

2015广州高考一模我校英语优秀作文选登 >>经典欣赏 Sharing>>国际连线>>广州市第二中学


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(伍漩 15分高三9班)

A study was carried out by Professor Margaret Trainor, concerning “the influence of music classes on children’s brain growth”, which lasted for a year. Children aged from 4 to 6 were divided into two groups, one of which was asked to  attend music classes, but the other one didn’t. Furthermore, those children had to do a music test, and then were

required to listen to a group of numbers and retell what they had memorized. The findings suggested that those who attended music classes had greater progress on music listening and memorizing. What’s more, recently, the study was launched on the magazine “The Brain”.

 (梅文彬 15分高三1班)

Professor Margaret Trainor from Canada conducted a research, which lasted for a year; on the effect taking music classes has on the growth of children’s brains. There were two groups of children, whose age ranged from 4 to 6, taking part in the research, and one of the groups were allowed to take music classes while the other were not. What’s worth mentioning, special methods  were used in the research including a music test as well as a

memory quiz, which means the children were required to retell a section of numbers after hearing and memorizing them. With regard to the result, the children learning music made greater progress in music hearing and memorizing. Recently, this creative research has been posted on magazine “The Brain”.

 (叶梓杰 15分高三18班)

Having spent one year, Margaret Trainor, a Canadian professor, conducted a research concerning “how music classes influence the growth of children’s brains”. Accordingly, the professor divided some children aged 4 to 6 years old into 2 groups, one of which would attend a music class, while the other wouldn’t. What’s more, the method the professor
used was that the children would be given a music test and required to retell a group of numbers after hearing and memorizing it.  As a result, the children that had learned music made bigger progress on the sense of hearing music as well as memorizing. Besides, this research has been published on the magazine The Brain recently.


A research concerning “what impacts music lessons have on the development of children’s brains” was conducted by a Canadian professor Margaret Trainor. The research lasted for one year, with two groups of children aging from four to six as its targets, one of which were asked to attend music lessons while the other were not. After that the professor carried out a music test among the children, after which the children were required to

  listen to a group of numbers, remember them and retell them. As the findings indicated, those who took part in music lessons achieved more significant progress in both music listening and memory. What’s more, the research was published on the magazine “The Brain” recently.

 (林茜 15分高三18班)

Professor Margaret Trainor from Canada has done a research on “The effect of music lessons on children’s brain’s development” for a year, In the research, there were two groups of children aged between 4 and 6, among whom one group had music lesson while the other didn’t. After testing their music capability, Professor Trainor required the children to listen to a group of numbers,

remember them and then retell them. From the result, the professor drew the conclusion that learning music enables children to make greater progress in music listening and memory. Additionally, the research has recently been put forward in the magazine “The Brain.

 (曾薇 15分高三1班)

Professor Margaret Trainor form Canada has been doing a research on the effects of having music classes on the development of children’s brain for a year. She did an experiment by teaching one group of children aged 4 to 6 music lessons and the other group of children hasn’t received such lessons. Then the 2 groups of children were given a music test and they were asked to listen to

a group of numbers, learn them by heart and retell them. The results showed that the children who had learned music had greater developments in music listening ability and memory. Recently, the research was put on The Brain magazine.

 (梁乐斌 15分高三2班)

A research conducted by a Canadian Professor Margaret Trainer, concerning the issue of the influence on the growth of children’s brains by attending music classes, lasted for a year. In this research, a group of children aged 4 to 6, took music Lessons while another group didn’t. As for the researching method, kids were asked  to take music exams and they were required to listen to

a group of figures, remember them and repeat them. According to the result, children who had learned music attained greater improvements in music learning skills and memory. Besides, this research has been recently published on the magazine The Brain.


Margaret Trainor, a distinguished professor of Canadian nationality, has carried out a study concerning the issue of “The influence of music classes on the growth of children’s brains” recently, which he was devoted a whole year to working on. In the study, a number of children aged 4 to 6 were divided into two groups, one of which was arranged to have music classes while the other wasn’t. After that, those children

were asked to take a musical test and then listen and memorize a group  of numbers and repeat it later. The outcome of the study reflects that those children who have studied music could make greater progress in the aspect of music listening and memorizing. More encouragingly, the study has been published in the magazine named. “The Brain” recently.


