

免疫系统推进 穴位及 ??方法
Acupressure Points & Methods for 穴位及 ??方法
Strengthening Immunity 增强免疫力

In a fast-paced world, it is easy to overwork yourself, take on too many commitments, and extend yourself to the point of exhaustion. 在一个快节奏的世界里,很容易过度劳累自己,承担了太多的承诺,并扩大自己用尽点。 This energy imbalance weakens the immune system. 这种能量失衡会削弱免疫系统。 If we take care of ourselves by eating properly, getting enough rest and exercise, and practicing techniques that release tension and balance our bodies - then our resistance to illness is strong. 如果我们把自己吃妥善照顾,得到足够的休息和运动,实行技术,释放紧张和平衡我们的身体-那么我们的抵抗疾病力量雄厚。 If, on the other hand, we abuse our bodies, push ourselves too hard, eat poorly, don't exercise, and fail to release tension, our immune system weakens, and we are more prone to illness. 如果,另一方面,我们滥用我们的身体,把自己太辛苦,吃不好,不运动,并不能释放紧张,我们的免疫系统减弱,我们更容易生病。 Acupressure and deep breathing strengthen the immune system and can help you ward off disease. 穴位按摩和深呼吸来加强免疫系统,可以帮助你抵御疾病。

Everyday stresses accumulate inside our bodies, causing shoulder and neck tensions as well as anxieties that often make it hard to breathe. 每天讲我们的身体内部积聚,造成肩颈部的紧张局势以及焦虑,往往使其难以呼吸。 I use acupressure, deep breathing, and stretching exercises daily to counteract the common daily pressures in my life. 我用穴位按摩,深呼吸,伸展运动和日常抵消每天在我生活的共同压力。

We can only withstand a certain amount of stress. 我们只能承受一定的压力。 Each person has a different threshold, and each must determine for himself or herself how much is too much. 每个人都有不同的门槛,每个人都必须自己决定自己有多少是太多了。 When you cultivate an inner awareness of what's going on inside you, both emotionally and physically, you discover your optimum balance of activity and rest. 当你培养你内在的意识里面就什么回事,无论在感情和身体上,你发现你和休息的最佳平衡的活动。

Traditional Chinese medicine discovered that excesses of particular activities weaken the immune system by overstressing certain acupressure meridian pathways. 中医发现,活动过度削弱特定穴位经络的免疫系统过分强调某些。 (The following potent points are described in detail later in this chapter.) (以下有力的要点进行了详细介绍后面的章节。)

  • Excess standing damages the bladder and kidney meridians, which can cause fatigue and low backaches. 站在过剩膀胱和肾脏损害经络,这可能会导致疲劳和低背痛。 To restore these meridians, stimulate the Sea of Vitality points (B 23 and B 47) by rubbing your lower back for one minute. 为了恢复这些经络,刺激和B 47)你的下背部擦一分钟海活力23分(乙。 Then hold Elegant Mansion (K 27) directly below your collarbone for another minute. 然后按住雅大厦(金27)直接分钟锁骨下方的另一个。 Finally, hold the Bigger Stream (K 3) points on the insides of your ankles for one minute as you breathe deeply. 最后,持有较大的流你的脚踝一分钟,(内脏上的K 3)点,你深呼吸。
  • Excess sitting can damage the stomach and spleen meridians, which can contribute to anemia or digestive disorders. 过量会损坏坐在胃和脾经络,它们可导致贫血或消化功能紊乱。 Stimulate the Three Mile Points (St 36) on the outsides of your calves to benefit these meridians. 三里激发点(36街)在您的小牛在外侧向有利于这些经脉。
  • Excess lying down can damage the large intestine and lung meridians, which can affect both respiration and elimination. 过量可损害躺着大肠和肺经络,它可以同时影响呼吸和消除。 For these meridians use Joining the Valley (Hoku, LI 4) in the valley between the thumb and forefinger and Crooked Pond (LI 11) on the upper edge of your elbow crease as directed on page 120. 对于这些经络使用抗皱加入你的胳膊肘按指示120页上谷(合谷穴,李4)在山谷之间的拇指和食指李力,克鲁克特池(11上)上。
  • Excess use of your eyes (as in close desk work) or emotional stress can damage the small intestine and heart meridians, which can create emotional imbalances. 你的眼睛过度使用 (如在靠近服务台的工作)或情绪压力会损害心脏和小肠经络,它可以创造情绪失衡。 The Sea of Tranquility (CV 17) on the center of your breastbone is an excellent point for balancing these meridians. 安宁海(简历17)对你的胸骨中心是一个优秀的这些经络平衡点。
  • Excess physical exertion can damage the gallbladder and liver meridians, which can cause cramps and spasms. 体力消耗过量会损坏肝脏,胆囊和经络,这可能会导致痉挛和抽搐。 Use Bigger Rushing (Lv 3) on the top of your feet to benefit these meridians. 使用更大的拉欣(吕3)对你的脚的经络顶部这些受益。

