



There are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to working out. Who are these clowns that spread this false information? Frankly, I’m tired of hearing them over and over. So, without further adieu, allow me to bust the top 5 workout myths…..


Myth I hate #1: I’m afraid weight training will make me put on too much muscle and “bulk me up.”


This is something that usually worries women, at least I don’t know many men that fear putting on too much muscle. “Oh, no, I want to keep this pear shape I’ve got going for my body with twigs for arms.” Yeah, not that common. First off, muscle hypertrophy (getting bigger muscles) is very difficult for women since they don’t have testes to produce testosterone, an androgen (male characteristics) anabolic hormone which is #1 in hormones when it comes to muscle-building. Men produce forty to sixty times more testosterone than women. So as a woman, your chances of getting big naturally (without taking steroids) are minimal coming from weight training. The “toned” and lean look that most strive for comes from having built some muscle on your frame. The more lean body mass (muscle tissue) you have the higher your metabolism gets (burning more fat doing nothing at all), so by missing out on the benefits of weight training you’ll most likely become even fatter or skinny-fat (skinny with no muscle tone, pretty much fat and bone). So, if you still want to keep on doing your treadmills/bikes and cardio burn classes without weight training, and continue your impossible mission for a lean and toned physique, go for it!


有些事总是困扰着女性,起码我不知道男人也会担心肌肉太多。“哦,不,我想要保持手臂细长的梨型身材。”是的,这并不是那么普通的。首先,过多的肌肉对女性并无益处。她们没有睾丸以产生睾丸激素,而这一激素在长肌肉时会变为一种合成代谢的男性荷尔蒙。因此,作为女性而言,不摄取类固醇,而仅只是通过体能训练的话,长肌肉的可能性是微乎其微的。多数人羡慕并为之奋斗的苗条体形多是建立在骨架的肌肉上的。越瘦的人新陈代谢越快,她们的身体组织除了燃烧脂肪外几乎什么也不干。所以反倒是忽视了体能训练的好处的话,才可能会变胖 。(皮包骨就是没有肌肉,到处都是脂肪和骨头),也因此,如果你还想继续骑脚踏车和上燃脂课程却又不进行体能训练的话,那么就别想要一个苗条而又健康的身体了。这样,你还想继续下去吗?


Ok, so “bulking up” comes from bodybuilders and other athletes who during their off-season program eat excessive amounts of calories to keep their bodies in an anabolic state to gain as much muscle as possible. During this time, some go overboard and might put on an extra 50lbs, which, during this phase, will make them look fat. You will only get bulky if you eat excessive amounts, like 10,000 calories a day like they do. So, weight training and muscles are not to be blamed, it’s a bad diet that’s to blame for a “bulky” look.


Myth I hate #2: Less calories makes you lose weight, so eating less will make me lose weight and get lean.


There is a difference between losing weight and losing fat. Too many get focused on numbers (“I have to weigh 140lbs or else!”) and end up doing drastic, stupid things to get there. You should only be obsessed with weight if you’re in a sport with weight classes. Like most humans, we seek instant gratification, and end up doing weird and really tough ”cleanses” and diets, or put on a plastic suit and sweat our asses off on the bike. These things will make us lose those 5 pounds in 2 suffering-and-hunger-filled weeks. We then go back to eating normally again and end up putting on weight again and being fatter than we were before our “brilliant” diet or “cleanse”. There are some stupid diets like the “Super Duper Cleanse” where you are only allowed to eat and drink something absurd like 3 liters of water, lemon, half almond and a dash of something random like spicy chipotle seasoning. When you do this your body is put into starvation mode and starts using energy systems like gluconeogenesis, which breaks down amino acids from the muscles to turn it into energy so your body can function. Once you’re done starving yourself and proud that you made it, you have lost some fat, but also lost a significant amount of muscle (lean body mass). So when you go back to a normal diet you will start putting on more weight (unwanted fat) do to a lowered metabolic rate which your muscle that you lost once helped boost up. As I said earlier you’ll end up fatter and have less muscle. Not smart. Short term, it’s an okay method, but long term, you screwed yourself.



Myth I hate #3: I’m afraid that if I stop working out my muscles will turn into fat.


Fat chance… Muscle can’t be converted to fat. If you stop working out, your muscle will atrophy (lose size, if you don’t use it, you lose it) bringing your metabolism down, and if you continue to eat like you did while you were working out without burning those calories like you were before, you will get fat. It’s not because your muscles became fat, it’s because you got fat. So with this myth, does everything else become fat too if I don’t use it, like my bones or my wiener? Stupid.

关于发胖的可能性 ……肌肉是不可能会转变成脂肪的。如果停止锻炼的话,肌肉只会萎缩(先是变小,如果再不用的话就会完全丧失了),你的新陈代谢会变缓,如果再像你锻炼时那样饮食,且又不运动燃烧所摄取的卡路里的话,就会发胖了。这并非是由于你的肌肉变成脂肪,而是因为你变胖了。所以此误区荒谬之处在于,如果不再使用的话,那么别的部位,像是骨头什么的,也会变成脂肪吗?真是愚蠢!


Myth I hate #4: Running a mile will burn more than walking a mile.


When it comes to calorie-burning, in this case, it’s the distance, not how fast you run, that determines the amount of calories you burn. You’ll burn the same amount running a mile as just walking a mile. Sure, your heart will have to work at a higher heart rate for awhile when you run, which is good for heart health, but if your goal is calorie loss, it doesn’t matter which one you do.


When it comes to losing fat, I would pick the latter, walking. It takes longer which is good for fat burn because it takes about 20min or so for your body to start utilizing your fat as an energy source and the lower heart rates allow your body to use energy systems that are more efficient when it comes to burning fat. Heart rates around 55-60% of your maximum heart rate (220-(your age)=maximum heart rate) for a period of at least 30min is optimal for just burning fat.


Myth I hate #5: I need to get rid of this little “pouch” on my lower abs so I’ll do bunches of ab work for lower abs to get rid of it.


There are two things I would like to bust in this one. First, you can do abs ’til the cows come home and still not get washboard abs. Sure you’ll get strong abs, core strength is always good, but the “six-pack” will not appear by doing that. To get a visual six-pack you have to get rid of the subcutaneous fat, the fat underneath your skin on top of your muscles, to get that desired look. The trick isn’t a machine on a infomercial, the trick is to lose body fat. So diet and cardio is the key to a six-pack. Spot reduction is not possible either, so doing a lot of abs will not burn off the fat on your midsection.


Second, there is no such thing as “working my lower abs”. The rectus abdominis, the outer layer of muscle in one’s abdomen, is the muscle people refer to as their “abs” or “six-pack”. This is one long muscle that starts at the pelvis (pubis or pubic bone) and attaches to the sternum (costal cartilage of ribs 5 to 7 and the xiphoid process). As with all muscles in the body, you can’t contract (“flex”) one part of a muscle and not engage the whole thing. So whatever you are doing for abs, you are hitting the whole thing. Genetics will determine the way your abs look, so you can’t change that 6 pack into a 8 pack, some people have 6, some have 8, it’s just the way it is.




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