

Python tkinter.messagebox 模块,askyesnocancel() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    文件:IOBinding.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def maybesave(self):        if self.get_saved():            return "yes"        message = "Do you want to save %s before closing?" % (            self.filename or "this untitled document")        confirm = tkMessageBox.askyesnocancel(                  title="Save On Close",                  message=message,                  default=tkMessageBox.YES,                  master=self.text)        if confirm:            reply = "yes"            self.save(None)            if not self.get_saved():                reply = "cancel"        elif confirm is None:            reply = "cancel"        else:            reply = "no"        self.text.focus_set()        return reply
项目:Mac-Python-3.X    作者:L1nwatch    文件:test_tkinter.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():    # ?????????,?????Tkinter????????Tk??.??????withdraw()??????    tk = tkinter.Tk()    tk.withdraw()  # ?????    print(dir(mb))    # ??,?????????,??ok,????????????.??????????????,??????????.    # ??,???Cancel?,??????None    mb.showinfo("Title", "Your message here")    mb.showerror("An Error", "Oops!")    mb.showwarning("Title", "This may not work...")    mb.askyesno("Title", "Do you love me?")    mb.askokcancel("Title", "Are you well?")    mb.askquestion("Title", "How are you?")    mb.askretrycancel("Title", "Go again?")    mb.askyesnocancel("Title", "Are you well?")
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    文件:IOBinding.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def maybesave(self):        if self.get_saved():            return "yes"        message = "Do you want to save %s before closing?" % (            self.filename or "this untitled document")        confirm = tkMessageBox.askyesnocancel(                  title="Save On Close",                  message=message,                  default=tkMessageBox.YES,                  parent=self.text)        if confirm:            reply = "yes"            self.save(None)            if not self.get_saved():                reply = "cancel"        elif confirm is None:            reply = "cancel"        else:            reply = "no"        self.text.focus_set()        return reply
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    文件:IOBinding.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def maybesave(self):        if self.get_saved():            return "yes"        message = "Do you want to save %s before closing?" % (            self.filename or "this untitled document")        confirm = tkMessageBox.askyesnocancel(                  title="Save On Close",                  message=message,                  default=tkMessageBox.YES,                  master=self.text)        if confirm:            reply = "yes"            self.save(None)            if not self.get_saved():                reply = "cancel"        elif confirm is None:            reply = "cancel"        else:            reply = "no"        self.text.focus_set()        return reply
项目:porcupine    作者:Akuli    文件:tabs.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def can_be_closed(self):        """        This overrides :meth:`Tab.can_be_closed` in order to display a        save dialog.        If the file has been saved, this returns True and the tab is        closed normally. Otherwise this method asks the user whether the        file should be saved, and returns False only if the user cancels        something (and thus wants to keep working on this file).        """        if self.is_saved():            return True        if self.path is None:            msg = "Do you want to save your changes?"        else:            msg = ("Do you want to save your changes to %s?"                   % os.path.basename(self.path))        answer = messagebox.askyesnocancel("Close file", msg)        if answer is None:            # cancel            return False        if answer:            # yes            return self.save()        # no was clicked, can be closed        return True    # TODO: document the overriding
项目:Python-GUI-Programming-Cookbook-Second-Edition    作者:PacktPublishing    文件:GUI_message_box_yes_no_cancel.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _msgBox():#     msg.showinfo('Python Message Info Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:\nThe year is 2017.')  #     msg.showwarning('Python Message Warning Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:\nWarning: There might be a bug in this code.')#     msg.showerror('Python Message Error Box', 'A Python GUI created using tkinter:\nError: Houston ~ we DO have a serious PROBLEM!')    answer = msg.askyesnocancel("Python Message Multi Choice Box", "Are you sure you really wish to do this?")    print(answer)# Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item
项目:VisualPython    作者:RobinManoli    文件:filemenu.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prompt_save(self, editor):        fname = editor.fpathname or editor.fname        msg = "Save '%s' before closing?" % fname        ans = askyesnocancel(message=msg)        if ans:            # return cancel if selected save and then not saved            return True if self.save(editor) else None        return ans
项目:Mac-Python-3.X    作者:L1nwatch    文件:learn_notebook.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():    top = tix.Tk()    nb = tix.NoteBook(top, width=300, height=200)    nb.pack(expand=True, fill="both")    nb.add("page1", label="text")    f1 = tix.Frame(nb.subwidget("page1"))    st = tix.ScrolledText(f1)    st.subwidget("text").insert("1.0", "Here is where the text goes...")    st.pack(expand=True)    f1.pack()    nb.add("page2", label="Message Boxes")    f2 = tix.Frame(nb.subwidget("page2"))    # ??????expand,fill?anchor???????????????????????    tix.Button(f2, text="error", bg="lightblue", command=lambda t="error", m="This is bad!": mb.showerror(t, m)).pack(fill="x",                                                                                                                      expand=True)    tix.Button(f2, text="info", bg="pink", command=lambda t="info", m="Information": mb.showinfo(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True)    tix.Button(f2, text="warning", bg="yellow", command=lambda t="warning", m="Don't do it!": mb.showwarning(t, m)).pack(fill="x",                                                                                                                         expand=True)    tix.Button(f2, text="question", bg="green", command=lambda t="question", m="Will I?": mb.askquestion(t, m)).pack(fill="x",                                                                                                                     expand=True)    tix.Button(f2, text="yes - no", bg="lightgrey", command=lambda t="yes - no", m="Are you sure?": mb.askyesno(t, m)).pack(            fill="x", expand=True)    tix.Button(f2, text="yes - no - cancel", bg="black", fg="white",               command=lambda t="yes - not - cancel", m="Last chance...": mb.askyesnocancel(t, m)).pack(fill="x", expand=True)    f2.pack(side="top", fill="x")    top.mainloop()
项目:network-pj-chatroom    作者:KevinWang15    文件:contacts_form.py | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def socket_listener(self, data):        if data['type'] == MessageType.login_bundle:            bundle = data['parameters']            friends = bundle['friends']            rooms = bundle['rooms']            messages = bundle['messages']            for friend in friends:                self.handle_new_contact(friend)            for room in rooms:                self.handle_new_contact(room)            for item in messages:                # [[data:bytes,sent:int]]                sent = item[1]                message = _deserialize_any(item[0])                client.util.socket_listener.digest_message(message, not sent)            self.bundle_process_done = True            self.refresh_contacts()        if data['type'] == MessageType.incoming_friend_request:            result = messagebox.askyesnocancel("????", data['parameters']['nickname'] + "?????????????(?Cancel??????)");            if result == None:                return            self.sc.send(MessageType.resolve_friend_request, [data['parameters']['id'], result])        if data['type'] == MessageType.contact_info:            self.handle_new_contact(data['parameters'])            return        if data['type'] == MessageType.add_friend_result:            if data['parameters'][0]:                messagebox.showinfo('????', '???????')            else:                messagebox.showerror('??????', data['parameters'][1])            return        if data['type'] == MessageType.friend_on_off_line:            friend_user_id = data['parameters'][1]            for i in range(0, len(self.contacts)):                if self.contacts[i]['id'] == friend_user_id and self.contacts[i]['type'] == 0:                    self.contacts[i]['online'] = data['parameters'][0]                    break            self.refresh_contacts()            return
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