

有些事情或者人隐藏起来,他们可能对你有宝贵的价值,可能给你提供一个非常好的投资线索 -- 也许就在这个周六出现,不过更可能在周日到来(12月4日)。(12月2日周五晚见马师傅说小金) (2016年)T


蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,近40年的占星经验,在美加多个媒体开过专栏,因准确预测过许多时政大事结果闻名。运势风格偏事件指导。

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋夏令时间(PDT)(Pacific Daylight Time Zone) 。PDT是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时(只要英国也是夏令时)。例如,如果PDT是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。博客右边的 “世界时钟” (World Clock) 为你提供了一些线索 http://www.astralreflections.com/,你也可以google “时区转换” (time zone converter)。


【周日】13:48 ~ 【周一】12:46;【周三】20:08 ~ 【周四】00:52; 【周六】02:16 ~ 11:44



☆☆☆ 序文 -- 译者: 元中



特朗普是双子座。迈克·彭斯,魯迪·朱利安尼,紐特·金里奇也是双子座。但杰夫·塞申斯,迈克·弗林,凯利安妮·康威是摩羯座。这种 “聚合” 非比寻常。例如,4个双子成为新总统班子的四个关键人物的概率是多少?几十亿对一?摩羯座同样。我忽略了射手座的史蒂夫·班农和双鱼座的赖因斯·普里巴斯。


从2015年11月到2017年5月,月亮南交点 -- 坏的业力 -- 在双鱼座。双鱼座是双子座的职业和声望宫。现在到2017年5月,双子座应该避免职业或雄心,声望或政治上的努力。一般来讲,我建议这个星座避免改变职业或雇主,接受现状,等等。因为在这段时期追逐雄心壮志或声望往往会以失败告终,或者陷入泥潭。然而,这4个双子向显赫职位奔去,并抓住了它。这是怎么回事?

实际上,月亮南交点不是只意味着“坏的业力”,看不到前景的死胡同,沉没,沮丧的诱惑,不明智的选择 -- 它的真正意义是“旧的业力”。相反,月亮北交点意味着好的业力,或者“新的业力”-- 你在当下生活的那种。通常,关注或者试图依赖或者追逐月亮南交点所在的区域会招致失败。因为宇宙希望我们前进,而不是后退,这就是月亮南交点所表示的:旧的,积满灰尘的,“离去的”。有时候我们要承担过去做过的“圣洁的行为”的后果,这些都可以通过“旧的业力”和意外的“奖励”,落到我们的身上。此外,在北交点和南交点里,南交点更强有力,表示“命运”。例如,如果你的南交点落在我的太阳星座上,我们可能注定要见面,甚至形成一种关系。

因此:(1)看看特朗普选举中的过失,性歧视,种族主义的弦外之音,等等。在某些方面,特朗普的声誉来自下层民众。如果来自他们自己,他和其他双子座形成的三角关系将不复存在。(2)谁救了他们?摩羯座凯利安妮·康威,也许摩羯座迈克·弗林和杰夫·塞申斯。在选举期间,北交点(好的业力)在摩羯座的道德,名望和智慧的第九宫,并且通过选举,好运的木星在他们的职业和 “赢得选举” 的宫位。摩羯座是双子座的战略和力量的宫位,他们肯定是为特朗普而来的。(3)为什么会这样?这是个大问题,我会试着找时间来看看原因。


现在月亮南交点在双鱼座(直到2017年5月),对所有星座来说,通常是一个陷阱,并且浪费时间和努力,无论双鱼在他们出生图的什么位置。对双子来说,那是职业部门;对金牛来说,那是社会领域;等等。希拉里的月亮(那是情感领域,月亮也统治着大众)在双鱼座。她选择了一个双鱼人,蒂姆·凯恩,做她的竞选伙伴。双重打击!当特朗普为他的南交点的影响(受攻击的声誉,他的职业宫)付出代价的时候,希拉里为她的情感(月亮)的“离弃”而焦头烂额:对选举期间的愤怒和挑战 -- 南交点的标志(月亮或者太阳),她发现很难表达任何情绪。至于特朗普,南交点在一个“困难的位置”;但对希拉里来说,这是一个更直接的打击,南交点在她的月亮上,几乎不可能跨越,因为她的情绪被沉浸在,被囚禁在“坏的业力”里。然而我们要记住,往往南交点“囚禁”的类型是面对诱惑的自我囚禁,就像猴子陷阱。布陷阱者把糖果放在一个罐子里,让猴子去拿。但猴子拿着糖果的拳头比罐子的口要大,不能拿出糖果送到嘴里。因此它上串下跳,就是不肯放弃罐子里的糖果。希拉里握有成功的钥匙,但是用错误的方式使用它。


