

八月底和九月初会有一个过去12个月里第二大的“机会”出现在你面前,智慧、温柔的爱、更广阔的前景 -- 这些会在周二或者周三幸运地降临,(2016年) TIM 周运兴趣翻译 08.07 – 08.13


所有时间/日期使用的是太平洋夏令时间(PDT)(Pacific Daylight Time Zone) 。PDT是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时(只要英国也是夏令时)。例如,如果PDT是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。博客右边的“世界时钟”(World Clock)为你提供了一些线索http://www.astralreflections.com/,你也可以google “时区转换”(time zone converter)。


【周一】10:41 ~ 21:51; 【周三】22:22 ~ 【周四】10:24; 【周六】10:37 ~ 21:11。


☆☆☆ 序文 ——译者: vera


狮子一直是好莱坞的象征。约翰·休斯顿,麦克·道格拉斯,罗伯特·雷德福,奈特·沙马兰,阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克,黛博拉·梅辛,西恩·潘,埃德·诺顿,罗曼·波兰斯基 -- 所有人都是狮子座的。当我得知艾米莉·勃朗特(呼啸山庄的作者)是狮子座的时候,我对这个星座的尊敬升高了两级。和詹姆士·乔伊斯写下有可能是上个世纪最 伟大的两部小说的马尔科姆·劳瑞也是狮子座(乔伊斯是水瓶座的)。马尔科姆的小说冷静、自持,情节如瀑布般激荡。勃朗特的著作属于典型的狮子座风格 -- 充满激情,情节紧凑 -- 打掉牙齿往肚子里咽,一颗心却在咆哮和哭泣。劳瑞的小说《火山之下》犹如一场费时、悲伤的课程 -- 充满了几乎是超现实的美丽 —让男性没有了爱的能力。水瓶座的人表达的是他的思想;狮子座的人表达他们的内心。狮子拥抱激情,他们的作品跌宕起伏。J.K·罗琳,最受青少年欢迎的小说家,她也是狮子座的。


白羊啊,现在你正坐在胜利之箭上。所以,拿出你的热情向前冲吧。这些天每天都充满着浪漫,新奇和投机的冲动,美好以及快乐。周日/周一事关恋爱关系,尽管不是很美好。周日直到下午五点,都不是适合合作的一天,也不适合寻找合伙人。周二周三,把头深深地埋到水里去吧。在金融,投资,债款收回方面可以有收获。 和自己喜欢的人也可以拉近关系。还可以改变自己的生活习惯,得到更高一级的医疗建议,寻访一位医师或者心理咨询师,这些都能成功,除了周三早晨无法得到的亲密关系。周四早上到周六晚上,一股甜蜜的充分理解的意识流撩动你的内心。这期间内,法律,道德,国际,媒体,文化,知识,旅行和爱情极具重要性,然而是比较糟糕的重要,会遇到各种各样的障碍。周四白天还是不错的,但是从那以后,各种困难和厄运就控制了你的生活。步步小心吧,就当在演步步惊心咯~




这周和下周双子的生活重点依然在短途旅行、兄弟姐妹、意外造访的朋友、琐事、信息、写作、媒体、书面工作和具体细节上。在最近这周,你在工作和资产方面可能会愿望成真,然而在爱情方面却不会(或者,如果你投入进去,你稍后会后悔当时这么做了)。尽管你会在周日/周一体验到快乐和窥见美好,浪漫不会走太远。周一早晨会有一段出乎意料的吸引,但它包含着长期的失望。周二/周三处理琐事,补充维生素 -- 在你完成各种任务时有一段幸运的间隔休息期。周四早晨到周六晚 上,社交关系盈溢。周四晚上,你会感觉你已经找到了一个好朋友(可能有些暧昧味道),但之后这段关系又变得困难重重。圆滑些,不要给别人太大压力,对机会认真辨别,留个心眼。这周重点:你的工作、钱和事业。