Recently, Margaret Trainor, a Canadian professor, has finished a one-year research concerning how music lessons influence the growth of children’s brain. In the survey, respondents were children aged 4 to 6, who were divided into two groups, one of which was asked to have a music lesson while the other was not. After that, all children surveyed were given a music test, being asked to remember a 
group of numbers while listening, and to retell what they had heard. As for the result of the research, to our surprise, the children who had attended a music lesson made greater progress in music listening and memorizing. Recently, the research information has been put on magazine “The brain” and you can get more details from it if you are interested in it .

 (袁芷欣 14.5分高三14班)

A study has been carried out for one year by Dr. Margaret Trainor, a Canadian, concerning the issue of the influence that attending music classes exerts on the brain’s growth of children. As for the way of study, the children, ranging from 4 to 6 years old, who were divided into 2 groups, one of which had taken music lessons before while the other one hadn’t, participated  in a music test. Moreover, they were required to listen to

some numbers which were expected to be remembered and then recited.

When it comes to the result, it’s reported that those who had learnt music in the past improved more in the music learning as well as the ability of memorizing things. Besides, the study has been published in “The Brain” recently.


 Margaret Trainor, a Canadian professor, carried out a one-year research concerning music lessons’ effects on the growth of children’ brain. In this research, children who aged from 4 to 6 years old were divided into 2 groups, one of which took music lessons while the other did not. With regard to the method, Professor Margaret Trainor tested the children on music and required them to listen to a list of numbers, remember
them and then retell them. Therefore, according to the research, Professor Margaret Trainor drew the conclusion that children learning music make progress greater in listening to music and memorizing. Moreover, this meaningful research is recently published on the magazine “The Brain”.


A research about how the music lessons influence the growth of children’s brain was carried out by a Canadian professor, Margaret Trainor. The professor found some children aged 4 to 6 years old and separated them into two groups, providing one group with music lessons while the other one was provided nothing for a year. After finishing the  experiment, children were first given a music test, then asked to listen to a group of numbers, remember them and recite. The result now shows that children who were given music lessons

make much more progress in music listening and memorizing than those who were offered nothing. What’s more, this research had been published on the magazine The Brain recently.


 (任倩怡 5+20=25分高三7班)

In a US TV show A walk in Your Shoes, an eighth-grade student and the school principal experienced each other’s lives. During the show, participants were all given some valuable life lessons.

If I got a chance to switch lives with someone for a week, I would like to be a mother of a ten-year-old kid. As for the reason, I think I could experience the hardship of being a mother of a young child while being a child of a couple of old parents during the week, so that I can take of my parents in a proper way before they get too old.

In the one-week time, I would accompany my

child to and from school, talking with him freely on the way. In the evenings, I would help him with his homework as well as teach him to schedule his study reasonably. At the weekend, I would take the kid with his grand-parents to the park to spend a nice day  playing together.

From where I stand, such an experience can teach me how to keep a balance between bringing up a child and taking care of my parents. Besides, I can learn to reduce my parents’ pressure as I’ve known how heavy it is. Moreover, a strong sense of responsibilities may be aroused to help me overcome further difficulties.


A US TV show gives people the chance to switch lives with others shortly. For the participants, the show enables them to live out a fantasy and provides valuable life lessons. They learn to appreciate others and think about things from others’ perspective. And they learn that others’ are not always better.

After reading the passage., I am eager to take part in the show. If I could get the chance, I would switch my life with my mother. When I was young, I had a close relationship with my mother. I shared every secret with her and she was glad to listen to my children imaginations and complaints. I could always get smiles and encouragement from her. As I grow older, I feel it embarrassing to do so. And our relationship is not as close as before. Now I’m going to take the College Entrance  Exams and she is so worried about my study that she can’t

stop asking me about my feelings and other things. Sometimes I get impatient and we have quarrels.

So in this week, I would learn to do things and think about things like my mother. I would imagine if my daughter was preparing for these important exams. What will I do, I will try my best to give her support. Most importantly, I would make every effort to rebuild our relationship. Her warm hugs and smiles light up my childhood, and I want to give her the same warm feeling, as her “mother”.

From my perspective, I think I can learn to be more considerable and more patient by playing the role of a mother. I can learn to control my bad temper and save the relationship between my mother and me.