☆☆☆白羊座 -- 译者:姜氏沉鱼


☆☆☆金牛座 -- 译者:Honson-Cai

接下来几周仍然强调秘密、神秘、性欲、研究、侦查、隐藏力量、医疗事务和可能的手术、改变生活习惯、大的资金选项,承诺和影响,特别是周一下午到周三午夜。所有这些事情在这几周有利而顺畅,特别当你的工作和这些事务相关时。但是,周二中午前的白天到周三白天,当破坏和被误导的努力蔓延,保持谨慎。再早些,周日到周一中午适合感情关系。你跟所有人关系很好,在周日前半天,寻常伙伴关系运转良好。周四到周六中午,祥和而明智的心情到达。特别是周四,适合远行、智力追求、法律事务、发表和传媒、宗教、哲学、文化事项,以及爱情。周五仍是同一主题,但周五早上有些对抗性,晚饭时又有些破坏性。此后,一切顺利,都是为你。你可能收到或送出充满爱意的邮件或电话,不管哪一种方式,你都对结果感到高兴。老板和VIP 们持续不耐烦。有耐心点,下个周三(12月7号)后,这些高层们就会支持你啦。

☆☆☆双子座 -- 译者:lin


☆☆☆巨蟹座 -- 译者:临安细雨

每一年每个人都将会被工作、苦差以及令人不得安宁的健康问题拜访至少一次 -- 未来几周将轮到你了,所以你不妨开始努力并且应对好它吧。你要知道:12月19日至1月8日,消极怠工以及来自外界的误解将会发生在你身上。规划好你的工作和项目,以便在19日之前能够完成它们。直至月中,你的性欲都很强烈,并且本周你将会稍稍拓宽思路,它将为你带来和谐的恋爱关系 -- 一些单身的巨蟹们可能会陷入这样的关系,或许是与同事哦。浪漫、富有创造性和冒险性的冲动将会填满周日至周一中午的时间 -- 周日中午有个相当好的机会(太平洋时间)。你的工作和健康运势将在周一中午至周三午夜达到顶峰,由于物极必反,你最好明智地保持低调并做好份内事。一个新项目可能会被引荐给你,但是除非它能在12月中旬之前被彻底确立或落实,否则你将不能满怀热情地投入其中。如果你想要购买工具或者机械设备,在周三下午5点半至8点半之间买吧。周二早晨和周三白天,你要小心机械、电流、水边和驾驶。周四至周六中午,有人会来问候你。周四是极好极幸运的一天,但在情侣关系方面不算特别好 -- 虽然这天有利于发生亲密关系,特别是与新欢。周五直至傍晚,你将容易有拆伙的倾向。在这之后以及周六上午早些时候,你将进行一次有爱、有价值的接触。周六中午将会开启值得探索的一周。

☆☆☆狮子座 -- 译者:神仙静静

哇哦,甜蜜的浪漫!大猫们,无论单身或已婚,本周和接下来的几周会让你沉浸于快乐。快乐可以是来自游戏或运动的浪漫、创造、投机,或来自于自然呼吸的内在美丽。本周一中午到周三午夜双倍强调这些美好的方面。但是,形势比较混杂。在混乱的周二前半天和欺骗性的周三白天,要保持谨慎。你也许结束一段爱情,开始另一段 -- 但要小心开始。你可能追求肉体亲密,却发现自己行驶在错误的轨道。不过,你会沉浸在狂喜中。更早些的周日和周一前半天,强调你的家庭生活。周日早上到中午活跃些,但此后无论身处何方,想办法休息。周四到周六中午,会带来杂事和些许日常健康问题。周四棒棒哒 -- 你会取得不少成就。全天,尤其是晚餐时,你可能与某个热情的人交谈,此人会对你的生活产生有益影响。也许是一段恋情,也许是与法律事务或国际旅行相关的某人谈话 -- 无论何种情形,结果看来都不错。周五起到晚餐时需要小心 -- 在这之后,会顺利起来。周六中午开始重要而有益关系的周末。准备好达成合作。