这周的重点继续停留在金钱、收益、支出、财产、记忆力以及一夜情或和谐的性关系上。(关于最后一点,这周不要陷入一段崭新的爱情关系/风流韵事中 -- 最终的心碎几乎是必然的。)周日/周一属于家庭,你将把注意力放在家、孩子、庭园、安全、退休计划等上面。然而,障碍和意料之外的反抗建议你要步步小心。浪漫、美丽、艺术、快乐、可爱的孩子们、自我表现、爱情、创造力和冒险消磨了你周二/周三的时光 -- 你感到非常幸运!奇怪的是,在周三这一幸运而又有些浪漫的时段里有一件事可能不会有所进展 -- 男女关系。否则,尽情享受吧!你将在周四上午晚些时候(太平洋时间)至周六晚上处理家务。你将会在周四从事机械工作或是体力活。在此之后,周五/周六为你提供了一些成功的途径 -- 你要变得小心、缓慢,预先思考每个动作(在行动之前权衡3次,等等)。未来的两个月里你将会工作热情、追逐事业。你可能会获得一位工作搭档。整个八月,交流和旅行都不错,你做这些事情时将会充满爱。


大猫们的能量、魅力、影响力和效率仍处于年度高峰。8月财运很好,现在到9月末,浪漫、创新的勇气和决心位于2年来的高峰。整装待发,大狮子! (现在到9 月底你将赢得诉讼、加入国际事务/旅行、高等教育、哲学、真正的爱(如婚礼)、媒体、文化场所和统计。所有这些方面,都有爆发的创造力或 --狗屎运,来为你保驾护航。) 周日/周一围绕差事、旅行、拜访、电话、短信、书面工作、兄弟姐妹和泛泛之交: 但是形势复杂,要谨慎行事。最佳时间是周日晚。周一会遇到让你眼前一亮的异性,或你目睹朋友有如此经历。大猫要小心,任何本周开始的新恋情注定失败,很糟糕的那种。周二/周三回归家庭、孩子、园艺、大自然等等。这 个短暂间隔对进展和项目是极好的,适合开始维修、景观、孩子的大学基金、自己的退休基金等。周四中午到周六晚浪漫像微风吹拂。开始时(周四)爱情看似可以解决一切问题,但周五/周六矛盾显露。做梦可能远胜行动。


处女宝宝们,未来两周,保持轻松的状态。试着清理近年/月来累计起来的让你忽略的杂事吧。它将帮你在之后的八月末到九月末间解放出来,那是你本年度最幸运的时间。(届时你有可能购买不动产 -- 未来将买的更多)。利用即将到来的一周,检查所有的因素,然后制定一份行动计划。。。 自然而然的做些事,认真思考,将所有的想法记下来,稍事离开,回来后继续关注。一个重要的提示:本周不要坠入爱河,不要对任何新出现的异性感兴趣:否则只能以悲剧结尾。周日/周一,追求金钱 -- 或者说,保护钱财。周二/周三,你的生活会被出差,泛泛之交的朋友,文件工作,各种细节,旅行和沟通填满 -- 挺幸运的,所以尽情投入吧。你有可能与某人交流,今后有可能爱上那个人(小心喽!)也有可能与情人或伴侣间达成美好的约定。这两天,你的写作能力和交流能力非常棒!周四上午到周六晚上,可以渐渐从工作中脱离出来,回归家庭。耐心些,放轻松:你想要的越少,一切就会进展的越顺利。