 (周嘉健 5+19=24分高三1班)

By giving an example of an eighth-grade student and a principal who switched lives with each other in a US TV show, the writer discussed about exchanging lives would make us walk in others’ shoes and gain life lessons.

As for me, if I had a chance to switch lives with someone for one week, I would like to share it with my father. For one thing, my father has raised me for eighteen years, which has left him countless fatigue, not to mention the cost of contributions physically and mentally. For another, but for  his love for me, I wouldn’t have gone so far, and thus it is of great necessity for me to take care of him.

In this week, I would prepare the breakfast, lunch and supper for my family. More importantly, I would go to work in place of my father and make an acquaintance with his workmates. In addition, I would exert myself to the house cleaning with diligence and it would be obliged to help my father triumph over my homework even though he desires to escape from that.

From my point of view, being a father stands me in good stead. From the experience, I could learn to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the whole family. What’s more, it can serve as a force drive for me to become an accountable and mature man, which enables me to care for others and benefits me a lot in the future.


A US TV show allows people to switch lives with someone and by experiencing another life which is not always as good as expected, participants learn to value what they already have and appreciate others as well.

If I could switch lives with someone, however, I would like to experience a teacher’s life. For one thing, it would be good to share your opinions with so many people and chances are that by teaching others I may come to more thorough understanding of what I’ve learn at class. For another, the significance of being a teacher extends far beyond self-benefits. It is such a devoting job that reminds me of the necessity of helping others and such opportunity would make me more grateful for my teachers and their very virtues.

During this week, I would immerse myself into class preparation to maximize the value of every class. In addition, I would try to get on well with the students and face with the problems they meet together in that a good teacher should always be a good friend of his students. And no matter what I would do, I would always show my respect to the students.

From this meaningful experience, I believe that I would harvest both happiness and life-ling benefits. I would be more thankful for my teachers in that they have sacrificed such a great deal for us. And I would be greatly inspired to become a promising student to live up to their expectation.

 (吴佳蔚 4+20=24分高三18班)

Letting people experience each other’s lives, the US TV show A Walk in Your Shoes not only allows the participants to live out a fantasy, but also teaches them to value what they have and understand others’ situation and hardships better.

If I were offered an opportunity to switch lives with others, I would like to experience the lives of a governor because I have developed tremendous interest in politics. I’m surely convinced that such chance never fails to fascinate me since it’s my dream to work in the government. Undeniably, the experience would be rewarding and would teach me valuable lessons.

In that week, I would try every possible means to handle the complex tasks brought by the position, serving the citizens heart and soul. To begin with. I could devotedly communicate with the people about their concerned problems and

think about solutions to satisfy their need. Besides, I would be engaged in the heated discussions concerning the social affairs and voice my perspective, contributing my efforts to the development of  the society. In addition, I might put forward effective measures to deal with the environmental problems and impose fines on offenders. Last but not least, acquiring a deep knowledge of the world would be a main task of mine.

From where I stand, I might develop a sharper insight of the world and prepare better for the future career from the experience. There is no doubt that I could understand more about a governor’s responsibilities and tension. Therefore, I would be taught to pursue my knowledge, broaden my horizons and strengthen the required abilities as a governor.

 (刘心悦 5+19=24分高三5班)

A US TV show gives people the chance to switch lives with others. Therefore the participants more value what they already have, learn to understand others and realize that others’ situation isn’t always better than theirs.

If I could have the chance to switch lives with others. I would switch lives with my class teacher in that I want to experience the hardship, pressures that my class teacher has to go through, and I haven’t had a chance to truly understand her. By switching lives with her.I can be more respectful to teachers and behave better as a student.

In this period of time, I would feel obligated to prepare well for the lessons. And I would devote myself to taking good care of the students and developing a good study atmosphere for them by making strict class rules in black and white.   I am convinced that the students’ academic performance could be improved.

From my point of view, I can harvest a lot from this kind of experience. For one thing, I can learn to think about my teachers’ feelings and avoid irritating them. For another, I can strengthen my ability in solving problems and completing tasks at hand. Therefore, this kind of activity is really beneficial to us.

 (吴倩儿 4+20=24分高三5班)

A TV show provides an opportunity for people to switch roles in real life, which teaches people to appreciate what you possess and look things in someone else’s angle.

