你带来一个法律、旅游、学习或爱方面的“礼物”——请接受吧!)。浪漫、乐观、愿望得到了满足,这些都会在接下来的一周发生发生。从周四开,最好低调一点。


★★★水瓶座——译者: 猫猫将军
★★★双鱼座——译者: 夕照未央

OCTOBER 7 – OCTOBER 13, 2012

All times/dates are PDT.

CAPRICORN, now to February 2014, your difficult karma lies in the arena of deep romance, infatuation, creativity, gambling, risk, speculation, beauty, immersion in the moment and self-indulgent pleasure. Your smooth, productive karma lies in a similar but different area: light romance, flirtation, creativity by committee, group affairs (from conventions to a Saturday night party or picnic) entertainment, popularity, planning for the future. Rather than dive into a self-indulgent moment of pleasure, embrace optimism about your future. For instance, during infatuation a heart-throb might constantly retreat, while if you light-heartedly flirt, he/she will be more eager. Even the “light-hearted” side might move slowly, as your “good karma” transit is accompanied by Saturn, a planet that causes delays and quiet, serious ambition – but also a planet that favours you. So the “light side” might go a little slower, group affairs might demand some work, but if you stick to this light, friendly side, you’ll eventually succeed.
AQUARIUS, now to February 2014 your karmic

Axis lies along the divide between prestige and humility, ambition and security, striving in the outside world versus retreating to a domestic situation. For the best results, choose the first of all these pairs: prestige, ambition, career, and treat the second (humility, property, home, etc.) with a light touch – do only what is necessary in these last zones. For example, seek promotion rather than buy a home; again, don’t refuse a career opportunity to coddle your kids. You’ll find delay and restriction even in the favoured zones of ambition, but keep the faith here: if you quit, or take action that leads to an end (e.g., punch the boss in the nose) you might not pick up where you left off for many years. On the other hand, if ambitious, you’ll build a structure that ensures your work security for a long time.

PISCES, your karmic axis, now to February 2014, lies in the areas of communications, travel, dissemination of facts or ideas, and harmonious relationships. Difficult progress, delays, traps and temptations await you in the “short” side of these – short trips, details/facts, reports, paperwork, errands, emails, casual acquaintances, news media and conversations. You’ll walk down a smooth, wise and protected path if you focus on the “long” – ideas, profound relationships, far travel, culture and rituals, legal affairs, publishing “long things.” However, progress here, though smooth, will also be slow and incremental – you receive just what you earn here, no more. Still, this is a good time to enter university (better for a science, medicine or engineering) or technical college. It is a good time to learn, to dig into religion and/or philosophies – you’ll garner insights that will help you transform your social life and your goals for the decade(s) ahead. What seems a delay is actually advancing your far-off future.

Start Nothing:
0:33 a.m. Mon. to 4:55 a.m. Tues.,
2:40 p.m. Wed. to 12:23 p.m. Thurs.,
and 4:48 p.m. Fri. to 4:02 p.m. Sat.