你的未来十分光明,秤子们。这种积极乐观的感受会持续一到两个月,这将是你一年里最最幸运时刻 -- 而今年则是你自2004年5月至今最为幸运的一年。现在是时候向前看了,做好计划,加入团体(你现在参加越多的团体/俱乐部那么今后的几年里你就会越幸运)。本周以及下周你可能仍保持着高人气。但这一周的日子并不容易。调情时,会带来蜜汁“可能性”,当然如果你单身 -- 但在8月14日之前,别就这么开始新恋情或很快迷上新认识的人。不然你会受伤。你的能量,魅力和高效会在星期日和星期一展现。但你们中的一些人会再次面临内部障碍或决择(从2008至2024,这是个长期趋势)。这可能会让你对你的配偶/孩子有点暴躁 -- 你也可能察觉到你有比想象中更多的工作要做。(聪明的工作:分配任务而不是自己做。)周二和周三是捞钱的好日子 -- 你或许能抓住机会!多多与客户闲谈,巴结老板,出售闲置物等等。跑腿,通讯,琐事,媒体,普通朋友,短途旅行会填满周四上午到周六晚上。你可能会在周四下午或是晚上交到一个很好的男性朋友,也许是以一种浪漫的开端(但记住我以上的警告!)。在这之后,你会在周五和周六遇到许多障碍。所以谨慎行事,以一种轻松的、缓慢的步调。


蝎蝎,(你的)关注点依然在你的事业、有威名的交际、权威,世界性的地位/名声,以及你这周和下周的雄心上。这存在着两种“边际趋向” ,而且: (1) 直到八月末,你的社交圈会随着爱慕与机遇更加美好,这点可以帮助你与人沟通然后为你自己添些美名。(2)现在到九月末你的收入都会迅速增加。这或许暗示了薪水增加,更多的客户。但是呢,现在金钱是一把双刃剑,因为你可能更容易花钱而不是存钱 -- 节制开销,或者你可能会以比如今更少的买买买而告终。周日/周一在平缓的静养中度过,思索审视你的生活,你见过什么样的风景以及你的征程又在哪里…然后做好计划, 避免动作与承诺,因为你的运气很差。做一个慈悲有灵性的人。周二/周三你的元气与魅力会汹涌上涨 -- 好运伴你左右,所以走出家门吧, 融入人群中,与人交流,开始重要的项目,尤其是在商业或事业的领域。周四中午到周六晚上去挣钱 -- 但要小心,因为有许多阻碍和易激发因素存在其中。周四工作挣钱。再次提醒,这周不要坠入爱河或开始一次新的爱恋: 难得善果。


8月,老板会喜欢你, 。你的浪漫和创造的勇气在8月和9月飙升 (但本周不要开始外遇或爱上新人 -- 那只不过是空虚的结果) 。本周和下周你要为大事做准备 -- 旅行, 高等教育、社会/文化活动, 哲学等等,一件件慢慢来吧!周日和周一你乐观, 充满诱惑、受欢迎和喜欢社交。然而, 形势有些不对 (特别是在家庭, 事业和金钱领域) , 所以你会一事难成。 周二到周四中午让自己享受休息一下 -- 慈善友爱、追求精神需求、与政府部门接触、休息、计划你的未来。周四中午到周六晚你的精力、活力、效率和影响力飙升。你会成为明星和领导者。不利和有利因素不相上下,所以要灵活行事。周四会带来热辣辣的爱和浪漫 (但请重读上面第二句)。周六晚些时候. 可能有人会给你带来触电般的感觉 -- 如果是这样,去吧,这个是安全的(但也许结果不是婚姻)。


未来两周仍然与神秘和秘密有关(包括有价值的“秘密”信息,例如,金融投资者可能拥有的内幕消息)。你比平时需要更多的性,更加严肃,在财务上更加雄心勃勃。然而,这周,不要爱上某人或开始新的恋情。因为会失败,之后会更糟。8月,你会爱上法律、国际和增长智慧的领域。8月和9月是购买房地产的好时期,同时,劝你避开黑暗的小巷、摩托车俱乐部和其他可能发生暴力的地方。(相反,摩羯座运动员在这两个月往往出类拔萃。)周日/周一,雄心勃勃,但是说话做事要 留有余地,因为有些事可能会失败。你可能会被迫在事业和家庭之间做出决定。周二/周三,好运又回来了,你的人气开始上升,你感到人们是友善的、互相调笑、 轻松愉悦。一个有关法律、远行或学术方面的问题可能带来好消息。周四中午到周六晚上,乱七八糟。撤退、休息、避免与任何人和事竞争。沉思、计划、保持冷静和宽容。周六早上,你可能会偶然发现一些利好消息。




