

老外口中的50句口语英语短句,She looks blue 她满面忧伤

1 . It's been a long time. 好久不见了

2.It's about time. 时间差不多了

3 . I can't imagine why. 我想不通为什么

4 . That's really something. 真了不起

5. Excuse me for a moment .失陪一会儿

6. I'm dying to see you. 我真想见你

7 . I'm flattered . 过奖了

8.You can never tell.不知道/谁也没把握

9. I won't buy you story .我不信你那一套

10. It hurts Like hell! 疼死啦

11. It can't be helped . 无能为力

12. Sorry to bother you . 抱歉打扰你(事前)

Sorry to have bothered you .抱歉打扰你(事后)

13. Stay out of this matter,please .请别管这事

14. I'll make it up to you .我会赔偿的

15. I'm very/really/terribly/awfully/extremely sorry.十分抱歉

16. Let's forgive and forget .让我们摈弃前嫌

17. I've heard so much about you ! 久仰大名

18. Don't underestimate me . 别小看我

19. She gives me a headache . 她让我头疼

20. You're wasting you breath .你在白费口舌

21. Don't get on my nerves ! 不要搅得尽我心烦

22. His argument doesn't hold water . 他的论点站不住脚

23. You've got to do something . 你一定要想办法

24. Don't look wise . 别自作聪明

25.You're going too far ! 你太过分了!

26. Don't bury your head in the sand . 不要逃避现实

27. Nothing works .什么都不对劲儿

28. Money will come and go . 钱乃身外之物

29. He's been behind bars for almost 30 years . 他坐了将近30 年牢

30. You have my word .我保证

31 He hit the ceiling at the news . 他听到那消息暴跳如雷

32. You're too outspoken . 你太直率了

33. Every dog has his day . 凡人皆有得意时

34. Are you out of you mind ? 你疯了吗?

35. He's been everywhere . 他到处都去过了

36. Who is to blame ? 该怪谁?

37. There're a lot of rumors going around . 很多流言流传着

38. I don't feel up to that . 我觉得不能胜任那工作

39. I'm mad at myself . 我生自己的气

40. What the hell are you doing ? 你到底在做什么?

41. I can't seem to get to sleep . 我好像睡不着

42. You look very serious about something . 你似乎有很严重的事

43. I hope I'm not in the way . 我希望没有造成妨碍

44. A fool never learns . 傻瓜永远学不会

45. What brings you to Beijing ? 什么风把你吹到北京来的?

46. She looks blue . 她满面忧伤

47. Let's fold up the futon . 把被子叠好

48. You were snoring last night . 你昨晚一直在打呼噜

49. Did I keep you up ? 影响你睡觉了吗?

50. I had a nightmare . 我做了个可伯的梦

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