By using these acupressure points regularly, balancing your activities, and practicing deep breathing you can counteract stresses, prevent fatigue, and boost your immune system. 通过定期使用这些穴位,平衡你的活动,实行深呼吸可以抵消压力,防止疲劳,增强免疫系统。 Deep breathing exercises alone can greatly increase your energy level and boost your immune system (see page 123). 深呼吸练习便可以大大提高你的能量水平,增强你的免疫系统(见第123页)。

Diet also plays an important role in building resistance to illness. 饮食也起着重要作用,对疾病的建设阻力。 When we eat processed, preserved, or devitalized foods, we weaken our immune system and our resistance because these foods have been stripped of necessary nutrients and fiber. 当我们吃的加工,保存,或失活的食物,我们削弱我们的免疫系统和我们的阻力,因为这些食物纤维被剥夺了必要的营养和。 Certain foods, such as miso soup, parsley, beans, tofu, sea vegetables, fresh vegetables, and lightly toasted sesame seeds can strengthen the immune system and reinforce the body's ability to protect itself. 汤某些食物,如酱,香菜,豆类,豆腐,海水蔬菜,新鲜蔬菜,轻轻烤芝麻可以增强免疫系统,增强身体的能力来保护自己。

Acupressure Points for Strengthening the Immune System 穴位免疫系统的加强

There is a particular acupressure point, Bearing Support (B 36), that governs resistance, especially resistance to colds and flu. 有一个特定的穴位点,轴承支架(乙36),即管阻力,尤其是抵抗感冒和流感。 It is located near the spine, off the tips of the 它位于靠近脊椎,关闭的提示

shoulder blades. 肩胛骨。 The Chinese book The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine says, wind and cold enter the pores of the skin" at this point. 1 It, as well as other points in this area, helps to strengthen the immune system. Conversely, these points around the tips of the shoulder blades are the first to get blocked up just before an illness, especially a cold or flu, takes hold. 中文图书黄帝的医学经典内部说,风寒进入点毛孔此时的皮肤“。 一是 ,以及这一领域的其他点,有助于增强免疫系统。相反,这些点左右肩胛骨的秘诀是流感的第一个取得或阻塞之前生病,尤其是寒冷的,扎根。

The following acupressure points are effective for dealing with a condition that may be caused by a weak immune system. 下面的穴位是有效的免疫系统弱的处理与一个可能的条件所致。

  • Elegant Mansion (K 27) reinforces immune system functioning by strengthening the respiratory system.典雅大厦(金27)加强加强呼吸系统免疫系统的运作。
  • Steady, firm pressure on the Sea Of Vitality points (B 23 and B 47) fortifies the immune system, rejuvenates the internal organs, and relieves pain associated with lower back problems.各就各位,公司的海上压力活力点(买23和B 47)fortifies免疫系统,恢复肌肤活力的内部器官,并减轻背部疼痛的问题有关。
  • The Sea of Energy (CV 6) tones the abdominal muscles and intestines, and helps fortify the immune, urinary, and reproductive systems.美国能源部海(简历6)音腹肌和肠,并有助于强化免疫,泌尿道和生殖系统。
  • Firm pressure on the Three Mile Point (St 36) immediately boosts the immune system with renewed energy.坚定的三里点(36街)的压力立即以新的能量增强免疫系统。 It helps tone and strengthen the major muscle groups, providing greater endurance.它有助于加强语气和主要肌肉群,提供了更大的耐力。
  • Bigger Stream (K 3) on the inside of the ankle helps balance the kidney meridian and strengthen the immune system.更大的流(金3)踝关节的内帮助平衡的肾经,加强免疫系统。
  • Bigger Rushing (Lv 3) and Crooked Pond (LI 11) are important points for relieving pain and strengthening the immune system.大拉欣(吕3)和克鲁克特池(李11)为减轻疼痛和加强免疫系统的重要点。
  • The Outer Gate point (TW 5) helps to balance the immune system and strengthen the whole body.外面的大门点(星期四5)有助于平衡免疫系统,增强整个身体。
  • Hoku (LI 4) is a famous decongestant and anti-inflammatory point; it relieves arthritic pain and strengthens the immune system.合谷穴(李4)是一个著名的减充血剂和抗发炎点,它会减轻关节炎疼痛和增强免疫系统。
  • Last, and most important of all, the Sea of Tranquility (CV 17) governs the body's resistance to illness and decreases anxiety by regulating the thymus gland.最后,也是最重要的是,静海(简历17)规管身体的抵抗力,降低疾病通过调节胸腺焦虑。
    Each of these important points benefits the immune system by enabling the internal organs to function at optimal levels. 每个点这些重要的好处在最佳水平的免疫系统使内部器官的功能。


