

Garage Cafe in Zhongguancun, a startup incubator


2015-01-20 16:59 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Si Huan

(ECNS) -- On a particular Thursday afternoon a cafe experienced a surge in customers. The space resembled a college library, with most present either engrossed in their laptops or strolling around making conversation.

Garage Cafe, or Cheku Cafe, situated along Zhongguancun InnoWay in Beijing's Haidian district, has been in business for over three and an half years. Compared to other such coffeehouses, this cafe is always packed full of ambitious entrepreneurs working on startups or looking for investments.

Kevin Xiao, a young Columbia University graduate, has been visiting Garage Cafe with his laptop for a week. The 24-year-old is working on an open source social media platform with three other friends. Speaking of his reason for visiting the cafe he said, "I can get useful information here, and learn lessons from some experienced people."

The Cafe offers free electrical outlets and ample Wi-Fi connections to its customers. Such facilities make working here easy, Xiao added.

Ji Zisen, CEO of Garage Cafe, said the coffeehouse was designed as a platform for startups to find the resources they need. "As long as entrepreneurs come to the cafe, they can work here, exchange experience or ideas with their peers, and find investors."

Thanks to its accessible environment, some startup teams even set up their offices at the cafe. In response, Jin said they had reserved certain spaces for several teams to complete routine work. "We will do what we can to help these startups reduce costs," he noted.

Zhao Liwei and her team have been offered a desk here to work. "It does help us to reduce costs." At the cafe, expenditure mainly goes towards coffee and food. She also mentioned that the open environment gave them access to more information and a chance to exchange ideas.

According to Jin, some 300 startup projects have been incubated at the cafe over the last three years. Moreover, 130 businesses have been established, with over 70 accessing investment, it was added.

On Zhongguancun InnoWay, transformed from a street of bookstores and officially opened in June 2014, there are more than 10 such business incubators, including 3W Coffee, Binggo Cafe, Angel Crunch and 36Kr, providing similar services and platforms for both startups and investors.

By late December 2014, 360 startup teams had been seen on InnoWay, with 150 obtaining investment, according to the street's operator.

"It's the best time for startups," Jin said. "If you have ideas and are eager to put them into practice, we are here to offer help."

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