

(2017年)TIM 运气预测 2017.10 – 2018.11(完)

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋夏令时间(PDT)(Pacific Daylight Time Zone) 。PDT是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PDT是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。


【周一】04:13 ~ 07:26;【周三】00:19 ~ 13:40;【周五】15:38 ~ 16:56。


“毫无疑问,宇宙正在展开着,一如它应该呈现的。”---- 期望之事

☆☆☆ 序文 -- 译者:元中



对每个人来说,这13个月将是比较好的幸运周期之一。2016年,授予好运的行星木星,与掌管实际事务和商务的土星有一个战斗的坏相位。2017年,木星与掌管改变、死亡和出生的冥王星有同样的坏相位。今年,至少到2018年5月,幸运的木星与任何主要的行星都没有任何坏的相位,因此,你的运气(在你星座的幸运 ‘领域’)应该一直畅通无阻。然而,从2018年5月中起,木星 “反对” 掌管政治革命、电力和高科技的天王星。这个相位可能是消极的(缺乏合作,狂热,关系或协议的突然脱节),也可能是积极的(创新,社会修正,突然的爱情吸引,突然 “敞开的” 一些机会大门,等等)。

一般而言, 2018年5月以后,各个星座幸运的领域里将有一些不可预测的事件,对它们的概述请看下面。此外,2018年3月到7月上旬,星象可能带来一个明显的放缓:对一个幸运的项目或目标 ---- 利用这个放缓的时期修改你的计划,为一个好项目建立一个好的基础,等等。同时,要有耐心 ---- 木星的好运往往在它的周期结束之前呼啸而来 ---- 就是说,2018年的9月到11月。


☆☆☆ 白羊座 (03.21~04.19)-- 译者:姜氏沉鱼

白羊,自2017年10月10日起到2018年11月8日,你将会在以下领域好运连连:秘密、研究调查、性亲密(非常可能怀孕)、医疗诊断、改变生活方式、集资、投资、创业、债务(包括抵押贷款)、承诺和后果,以及神秘学。(神秘学意味着隐藏:神秘学是以一种智力研究的方式追求灵性或相关活动的实践方法。比如,占星学、占卜艺术、塔罗牌解读 ---- 或者研究疾病或致富的根本原因,等等。---- 这些全都是神秘学实践的范围。神秘学寻求理解或者看到潜在的(或隐藏的)生命力量。)(注:Occultism 神秘学:研究超自然的学科。)


你被敦促着去投资 ---- 运气好到连你自己都惊讶了。你在2017年直接接触的某人或某事,在这个时间段会给你提供资金或者亲密关系,不管是什么都很不错。当然也有可能是你提供了资金。总的来说,这一年很棒,对于开公司或者创业而言。偶尔,尤其是2018年5月之后,你可能会想要选择 “短期钱款” ---- 比如收入、折旧的资产(比如汽车)---- 而非 “长期钱款” (比如投资等)。你要知道,你的好运是在 “长期” 资金上。(未来的七年,你的收入会以意想不到的幅度波动)

2018年5月之后,你将开始感觉比过去的七年更平静。你会渐渐变得考虑更周到,冲动更少,更加坚定、准确地思考你的选择。要小心性传染病。木星有时候只是简单地扩大所有的东西,所以,如果你有医疗问题,去看家庭医生,以及专科医生,早比晚好。避免婚外诱惑,无论你是单身还是已婚。这种 “膨胀” 的趋势也可能影响到购物和债务,所以留意你的欠款,不要让它在你身上如气球般胀大!总的来说,这是非常幸运的一年,它可能成为你生活中的一个转折点。所以,准备好做出承诺,并且去爱上结果!

☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜

从2017年10月到2018年11月,人际关系将极大地扩展,金牛座。总的来说,你的好运气将来自他人,所以,投身于一些友谊和联系;并且,无论你去何地,都要与人建立联系。要开放、友好和积极。跳上别人的乐队花车,或者,组成一个合伙关系。抓住机遇。搬迁 ---- 如果你想要或者必须如此。(你将会落脚到一个幸运的地方。)和公众打交道,无论是在一家商店里服务顾客,还是对人群讲话。名望是可能的。谈判、寻求协议和合同。做出和接受承诺。

你可能遇见你未来的人生伴侣。或者,如果在一段情事中,你可能结婚或者同居。如果你已婚而不快乐的话,未来12个月可以带来一次分居,它可能导致在2020年之前离婚。如果你婚姻幸福,未来一年对于家庭探险来说很完美,尤其在外国的土地上 ---- 并且/或者搬迁。因为木星是你的性爱和金钱的行星,怀孕是很有可能的。你可能窥探到获利丰厚的投资机遇。即使没有,你在2018年所做的事情,建立的一些关系,睁大眼睛看到的一些新景象,可能在2019年带来金融上的回报。