双鱼们,本周和下周,零碎繁杂的琐事会接踵而来。不妨摇头叹息之后投入其中。(八月底和九月初会有一个过去12个月里第二大的“机会”出现在你面前,加入某个团队、结婚、搬家、成为媒体焦点,吸引公众吧。-- 现在把所有的琐事都处理干净,会使得你在面对未来几周里的这个机会时游刃有余。)有规律地饮食起居,周日或者周一是深沉的,充满神秘的,诱惑你进入情色的世界(有几分惊心动魄的危险)或者是一次投资。什么都不要做,因为好运并不在你手中。你心中想得到的并不是你真正需要的。避免承诺。智慧、温柔的爱、更广阔的前景 -- 这些会在周二或者周三幸运地降临,它们会推动你去申请学校、购买旅行的车票,努力投身于文化事业,或者与一个一丝不苟的 、实际的人坠入爱河(处女座的类型)-- 最后一点,本周发生的新恋情,可能会上演一出奥斯卡悲剧。周四中午到周六晚上,保持雄心壮志。再强调一遍,运气是混杂模糊的,所以,有机会的时候带头行动;如果发现孤立无援,迅速撤离。周四,你可以挣得或者发现额外的金钱。周六清晨,在金钱、薪资方面,你可能会捕捉到好运。尤其是如果有好友给了你一个线索,或者你读到政府的公告(比如政府在招标,投标之类的)。

2015.07.26 – 08.01

我的内在认为杰布·布什为下一任美国总统 -- 但我需要先做星盘图表。8月下旬到2016年9月,希拉里的单纯受尊重的状况略有变化,她越来越受欢迎。特朗普的特立独行的活动似乎是有计划的为她赢得王冠 (通过分裂的共和党选举)。然而,2016年9月中,她将开始进入情感上的撤退。10月,她的运气和精力将每天消失多一点。问题是,在选举日,她早期的势头将带领她通过或者她的“淡出”过于强大?我猜“淡出” 强大到足以让她离开白宫 – 我有可能是错的。

1986年当我的内在低语说 “bush” 将是下一届总统,我还从未听说过乔治·布什(George Bush)。所以我写到下一届美国总统可能有 “浓密的眉毛” (bushy eyebrows)。但是她(Nima, 我的内在)还说bush是 “父亲” 。我觉得她指的是国家的父亲,像乔治·华盛顿,或者其他的父亲般的图像。不过也可能她表示的是历届总统的父亲?不管怎样,还有几个月,让我做星盘图表吧。

2015.04.19 – 04.25

2015年4月12号天蝎希拉里发出她参选的官方通告,其时月亮位于水瓶座,她的家庭宫,代表着 “叠好帐篷回家” 。恰当地,她最初选举的停滞是由于私人的目的。这是一个疲倦或是 “冬眠” 的区域。现在,我猜想希拉里是水瓶上升 -– 因此她与狮子比尔·克林顿联姻,有酒窝的脸颊,是水瓶的特征。一定程度上,月亮在她的上升星座时开始参选可以给她一些支援。即便如此,如果她真心想赢得选举,她应该在月亮在狮子座时开始参选,那是天蝎的雄心宫位,水瓶的机会以及处理公共事务的宫位。看上去她害怕走向那个大舞台。我猜想,内心深处,对于希拉里来说这次的选举是一次献祭的活动,为她的期望她四处奔波。我同情她。

2014.10.19 – 10.25


曾经我简单地概括了250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。”



天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 - 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。



关于蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述


我从1977年开始写占星专栏。起初是在一个小报纸的小专栏。然后成长为包括许多报纸和一个名为 http://www.astralreflections.com 的网站(就像这个博客)。

不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 - 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说“Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?”事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。


我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换?



