











 One must have the ability to work with others. 一个人必须有与他人合作的能力。 2012 攀枝花


 We were about to leave when Jerry arrived. 我们正要离开,这时杰里到了。

 Above all, I think you should be confident in yourself. 最重要的是,我认为你应该对自己有信心。2012 攀枝花


 Try to accept yourself as you are. 努力接纳自己。 2013 襄阳


 No one can achieve success without working hard. 不努力没人能取得成功。


There is a big park across from the supermarket. 超市对面有一个大公园。 人教七下U8

 Work in groups, and act out the story / dialogue. 分成小组,把这个故事 / 对话表演出来。

 Helping the poor is an act of kindness. 帮助穷人是一种善举。

 We should take action to make our environment cleaner. 我们应采取行动使我们的环境更加洁净。 2012 哈尔滨

 The students took an active part in the competition. 学生们积极参与了这次比赛。 2014 广州

Add up all the numbers. 把所有数字加起来。 2014 黄冈

 Could you give me some advice on / about learning English? 你能给我一些关于学英语的建议吗?

 It’s easy for you to advise, but difficult to take advice from others. 劝告别人容易,接受别人的劝告难。

 The doctor advised me to rest for a few days. 医生建议我休息几天。

 I’m afraid (that) I’ll fail the exam. 恐怕我考试要失利了。

— Are we on time? 我们准时吗?

— I’m afraid not. 恐怕不准时。

 — Are we late? 我们迟到了吗?

— I’m afraid so. 恐怕是的。

 After you finish your homework, what will you do? 你写完作业后会做什么?

At the age of six / At age six, he started school. 他六岁时开始上学。 外研七下M9

 I couldn’t agree more. / I quite agree. 我完全赞同。

 Let’s keep our dream alive forever. 让我们永怀梦想吧。 2010 福州

 Doing exercise can keep your brain alive. 做运动能使你的头脑保持活跃。2014 温州

 — Do you mind if I stay a little longer?


— No, not at all. 当然不介意。

 — Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

— Not at all. 不客气。

 Group discussion allows us more chances to express our thoughts. 小组讨论使我们有更多机会表达自己的想法。 2015 北京

 — Shall we meet at the school gate? 我们在学校门口见好吗?

— All right. 好的。 2013 哈尔滨

 — Thanks a lot! 多谢!

— That’s all right. 不用谢。 2011 西宁

 Go / Walk along this street. 沿着这条街走。 2013 天津

 The boy, along with his parents, has been to the park before. 那个男孩以前曾和他的父母一起去过那个公园。

 Although Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard. 尽管西蒙学习成绩很优秀,但他仍然非常努力。 2016 沈阳

 Helping others always makes you feel good. 帮助别人总会让你感觉舒服。 2012 西宁

 Work hard and you’ll pass the exam. 刻苦学习你就能通过考试。

 Another school year is over! 又一个学年结束了! 冀教七下U8

 Have you found the answer to the question?  你找到这个问题的答案了吗? 2010 成都

 If there are any problems in the exam, put up your hand. 考试中如有任何问题,请举手。 2016 南宁

 Is anyone / anybody there? 有人吗?

 Is there anything I can do to help? 有什么我能帮忙的吗? 2010 山西

 We can’t find him anywhere. 我们哪儿都找不到他。 2013 黄冈

 Did you go anywhere interesting? 你去了什么有趣的地方吗?

 The area of our school is 20,000 square metres. 我们学校的面积是20 000平方米。

 Many trees are planted around the school. 这所学校周围种了很多树。 2011 宁夏

 The exam is not so / as difficult as I thought. 考试并不像我想象的那么难。

 I am lucky to have you as my friend! 我很幸运有你做朋友! 2013 哈尔滨

 As a student, we should learn to have good habits. 作为学生,我们应该学会养成良好的习惯。 2015 重庆

 As we all know, success comes from hard work. 众所周知,成功源于勤奋。

 Now I am writing to ask you for help. 我现在写信请你帮忙。 2012 西宁

 You must give your full attention to what you are doing. 你必须全神贯注于你正在做的事。

 Everything depends on people’s attitude. / Attitude is everything. 态度决定一切。 2013 贵阳

