


现场翻译:杨   琳

整       理:吕宏蓬

编       辑:王辰光

审       校:杨露晨、王   莉

按:2016年4月22日,北京中医药大学研究生会联合同有三和中医,邀请到当今五行针灸大家Nora Franglen及龙梅、Guy Gaplen在北京中医药大学现场讲座。讲座中Nora结合自身经历,讲解自己与五行针灸的缘分,并生动讲解五行针灸对人性的认识,与五行人的相处,提及五行针灸帮助人们更好地认识自己与他人,认识五行背后的道、阴阳等层面,让人与人的相处更加和谐,更多包容。

(左)北京中医药大学校长徐安龙教授、(中)研究生会吕宏蓬、(右)Nora Franglen

Good evening, now I'm going to do the most terribly difficult thing of this talk at this moment, I'm going to talk to you in Chinese. And I hope that you could understand it, but it's only one sentence: “晚上好!希望大家能听懂我的中文,我很高兴能受到邀请来北京中医药大学做讲座”That was the most difficult part of the evening.




Now I’ve come to talk to you about this very very old ancient discipline which is called five element acupuncture, and one of the lovely things about it is that it is as if east and west are joining up again. 


We live in a very divided world, with many many thousands of miles between where I live at London and where we are now. But we speak the same language which is the language of human being. The advantage that you all have in China compared to me in England is that you understand the elements. And if you are from America or the rest of the world, we don’t have a concept of the elements. This is a very deep concept, that the ancient Chinese understood which is that there are five elements, yin and yang, and the Dao, and they created the whole universe and absolutely everything in it. And this huge concept of yin and yang, of the elements, of the Dao translates itself into creating each one of us human being.



I remembered being very very pleased when I was a student because I was treating a young Korean girl, and I realized that I could recognized the same elements in her as I could recognize in any English person. So I realized then what was thirty-five, forty years ago that the elements are a universal language that we all share.



And they are the tools that we use. We use a needle, a very very thin little needle,but we use the elements through the needle to express, to tell the change of us and help bring them to health. It’s a very very tiny needle for a huge effect.


I think that we are going to give a little history about how I came into acupuncture, so that you have some idea of how an English woman of about forty-five years old suddenly found herself lying on a couch having acupuncture. And those years ago I didn’t know anything about acupuncture at all, nor did many people in England, not many people did. It was sort of considered something rather odd to have acupuncture treatment. And I found myself, coz I said last night when I was talking, at a party where I sat next to a five element acupuncturist. This was the first time that I heard the word 'spirit' in a relation with anything to do with medicalor anything to do with health. Because he said that it treats the spirit.



 And I think that’s why the importance of five elements acupuncture in the world today is.Because it emphasizes that we are not just the body that is ill, but that our mind and our spirit with that body when it is ill. Therefore we treat all three levels. I can’t figure another discipline that does that. Certainly western medicine doesn’t concentrate at all on our spirit. And the scientific world is not a bit interested in the spirit. Science seems to rule the world now. So somewhere spirit has got lost underneath the whole weight of science and the things in the heads in us all. The spirit is lost.



One of the things Liu Lihong said to me is that this is the rediscovery of an ancient truth. That is what five elements is, the rediscovery of an ancient truth. If you go back to the Neijing, you see it there all the time that a person is made up of the three levels and they never split, they kept together the whole time.




And I was just very fortunate and very lucky to meet this acupuncturist and to be taught by a master of acupuncture called J.R. Worsley, who had a school in England that I started go to and learnt from.In those days, anybody in England could study acupuncture, you wouldn’t have to be a doctor. The English have a tradition of allowing people to study naturopathy and natural medicine without any kind of knowledge of being adoctor.


J.R.Worsley(  1923 ——2003)

 People who were accepted for the study of acupuncture could be any age, any education, anything, because professor Worsley thought everyone should learn about the elements.  It didn’t matter if you’ve never picked a needle up, but if you learn about the elements, about Dao and yin-yang and the philosophy that is behind all that,you learn how to be tolerant with each other.



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