有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或他的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先NASA会忽略我,然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。




ARIES March 21-April 19

You’re riding a winning streak, Aries, so pump up your charm and charge ahead. Your days will be filled with romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure. Sunday/Monday are for relationships, though they won’t be easy Sunday until after 5 pm (PDT) – not a day for co-operation, nor for seeking a partner. You veer into deeper waters (good depths) Tues./Wed. You can succeed in finances, investments, debt reduction. You can increase intimacy with someone you desire. You can change your lifestyle, get deep medical advice, find a therapist or counsellor. All succeeds (unless you try for intimacy Wed. morning (PDT). A sweet, understanding mood flows over you Thurs. morning to Sat. night. Legal, ethical, international, media, cultural, intellectual, travel and love matters are highlighted – unfortunately not well; you could run into multiple barriers. Thursday, daytime, favours you, but from this point onward obstacles and poor luck dominate: step carefully!

TAURUS April 20-May 20

The emphasis remains on home, family, security, retirement, garden, Mom Nature, nutrition – and rest. This is your natural month of hibernation, so take as many naps as you want. Hug the kids. This week and next are the best time of 2016 to “prune your garden” – let stale or unproductive projects and relationships go; begin or nurture new, and/or healthy links. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Sunday/Monday. Proceed carefully. Monday’s a bit stressful. Don’t buy machinery. Relationships fill Tues./Wed. – if married, you’ll know you’re still in love. If single, prospects appear – but DON’T even approach anyone new before Saturday night, as it will end in frustration. (This person might even marry you, but will refuse to love you.)That said, ordinary co-operation thrives these two days, in work, friendship and practical affairs. Thurs. midday to Sat. night steer you toward finances, depths, research and intimacy, medical and lifestyle actions – but not easily nor successfully – be careful! (In general, avoid “forward” action.)

GEMINI May 21-June 20

This week and next continue the accent on short trips, siblings and casual friends, errands, messaging, writing, media, paperwork and details. During the present week, what you want in work and assets might come true; what you want in love will not (or, if you dive in, you’ll later wish you hadn’t). Although you’ll experience pleasure and spy beauty Sun./Mon., romantic approaches won’t go far. A sudden, unexpected attraction might spring up Mon. morn. (PDT) but it contains a long-term disappointment. Tackle chores and improve your vitamins Tues./Wed. – a lucky interval during which you’ll accomplish a lot. Relationships fill Thurs. morning to Saturday night. You’ll feel you’ve found a good friend (and maybe a flirty one) Thurs. eve, but after this obstacles prevail. Be diplomatic, don’t push others, and be skeptical of “opportunities.” Best focus this week: on your work, money, career.

CANCER June 21-July 22

The focus remains on money, earnings, expenses, possessions, memory and casual or friendly sex. (Regarding the last, DON’T fall into a brand new love/new affair this week – eventual heartbreak almost certain.) Sunday/Monday are domestic, focusing on home, children, garden, security, retirement plans, etc. However, hindrances and unexpected reactions counsel stepping carefully. Romance, beauty, art, pleasure, charming kids, self-expression, love, creativity and risk-taking consume you Tues./Wed. – very fortunately! Oddly, the one thing that might not work during this lucky little romantic interval, are man-woman relations Wed. morning. Otherwise, enjoy! Tackle chores Thurs. late morning (PDT) to Sat. night. Work on mechanical or “male” chores Thurs. After this, Fri./Sat. offer few avenues to success – be careful, slow, pre-think every move (measure 3 times before cutting, etc.). The two months ahead make your work intense and career-oriented. You might be offered a working partnership. All August, communications and travel are good, affection surrounds them.