 We should develop a good attitude to / towards life. 我们应该树立良好的生活态度。

 I’ve got an awful headache. 我头疼得要命。


 I’ll be back next Monday morning. 我下星期一早上回来。 2010 成都

 That is the worst movie I’ve ever seen. 那是我看过的最糟糕的一部电影。

 I did badly in my exams. 我考试考砸了。

 My favorite football team was beaten in the World Cup Final. 我最喜欢的足球队在世界杯决赛中输了。 2010 福州

 I jumped out of bed and went straight to the airport. 我跳下床直奔机场。 人教九U12

 I felt ill and stayed in bed. 我感觉很不舒服,就待在床上。 2014 贵阳

 We must put what we need before what we want. 我们必须把需要的放在想要的前面。 2015 嘉兴

 Never give in before difficulties. 绝不在困难面前低头。

 I’ve got behind with my homework. 我的家庭作业落下了。

 I can hardly believe my eyes. 我几乎无法相信自己的眼睛。 2014 黄冈

 It’s hard to believe (that) movies are just over 100 years old. 很难相信电影只有100多年的历史。 冀教九U6

 — Is he coming to the party? 他会来参加聚会吗?

— I believe so / not. 我想他会来 / 不会来。

 It is believed that the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. 人们认为互联网有利也有弊。

 Books are our best friends. 书籍是我们最好的朋友。 2012 南宁

 The best way to learn English is to use it. 学英语的最好方法是使用它。2012 河北

 Our life is getting better and better in the 21st century. 在21世纪,我们的生活正变得越来越好。 2010 吉林

 Which season do you like better, winter or summer? 你更喜欢哪个季节,冬季还是夏季? 2014 北京

 People can change the world for the better. 人们可以把这个世界变得更好。 2012 福州

 She rides to school on her bicycle every day. 她每天骑车上学。 2011 安徽

 On my birthday, I usually have a big meal at home. 我生日那天通常在家吃大餐。 2014 北京

 He rides a bike to school. / He goes to school by bike. 他骑自行车上学。2012 黄石

 The sky grew black with clouds. 乌云密布,天色渐暗。

 I’d like to book movie tickets for tomorrow afternoon. 我想预订明天下午的电影票。 2011 重庆

 The speech was so boring that it made most of us sleepy. 演讲太无聊了,我们大多数人都昏昏欲睡。 2010 成都

 I was born in a small village in Hebei Province. 我出生在河北省的一个小村庄里。 外研七下M7

 — Could I borrow your bike, please? 我可以借用一下你的自行车吗?

— Of course you can. 你当然可以。2015 武汉

 He does well both in Chinese and English. 他中文和英文学得都好。 2010 陕西

 Both Jack and Mike enjoy playing basketball. 杰克和迈克都喜欢打篮球。

 When you meet difficulties, please face them bravely. 当遇到困难时,请勇敢地面对它们。 2012 吉林

 My phone has broken. 我的手机坏了。

 It’s wrong to break the rules. 违反规定是不对的。 2012 广东

 I want to take / have a break from studying. 我想在学习之余休息一下。 2015 苏州

 Don’t use the phone for over an hour without a break. 连续打电话别超过一小时。 2014 福州

 She had some bread and an egg for breakfast. 她早餐吃了一些面包和一个鸡蛋。

 Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. 善待每个人,善良是你通往幸福快乐的桥梁。 2010 哈尔滨

 I hope each student would enjoy a bright and colorful school life here! 我希望每个学生在这里都有一个既快乐又丰富多彩的学校生活! 2015 广州

 Don’t forget to bring an umbrella with you. 别忘了随身带把伞。

 Can I bring a friend to your birthday party? 我能带个朋友去参加你的生日聚会吗? 2014 安徽

 Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学给我们的生活带来了诸多变化。

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