☆☆☆处女座 -- 译者:泥根兒

周日和周一上午会有差事,细节,文书工作,短途旅行,沟通交流和偶遇的熟人。一切都还不错 -- 注意 “诸事不宜” 的时间。未来3周续继续强调你的内部情况:家庭,安全,退休,孩子和他们的未来,园艺,绿化,修复等等。不要开始任何在12月中旬以前不能完成的项目。上面这些领域尤其会在周一中午到周三午夜被着重强调。周一还好,但是周二的早上和周三白天会让你感到受阻和 “迷失方向” 。围绕着上面指出的时间安排你的工作。浪漫的想法会在周四到周六中午倾泻而出 -- 记得要保持美丽,愉悦,创造性和讨巧的欲望,还有迷人的孩子。周四太棒了,特别适合采购机械设备(可以炫耀你的勇气)。但是周五,至少在晚餐时间前都要与机械设备保持安全距离。这之后,感情温存。周六中午开始一个成功处理家务的周末 -- 你的努力会是强大的,幸运的(尤其是周日)。

☆☆☆天秤座 -- 译者:名字什么好难选

生活重心仍集中在差旅,文书工作和细节,短途旅行,通信以及日常应酬,特别是在周一中午到周三午夜,一个新的项目可能会在这些领域里开启。如果你要开始一些项目,需要小心谨慎,原因有二:(1)十二月中旬令人担忧的情形会缓慢的出现,继而把这些项目抛入混乱中;(2)你的运气好坏掺杂。成功会在周一,周二下午到周三黎明以及周三晚上到来。在这些时段做事,否则保持谨慎。潜在的意外或是爱会在周二早晨陷入混乱,虚假信息或者错误的目标出现在周三白天。周日到周一中午,追逐金钱和购物,一切看上去都不错,但仍然要参考“诸事不宜”的时间。周四到周六中午回归家庭 -- 拥抱你的孩子,修理或装饰你的家,整理花园,带孩子们在社区周围转转,等等。周四很棒:你会收获许多。如果单身,你或许会在晚餐时分遇到你生命中的其中一个真爱,谨记不是在深夜(PST)。周五早晨充满争论;人际关系在周五晚餐时分会变得紧张和充满压力;但稍后的深夜,情感升温。

☆☆☆天蝎座 -- 译者:cynthia_13b

直到12月20日,这都是你的金钱月,天蝎。挖掘新客户,向老板要求加薪,寻找新工作,自家车库拍卖旧物品等等。这也是个买重要物品的好时机,但有两个先决条件:(1)水星逆行开始于12月中旬左右,当你越接近那时候,你越有可能为了一个柠檬讨价还价。(2)周一中午到周三午夜的三天里,加倍突出了这个收入与支出的趋势不完全是 “纯粹的幸运” 。一个欺骗性的氛围 -- 或者你眼中浪漫的星星 -- 与拒绝的想法相结合,让金钱在这段时间里有点危险。为了成功,在周二下午到周三黎明前行动吧。从周日的早些时候到周一午间,你的魅力和能量大幅度走高。差事,偶遇的熟人,短途旅行,交流充斥着周四到周六中午的时间。周四很棒,如果你愿意交流,你能解决一个家庭问题。在此,从你遥远的过去或者从政府机构处寻找光明或者灵感。周五白天充满混乱或遭遇事故,但这个夜晚变得友好而亲昵。周六中午开始一个快乐家庭的周末。对家庭摩擦低调处理。

☆☆☆射手座 -- 译者:invisible

亲爱的射手,你处于巅峰。你的魅力、精力和效率仍然很高,事实上本周也越来越高。周日周一中午休息、思考和计划。再蓄积能量吧,慈爱和灵性。周一周三中午到午夜,你恢复活力。担任领导,启动重大项目,并建立新的联系或给有必要的人留下深刻印象 -- 但意识到也有障碍。周二早上妄想和破坏,欺骗或做白日梦的影响这段时间也会见端倪。周二浪漫和你的银行账户较上了劲。不过,你可以在推动个人议程的时候取得很大的进展,特别是周一,周二下午至周三黎明前,周三晚上8点。周三你可以克服相当困难的家务事,但不要急于深入,否则你无法自拔。周四到周六中午追逐金钱、性或财产。要意识到这些不会增值,投资也是,甚至是性魅力。周四,白天是与别人调情或聚会的好时机。关于爱和/或孩子的愿望会成真。周五上午好辩,但也可能给你带来意想不到的好运。然而那天下午是破坏性的:小心驾驶。周六下午会忙碌但也愉快 -- 跑腿、邮件和购买小件物品等。

