

里克莱文,占星研究与教育中心的创建者, 担任过两任华盛顿占星协会主席。 还是职业占星组织互联网占星协会( AFAN ) , 美国占星研究学会( NCGR ) 及 国际占星研究协会( ISAR ) 的活跃成员。





















诚然你的想象力可以无所顾忌,但是如果草率的开始某些重要的事情就会徒劳无功。新月月食把你们这个创意无限的星座推向极致,给你一次重生的机会。你即将开始一场心神之旅,而你那模糊精致的思绪最终会落实到现实中。不要因为感觉着急而使自己受害。在专注于一条道路之前,你要充分的烤炉其他所有的可能性和可选项。Henry David Thoreau 曾写道:“这个世界就是想象力的画布”。


Solar Eclipse in Pisces Horoscopes
Step beyond your boundaries at March's New Moon Solar Eclipse

The Pisces New Moon on March 8, 2016, is a Total Solar Eclipse that sends us on a magical mystery tour. Every New Moon is like a cosmic reset button that kicks off a new monthly cycle. But when the New Moon eclipses the Sun, the reboot is more sudden and more powerful. There is often an unexpected shift in the energy when a Solar Eclipse stirs the cosmic soup.

Watch this video about the Eclipse:

During this New Moon and Solar Eclipse, we are riding an emotional rollercoaster with fantasy-prone Neptune also activating our dreams, taskmaster Saturn pulling in the reins, and boisterous Jupiter making everything seem bigger and better than it actually is. It's nearly impossible for us to find stability with so many planets battling for center stage during this eclipse.

Nevertheless, there is a blessing hidden within the depths of this surreal Pisces Solar Eclipse's relationship to Jupiter. The real gifts of Pisces are sensitivity and compassion. Our willingness to step outside of our narrow perspective empowers us to grow emotionally and spiritually. But we don't have to fall victim to the consequences of ignoring boundaries as our dreams overflow into the real world. We can call on karmic Saturn to help us make responsible decisions. Anything is possible once we acknowledge our limits.

Set your intentions at this Solar Eclipse! See how the energy of your past and present will impact your future with a Timeline Tarot reading.

Learn more about the impact of this Solar Eclipse now with your sign's horoscope below...

Aries Horoscope (March 21 - April 19)
You might feel like you're floating in an imaginative bubble and time is standing still. However, your inflated balloon could pop when the Pisces Solar Eclipse rattles your 12th House of Escapism. You already realize big changes are looming on the horizon, but their arrival is accelerated by the eclipse. You must meet your current obligations while you still have the chance. Once you tie up loose ends, you will be free to move into the next phase of your life. The clock is ticking and the future waits for no one.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21 - July 22)
You could be obsessing about the idea of an exotic vacation, and it would be a shame to waste the current opportunity without attempting to realize your fantasy. At this point it doesn't matter whether you can afford to take time off from work or if the costs are beyond your budget. The Pisces New Moon Eclipse electrifies your 9th House of Vision; it is essential for your heart's happiness to try to make your dreams come true. A preliminary exploration won't require additional resources, and you can always wrangle with the logistics later if you decide to actually embark on your escapade.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
A romantic fantasy may be exactly what the doctor orders, even if you don't actually say a word about it for the sake of propriety. The magical Pisces Solar Eclipse flows through your 5th House of Love and Creativity, potentially inspiring a wonderful experience. Don't be concerned if the pleasure takes place only within your imagination since it still can have real implications if you choose to act on your feelings now or later on. Whether or not you tell anyone your secrets, acknowledge your current attractions without worrying about where they could lead.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Your visionary ideas tempt you with many ways to increase your income as the dreamy Pisces Solar Eclipse enlightens your 2nd House of Personal Resources. But financial planning won't necessarily lead to fiscal rewards because you might be misled by your own idealism. Be smart and consider every inspiration that comes to mind, but don't put all your eggs in one basket. Your current key to success is keeping each dream alive until a reality check requires you to leave it in the past.
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