








★★★金牛座——译者:冰冷安魂曲 / 长叶暗罗
























★★★摩羯座——译者:长叶暗罗 【版本一】



★★★摩羯座——译者:豆沙鸢尾 【版本二】







为了以各种新途径认知自我,鱼儿翻山越岭(或者该说漂洋过海)走过了许多路。心与灵的平衡在你身上已达到恰当的和谐 - 若你不再过度专注于业已离开、而你依然渴望拥有的事务。厮守过去的倾向是双鱼座基于恐惧的能量,它能够破坏你已取得的成绩。一劳永逸地放手过去吧,很快你就会意识到自己已然获取美妙的内在平衡 - 你已做到了这一点,无论你是否感觉到,而现在是时候让你的【自我】去感知它了。接下来的数月将帮助你找到自己的出路,你需要做好准备慢慢地接受该过程。毋庸置疑,你无所不能。





After nearly 3 months of feeling like you’re back peddling, your ruler, Mars, turns around and begins to move forward again. That’s going to make you feel SO much better, though you may not be able to say exactly why. Don’t spend too much energy trying to figure it out. Instead, spend all the moments you can enjoying the new level of freedom this turnaround provides. It will take Mars until July 21 to recover the ground he just took you back over. During that time you’ll come to understand what all this spinning of wheels has been about. July is the time when life gets infused with Technicolor energy again. But don’t think for a moment that nothing is happening until then.

It’s time to get centered and still so you can discover, recover and uncover the skills you never knew you had.


There’s a major balancing act going on within your consciousness, that is playing out in the outer world as certain people places and things that distract you and cause you to feel uncentered or even disempowered. You are none of those things, and your feelings are not who you are. Mars, in charge of our energy, is turning around on Monday night and over the course of the next few months you’ll be restored to a newer, deeper center than ever before. What you might want to realize is that when you’re uncomfortable, you’re actually preparing for a major leap forward. Do your best not to think of this as a ‘bad’ moment, but an exciting one instead. Nothing is ever wrong. Whatever happens is happening for a reason, and that reason is your evolution.

There has never been anyone stronger than you are.


The combination of the Sun entering your sign and Mars going direct is sure to infuse you with more energy than you’ve had for quite some time. This last month in particular has been hard for you in that way, largely because there’s a lot on your plate and when the energy isn’t there, it’s just, well, harder to get it all done. But now it all turns around, and all the hard work you’ve put in is going to pay off in ways you haven’t even considered. This bonus period is going to last for quite some time, too. For the next few months, whatever you need comes your way almost just by considering it. You are the magician after all.

To make the best use of this period, remember to balance mind with heart, and do it all from that centered place.


The week ahead is more constructive than the last 10 or 12 weeks put together, because Mars is going direct and Jupiter is coming into an exact flow with Saturn. All of this makes it possible for you to ground yourself in a new way and finally feel as though what you’re doing is meaningful and counts for something more than just your effort. In fact, all the effort you’ve put in for the past couple of years is now going to pay off, and you’re going to realize that none of it was in vain. There’s a new theme starting up that promises to light up what you couldn’t see before and once you see it, you’ll also get the chance to review and revise whatever isn’t needed anymore. This is very important.

Between now and mid-July you’ll be in major expansion mode.

Stephanie Azaria May 19, 2014
When Mars goes direct on Monday, you may feel stirred up emotionally. While a lot is often invested in keeping too much emotion at bay, this is truly not the time for that. Mars presides over our energy and our physicality, and as he turns around this week anything you become emotional about is meant to show you the way back to your Self. That may mean your body, or it may mean the physical world you’re currently creating. Both are equally important. They are, in fact, one and the same. Spend this week bringing your emotions into a conscious alignment with your physicality. In other words, feel what you feel and follow your heart to what it is you truly want to experience physically in the world.

Don’t think for a moment that you don’t have the ‘wish power’ to actualize your dreams.