☆☆☆摩羯座 -- 译者:马小川

继续潜伏,亲爱的摩羯。休息、思考和计划,与政府、制度内的人和公司总部打交道。与其亲自动手不如安排给别人做。让慈悲潜入你的灵魂深处。钱财继续光顾你,但如果不控制支出,最终可能变得更少。12月下旬将开启一个新的个人年,新的开始、新的计划、新的能量。你越是休息和计划,从12月21日起你就越成功。周日/周一,愿望可能成真,虽然是一个很小的愿望,但足以让你微笑。而且,这两个友善、愉快和乐观的日子,会令你的心受到鼓舞!周一中午至周三午夜,加剧本月的撤退趋势,正如上面的前三个句子里描述的。总的来说,这几天是悠闲的,但不要以为会很舒适。周二早晨,钱 -- 家 -- 抱负的冲突激怒了你,也许是因为你发现,所有的事情都如此简单和清晰只是一个梦。周三,警惕说错话给人留下不好的印象。周四到周六中午,你的能量和魅力反弹回来。周四是令人满意的,走出去,结交新人,给人留下深刻印象,并开始重要的项目。要确保12月中旬前你能完成这些项目,如果不能,那就聪明点,等到1月7日后再开始。你会得到加薪奖励,或者同等程度的赞扬。周五下午是具破坏性的,但当天早上,你的职业生涯会取得很大的进展。周六中午开始的周末,收钱和花钱。一切都很好,可靠和吉祥预兆。车库拍卖?

☆☆☆水瓶座 -- 译者:NANA

亲爱的瓶子,接下来几周你会沉浸在社交活动中。并且这几周会对之后一段长时间的有关高等教育,知识追求,远途旅行,国际事务,文化宗教活动和爱情的日子有帮助。从现在到12月末,特别是周一中午到周三午夜,在以上这些领域里你的一个长久的心愿可能会实现。(但是在你庆祝之前,请注意有两个可能阻碍你愿望实现的事情也许会发生:1)周二早晨,一个很有吸引力却很固执的人或者是一些关于你的八卦会出现,又或者是政府对于你的消费能力的一些干涉;2)周三白天,你可能会遇到一些关于资金不足的麻烦或者是纯粹出于你想要得到更多的金钱,而这些事情可能会影响到你的友谊和爱情。除此之外,这些天乃至这几周, 你都会很快乐,积极向上,乐观并且受欢迎。(周日早些时候或者周一早上,你会野心勃勃,对于大人物指派的工作尽忠职守。)后半周,从周四到周六中午,你会想要远离熙熙攘攘的人群。你适合小憩,冥想,安静的阅读,审视发生的事情的经过并制定计划。尽管你有些筋疲力尽,可是一直到12月中旬,你都散发着强烈的对异性的吸引力。你的吸引力可能会在周四给你带来新的恋情或是与旧爱复合。除此之外,周四也是一个计划旅行的好时机。可能会有一个暂时的阻碍出现,不过你会在这天的晚些时候找到解决的方法。周五下午一定要小心开车并且注意用电安全。周六下午,很快你又会充满活力与魅力,好好迎接一个美满的周末吧!