这不是一个独立、自私、自我导向的好时机 ---- 不是因为它将带来坏的结果;而是因为它不会带来任何好运。只有别人能够以某种方式祝福你。2018年5月开始了为期7年的野心和高度的警惕。其他人可能认为你是不可预测的,但是,你会明白为什么你以这样那样的方式行动。在这7年期间里,放松将会是重要的。所以,现在开始,如果你还没有的话,去学习瑜伽或者放松的技巧,通过远足、野营,等等,来汲取大自然的恩惠;或者开始一个花园项目。这些最能够使你放松。(搬去一个更奢华的住所也能使你放松。)


☆☆☆ 双子座 (05.21~06.20)-- 译者:豆花花

2017年10月10日到2018年11月8日,你最大的幸运在于工作、健康、机械、工具、家属、就业以及服务人员的领域。由于木星的幸运通常来自扩张,它会倾向于发展上述事宜。例如:花费更长时间在工作上,或者购买了一台更大的挖掘机,或者你得到了一只体型很大的宠物( “家属” )。木星也并不总是幸运的 ---- 它也可以放大不佳的健康状况,使一个丘疹演变成疖子,然后引起大面积的感染;抑或是使你购买一个比你所需更大的机器,因此在它上面花费太多的金钱。但是大体上,木星像一个快活的、圆润的老大叔,随时准备发放美好的事物。


对于婚姻关系、合伙关系、浪漫或爱情,或对于迁移、处理公共事务(除非这是你的 “常规工作”)、谈判,或者抓住重大机遇来说,这一年并非最好的一年。(更幸运的机会 ---- 关于商务以及婚姻和迁移 ---- 会在2018年11月至2019年到来。)


☆☆☆ 巨蟹座 (06.21~07.22)-- 译者:临安细雨


如果你是已婚人士,你的爱情和家庭生活将会变得充满阳光、令人喜悦 ---- 也许部分是因为2017年里你所采取的行动,改善了自己的住房状况和/或是与家人之间的联系。接下来的一年有助于家庭乐趣。

2018年也会提升创造力、赌博的成功率,使孩子们快乐,并且让他们的天赋在运动、游戏、娱乐活动、露营、愉快的旅行(尤其是去外国海岸)中得以成长 ---- 并帮你美化几乎任何东西,你自己、你的家、办公室,等等。


这个幸运的周期也会带来与娱乐有关的疾病:消化不良、宿醉后遗症、痛风、糖尿病,等等。所以不要过分放纵自己 ---- 以及你的腰围!


☆☆☆ 狮子座 (07.23~08.22)-- 译者:神仙静静

未来13个月(2017年10月至2018年11月上旬)将是大猫一生中购买房地产的最佳年份之一,无论是一个家宅、度假屋、投资还是商业场所。即便只是租赁或出租,同样的租金大猫可以找到一个更好的地方。大猫感觉如此幸运,然而,你可能会超支:当你只是寻找1英亩时却买了100英亩。五月开始了7年不可预测的职业生涯,会间接地导致大猫的收入波动起伏 ---- 建议不要背负巨额的按揭。寻寻又觅觅 ---- 大猫终究能在地球上找到自己的香格里拉。

这是疗愈家庭创伤的绝佳时期,向父母和孩子们展示你的爱,甚至进行个人或家庭治疗和咨询。老幽灵将会漂走。很棒的13个月来增强自己的安全感:安装闭路电视、园艺、修正自己和家人的生活方式和营养、园林景观、翻修和装饰 ---- 大猫胸有成竹。为改善家宅和/或家庭所做的任何事情,都将在未来至少十年内产生极好的回报。


在商业中,寻求扩大销售领域,和/或商定更好的租约,寻找更好的场地,翻修房屋等。(在大猫的房子中增加图书馆、地图室或媒体中心将会是 “完美的”)。



☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:Fuzi




☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:元中

2017年10月到2018年11月上旬,亲爱的橙子,很多的钱在你的视野所及之处徘徊,准备好钻入你的口袋里。你甚至可以火箭升空般地飞到一些新的富裕之地。不知何故,许多金钱就是从一些地方直直地找上你。尝试 “扩大” 这个额外的金钱流。例如,在工作中,要求一个长期的加薪或为永久性的涨薪做出努力,而不仅仅是积累大量的加班时间。(全部相同:2017年11月,2018年3月、7月、9月、10月下旬,将是要求一张大额支票的最有利的月份。)全力培养一些新客户,举办车库二手物品销售,把你的兴趣换成金钱,买卖任何东西,等等。

你也可能会被诱惑去买一些大件儿的 ---- 一辆魅力四射的汽车,一个生意(与通讯或运输相关的),一幢房子或者仓库,等等。这是买一个新住所的最好的年份之一,也是销售旧住所的好年景。最好的一年将是2020年,不过2018年和它相似。

2018年和2020年,你会无意识地选择一个需要大量工作的财产,所以计算它的报价时要考虑到这一点。(一个好处:通过一些危机,这两年也许将使你克服目前 ---- 2009到2024 ---- 不断叨扰你的家庭问题。这也可能是一个与孩子有关或与实际事务、修理有关的问题。)一个注意事项:不要遍洒金钱。要节约而不是过度开销;此外,不要让债务堆积,因为这个金钱的富矿不会持续到永远。

