

Chinese diplomacy highlights mutual benefit
"China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit," Hu Jintao said in the report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It underscores the importance and necessity of mutual benefit, which has a profound impact on Chinese diplomacy under new circumstances.
Mutual benefit is a key principle of China's diplomatic practices over the past few decades. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, China has fully promoted friendly cooperation with other countries on the basis of mutual benefit, and shared more and more common interests with partners. The country has created a favorable external environment for its own development, and made great contributions to world prosperity and stability.
Mutual benefit has rich ideological content, and applies to every aspect of international relations. Economically speaking, countries can make the market cake bigger and achieve common development and prosperity. Politically speaking, they should work together to increase the common interests of mankind. In terms of security, they should support common, collective, and cooperative security, and oppose absolute or unilateral security. In terms of culture, they should respect the diversity of civilizations, and promote exchanges and communication among different civilizations, so they can learn from one another.
Mutual benefit has distinctive characteristics of the times. All human beings share a common destiny. While enjoying the convenience brought about by globalization and informatization, countries also face such common challenges caused by various global issues as food, energy, and Internet security. They should consider others' reasonable concerns and promote common development while pursuing their own interests, so lasting peace and stability across the world will be achievable.
Mutual benefit does not mean denying the existence of differences and friction. Instead, it means increasing mutual trust through effective communication and resolving disputes by seeking common ground while reserving differences. No country should pursue its own interests at others' expense.
Read the Chinese version at: 中国外交内涵更加丰富(高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜) source: People's Daily, author: Zhong Sheng
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