☆☆☆双鱼座 -- 译者:青莲泥巴

双鱼们,下一周的焦点依然集中在你的事业和世俗的野心上,尤其是周一中午到周三午夜时间。周一是美好的;周二的清晨你可能遇到阻碍,但是从下午到周三黎明前,都会一帆风顺。去做一切能够提升自己形象的事情,或者启动一个有野心的项目,再或者建立一段职场伙伴关系。可能会涉及到一场机密的讨论。注意:不要开启一段在12月中旬前无法完成或者无法打下一个坚实基础的项目。周日或周一,你会显得明智、柔和与充满同情心。一切都会很好,去注意那些什么都没发生的时间。伴随着社交的快乐、娱乐、友好的调情、受欢迎与内心乐观指数的提升,周二到周六的中午,你的愿望可能实现。周四的精彩在于:除了刚刚提到的幸运之外,这一天会带给你一次秘密的约会(爱人的),一份来自政府的礼物,一份遗产或者一次极好的投资机会。周五会有一个完全不同的故事 -- 虽然你的情绪依然高涨,但事情会让你失望,至少持续到晚餐时间。(这之后,就会有好转)。周六中午开启了愉快独处和放肆休息的周末时光。有些事情或者人隐藏起来,他们可能对你有宝贵的价值,可能给你提供一个非常好的投资线索 -- 也许就在这个周六出现,不过更可能在周日到来(12月4日)。

2015.07.26 – 08.01

我的内在向导认为杰布·布什为下一任美国总统 -- 但我需要先做星盘图表。8月下旬到2016年9月,希拉里的单纯受尊重的状况略有变化,她越来越受欢迎。特朗普的特立独行的活动似乎是有计划的为她赢得王冠 (通过分裂的共和党选举)。然而,2016年9月中,她将开始进入情感上的撤退。10月,她的运气和精力将每天消失多一点。问题是,在选举日,她早期的势头将带领她通过或者她的“淡出”过于强大?我猜“淡出” 强大到足以让她离开白宫 – 我有可能是错的。

1986年当我的内在向导低语说 “bush” 将是下一届总统,我还从未听说过乔治·布什(George Bush)。所以我写到下一届美国总统可能有 “浓密的眉毛” (bushy eyebrows)。但是她(Nima, 我的内在向导)还说bush是 “父亲” 。我觉得她指的是国家的父亲,像乔治·华盛顿,或者其他的父亲般的图像。不过也可能她表示的是历届总统的父亲?不管怎样,还有几个月,让我做星盘图表吧。

2015.04.19 – 04.25

2015年4月12号天蝎希拉里发出她参选的官方通告,其时月亮位于水瓶座,她的家庭宫,代表着 “叠好帐篷回家” 。恰当地,她最初选举的停滞是由于私人的目的。这是一个疲倦或是 “冬眠” 的区域。现在,我猜想希拉里是水瓶上升 -– 因此她与狮子比尔·克林顿联姻,有酒窝的脸颊,是水瓶的特征。一定程度上,月亮在她的上升星座时开始参选可以给她一些支援。即便如此,如果她真心想赢得选举,她应该在月亮在狮子座时开始参选,那是天蝎的雄心宫位,水瓶的机会以及处理公共事务的宫位。看上去她害怕走向那个大舞台。我猜想,内心深处,对于希拉里来说这次的选举是一次献祭的活动,为她的期望她四处奔波。我同情她。

2014.10.19 – 10.25


曾经我简单地概括了未来250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。”



天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 -- 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。



关于蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述


我从1977年开始写占星专栏。起初是在一个小报纸的小专栏。然后成长为包括许多报纸和一个名为 http://www.astralreflections.com 的网站(就像这个博客)。

不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 - 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说“Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?”事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。


我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换?



有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或他的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先NASA会忽略我,然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。




ARIES: March 21-April 19

You will like this weeks ahead, Aries. A wise, mellow outlook on the world deepens your compassion and opens you to new levels of love. For singles, the weeks ahead could easily bring a viable life mate. (Hate that word “viable” – seems to sound “just sufficient,” but I really mean a good life mate.) Your social abilities stay high and your whole life remains affectionate. Someone might be phoning or talking to you quite a bit this week. No matter what they say, their real purpose is romantic. Sunday to Monday noon is consequential and mysterious, and pulls up your deepest sexual and power desires. (The latter usually manifests as financial urges.) Your luck is fine, so march ahead. Monday noon (PST) to midnight Wednesday offers you a banquet of opportunities and deceptions. Be careful with legal matters, secret love temptations and your reputation. One met now will not be a good future partner. For success, tackle things from early afternoon Tuesday to predawn Wednesday. Your career and general ambitions are highlighted Thursday to noon Saturday. Thursday is superb – charge after love, create, take a bit of a gamble, and show your talents to the big guys. Friday is disruptive, but this evening through Saturday’s wee hours brings a chance for success, especially in your career or involving your community reputation.