If I had the opportunity, I would switch lives with Scarlette Johnson, the famous movie star in America. The reason for this is that I have always been a loyal fan of her and by doing so I might learn more about my idol.

Hiving a week of Scarlette Johnson’s life must be fantastic. I would go to work, as a professional actress, who constantly remind herself that no mistakes are allowed. I imagine that I would encounter a lot of unexpected difficulties such as dealing with paparazzi and how to react elegantly like scarlette

herself. In the meanwhile, I would make friends with people around which enable me to have a deeper understanding about her life.

In this unforgettable week, I would form the idea that being a world-famous actress needs much more than a pretty face. It required tremendous hardship and talent to be a stunning movie star like Scarlette Johnson. I will work, harder and harder ever since and do my best to achieve my goal as being an actress.

(刘松柏 5+19=24分高三9班)

A US TV show-A Walk in your shoes give an opportunity to experience the life of another person by exchanging the identity of two people, which not only make those people value the life of their own, but help to make us understand the life of others better as well.

As a senior three student, I would like to switch lives with my teacher for a week if possible, because the teachers around me is always responsible and receive the respect from the students like me. I consider teaching as a job with great honor. For the simple reason of getting more knowledge about the teacher.,I think this must be a very interesting experience.

I would have many plans to accomplish

if I have enough time to exchange identity with my teacher, but for such a short week, I think I should spend more time on discussing with my fellow teachers, preparing for my class, teaching students and correcting students’ homework.

An experience like this must be quite busy and full-filled for me. But I still consider I can learn more academically and socially, and get a practice both physically and mentally. With such experience, I will understand my teacher better.

 (林明健 5+19=24分高三11班)

The TV show “A Walk in Your shoes” provides people chances to switch lives with someone for a short time. The participants came to realize the value of their own lives and the hardship others would face after taking part in the program .

If I had a chance to switch my life with someone for a week, I would like to become a farmer, because we enjoy many fresh and delicious foods everyday but we don’t know clearly how these foods are grown. The city lives prevent us from contacting the nature and what we can see are always the final product of the animals and plants.

In this week, I would like to live in the simple house with my farmer friends. I would get up early in the morning with them and start one day’s work with the first sunshine at dawn. I want to learn how to plant the seeds, how to care for the plants. I would try my best to plant on the field, the mother of human being.

In this week, I can learn much of the agricultural knowledge and biology knowledge. I can experience the farmers’ lives and enjoy the beauty of nature. Besides, the hard agricultural work can provide me the chance to train myself physically and mentally. Most importantly, I can have a better understanding of the value of the food and my present life and experience the hardship that a farmer will face.

 (王熙泓 4+20=24分高三12班)

A US TV show gives people chances to experience other people’s lives. Through this show, participants learn to think about things from other’s perspective realize that others’ are not always better.

If I had the chance to play other’s role, I would be the chairman of the PRC, because I feel it hard to tolerate the bad quality of the air and I want to punish those who are polluting the air. Moreover, air polluting is threatening people’s health, which is a potential threat to our countries’ future.

When I come to power, I would make a

national speech to ask my people to fight against those who are polluting the air and I would use my power to punish them with all my efforts. Then, I would try to present a law about protecting the environment, which would be the nightmare of the polluters and the destroyers of our environment.

Through this valuable experience, I think that I will learn to deal with pressure from lives and think things from other’s perspective. I may also learn to solve problems in the ways which have already been carefully considered, instead of judging everything emotionally. Although this is hard to realize, I will still work hard to reach it.                           



A US TV show gives people chance to switch lives with someone for a short time. With a valuable life lesson, we should value what we own because the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Seeing the show, I couldn’t help thinking if I had such a chance to do so what I would choose to become. My answer must be a farmer! My parents always tell me how lucky I am to be a city child and I want to experience the farmer’s life and see how I would feel.

In this unusual week, I would learn the skills to plant the crops and try to understand the big effort farmers make so that I won’t waste the rice. But at night. I would also love to appreciate the stars hanging in the sky and enjoy the noise made by insects instead of by cars. During the whole week I would put my cell phone away and get close to the mysterious nature.

Experiencing a simple life, I thought I could see my own life in a different side. Besides I could also respect others’ effort. Last but not least, I would change my life style into a more healthy and natural one.







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