    Potent Points for Boosting 为推进烈性点
    the Immune System 免疫系统

    Elegant Mansion (K 27) 典雅大厦 (金27)

    Location: In the depression directly below the protrusions of the collarbone. 地点:在锁骨凹陷直接下方的突起。

    Benefits: Strengthens the immune system as well as relieves chest congestion, breathing difficulties, asthma, coughing, anxiety, and depression. 优点:增强免疫系统,以及缓解胸闷,呼吸困难,气喘,咳嗽,焦虑和抑郁。


    Sea of Vitality (B 23 and B 47) 活力海 (买23和B 47)

    Caution: Do not press on disintegrating discs or fractured or broken bones. 注意:不要按解体光碟或断裂或断裂的骨头。 If you have a weak back, a few minutes of stationary, light touching instead of pressure can be very healing. 如果你有一个薄弱回来,是非常愈合几分钟固定,光触摸而不是压力。 See your doctor first if you have any questions or need medical advice. 第一次见你的医生,如果您有任何疑问或需要医疗咨询。

    Location: In the lower back, between the second and third lumbar vertebrae, two to four finger widths away from the spine at waist level. 地点:在腰部,在第二和第三腰椎,2至4指宽的水平距离脊椎在腰部。

    Benefits: Fortifies the immune system as well as relieves lower-back aches and fatigue. 优点:Fortifies免疫系统以及减轻下背部疼痛和疲劳。


    Sea of Energy (CV 6) 海能源 (简历6)

    Location : Two finger widths below the belly button, between it and the pubic bone. 地点 :两指宽的肚脐以下的骨头,它与耻骨。

    Benefits : Strengthens the condition of the immune system and the internal organs as well as relieves abdominal muscle pain, constipation, gas, and general weakness. 优点 :加强薄弱状况的免疫系统和内脏器官以及减轻腹部肌肉疼痛,便秘,气,和一般。


    Three Mile Point (St 36) 三米莱波恩特 (圣36)

    Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap, one finger width to the outside of the shinbone. 位置:四指宽的膝盖以下,一指宽的胫骨之外。 If you are on the correct spot, a muscle should flex as you move your foot up and down. 如果你在正确的地点后,肌肉要当你沿着弯曲你的脚向上和向下。

    Benefits: Strengthens the whole body, especially the immune system; tones the muscles and aids digestion as well as relieves fatigue. 优点:加强全身,特别是免疫系统;色调的肌肉和帮助消化以及消除疲劳。


    Bigger Stream (K3) 更大的流 (班)

    Caution: This point should not be stimulated strongly after the third month of pregnancy. 注意:这一点不应该被强烈刺激后怀孕的第三个月。  

    Location: Midway between the inside of the anklebone and the Achilles tendon in the back of the ankle. 位置:中途岛之间的踝关节内部的脚踝和跟腱在后面。

    Benefits : Strengthens the immune system; relieves fatigue, swollen feet, and ankle pain. 优点 :增强免疫系统;缓解疲劳,浮肿的双脚和踝关节疼痛。


    Bigger Rushing (Lv 3) 大拉欣 (吕3)