如果你是单身,你很可能会滑入一个感性的关系中。从积极的一面来看,这个联结很容易形成,你们两个都是友善的,有礼貌的,并且性爱来得非常自然。从消极的一面来看,现在或者一年或者两年后,你可能会厌倦这个人。你很快会知道你的感受 ---- 因此,要诚实,公开地说出你的感受和理由,不要只是为了缓解你的寂寞或孤独而利用他人。2018年5月,开始了一段长达7年的时期,这期间性爱与浪漫将强有力的结合在一起,所以,你在2017-2018年迫使自己洁身自好的举动可能是正确的!(这个7年的影响也可能引起婚外诱惑。)


☆☆☆ 天蝎座 (10.23~11.21)-- 译者:cynthia_13b

天蝎,2017年10月10日到2018年11月8日,将带给你10年来最幸运的13个月!你上升的运气是针对个人的,并且会扩展到你生活的方方面面。这导致很难确定任何一个领域的“至高运气”。不过,长途旅行、法律、教育、出版、宗教和文化事务将会顺利、亲切地进行。一些浪漫和创意项目也会倾向于回应你的愿望。但最大的影响可能是金融方面的。你可能赚很多的钱,也会花很多的钱。但这13个月的真正的金融 “收益” 将会是正在规划和启动的一个收入项目,它会在一年后,在2019年,向你撒下一个满装金钱的羊角篮(a cornucopia of dollars丰饶的象征)。

你的幸运也将会在机械式的学习中飙升,所以这是一个很棒的年份,利于学习任何技术的或是其它需要大量记忆的课程。(如果你在今年开始了一个两年的文凭课程,你将把自己放在一个“永久的”高收入的平台上。)未来的13个月 ---- 在很多情况下,25个月 ---- 也将在感官吸引上支持你。性爱关系在2018年和2019年轻轻松松来到。但是,听着,天蝎:如果你只是利用某人来满足你的身体,你可能会把自己困在一段你并不真正想要的生命连结里。要诚实,向一个(潜在的)恋人坦诚地陈述你的意图。

在这整整13个月中,你将会是高兴、乐观、友好和外向的 ---- 也准备好了去冒险!你可能加入一个非洲野生动物园的探险项目,或去格陵兰岛划独木舟,进入学院或大学,或是被提拔进你公司的董事会。一些天蝎座的演员、作家、教师或教授、演讲者、律师,将会有表现极为出色的一年。如果你正为名气而奋斗,那么这是你可能获得它的一年。

2018年5月,你开始了一个七年的阶段,其间人际关系会快速地开始和结束,并且难以预测。爱情 ---- 以及友情 ---- 将成为一场冒险!但是,这也可能带来人际关系的紧张,因为你不喜欢这个领域的变化。我的建议: 放轻松;不时地,这种不可预测性也有它幽默的一面。你会和书呆子、技术宅、怪咖和单纯的人做朋友。如果你是聪明的,你也将会和房地产中介,以及那些在食品或居所领域里的人做朋友 ---- 这可能会闪现很多机会!

☆☆☆ 射手座 (11.22~12.21)-- 译者:invisible

亲爱的射手,从2017年10月10日到2018年11月初这段时间,最终你会挣脱束缚的枷锁:它有可能是 ---- 误入的一段婚姻;一份苦力工;很久以前允诺的、但如今已毫无意义的某个承诺;对往日过错的追悔莫及;或者甚至是内心的恐惧,还有难以忘怀的童年记忆。到2017年12月的时候,三年来这些严肃、繁重的事情,尤其是有关金钱方面的,几乎都将戛然而止。最终,你将彰显个性,放松下来。


钱的问题不会消失,你还需要再循规蹈矩两年多,但你会感到它不似往日那般沉重。钱在别处,而你身在此地。未来的13个月日子安静、引人深思。反省过去十年生命的进程,想想你是如何走到今日,明天你又想往哪儿去。做好计划、调整方向、信念和态度,而且最重要的是 ---- 休息。这是自2006年以来,最仁慈的、治疗般的休息,所以放松自己吧。2018年你越轻松自如,2019年你飞得越高。


☆☆☆ 摩羯座 (12.22~01.19)-- 译者:马小川



你的乐观情绪会飙升。利用它开阔你的视野,树立新的更高的一些目标 ---- 它们将在未来十年激励你。加入一些新的团体、朋友、政党、远足或服务俱乐部或冥想圈,等等 ---- 这些会让你在未来十年受益。如果你是单身,一个甜蜜的、令人振奋的活泼的浪漫会点燃。这个人将是非常强大的、忠诚的,具有“深入内心”的洞察力。浪漫,虽然看似轻松友好,但它会在你的身上敲出一个回荡的音调,其歌声将轻轻地、仁慈地渗入你个人的所有领域。换句话说,得到真爱是可能的。2018年5月,一个长达7年的趋势将开始 “电击” 浪漫 ---- 但要避免深刻的、突如其来的痴迷,因为在整整13个月里(到2018年11月初),它会巧妙地地削弱你和你的 “财富” 。对你来说, 友好的、 “不尴尬” 的浪漫是赢家。


☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:Elsa

瓶子们,嗯。。。怎么说呢,一个奇怪的、复杂的一年(从2017年10月10日到2018年11月8日)。首先,你的运气在职业生涯、声望关系、社区地位和世俗身份方面飙升。如果你是一名学生,进入学校,选择和你职业抱负紧密相关的课程 ---- 你将在这些课程上取得好成绩。工作中的瓶子们非常有可能被提拔。单身的瓶子们或许会“高攀” ---- 就是说,通过婚姻进入一个较高的社会-经济阶层。青少年们将会发现你们手握实权的长辈们喜欢你们。这是一个向你爸妈请求帮助的好年份(一点投资贷款?)如果你的目标是努力攀登成就和声望的梯子,那么确定的是,这个周期结束之后,你的状况要比现在好转很多。判官们的裁决将对你有利。高层们欢迎你进入他们的“圈子”。他们会听取你的建议并提供支持,部分原因是,这是一个幸运的职业生涯年;但部分原因是你对自己的职业感到由衷的快乐。你阳光、乐观的天性让你受到那些负责人的钟爱。

这里有些复杂:在这相同的13个月里(直到11月18日),人际关系有利于你,它对成功来说也至关重要。而你会被独立所诱惑,也许是为了寻求捷径或逃避与别人分享成果。这些态度会引发失望、不好的结果,甚至是糟糕的表现。所以,要有雄心壮志 ---- 这是十多年来最好的一年!---- 不过,要保持伦理上和道德上都是正直的,不然,那些闪闪发光的目标会变成灰尘;连同那些阳光、乐观的心情也将变得严峻和黑暗。所以,要微笑,保持友善,寻求建议并且帮助团队,而不是孤军奋战。

2018年5月中旬,天王星 ---- 你的统治星球,进入你的家宅、家人、房地产和安全的区域 ---- 然后撤出。11月18日之前不要侧重上述方面,否则你的运气将减少。安全性,对于下一年来说,并不是一个好目标!

远程旅游,国际意识,外国出生的人,学者和专业人员,进出口,法律,出版或媒体,高等教育,宗教和文化参与 ---- 这些可以伴随着你的野心冉冉升起 ---- 可能成为载你通往成功的战车!如果你是一名企业家,去寻求一些有声望的客户,做宣传广告,并对员工们慷慨一些 ---- 他们中的一个人可能提出一个想法,它可能激励你获得更多的利润。

☆☆☆ 双鱼座 (02.19~03.20)-- 译者:青莲泥巴


你在以下事项里会遇到极好的运气:长途旅行,国际事务,法律事项,学院或大学,宗教,哲学,科学,统计,保险,名望,文化事务,智力追求,进出口,出版和媒体 ---- 以及爱情。对智力、旅行和文化的参与将自然地引导你进入强大的和/或者有声望的人的领域。这将有助于你的职业发展,正如你现在所学的任何事情一样。




从2018年5月开始,7年起伏不定的收入将平稳下来 ---- 会一直好下去。不过,更多偶遇的朋友和联系会闯入你的生活,直到2025年。其中一些会成为你的知己,TA们能够 “与你的灵魂” 直接对话 。你可能很快就会加入一个心灵俱乐部,或者为一个灵性刊物或演出工作。

2014.10.19 – 10.25


曾经我简单地概括了未来250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。”



天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 -- 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。



关于蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述


我从1977年开始写占星专栏。起初是在一个小报纸的小专栏。然后成长为包括许多报纸和一个名为 http://www.astralreflections.com 的网站(就像这个博客)。

不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 - 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说 “Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?” 事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。


我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换?

过去,我的一些预测用谜语或符号表达。比如,1986年我写到:“一个黑色的太阳开花。” 那年的晚期,切尔诺贝利的高温弄黑了天空。谜语存在是因为我没有线索知道这个黑太阳会是什么。


有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或Ta的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先,NASA会忽略我;然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。





A new 13 months luck cycle begins October 10, lasting until November 8, 2018. So, the forecasts below give you a run-down of your sign’s lucky zones for the year ahead, rather than the usual Weekly Forecast.

This will be one of the better luck cycles for everyone. In 2016 the luck-granting planet, Jupiter, fought a bad aspect to Saturn, the ruler of practical matters and business. In 2017, Jupiter faced the same bad aspect (a square) to Pluto, ruler of change, death and birth. This year, at least until May 2018, lucky Jupiter faces no bad aspects to any major planets, so your fortunes (in your sign’s lucky “area”) should soar unimpeded until then. From mid-May onward, however, Jupiter “opposes” Uranus, ruler of political revolt, electricity and high-tech. This aspect can be negative (lack of co-operation, fanaticism, sudden dislocations in relationships or agreements) but also positive (inventiveness, social revisions, sudden love attractions, sudden “open doors” to opportunities, etc.).

In general, expect unpredictable events in the luck zone outlined below for your sign May 2018 onward. Also, March through early July can bring an apparent slow-down in a lucky project or goal — use this period to revise your luck-zone plans, to build a good base for a project, etc. And be patient — often Jupiter’s luck comes roaring in near the end of its cycle — i.e., in the Sept. to Nov. period of 2018.

