


Hello. With condolences.

Hello.I remember it like it was yesterday. My first Macintosh. 1984. I was a graphic designer, and my world was about to change. I embraced it, and never looked back.THANK YOU Steve, with all my heart; for permeating all areas of my personal and professional life.

Denise from Idaho Falls, ID

We will miss you

The world has truly lost a true leader in technology.  No other single person made me more excited about a product even before it came out.  You will be missed


Thank you, Mr. Jobs

Thank you, Mr. Jobs for the impact you had on my life. My humble work would not be possible without your great vision and spirit of innovation. You are an inspiration to us all.


Thank you

Thank you for everything that you have given to us and all the inspirationyou have given me, you have changed the world.


im sorry

im sorry for the best and only genius man in the world . we were going up with him but now we are going down .REST IN PEACE .


Of Passion and Perserverance

To Apple,Steve Jobs has always been an inspiration to me as I progressed through school, and even more recently as I've graduated and had to start thinking about what I'll do with my life. Jobs' success after not completing college, starting his own business from humble beginnings in a garage and taking the world by storm has shown me that you don't need to be a part of a system to succeed and that one's character and perseverance will cause you to be admired and loved by everyone. Steve Job's story and life has taught me to be steadfast and passionate about what I do, excel in my strengths and improve on my weaknesses.Thank you so much for introducing me to a true role model.

Dan from Sydney, Australia

For Steve and his Family

I work for this Company and would like to thank you for all you have done, my family is in debt to you, we love you Steve to you and your family. I would be working somewhere i did not like if it wasnt for you Steve.I love this Company and we will make it shine for you.Respects from my family Please let me know what we can do in memory of him  

Anonymous from Raymundo

Rest in peace Steve

A true inspiration. I've been a fan for many years and can safely say your vision has made my life better because of the products you so passionately pioneered. May a great man rest in peace. 

Izzy from Australia

Steve Jobs

This man was one of the most amazing men in the world, and for that, I salute you, in heaven, where you belong.


Apple is like a family member to me... I've loved my power mac g3 tower, My ipod brick, my silver nanos, my glistening white ibook, my airport, my 17' macbook pro, my ipad and my iPhones... And we've lost our papa bear!!! 


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