    Location: On the top of the foot, in the valley between the big toe and the second toe. 位置:在顶部的趾足,排在第二的山谷之间的大脚趾和。

    Benefits: Boosts the immune system; relieves fainting, eye fatigue, headaches, and hangovers. 优点:增强免疫系统;缓解昏厥,眼睛疲劳,头痛和宿醉。


    Crooked Pond (LI 11) 克鲁克特池 (李11)

    Location: On the upper edge of the elbow crease. 位置:在肘上边缘的折痕。

    Benefits: Relieves immune system weaknesses, fever, constipation, and elbow pain. 优点:解除免疫系统的弱点,发热,便秘,和肘部疼痛。


    Outer Gate (TW 5) 外门 (星期四5)

    Location: Two and one-half finger widths above the center of the wrist crease on the outside of the forearm midway between the two bones (ulna and radius). 地点:两个和一个半半径)指宽以上(尺骨骨中心的两个手腕折痕前臂外的中途岛之间。

    Benefits: Relieves rheumatism, tendonitis, and wrist pain, and increases resistance to colds. 优点:缓解风湿,肌腱炎和手腕疼痛,并增加抵抗感冒。


    Joining the Valley (LI 4) 加入谷 (李4)

    Caution: This point is forbidden for pregnant women because its stimulation can cause premature contractions in the uterus. 注意:这一点对于孕妇是被禁止的,因为它的刺激可引起子宫早期收缩研究。

    Location: In the webbing between the thumb and index finger at the highest spot of the muscle when the thumb and index finger are brought close together. 地点:在肌肉织带拇指和食指在最高点时的拇指和食指被带到接近。

    Benefits: Relieves arthritis, constipation, headaches, toothaches, shoulder pain, and labor pain. 优点:缓解关节炎,便秘,头痛,牙痛,肩痛,和阵痛。


    Sea of Tranquility (CV 17) 海静 (简历17)

    Location: On the center of the breastbone three thumb widths up from the base of the bone. 位置:在拇指中心的胸骨三种宽度从骨基地的。

    Benefits: Relieves anxiety, anguish, and depression; boosts the immune system and regulates the thymus gland. 优点:缓解焦虑,痛苦,忧郁,增强和调节免疫系统的胸腺。

    You do not have to use all of these points. 您不必使用所有这些点。 14 just one or two of them whenever you have a In hand can be effective. 其中14只是一个或两个只要你有一个在手,可有效的。


    Potent Point Exercises 烈性点练习

    Sit comfortably for this routine and loosen your clothing if necessary. 坐在舒适的这一常规,松开衣服,如果必要的。

    Step 1 第1步

    Firmly hold K 27: Place your middle fingers in the hollows directly below the protrusions of the collarbone just outside your upper breastbone. 牢牢把握K表27:请将您的胸骨上外面的中指锁骨突起的正下方的空洞。 Breathe deeply as you hold for oneminute. 深呼吸,你按住一分钟。

    Sit forward on the lip of your chair for the next exercise. 坐了关于行使唇旁的椅子的。

    Step 2 第2步

    Briskly rub B 23 and B 47: Place the backs of your hands against your lower back. 轻快地擦买23和B 47:双手放在腰部对你的背上你的。 Rub up and down briskly for one minute, creating heat from the friction. 轻快地向上和向下擦一分钟,创造摩擦热量从。 This self-massage will stimulate both lower back points. 这种自我按摩腰部都将刺激点。

    Sit back comfortably and continue. 舒适地坐下来继续。

    Step 3 第3步

    Firmly press CV 6: Place your fingertips in the center of your lower abdominal area, between your belly button and pubic bone. 坚决按简历6:把你的指尖下腹部,在你的中心,在您的肚脐和耻骨。 Gradually press one to two inches deep inside the lower abdomen. 渐渐地按一个两英寸腹部深处的低。 Close your eyes as you breathe deeply. 当你闭上眼睛深呼吸。


    Step 4 第4步

    Briskly rub St 36: Place your right heel on the Three Mile point (St 36) of your left leg and briskly rub it up and down on the outside of your shinbone, just below your knee. 轻快地擦圣36:将你的左腿右脚后跟上的三个36)您米莱波恩特(ST和轻快地擦了起来,倒在你的膝盖胫骨外,略低于你的。 After one minute, do the same on the other side. 一分钟后,做同样的另一边。