Below lies the year-ahead Luck Forecast for every sign: (You can also read your rising sign’s message for additional clues.)


ARIES: March 21 – April 19

Your great luck, Oct. 10, 2017 to November 8, 2018 will lie in the area of secrets, research and investigation, sexual intimacy (pregnancy very possible!) medical diagnoses, lifestyle changes, funding, investments, entrepreneurial activities, debt (mortgages, too) commitment and consequences, and occultism. (Occult means hidden: occultism is the practice of following spiritual or related activities in an intellectual way. For instance, astrology, mantic arts, Tarot reading — or studying the underlying causes of disease or of wealth, etc. — these are all occult practices. Occultism seeks to understand and/or see the underlying/hidden forces of life.)

You will experience a soft swelling of your intuition; your subconscious will burst to the surface. You can discover many truths or facts, have any revelations, which you can later (2019) broadcast through talking, writing, media, etc. Or you might simply use these new insights to increase your own wisdom. What you learn in 2018 can lead you, years later, to golden joy.

You’re urged to invest — your luck will surprise even you. This is a period in which someone or something you met face-to-face with in 2017, can now deliver funding, or intimacy, whichever is appropriate. It might be you delivering the funding, too. It’s an excellent year, overall, to start a company or business. At times, especially May onward, you’ll be tempted to opt for “short money” — earnings, depreciating assets such as a car — rather than “long” (investments, etc.). Realize your good luck resides in “long” money. (Your earnings can fluctuate rather unpredictably over the next seven years.)

You will begin, May onward, to feel much calmer than you have over the last seven years. You’ll grow more thoughtful, less impulsive, more able to solidly, accurately consider your options. Be careful with sexually-transmitted diseases. Sometimes Jupiter simply expands whatever is there, so if you have a medical problem, get to the doctor, the specialist, sooner than later. Avoid extra-marital temptations, whether you’re single or married. That “expansive” tendency can also affect purchasing and debt, so stay aware of what you owe, and don’t let it balloon on you! Overall, this is a deeply fortunate year which can be a turning point in your life. Be ready to commit, and to love the consequences!

TAURUS: April 20 – May 20

Relationships will expand hugely from this October to November 2018, Taurus. In general, your good luck will come from others, so plunge into bonds and links and create contacts wherever you go. Be open, friendly and cheerful. Jump on another’s band wagon, or form a partnership. Grab opportunities. Relocate if you want or must. (You’ll land in a lucky place.) Deal with the public, whether serving customers in a store, or speaking to crowds. Fame is possible. Negotiate, seek agreements and contracts. Make and accept promises.

You might meet your future life-mate. Or, if in a love affair, you might marry or co-habitate. If you’re already married, and unhappy, these 12 months ahead can bring a separation, leading, probably, to divorce by 2020. If you’re happily married, the year ahead is perfect for family adventures, especially in foreign lands — and/or relocation. Because Jupiter is your sex and money planet, pregnancy is quite possible. You could spy lucrative investment opportunities. Even if you don’t, what you do in 2018, the contacts you make, new worlds your eyes open to, can lead to financial pay-offs in 2019.
Although 2019 will be a strong investigative or research year, starting early (in 2018, or even Oct. – Dec. 2017) is not a bad idea. Now is a good time to set up a research platform or plan, to be “used” from November 2018 onward. (An example might be a scientist who wants to study an African bird, so relocates from Europe to Africa Oct. 2017 to Nov. 2018, and spends this time making contacts in Africa, etc., in preparation for a 2019 study.)

This is not a good time to be independent, selfish, self-oriented — not because this will bring bad results, but because it just won’t bring any good luck. Only others can, somehow, bless you. May 2018 begins seven years of ambition and heightened alertness. Others might consider you to be unpredictable, but you will know why you’re acting in such-and-such a way. During these seven years, it will be important to relax. So begin, if you haven’t already, to study yoga or relaxation techniques, to soak up nature through hikes, camping, etc., or to start a garden. These relax you most. (Moving to a more luxurious premise will also relax you.)

Although the onus is on you to bond with others, you might be surprised by a proposition or avowal of love.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

Your greatest luck, Oct. 10, 2017 to November 8, 2018, will lie in the arena of work, health, machinery, tools, dependents, employment and service personnel. As Jupiter’s luck usually comes from expansion, it will tend to expand these things. E.g., longer hours at work, or you buy a much larger excavator, or you acquire a pet (“dependent”) but a large one. Nor is Jupiter always lucky — it can expand poor health, turn a pimple into a boil, then to a wide-spread infection. Or tempt you to buy a bigger machine than you need, and hence spend too much money on it. But in general Jupiter, like a jolly, rotund old uncle, is there to dispense the goodies.

In your year ahead, extra work can lead to extra pay. This is a great 12 months to show your stuff, to become indispensable to your employer, and to obtain a pay raise. Many Geminis bought a new home in 2017. 2018 becomes a great time to renovate, repair, hire carpenters, etc. Before you take on such massive tasks yourself, though, make sure your employment duties won’t be negatively impacted.
This won’t be the best year for marital relations, partnerships, romance/love, or for relocating, dealing with the public (unless this is your “regular job”), negotiations, or grabbing large opportunities. (Much luckier opportunities — for business and marriage and relocation — will come November 2018 through 2019.)