TAURUS: April 20 –may 20

The weeks ahead continue to emphasize secrets, mysteries, sexual urges, research, detective work, hidden forces, medical matters and possible surgery, lifestyle changes, large financial options, and commitment and consequence, especially Monday afternoon to Wednesday midnight. All these have a mildly favourable green light these few weeks, especially as events in your work sphere will cooperate with these matters. However, be careful Tuesday forenoon and Wednesday daylight hours, when disruption and misguided efforts prevail. Earlier, Sunday to noon Monday is for relationships. You’ll get along with everyone, and casual partnerships work well the first half of Sunday (PST). A mellow, wise mood flows through you Thursday to Saturday noon. Thursday, especially, favours far travel, intellectual pursuits, legal matters, publishing and media, religious, philosophical and cultural involvements – and love. Friday embraces the same themes, but in a mildly argumentative way Friday morning and in a disruptive way Friday supper time. After this, all goes well – especially for you. You might receive or send an affectionate email or call – either way, results will please you! Bosses and VIPs remain temperamental. Be patient, for next Wednesday (Dec. 7) onward these higher-ups will start to favour you.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

The emphasis remains on relationships until late December. Since this year (September 2016 –October 2017) holds a valuable romantic treasure for you – best in 13 years for many Geminis –these two influences can combine to help you find a splendid, loving life mate. Still, not everything is easy — this week, a major relationship influence arises Monday noon to Wednesday midnight, and the picture isn’t exactly pretty. Monday’s okay, but Tuesday forenoon can either disrupt a relationship, or bring you one with a very stubborn, slightly wonky person. And Wednesday to 5 PM (PST) tries its best to fool and confuse you. A mere hour or two later however, you could meet a workable mate — he/she will be very like yourself. Life’s mysteries and depths rise to your attention Thursday through Saturday noon. Dig deep, seek hidden answers and valuables. Your desires for sexual and financial success can lead you into odd places (and some dead ends) Friday, but all Thursday, and Friday night into Saturday predawn offer success. You might fall madly in love, or cause someone else to, Thursday. Saturday PM is for love and wide-ranging thoughts – all’s well!

CANCER: June 21 – July 22

Work, drudgery, and nagging health concerns visit everyone at least once a year – the few weeks ahead are your time, so you might as well dig in and get it done. Realize that a slowdown and environment of mistakes comes December 19 to January 8. Plan your work and projects so they complete before the 19th. Your sex drive is still powerful until mid month and this week continues a minor thread that brings compatible relationships – some single Cancers might get involved, perhaps with a coworker. Romance, creative and risk-taking urges fill Sunday to Monday noon — these have a pretty good chance Sunday morning (PST). The work and health trend reaches a peak of sorts Monday noon to Wednesday midnight, as bad aspects mix with good, you’d be wise just to keep your head down and get your work done. A new project might be introduced to you, but dive in enthusiastically only if it can be solidly established or completed before mid December. If you want to purchase tools or machinery, do it between 5:30 PM and 8 PM (PST) Wednesday. Be careful with machinery, electricity, water and driving Tuesday morning and Wednesday day time. Relationships greet you Thursday through Saturday noon. Thursday is splendid and lucky, but not particularly for relationships – although it does favour sexual intimacy, especially with a new love. Friday tends to take relationships apart until early evening. After this and into early Saturday morning you can make an affectionate, worthwhile contact. Saturday noon starts a weekend worthy of a detective.

LEO: July 23 – August 22

Ah, sweet romance! Single or married, Leo, this week and the next few will Immerse you in pleasure. The pleasure can be romantic, creative, speculative, from games or sports, or from the deep beauty that nature breathes. This Monday noon to Wednesday midnight doubly emphasizes these lovely things. However, the aspects are very mixed. Be cautious during a disruptive first half of Tuesday and a deceptive daytime Wednesday. You might end one love and begin another – but be cautious what you begin. You might pursue sexual intimacy, but find out your train is on the wrong tracks. Still, you will be steeped in ecstasy. Earlier, Sunday and the first half of Monday, your home life is emphasized. Be active Sunday morning to noon, but after this seek to rest wherever you can. Thursday through Saturday noon brings chores and a wee bit of daily health concerns. Thursday is great – you can accomplish much. All day, especially this supper time, you can fall into conversation with an intense individual who could have a beneficial effect on your life. This could be a love affair, but you might also be talking to someone in regard to a legal affair or an international Journey – in all cases, results look good. Friday needs caution until suppertime – after this, green lights shine. Midday Saturday starts a weekend of important and beneficial relationships. Be willing to shake on a deal.

