




12月28日,“亚太区域互联网创新创业高峰论坛”在海口隆重举办。本次峰会由海南省工业和信息化厅、海口市人民政府和澄迈县人民政府主办,龙华区人民政府、复兴城互联网创新创业园和品途集团承办,是2017海南“互联网 ”创新创业节系列活动之一。

会上,世界经济论坛计算机全球未来理事会主席贾斯汀·卡塞尔(Justine Cassell)表示,中国一直是一个创新的国家,在近几年科技发展尤为迅猛,在计算能力不断强大的现在,第四次工业革命或许能成为属于中国的革命。AI已经可以在教育、无人驾驶、工作沟通方面取得很不错的成就,在未来,个性化将成为人工智能与人类互动的关键因素。


非常高兴来到这里参加本次论坛,我想谈互联网 和人工智能的机遇和挑战。







淘宝实际上欢迎小型的店主,它依靠这些店主不断的繁荣、发展,所以通过“互联网 ”的方式,我们看到它促进了传统行业的发展。如果仅仅是把传统的产业放在淘宝上是不足够的,我们必须能够开发新的方法去创新。





















It's my great pleasure to participate in this forum. I would like to talk about the opportunities and challenges of Internet and artificial intelligence.

The driving forces of the first industrial revolution included population growth, education progress and urban development. These driving forces showed us that the technology was making great strides, including agricultural machinery, iron and printing, etc. Such technologies have been developed nationwide through complex channels. It created opportunities for China and at the same time created the interaction and exchange among the various provinces in China. This is the background for our discussion.

In terms of technology, China is in no way a newly emerging country. In fact, China has been the leader of science and technology since Song Dynasty. However, we have only recently started the rejuvenation of China. I am very grateful that after my first visit to China in 2008, there have been surprising changes in China over the past nine years, not only in terms of technology, but also for future prospects.

Now I do not think China is left behind on science and technology. Because many companies like Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu are innovators, we must believe that China's technology can grow rapidly with the support of artificial intelligence. In addition, China can further develop its traditional industries and stimulate the vitality of SMEs, while at the same time embracing a bright and innovative future.

AI's innovation is in human-computer collaboration

Now many people ask me how we can maintain the human touch. For example, there are several sharing bike companies exhibiting competitive relationships, where we can see the moral thinking when some people throwing bicycles everywhere. Before we put innovation in tradition, it comes moral chaos. Therefore, we see that China has always been a society that emphasizes interpersonal communication. We should maintain such a tradition in the process of innovation.

Now we talk about the fourth industrial revolution, is it also a Chinese revolution? Is it possible for China to further develop its traditional industries and the ability to connect the Internet with traditional industries?

Taobao actually welcomes small shop owners. It relies on the constant prosperity and development of these shop owners. Therefore, through the Internet , we see that it has promoted the development of traditional industries. If it is not enough to put traditional industries only on Taobao, we must be able to develop new ways to innovate.

Because of the new materials and other areas of innovation, we can have more computing power. We do not need silicon for wafer production, we have the computing power and skills to take our computing power to the next level.

Artificial Intelligence can help us generate a lot of data, which is important if you do not process the data like bread crumbs sprinkled on the ground. Artificial Intelligence helps us to manipulate these data so that they do not become breadcrumbs. Now we have a lot of innovations. For example, in statistics, we have a lot of unsupervised learning. We can also process data of small probability events. Artificial Intelligence can focus on different events and deal with new problems. These are innovation zones where possibility occurs.

Artificial intelligence is not just about machine learning. We also have human-machine collaboration. The true innovation of artificial intelligence is a better understanding of how machines can work together with human beings. Instead of saying that machines will replace people, we now have new ways of production and new ways of working.

AI in various fields of application

Where is the source of innovation? I would like to ask the audience, for example, in the eyes of children, what is innovation? It seems that children's curiosity is a natural capability. However, sometimes we forget the importance of curiosity, as well as the exploration of psychological and error-making process.

From different perspectives, the collision of thinking may allow us to have a better idea. At Carnegie Mellon, our teams have diverse members from all over the country. When all thoughts come together, the collision of minds gives us a better idea.

We did an experiment in the United States with a group of handicapped people who were also unable to use their arms properly. They were old and had a different ethnic background. They gathered to design and sell 3D prosthetic limbs online. Now we have new production models and new distribution models.

Everyone has a cell phone, and the phone has a positioning system. For example, by locating arrival vehicles, there is also a need to provide some road infrastructure to communicate with unmanned vehicles, so that vehicles can know each other's locations. Of course, we also encounter some obstacles, we have a cell phone as a node, your location has been leaked, which involves privacy issues.

In education, the new education model is based on artificial intelligence and can be adjusted according to the needs of students. Now students can also use their mobile phones for education.

We can use artificial intelligence to discover the characteristics of good students and weak students, so that the slow-minded students will no longer be left behind and the quick-minded students will no longer feel bored in class. This is a very significant shift in education, where personalized education can help children not only by cognitive skills but also by social emotional skills.

There are also new modes of work and communication. Many companies have operations in many countries, such as Microsoft. They must know how to work with other colleagues from different backgrounds and how to train them through artificial intelligence. For example, the victims of typhoon can get support around the world through the Internet, which is something you have not believed to be possible without AI.

More advanced AI: personalization

Now that we have a new pattern of change that we can personalize the building, it's very interesting. 35% of electricity is consumed by commercial buildings. Unfortunately, 10% of China's electricity is wasted because the data we obtained from these buildings is outdated. But now we have data collected so that the managers of these buildings can conduct management in an energy-saving way.

What makes us even more excited is that these results can be sent to the office staff, so that they know which color of lighting and which plan of energy composition are most useful. A very important personal design is to help people make changes in behavior, so that we can visualize the skills, so that they know which kind of work is the most efficient.

You can think about your work habits, for instance, you can walk to work, take the elevator to the office, or ride a bike to work, for which we will have a lot of suggestions. Many people say I want to have something personal, such as a personalized treatment plan for cancer patients, personalized marketing, and personalized education. Everything can be customized for a wide range of purposes. For example, every day an AI assistant will say that I can help you. This is a very simple thing. It will be annoying to repeat. Therefore, we will have more advanced customization.

I share with you two cases. The first is to use artificial intelligence to understand your feelings, to determine your health status, to ensure you get the best assistance. The second is to establish a relationship between the system and the user, so that AI can not only customize your product, but also make the appropriate adjustments.

Also, for call centers, this is our first impression of brand recognition. When the call center received a call, you must respond within 30 seconds. This is a robot system that my students and I invented in 2017. The system will automatically calculate it. It will study your smile, the movement of your eyes, and observe the language you are using to ridicule you. This is the robot that will evolve.

It has a feedback recommendation system to choose the communication skills that the machine should use and determine whether it should be commendable to you. For example, you really surprised me. How do people like you come to this forum? This is the process of human interaction with the robot. It will get some information, and seek advice from you.

That’s all. I hope my speech can stimulate more discussion. Thank you.

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