






对你来说这是一个重要的季节,通过自我觉察的方式,它为你制造了一次重大的转折。你的主神火星花费了本年度的大部分时间为你的生活带来意义深远的改变,尤其是围绕着你的伴侣或是你所爱的人。然后,刚过去的几周,火星趋近并合相土星,要求你做出一些重大的决定 - 关于你是谁,你愿意为你的生活做些什么。此刻这些决定已经完成(希望如此),到本周结束,火星将会触发全新的一章 – 它完全有赖于你无条件地爱自己。让你的心智扩张,超越先前的疆界,用仁慈和爱心填满你的思想。这些转折对于周末起始的新阶段非常重要。





























★★★水瓶座——译者:D 【版本一】

你是否为今年完成的事情感到高兴呢?有事情你已经改变了吗?你有机会吗?这很重要,因为本周之后你将会开启一段全新的时期,百分百基于目前你已经建构好的事情。你可能没意识到,但任何你不完全感觉开心的事情可能会被重建,只需要你接受并且相信。这是通往新世界的路途,你是如此重要的表现者,只需你运用新能量证明自己,任何人都能看到你能丰富充实自己的梦想。 只需要简单的选择,允许自己选择建构。


★★★水瓶座——译者:Anson 【版本二】




迄今为止,你已明白一切皆有可能 - 只要你内心渴望去做。所幸你对你的‘自我’感觉良好,且比以往任何时候都更信赖自己巨大的创造力。新的人生篇章将于本周末开启,赐予你一段重大的过渡时刻,让你深呼吸,为前方的自我扩展期做好准备。进入你的视界,稳稳地持有它;当你观察时,允许你的视界扩展,无论它会以何种方式蔓延。此过程将引领你进入人生旅途的下一阶段 - 也一定会成为关键的转折点。本周无论出现什么选择,请毫不迟疑地向你内心秉持的真理前行吧——成功时别忘了分享你的胜利。





It’s been an important season for you, one which has produced a major shift in the way you perceive your Self. Your ruler, Mars, spent much of the year bringing profound change into your life, particularly around your partner or loved ones. Then, for the past few weeks, Mars made his way to Saturn, and asked you to make some important decisions about who you are and what you are willing to do with your life. Now these decisions are made (hopefully) and by the end of this week Mars will trigger a whole new chapter, one that will depend on Loving your Self unconditionally. Allow your mind to expand beyond previous boundaries and fill your thoughts with kindness and Love. These shifts are important to the new phase that begins at the end of this weekend.

All happiness begins with a Loving thought.


You’ve worked hard these past couple of months to get to this moment, where your life takes a turn you may have known was coming, but could not in a million years have understood what it would yield. All that work to bring conscious trust into your life is about to produce an expansion to your consciousness unlike any you’ve ever known before. It requires action on your part, but not the kind that is based on an anxious desire to keep up, or to get it right. The events that begin by the end of this week are so important to your Soul’s evolution that you’ll want to adopt an inner faith and promise your Self you will take a step only when your heart moves you. Tune in and refuse to be distracted.

You know how to take things slow and steady.


The pursuit of your dreams takes on a new dimension this week, as your heart gets involved in ways you didn’t see coming. Events leading up to this weekend bear great meaning and it will likely take you another year to fully realize all that it brings. That’s not to say you won’t be thrilled right now, because you will. Your heart will be filled to overflowing, and your dreams will begin to manifest right before your eyes. A very important new chapter of your life begins right now. A lot of what is going in occurs at the core of your being, which results in a shift you don’t SEE, but you will definitely FEEL it. Allow your Self the full experience of what’s happening by choosing to stay out of your head.

It’s not possible to understand what has not yet manifested.


You know that the tough moments always lead to the greatest evolution, don’t you? Even though your life is touched by situations that require great focus and TLC, you already know it’s all perfect and it will all turn out well. Venus moves into Virgo on Friday and softens your feelings, bringing up a compassion and kindness from within and also from others toward you. (The latter is, of course, the reflection of what you offer your Self). It is important that you stay with the positive and trust your inner guidance this week, because by the end of next weekend, your willingness to be kind to your Self will pay off in ways you can’t possibly see coming as the week begins. The tougher moments always yield the most joyful ones.

Let your higher Self make the decisions with a game-changing inner fortitude.