LEO July 23-Aug. 22

Your energy and charisma, clout and effectiveness remain high – a yearly high. Your money luck’s good through August, and your romantic, creative courage and determination sit at a two-year high, now to late September. You’re primed to go, Leo! (Now to late September you will tend to win lawsuits, to be drawn toward international affairs/travel, toward higher education, philosophy, formal love (e.g., weddings) media, cultural venues, and statistics. In all these, a surge of creativity – or “dumb luck” – comes along to lift your boat.) Sunday/Monday are for errands, trips, visits, calls, messaging, paperwork, siblings and casual acquaintances: but the terrain is rough, so proceed with caution. Best time: Sunday eve. You could meet a stunning member of the opposite sex Mon. morning, or you could watch a friend do so. Leo, be careful – any new love started this week is sure to fail, in a bad way. Get domestic Tues./Wed. – home, kids, garden, Mother Nature, etc. This short interval is splendid for progress and projects, so start repairs, renos, landscaping, a child’s college fund, your own retirement fund, etc. Romance enters like a blowing breeze Thurs. mid-day to Sat. night. At first (Thurs.) love looks like the solution to everything; but Fri./Sat. the thorns appear. Dreaming might be better than action.

VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Remain restful, Virgo, for two more weeks. Try to clean up all the neglected chores that have accumulated over the years/months. This will free you for action from late August to late September, perhaps the luckiest time of this year for you. (A time when you might buy a property – but more of this later.) Use the week ahead to examine all factors, then create a plan of action…let it come naturally, think about it, jot any ideas down, then go away and ponder again, etc. One major warning: DON’T start a love affair or fall for anyone new this week: it would end tragically. Chase money – or I should say, protect money – Sunday/Monday. Errands, casual friends, paperwork, details, trips and communications fill Tues/Wed. – fortunately, so plunge in. You might talk to someone you will love someday (careful!) and/or reach sweet agreement with a lover or spouse. You speak/write very well these two days. Head for home (or quietly withdraw at work) late morning Thurs. to Sat. night. Be patient, restful: the less you attempt, the better you’ll fare.

LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your future looks bright, Libra. That sense of optimistic anticipation you feel will be born out in a month or two, when a year of high personal luck begins – one of your luckiest years since 2004/05. Now is the time to look ahead, plan ahead and gather allies (the more groups/clubs you join now, the luckier you’ll be for a few years to come). Your popularity remains high this week and next. But the present week is not the easiest. Flirtations occur, bringing attractive “possibilities” if you’re single – but DON’T start a love affair nor let yourself be attracted to anyone new whom you meet before August 14. It would come to grief. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness sail high Sunday/Monday. But once again some of you face a major domestic hurdle or decision (2008 to 2024, so it’s a long trend). This can make you a bit testy with spouse/kids – you also might “see” that you have more work to do than you thought. (Work smart: delegate tasks.) Chase money on a fortunate Tues./Wed. – you’re likely to catch it! Schmooze with clients, butter up the boss, sell unwanted items, etc. Errands, messaging, details, media, casual friends and short trips fill Thurs. morning to Sat. night. You could make a good male friend Thurs. afternoon/eve, perhaps start a friendly romance (remember my warning above!). After this, you’ll meet numerous obstacles Fri. and Sat., so proceed with caution and take an easy, slow pace.

SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The focus remains on your career, prestige relations, authorities, worldly standing/reputation, and your ambitions this week and next, Scorpio. Two “side trends” exist, also: 1) your social scene sweetens with affection and opportunity to late August, which can help you schmooze and put in a good word for yourself; 2) your income expands rapidly until late September. This can hint at a pay raise, more clients, etc. However, money now is a two-edged sword, as you’ll be as prone to spend as to collect – curtail spending, or you could end up with less than you have now. Spend Sun./Mon. quietly, restfully. Contemplate, examine your life, where you have been and where you’re going…then make plans. Avoid action, commitments, as your luck’s low. Be charitable, spiritual. Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues./Wed. – luck rides with you, so get out, mingle, make contacts, start significant projects, especially in the business or career realms. Chase money Thurs. midday to Sat. night – but carefully, as many obstacles and irritants exist. Work makes money Thurs. Once note: don’t fall in/start a new love this week: bad results.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Bosses like you, all August. Your romantic and creative courage soars all August and September. (But DO NOT start an affair or fall for a new person this week – heart-empty results.) You’re primed for big things this week and next – far travel, higher learning, social/cultural rituals, philosophical prominence, etc. It will happen in a mild, good-natured way. You’re optimistic, flirtatious, popular and social Sun./Mon. However, circumstances are awry (especially in home, career and money areas) so you’ll accomplish little. Instead, steep yourself in enjoyment! Retreat Tues. to midday Thurs. – be charitable, spiritual, approach government agencies, rest, plan your future. Your energy, pizzazz, effectiveness and clout soar Thurs. midday to Sat. night. You’ll be the star, the leader. As many factors go against you as favour you, so be nimble. Thursday can bring hot love, romance. (But re-read the second sentence above.) A lucky stroke around late morning Sat. might bring an “electric” attraction – if so, go ahead, this one’s safe. (But maybe not for marriage.)