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22

Sunday and the first half of Monday bring errands, details, paperwork, short distance travel, communications and casual acquaintances. All is well – pay attention to the “start nothing” period. The three weeks ahead continue to emphasize your domestic situation: family, security, retirement, children and their future, gardening, landscaping, renos and repairs, etc. DON’T start any projects which you cannot finish before mid December. These areas are especially significant Monday noon to Wednesday midnight. Monday’s fine, but Tuesday morning and Wednesday day time will frustrate you with obstacles and “wrong directions.” Work around these times. Romantic notions pour in Thursday through Saturday noon – so do beauty, pleasure, creative and speculative urges, and charming kids. Thursday is superb, especially for purchasing machinery or equipment (and for showing off your daring-do) but again Friday, a wide berth at least till suppertime. After this, affection exists. Saturday mid day starts a weekend of successful chores – your efforts will be strong and lucky (especially Sunday).

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22

The accent remains on errands, paperwork and details, short trips, communications and casual acquaintances, especially Monday noon to Wednesday midnight, when a new project might begin in these zones. If you do start something, be careful for two reasons: one, a slow down looms in mid December which could throw these projects into disarray; and two, your luck Is pretty jumbled. Success can come Monday, Tuesday afternoon to predawn Wednesday, and Wednesday evening. Act during these times, and be cautious otherwise. (Accident potential or love in disarray Tuesday morning, and false information or false goals Wednesday daytime.) Earlier, chase money and purchase items Sunday to Monday noon – all looks fine, but watch the “start nothing” time. Head for home Thursday through Saturday noon – hug the kids, make repairs or decorate, handle the garden, take the kids on neighbourhood trips, etc. Thursday is great: you will get a lot done, And you might, if single, meet one of the loves of your life by supper time, not late night (PST). Friday morning is argumentative; Friday suppertime is nervous and stressful in relationships. But late this night, affection returns.

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21

This is your money month, Scorpio – until December 20. Chase new clients, ask the boss for a raise, seek new employment, have a garage sale, etc. This can also be a good time for significant purchases, with two qualifications: one, Mercury retrograde begins around mid December, and the closer you get to that point, the more likelihood that you are negotiating for a lemon. Two, the three days that doubly emphasize this earning and spending trend are not exactly “purely lucky” — that is, Monday noon to Wednesday midnight. A deceptive atmosphere – or romantic stars in your eyes – combined with a readiness to reject – make this interval a bit dangerous money-wise. To succeed, act Tuesday PM To Wednesday predawn. Earlier, your charisma and energy remain high and handsome Sunday to Monday noon. Errands, casual acquaintances, short trips and communications fill Thursday to Saturday noon. Thursday is great – if you’re willing to communicate, you can solve a domestic problem. In this, look for light or inspiration from your far distant past or from government agencies. Day time is disruptive and accident prone, but this night turns friendly and affectionate. Saturday noon begins a weekend of domestic delights. Downplay domestic friction.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21

You’re at the top of your game, Sagittarius. Your charisma, energy and effectiveness remain high – and in fact grow higher this week. Rest, contemplate and plan Sunday to noon Monday. Regather your energies, be charitable and spiritual. Your surging vitality returns Monday noon to Wednesday midnight. Be a leader, start significant projects, get out and make new contacts or impress those you need to – but realize there are also obstacles in your way. Delusion and disruption mar Tuesday morning, and an influence of deception or daydreaming casts it’s flimsy net over the whole interval. Romance and your bank account are at odds Tuesday. Still, you can make great progress in pushing personal agendas, especially Monday, Tuesday afternoon through predawn Wednesday, and around 8 (PST) Wednesday night. You can overcome a fairly major domestic difficulty or worry Wednesday, but don’t jump so deeply into solving it that you can’t get out. Chase money, a sexual attraction or a possession Thursday through Saturday noon. Realize that none of these will “appreciate” in value, none is an investment, not even the sexual attraction. That said, Thursday daytime is superb for flirting with someone, or gathering a big crowd for a special function. A big wish might come true about love and/or children. Friday morning might be argumentative, but might also bring you an unexpected stroke of luck. This afternoon however, Is disruptive: drive carefully. Saturday afternoon leads to a weekend of hectic yet enjoyable activity – errands, mail, small purchases, etc.