Its a great year to buy computers, software, furniture, appliances, cars, etc. What has been a rather interesting seven years of friendship dealings will subside around May 2018, to bring a seven-year phase of contemplation, deep learning, and, perhaps, of artistic, philosophical or other activities. If you’re an academic, writer, thinker, etc., you could begin to produce something that the whole world might praise.

CANCER: June 21 – July 22

This October to early November 2018 brings great love luck, Cancer. If single, you are very likely to meet someone who returns your affection in a deep, cheerful way. This could lead to marriage in 2020. You might fall in love with a co-worker. (Anyone in your general field and occupation, even if they live a thousand miles away.) You might frequently notice, as you stroll through your life, that members of the opposite sex (same, for gays) keep giving you a second look.
If you’re married, your love and home life will be sunny and joyful — perhaps partly due to actions you’ve taken in 2017 to improve your housing situation and/or to connect with your family. The year ahead favours family fun.

2018 also promotes creativity, successful gambles, happy children and growth of their talents, sports, games, recreational activities, camping, pleasure trips (especially to foreign shores) — and aids you in beautifying almost anything, yourself, your home, office, etc.

You are likely to shift into a more creative or pleasurable role at work. Cancer artists, writers, inventors and other creative types will break new ground now. This is your year to win at poker, or to buy lottery tickets. (No, I’m not guaranteeing anything!) Your capacity for pleasure will grow. This could be one of the luckiest years of your life.

This luck cycle can also bring pleasure-related illness: indigestion, hang-overs, gout, diabetes, etc. So watch overindulgence — and your waistline!

May 2018 starts seven years of new, sparkling friendships, popularity, and an optimism in the future that you didn’t even know you contained! May will also mark the end of seven years of tension and stress, especially related to your career. A turning point in your life, Cancer, from tension to relaxed happiness!

LEO: July 23 – August 22

The 13 months ahead (to early November 2018) will be one of the best years of your life in which to purchase real estate, whether it’s a home, a vacation lot, an investment, or premises for a business. Even if you’re only leasing or renting, you can find a much better place for the same rent. You feel so lucky, however, that you might overspend or buy 100 acres when you were just looking for 1. May starts seven years of unpredictable career events, which can indirectly cause your income to go up and down — this advises against shouldering a huge mortgage. Look and look again — you could find your Shangri-La on earth.

This period is superb for healing family wounds, showing parents and kids your love, even undertaking individual or family therapy and counselling. Old ghosts will float away. It’s a great 13 months to enhance your security, install CCTV, garden, revise your and your family’s lifestyle and nutrition, landscape, renovate and decorate — you get the picture. Anything you do to improve your home and/or family will pay splendid dividends for at least a decade to come.

This is a better than usual time to plan/ensure your children’s future, by buying educational plans, etc. (But watch out, most of those “scholarship plans” — at least in Canada — are government-approved scams designed to make the administrators rich.)

In business, seek ways to expand your sales territory, and/or negotiate a better lease, seek a better location, renovate the premises, etc. (Adding a library, map room or media centre in your house would be “perfect.”)

This is a splendid year to begin any food or shelter business, including agriculture, food stores, food packaging, restaurants, lumber, forestry, mining, construction and demolition, furniture factory or showplace, diaper manufacturing, maternity clothes, children’s toys, cutlery… the list is almost endless.

Although you are much more likely to add than reduce, these 13 months are a good time to prune your relations and projects. Contemplate well, then cut out projects or people that have outlived their usefulness, and have become “dead weights” and nurture those which have potential to grow.

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22

October 10, 2017 to November 8, 2018 will bring a whirlwind of busy days, but without any heavy consequences. So although busy, you can avoid stress. It’s a sort of easy busy time, filled with almost enjoyable chores: errands, short trips and visits, reading/writing, paperwork, applications, media and news, communications, casual contacts and “quick service calls.” It’s a splendid time to begin a mail or email campaign, or to design or purchase daily advertising such as business cards, stationery, pens, etc. If you have a chance to appear on radio or TV (or internet TV, etc.) grab it. You’ll speak quickly, fluently and accurately. Be curious. Ask questions, often.

Much of your communications and thinking could centre around real estate, home, family, security and related themes. But this is NOT a good period to purchase (nor particularly to sell) real estate. The Nov. 2018 to Dec. 2019 period will provide the best realty opportunities in a decade, so wait until then. However, 2018 is a great period to investigate, learn, and talk about real estate. A neighbourhood or city you visit in your 2018 travels might be a place you will happily/profitably relocate to a year later.
In May 2018, you will start a seven year phase of mental alertness. Your work, then to 2026, will encompass more intellectual, travel, learning and communications elements. 2018 is a great “start” for this influence, as it brings a wave of good luck to the smaller, shorter forms of communications, travel and intellectual pursuits. A kind of lucky ramp to future success in these zones.