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Two weeks remain of a period of mysteries and secrets (including valuable “secret” information, such as financial investors might possess). You feel more sexual, and more serious, and more financially ambitious, than usual. However, this week, DON’T fall in love or start an affair with someone new. It will fail – the later it does so, the worse. You’re favoured in legal, international and intellectual zones all August. Both August and September are good months to buy real estate – and both months urge you to avoid dark alleys, biker clubs and places of violence. (Contrarily, Capricorn athletes tend to excel, same two months.) Be ambitious Sun./Mon., but keep a “safety margin,” as some things might fail. You might be forced to decide between career and home. Good luck returns Tues./Wed. Your popularity will rise (mildly) – you’ll feel social, flirty and light-hearted. A legal, far travel or scholastic matter might contain good news. Jumbled luck returns Thurs. midday to Sat. night – retreat, rest, avoid competitive situations and people. Contemplate, plan, be calm and forgiving. You might stumble upon some good earnings news Sat. morning.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Two more weeks of relationships, Aquarius. Be co-operative, diplomatic. You’ll gain more (or become more enmeshed in the mire) from jumping on another’s bandwagon than trying to drive your own. Your hopes about your future are growing more sober, realistic. Although August is usually a month for you to meet exciting new people, even to find a mate, the present week warns you not to start a new affair, nor even approach a new person. A love started now would end badly. Sunday/Monday bring a wise, mellow mood, an interest in justice, international affairs, higher learning, far travel, and the meaning of life. Love grows gentle. However, difficult aspects hint you’ll accomplish little. Quietly take the high road, and skirt around temptations and sexy but deceptive people. Be ambitious Tues./Wed. – now your luck rises, so take advantage – submit a proposal to the boss, tug a VIP’s sleeve, etc. A management position or good investment awaits you. (Usually this would also bring great sex/lust, but as stated, a love begun now will sting you eventually. Steer toward happiness Thurs. mid-morn to Sat. night. This interval isn’t so easy, either – but you’ll hardly notice little frustrations, barriers and let-downs, as your mood’s so happy. Be joyful, but cautious. Thursday’s busy socially, with a romantic twist. Friday’s yuck. Sat.’s lively, successful around mid-morning.

PISCES Feb. 19-March 20

Chores keep coming this week and next, Pisces. Might as well heave a big sigh and plunge in. (Late August and early September will present you with the second-biggest “chance” in the last 12 months, to join another, marry, relocate, become a media hit, attract the public, etc. – clearing away all chores now will leave you free to act on opportunities in a few weeks.) Eat and dress sensibly. Sunday/Monday are deep, mysterious, lure you toward a sexy (and somewhat dangerously thrilling) situation or toward making an investment. Do neither, as your luck’s poor. What you want is not what you need. Avoid commitment. Wisdom, gentle love, a broader outlook – these visit fortunately Tues./Wed., and could nudge you to apply for school, buy travel tickets, bury from yourself in a cultural endeavor, or fall in love with a precise, practical person (a Virgo type) – do all but the last, as a new love started this week will qualify for the tragedy Oscars. Be ambitious Thurs. noon to Sat. night. Again, luck is mixed, so jump ahead where you can, and back away quickly from unhelpful situations. You could earn/find extra money Thurs. You might strike it lucky in money, pay scale, Sat. morning, especially if a confidant gives you a clue, or you’re reading the government gazette (in which the gov’t seek tenders, bids, etc.).

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