Since benevolent Jupiter entered your sign on July 20th, your life has been more expansive than you’ve known for a while. While this is undeniable, that growth isn’t necessarily very easy for you, courtesy of Jupiter’s many intricate connections with the other outer planets, representing your higher Self. In other words, there’s a major evolutionary process under way at the soul level, which requires much diligence and discipline from you. These are not your most comfortable places to be. Despite that, you know how important this is, making you willing to put in the hard labor to get to that successful destination already manifested in your mind’s eye. Watch your emotions as they come and go, but refuse to identify your Self with them. This effort will take you very swiftly to your heart center.

It’s so much easier when you come from there.


The last few months have been very fruitful in that they have produced a new chapter for you. It has become your purpose to figure out what direction to take from here, now that those years of struggle and discomfort are over. You know they are over, don’t you? Are you willing to take that all-important first step out of there? You thought you were taking that step numerous times already, but when you look it squarely in the eye, you know you have yet to actually make it happen. Every time it feels as though you can do it, something comes up that prevents it again. It may SEEM to come from ‘out there’, but it is actually coming from within you. Acknowledge this and you’re half way there. By next week you can get your new start.

Be prepared to say yes.


You’ve come so much closer to manifesting the life you want these past few months, and your plan is to make more of the same happen. But it’s imperative for you to understand that what you want and what you get are rarely the same thing. Mercury, ruler of the mental body, moves into your sign on Tuesday, and you could all too easily go mental in just the place where staying centered in your heart is what matters the most. To manifest the world your way, it has to come directly from the heart. This is easier said than done, because to come from the heart one must be balanced in every way: mind, heart body and spirit. Take note of anything that still needs realignment within you and you will find it much easier to get where you want to go.



As the week begins, you may feel that life is as intense as ever, but this promises to be a time when everything lightens up, whether you feel you can allow it or not. This is largely due to Mars, which represents your energy and drive, as well as your physical body. By the end of this week Mars triggers a whole new chapter for Saturn, leading the way to a new kind of inner authority. Think about what you most want to manifest for your Self and begin this week by telling your Self you are already there. Use the words “I AM” a lot. Do it deliberately and consciously, and make it a point to catch your Self whenever you use those same words to the opposite effect. It’s up to you.

What you choose this week will soon become your world.


There are plenty of shifts and changes going on in your physical world, but you already know that focusing there won’t get you anywhere. Keep your conscious awareness on your higher choices this week, because the ones you make deliberately will reconstruct your life for the better, and without the kind of effort you go into this week thinking you’ll need to put out there. With your ruler the focus of a major configuration that involves most of the outer (read: Higher) planets, all you have to do is line your heart up with your greatest desires and let the universe put it all into place for you. Does that sound too good to be True? Well, consider this: you’ve worked hard and downright struggled this year to get to a more comfortable space, and now you’re on the verge.

You’ve totally earned it.


When Mars came together with Saturn last week, a situation manifested that isn’t totally in alignment with the road you’ve been on. It may seem like a burden, or even a major roadblock, but it’s important for you to look again. If you consider that you are manifesting your life as you live it, you should be able to comprehend pretty easily that you can just as easily change your mind to change any story line. To the extent that you’re willing to believe that, you can change your life. Scan your life and decide what you want and what you don’t want. Refuse to accept the things you don’t want as stuff that’s ‘happening to you’. That’s pretty far from the Truth.

You now have the chance to prove beyond any doubt that you have the power to author your life your way.


Are you pleased with what you’ve accomplished so far this year? Is there anything you’d change, if you had the chance? This is important, because after this week you’ll begin a new chapter that is based 100% on what you’ve manifested thus far. You may not realize it, but anything you’re not totally happy with can be redesigned right here right now, just by adopting that vision and believing you’re there. Such is the way of the new world, and you are such an important way shower that if you make your Self willing to work with these new energies you’ll prove to your Self and anyone with eyes to See that this is the way to manifest abundance and fulfill your dreams. It takes a simple choice and then an allowing for that choice to manifest, in that order.

It’s just that easy.


By now you’ve learned that you can make anything happen if it’s in your heart to do it. Hopefully you’re feeling good about your Self and you believe, more than ever, in your considerable creative powers. A new chapter begins at the end of this week, giving you an important transitional moment to take a deep breath in preparation for the expansive period that lies just up ahead. Tune into your vision and hold it steadily before you. While you observe, allow it to expand, in whatever way it wants to. This process will deliver you to the next step on your journey, which promises to become a very important turning point. Whatever choices come up for you this week, move without hesitation toward the Truth you hold in your heart. Share your triumphs as you achieve them.

Your dreams are on their way.
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