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22

A lot of money hovers on the horizon, Libra, ready to pour into your pockets Oct. 10, 2017 to early Nov., 2018. You could even rocket up to new realms of affluence. Somehow, from some source, more money just has to come to you. Try to “extend” this extra money. For instance, at your job, ask for/work toward a permanent pay raise rather than merely collect a lot of overtime hours. (All being equal, November ’17, March ’18, July, September and late October ’18 will be the most favourable months to ask for a bigger pay check.) Go all out to cultivate new clients, hold garage sales, monetize your hobby, buy and sell anything, etc.

You likely will also be tempted to buy something big — a glamorous car, a (communication or transport-related) business, a house or warehouse, etc. This is one of the best years to buy a new home, and a great year to sell the old one. The best year of all will be 2020, but 2018 is right up there. Both years, you’ll unconsciously pick a property that will need a lot of work. Take this into consideration when calculating an offer price. (One benefit: both years, perhaps through crisis, will enable you to overcome the nagging problem which now — 2009 to 2024 — keeps affecting your home. This could be a child-related or practical/repair problem.) One note of caution: don’t throw money at everything. Be cautious rather than willing to overpay. Also, don’t let debt pile up. This money bonanza won’t last forever.

If you’re single, you’ll very likely slide into a sensual relationship. On the plus side, this bond is easy to form, both of you are friendly, polite, nice, and sex comes very naturally. On the negative side, you could grow bored with this person, now or in a year or two. You’ll know early — so be honest, openly reveal your feelings and motives, don’t use someone just to relieve your loneliness or celibacy.) May of 2018 begins a seven-year period in which sex and romance will combine powerfully, so your 2018 squeeze might be the right one! (This 7-year influence can also cause extramarital temptations.)
This is a splendid 13 months to take a course which demands a lot of memorization.

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21

October 10, 2017 to November 8, 2018, will bring your luckiest 13 months in a decade, Scorpio! Your rising luck is personal, and spreads all over your life. This makes it tough to pinpoint any one area of “supreme fortune.” However, far travel, legal, educational, publishing, religious and cultural matters will flow smoothly and benevolently. Romance and creative projects will also tend to respond to your wishes. But the biggest effect will likely be financial. You could make more money, and spend more. But the real financial “benefit” of these 13 months will be in planning and launching an earnings project which will pour a cornucopia of dollars on you a year later, in 2019.

Your luck will also soar in rote learning, so this is a great year to undertake any technical or other courses which demand a lot of memorization. (If you start a two-year diploma course this year, you’ll place yourself on a “permanently” higher earnings plateau.) These 13 months ahead — in many cases, 25 months — will also favour you in sensual attractions. Sexual intimacy can come easily in 2018 and ’19. But listen, Scorpio: if you use someone just for physical gratification, you could lock yourself into a life-bond you don’t really want. Be honest, and state your intentions openly to a (potential) lover.

You’ll be cheerful, optimistic, friendly and outgoing all 13 months — and ready for adventure! You could join an African safari or kayak to Greenland, enter college or university, or be promoted to the board of your corporation. Scorpio actors, writers, teachers/profs, speakers and lawyers will have a huge year. If you’re struggling for fame, this is the year you might land it.

In May ’18, you begin a 7-year phase in which relationships will start and end quickly and unpredictably. Love — and friendship — will be an adventure! But this can also bring stress around relationships, as you don’t like change in this area. My advice: look for the light, sometimes humorous side of this unpredictability. You’ll befriend nerds, techies, quirky and innocent types. If you’re smart, you’ll also befriend real estate agents, and those who work in food/shelter areas — this could spark many opportunities!

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21

From October 10 2017 to early November 2018, you’ll finally chuck off the chains that have bound you. These can be the chains of marriage to the wrong person, of a drudge job, of a commitment you made long ago and which has outlived its relevance, chains of regret over past errors, or even the chains of internalized fears or childhood “imprinting.” In December almost three years of sober, burdensome events, particularly in money zones, ends. Your personality finally will be able to rise, to breathe.

However, this won’t occur overnight. You need to go through a healing process first, which the 13 months ahead will provide in the most benevolent, effective way. This is a perfect time to consult with therapists, counsellors, psychics/astrologers, agents, even civil servants. The government will become a sympathetic ally, if you ask. By the winter of 2018/19, you’ll have dispelled your old ghosts, and be fresh and ready to jump into a year of huge good luck (Nov. ’18 onward).

Your money woes won’t disappear, and you need to remain conservative for two more years, but you’ll feel less weighed down by it. Money will be “over there,” and you’ll be “here.” Use the quiet, contemplative 13 months ahead to examine your life’s progress over the past decade. Study how you got here, and where you want to go. Plan, make adjustments in your direction, beliefs and attitudes, and, above all, rest. This is the most benevolent, curative rest you’ve had since 2006, so steep yourself in it. The deeper your relaxation in 2018, the higher you’ll soar in 2019.

You’ll find lucky results in research, medical enquiries, and from interfacing with institutions, large corporate administrations, foundations, government, charities and spiritual groups. Don’t expect a year of partying or winning in competitions — your progress will be private, and the brightest light will glow within your soul.