    Step 5 第5步

    Rub K 3 and then Lv 3: Place your right heel between your left inner anklebone and the Achilles tendon. 摩K表3,然后吕3:请将您的右脚后跟跟腱之间的左内踝骨和。 After rubbing K 3 for thirty seconds, place your right heel in the juncture between the bones that attach to the large and second toes to rub Lv 3 for thirty seconds. 搓三十秒K表后3个,地方30秒,在你的右脚后跟的骨头之间时刻重视和第二大吕三脚趾揉搓。 Then switch sides to stimulate these two points on your other foot for thirty seconds each. 然后切换双方每三十秒刺激你的另一只脚在这两个点。


    Step 6 第6步

    Briskly rub LI 11: With your arms bent in front of you and your palms down, place the palm side of your right fist on top of the elbow crease of your left hand. 轻快地擦李十一:你的手心向下弯曲的武器和你的面前,左手放在你的肘折痕掌侧顶你的右拳。 Briskly rub over the elbow joint with your palm for thirty seconds, creating heat with the friction. 轻快地擦在三十秒肘关节与您的手掌,摩擦生热造成的。 Then do the same on the other arm. 然后做另一只手臂上相同。


    Step 7 第7步

    Rub TW 5 and then LI 4: Make a fist with your right hand and place it on the outside of your forearm, 5,然后擦荃湾李4:右手握拳放在你的前臂它在你以外的,

    two finger widths from your wrist crease. 两指宽的手腕折痕从您的。 Briskly rub TW 5 for thirty seconds. 轻快地擦荃湾5 30秒。 Then place your right fist on LI 4 (webbing between the thumb and index finger of your left hand). 然后将左手)你的右拳对李4拇指和食指(织带与您的。 Use your knuckles to briskly rub the Hoku point for thirty seconds. 用你的指关节要轻快揉合谷穴30秒的点。 Switch arms and stimulate these two points on the other side. 切换武器和刺激对方这两点上。


    Step 8 第8步

    Repeat steps 1 and 2: This will further boost your immune system. 重复步骤1和2:这将进一步提高你的免疫系统。

    Step 9 第9步

    Press CV 17: Keeping your palms together, place the back of your thumbs firmly against your breastbone to press CV 17, at the level of your heart. 按简历17:保持你的双手合十,放在心脏水平你的拇指背面牢牢17日对你的简历胸骨按。 Continue to keep your eyes closed and concentrate on breathing slow, even, deep breaths into your heart to completely dispel any anxiety. 继续闭上眼睛,专注于呼吸,深呼吸,你的心慢,甚至完全消除任何焦虑。 Use the following exercise 使用下面的练习


    A Breathing Exercise for the Immune System 一台免疫系统的呼吸运动

    Focus on breathing deeply for two more minutes. 专注于呼吸深为两分钟。 Gently control your respiratory system, making each breath grow longer and deeper than the last one. 轻轻地控制自己的呼吸,使每一个呼吸成长的最后一个时间更长,更深。 Breathe out any tensions you feel restricting your lungs from moving fully and naturally. 呼出限制任何你感到紧张,自然你的肺部从移动充分。 Feel your mind clear with each breath. 感觉你的呼吸明确每个。 Notice the resistance Your mind creates: the worries and judgments it comes up against. 请注意你的思想产生的阻力:它的忧虑和判断上来反对。 Take several deep breaths and dissolve these barriers. 需要几个深呼吸,化解这些障碍。 Breathe deeply and gently; remember, you are breathing in life itself. 深呼吸,轻轻地,记住,你是生活本身的呼吸。

    Hold the breath at the top of the exhalation for a moment, feeling its fullness. 保持一会儿,呼气时呼出顶部,感觉它的丰满。 Then exhale smoothly, letting your hands drift down into your lap, and relax, feeling the vitality of the breath circulate throughout your body. 然后呼气顺畅,让你的双手把你的漂移一圈下来,放松,感觉呼吸循环活力的整个身体。

    Reference: 参考:

    1 Felix Mann, Treatment of Disease by Acupuncture (London: William Heinemann Medical Books, Ltd., 1976), 32, 37. 1菲利克斯曼恩)治疗疾病的针灸1976年(伦敦:威廉海涅曼医学图书有限公司,32,37。

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