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19

Continue to lie low, Cap — rest, contemplate and plan, deal with government and institutional workers as well as your own head office. Delegate tasks rather than doing them yourself. Be charitable, and dive into your own spiritual center. Money continues to favour you – but if you don’t control your spending, you could end up with less. Late December will start a new personal year for you, with new beginnings, new plans, and new energy. The more you rest and plan now, the more successful you will be from December 21 onward. A wish might come true Sunday/Monday, but it will be a fairly minor one – enough to bring a smile to your lips. Still, two sociable, enjoyable and optimistic days – your heart will lift! Monday noon to Wednesday midnight intensifies the withdrawal trend of this month as outlined in the first three sentences above. Overall this is a restful few days, but don’t imagine they will be easy. A money-home-ambition conflict irritates you Tuesday morning, perhaps because in your dreams just before awakening every thing seemed so easy and clear. Be wary of saying the wrong thing or giving a wrong impression Wednesday. Your energy and charisma bounce back Thursday through Saturday midday. Thursday is great – get out, make new contacts, impress people, and start significant projects. (Make sure you can complete these projects for mid December– if not, it might be smart to wait until after January 7th.) You could receive a pay raise at work, or equivalent praise. Friday is disruptive in the afternoon, but you can make strong headway in your career ambitions this morning (PST of course). Midday Saturday begins a weekend of earnings and spending – all under good, reliable and lucky auspices. A garage sale?

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18

You are immersed in a very social few weeks, Aquarius, and these weeks occur in the midst of a longer-term trend that favours higher education, intellectual pursuits, far travel, international affairs, cultural and religious venues, and love. A long-held wish could come true in any of these zones now to late December, and especially Monday noon to Wednesday midnight this week. (But before you celebrate, realize two obstacles can prevent wish fulfillment, especially if you chase what these obstacles are: Tuesday morning, it seems to be an attractive but stubborn person, or someone’s gossip about you, or governmental interference in your spending abilities. Wednesday daytime “obstacle” is money or lack thereof – or simply your desire for more money, which can interfere with both friendship and romantic love. Despite this, you’ll be happy, upbeat, optimistic, and popular — these days, and these weeks! (Earlier, Sunday/Monday morning, be ambitious – and dutiful towards higher-ups.) Late week, Thursday through Saturday noon, retreat from the bustling crowd. Nap, contemplate, read quietly, watch the course of events and make plans. Despite your weariness, your sexual magnetism remains intense until mid December. This could cause a love affair to begin Thursday – or to resume successfully. It’s also a great day for buying travel tickets – but don’t plan on travelling December 19 to January 3rd, unless you will be revisiting a former haunt. Friday might bring a barrier to your success in intellectual, legal or travel areas – but it’s a temporary barrier, and you might see the solution to it late this night. Drive carefully and avoid electricity Friday afternoon. Your energy and charisma return quickly Saturday afternoon, to start a weekend of major success!

PISCES: February 19 – March 20

The general focus remains on your career and worldly ambitions, Pisces, especially Monday noon to Wednesday midnight. Monday is fine; Tuesday flows against you in the morning but aids you this afternoon right to predawn Wednesday. Do all you can to elevate your profile and/or start ambitious projects and/or start a “workplace partnership.” A confidential discussion could be involved. One caution: don’t start any project that cannot be finished – or put on a solid foundation – by mid December. Earlier, a wise, mellow and compassionate mood flows through you Sunday/Monday. All is well here, but check the “start nothing” times. A wish could come true Thursday through midday Saturday, as social delights, entertainment, friendly flirtations, popularity and optimism lift your heart. Thursday’s spectacular: besides the social gifts just mentioned, this day also offers a secret (lovers’) rendezvous, a gift from the government, an inheritance or an excellent Investment opportunity. Friday is a different story – although your mood remains buoyant, events might disappoint, at least until suppertime. (After this, affection grows.) Midday Saturday begins a weekend of happy solitude and luxurious rest. Something or someone hidden could be like valuable treasure to you, or reveal a very good investment – perhaps this Saturday, but more likely the following Sunday (December 4).

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