Aries - (March 21-April 19)
This week brings relationships front and centre – and could bring romance midweek. Sunday/Monday emphasize your home, family, property values, security and nutrition – Sunday’s uncertain, worrisome; Monday’s lucky but “for naught.” Romance, joys with children, creative surges, risk and reward, pleasure and beauty fill Tuesday/Wednesday – for the first time in years, you might meet viable love, even a life mate. (The sex, health, money/career and “quiet” sides of this link will be fine also.) A gamble is also a good investment. Tackle chores Thursday (be safe) and Friday.
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Taurus - (April 20-May 20)
Tackle chores during this easy, smooth week, Taurus. The only problems appear Sunday, when money and/or sex don’t mix with friends – you might have to choose. (Hint: think of your long-term future.) Monday’s lucky for money and employment – but stick to routine in your own efforts – let luck come from the outside, the cosmos. (All month, a sweet thread of romance and beauty wends through your life – Monday holds a hint of “destiny” in this – but again, let it happen to you rather than chasing it.) Home, domestic affairs midweek. Romance, creativity and pleasure sweeten late week.
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Gemini - (May 21-June 20)
The romantic theme continues – and now, for the first time since 2009, you can actually succeed in a joyous way. Ditto for creative projects, self-, speculation, sports, games, gambles, children – you’re ready for new, fresh ways and horizons! (All this will be more obvious and significant next week.) Money urges need caution Sunday/Monday. Buy nothing – yet an odd luck will boost you. (In home finance?) Travel, friends, communications go well midweek – inspiration in career/work has deep, fertile roots: dream big! Home, family, irk and please Thursday to Saturday.
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Cancer - (June 21-July 22)
Home, kids, food, nature, garden, soul, security and retirement bask in a smooth, productive atmosphere for the next two weeks, so launch projects and carry them through in these basic areas. (NOT in career, politics, etc.) The only exception is Sunday/Monday, when your energy and charisma rise, but your efforts might meet opposition or an “empty response.” Yet, from the cosmos, a “destiny event” could bring unasked-for aid from your government and/or mate. Receive, don’t start or push. Chase money midweek: deeper down, love’s inspiration brews. Errands, calls, Thursday onward.
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Leo - (July 23-Aug. 22)
Errands, paperwork, reports, media, short trips, light friends and siblings fill the weeks ahead. All is smooth and productive, except Sunday/Monday, when weird desires grip you and life ignores your efforts. So rest, pray. Oddly, the cosmos might bring (unbidden) a gift – a friendship, a beautiful home item (buy nothing) a work pay raise? Your energy, charisma and clout soar midweek: ask favours, start things, make important contacts. Love’s possible. You feel secure, and will, for decades. Chase money, buy things Thursday/Friday (but not 1:30 to 6:45 p.m. Thursday, nor Saturday).
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Virgo - (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The emphasis continues on money, earnings, buying/selling, possessions , memory, rote learning and sensual relationships. These, after 3 years of restriction, are finally buoyant – so put on your $ glasses, and go forth! (Except Sunday – dangerous notions – and Monday – nil results. Oddly, though, you’ll be chirpy, happy despite roadblocks, and the universe might bring you something lucky, especially in domestic, property or love areas.) Lie low, retreat and rest midweek: contacts with government, therapists and agents succeed. Your energy and charisma soar Thursday onward.
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Libra - (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Your charisma, energy, clout and effectiveness reach a yearly high, Libra. It’s actually a several-year high, so go forth during the next two weeks – make important contacts, start significant projects, and ask for co-operation – you’ll get it. The only “warning” exists for Sunday (when health or misgivings about partners can cause upsets) and Monday, when you should NOT begin projects. (However, Monday might bring you a legal, travel, learning or love “gift” – accept!) Your popularity soars midweek – light romance, optimism, wish fulfillment occur. Lie low, rest Thursday onward.
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Scorpio - (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan (except Sunday/Monday, when unreachable goals will float into your mind). Feed your spiritual side, meditate, do yoga, be charitable. Deal with government agencies, counsellors, therapists, institutions and corporate head offices. These places/people favour you now to October 21, will offer sound advice and benevolent aid. It’s a great interval for planning retirement, making security investments, etc. Your imagination is strong, productive Tuesday/Wednesday, and your career benefits. Light sociability, optimism bless you Thursday onward.
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Sagittarius - (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Light romance, popularity, wish fulfillment, entertainment, optimism and a feel for the future that permits you to make good, intuitive plans – these fill this week and next, and fill them more joyously and buoyantly than at any time since 2009! Tackle chores Sunday (carefully) and Monday (routine tasks only). Love, understanding, far travel, philosophy, education, publishing and cultural events fill midweek. This entire first half brings domestic, property, career and money inspiration: an important one. Thursday noon to Saturday accents status and career – lucky Friday.
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Capricorn - (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Be ambitious – higher-ups are observing you, might test or challenge you Sunday/Monday. This needs subtle handling: if Sunday, be realistic, steady and diplomatic: avoid all gossip, collusion. If Monday, be willing but delay any project starts until at least Tuesday. (Or, no test – just a face-to-face with authority, police, etc.) Midweek accents mysteries, detective work, finances, changes and sexual urges – pursue these. All week, you can “order” information, or imagine futures, that create new, superb life goals. Wisdom, legal affairs, learning, Thursday afternoon onward.
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Aquarius-(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Love, wisdom, intellectual activities, far travel, culture, international contacts, publishing, religion, philosophy, legal affairs – these fill the two weeks ahead. Careful Sunday/Monday, with chores, safety procedures, health – and don’t mix money and friends. Relationships excite and please you midweek – jump on opportunities, seek new horizons, approach that lively, na?ve and regal person. You are inspired, and destiny takes a hand, in sexual, intimate, health, career and income zones. You might buy a status symbol. Results show Thursday onward, in sex, health and finances.
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Pisces - (Feb. 19-March 20)
The accent lies on mysteries, sexual urges, lifestyle changes, health, big financial decisions and partnership/spousal finances. Be a detective, look beneath the surface. Romance, creative urges and speculative temptations might come to you Sunday/Monday, but you’d be wise to steer clear. Tackle chores Tuesday/Wednesday – you’ll get a lot done. Monday to Wednesday bless you in relationships (especially if you meet someone in a group) and bring inspiration/good imagination about your future – and your social life. Crucial relationships arise Thursday (argument) and Friday.

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