When we undertake a major leap toward our own happiness, it can be very difficult to stay focused on the now, where we are most empowered to create the life we want to live. After months of feeling as though the past has way too much of a grip on you, Mars turns around and releases you from that experience. It may be hard to believe that all that suffering resulted from your own attachments to things, even when you’re sure you’ve already let them go. It’s time to move forward, and to do that you’ll have to let go again. You’ve done this before, and you know what to do. The fear of something is always worse than the reality, and you also know a lot about that.

This is one of those moments when taking that one blind step will do it.


With Mars stationing in your sign, your physical body may be doing some weird things, but don’t let it affect you so much that you go into fear about it. Mars’ journey through Libra (he’s been here all year) has largely been about the transmutation of the body, and your sign bas had to bear the lion’s share of this process. At least you’re feeling it the most. With this turnaround you’ll feel some relief, but it’s also a moment when the energies ramp up, like a big, final wave washing over you. Let it come. Stand tall. You’re no longer the same person you once were, and very shortly, by mid-July, everyone will know that to be true. The Sun is shining brightly on your world, and your new beginning has been powerful for you.

It will soon be time for some tweaking.


Once upon a time Mars was considered the planet that belongs to Scorpio, and even though all that changed when Pluto was discovered and pronounced your new ruler, Mars will always have a major effect on you because of all those years when he played such a major part in driving your consciousness. When Mars turns around on Monday night, you’re going to feel restored to your Self at last. The combination of this station and the Sun entering Gemini will do more to help you feel your existence again than anything that’s happened in the past two years. (And SO MUCH has happened). It’s going to take a few months of getting familiar with yourself again, but that’s because everything about you is new.

It’s time to identify with your newest 5D symbol , The Alchemist, and release the older identifications you’ve had.


There’s someone special in your life, someone who matters very much to you, and it’s time for him or her to shine. You’ve always been a great champion to your life companions, and though you’ve been in a more inner, private space for the past few months, it’s time to get back out there and lend your considerable helping hand. The more you give, the more you will receive, in the end. While this is always true, you’ve not had the full blown experience of it in your life, and it’s most definitely time. Nothing in this world is separate from anything else, and you’re about to find that out in no uncertain terms. The more you give of your Self right now, the more you’ll find the world of your dreams manifesting.

Best approach is to let go of the outcome all together.


Talk about a blast off! You’ve known the shift was coming for months, but nothing in the world could prepare you for the magnitude of the launch that’s about to take place in your life. You have so much to do in the first place; you may not be prepared for the influx of new energy that saturates your life right now. Still, no one is better equipped to handle a huge load than you are. With the Sun moving into Gemini on Wednesday, you may feel pulled in a few too many directions, but you’ll soon figure out how to get all that under control once again. If there’s too much on your plate, you just may have to start delegating, which is something that’s not in your usual repertoire. But there’s only one of you.

Take charge. It’s what you do best.


You’ve had a few months to deal with the issue of your sovereignty, specifically whether or not you’re entitled to it, but of course you’ve always known you are. It’s been shown to you beyond any reasonable doubt many times and now’s the moment to step right up and walk the talk for real. Mars goes direct and almost as if by magic, you’re feeling empowered and fully authorized to do what you do best: to take things outside their usual parameters and into a whole new dimension. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you’re already poised to make your mark. You’ve worked hard to get here, struggling to ignore those inner protests that served only to disempower you. You’ve achieved a major victory over those lower promptings and broken through to the Truth of who you are.

Now let the whole world see.


You’ve covered so much ground, or should we say ocean to realize your Self in all new ways. The balance between mind and heart has found its appropriate balance in you, provided you’re not too focused on what has fallen away that you still wish you had.The tendency to hold on to the past is Pisces’ one fear based energy that has the power to undo the good you’ve done. Let go of the past, once and for all and you will soon realize the amazing inner balance you’ve come to. You have done this whether you feel it or not. It’s time to allow your Self to feel it. The next few months will help you find your path, and you’ll need to be prepared to take this process slowly. Sure, you can do anything.

But it’s all about Right Action now.
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