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19

Shake yourself, Cap, and prepare to embrace happiness! The 13 months ahead (Oct. 10 ’17 to Nov. 8 ’18) will boost your popularity and bring joy from social meetings. At least one large wish will come true. You are unique among Sun signs in that your most gratifying rewards often come with a responsibility attached. This hints that these 13 months ahead might include a promotion or status boost that entails more duties or obligations.

During this upbeat, expansive time, you can find that the government or the head office of a corporation becomes a reliable ally. Benefits can pour toward you from bursaries and scholarships, gov’t funding, sabbaticals, foundations, etc.

Your optimism will soar. Use it to broaden your horizons, to set new, higher goals —these will inspire you for more than a decade ahead. Join new groups, friends, political parties, hiking or service clubs or meditation circles, etc. — these will tend to benefit you for a decade to come. A sweet, uplifting lively romance will spark if you’re single. This person will be very strong, loyal and insightful “deep down.” Romance, though seemingly light and friendly, will strike a reverberating tone in you, and its song will softly and benevolently seep into every area of your personality. In other words, true love is possible. In May, a 7-year trend begins that will “electrify” romance — but avoid deep, sudden infatuations, as these will subtly undercut you and your “wealth” these entire 13 months (to early Nov. ’18). Friendly, “non-embarrassing” romance is the winner for you.

If you’re an actor, politician, courtroom lawyer, or depend on your popularity for your livelihood, or on your ability to plug into the public’s desires, this will be a banner year.

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18

Hmmn, an odd, complicated year, Aquarius. (It runs from Oct. 10/17 to Nov. 8/18.) First, your luck soars in career, prestige relations, community status and worldly standing. If you’re a student, entering school, choose courses that align closely with your career ambitions — your marks will be higher in these. Working Aquarians are very likely to be promoted. Singles among you might “marry up” — that is, into a higher socio-economic level. You teenagers will find that your main squeeze’s parents like you. It’s a great year to ask favours (a little investment loan?) from your parents. If you aim your efforts toward climbing the ladder of accomplishment and prestige, you’re sure to end this cycle better off than you are now. Judges will rule in your favour. Higher-ups welcome you to their “circle.” They’ll listen to your proposals and offer support, partly because this is a lucky career year, but partly because you are cheerful about your career. Your sunny, optimistic mood endears you to those in charge.

Here’s the complexity: during this same 13 months (to Nov. ’18) relationships benefit you, and are crucial to success. You’ll be tempted to be independent, perhaps to cut corners or escape having to share with others. These attitudes will trigger disappointments, bad results, perhaps even a bad rep. So be ambitious — it’s the best year for this in over a decade! — but be ethically and morally upright, also, or those glittering goals will turn to dust. And that sunny, optimistic mood will turn grim and dark. So smile, be friendly, seek advice and help the team rather than yourself.

In mid-May 2018 Uranus, your ruling planet, enters your zone of home, family, real estate and security — and of withdrawal. Don’t lean this way before Nov. ’18, or you’ll reduce your good luck. Security is NOT a good goal this year ahead!

Far travel, international consciousness, foreign-born people, academics and professionals, import/export, legalities, publishing/media, higher education, religion and cultural involvements — these can accompany your ambitious rise — and could be the chariot you ride to success! If you’re an entrepreneur, seek prestigious clients, advertise, and be generous to employees — one of them could suggest an idea that could rocket you toward more profits.

PISCES: February 19 – March 20

You could hardly find a sweeter, mellower year than the 13 months ahead, Pisces. (Oct. 10/17 to Nov. 8/18.) Your mind will be at ease, even as it roams everywhere, seeking knowledge, travel and new experience. The truth is available to you this year.

You will encounter splendid luck in far travel, international affairs, legal matters, college/ university, religion, philosophy, science, statistics, insurance, fame, cultural affairs, intellectual pursuits, import-export, publishing and media — and love. These intellectual, travel and cultural involvements will naturally usher you into the realms of powerful and/or prestigious people. This can help your career, as will any learning you now undertake. Next year, 2019, will bring a huge boost in your business or career, and much of what you encounter in 2018 will form a good base for 2019’s ambitions. One hint: before Nov./18, avoid leaning too much on government aid, psychics, counsellors, agents or institutions. This is not a good 13 months for withdrawal, spas or retreats.

Many single Pisceans will either wed or meet their future mate during these 13 months. Love is most likely to blossom in Oct./Nov. 2017, and Jan., March, May, July and Sept. 2018.

This is a great 13 months to enter school at any level. Or to travel the world. Whether you make practical progress or not, isn’t important. What counts are the experiences and adventures you embrace, and what you learn. You’ll excel in such subjects as anthropology, geography, languages and the humanities generally.

From May onward, seven years of erratic ups and downs in your earnings will smooth out — pretty well forever. But many more casual friends and contacts will enter your life, until 2025. Some of these will be confidants who can speak “directly to your soul.” You might soon join a psychic club, or work on a spiritual (etc.) publication/show.

The End
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