

高级中学课本 英语 第二册 11-12课
标签: 高级中学课本
分类: 英文资料
My last lesson in French! I hardly knew how to write, and I would never learn now. How I regretted the house wasted in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied!
My books that a short time ago had seemed so tiresome, so heavy to carry, now seemed to me like old friends.
I was thinking of this when I heard my name called. It was my turn to recite. How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake! But I could not say a word, and stood at my bench without daring to lift my head. Then I heard the master speaking to me.
“I shall not scold you, little Franz. You are punished enough now. Every day you have said to yourself: “I have plenty of time. I will learn my lesson tomorrow.” Now you see what has happened.”
Then he began to talk to us about the French language, saying that it was the most beautiful tongue in the world, and that we must keep it among us and never forget it.
Finally he took up the grammar book and read us the lesson. I was surprised to see how well I understood. Everything seemed easy. I believed, too, that I had never lestened so attentively. It almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this last lesson.
When the lesson in grammar was over, we began our writing. For that day the master had prepared some cards on which were written, “Alsace, France; Alsace, France.”
They seemed like so many little flags dotted about the schoolroom. How we worked! Nothing was heard but the voice of the master and the scratching of pens on paper. There was no time for play now. On the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were softly cooing, and I said to myself, “Will they, too, be obliged to sing in German?”
From time to time, when I looked up from my page, I saw the master looking about him as if he wished to impress upon his mind everything in the room.
After writing, we had a history lesson. Next the little ones recited together their “Ba, be, bi, bo, bu”.
Oh, I shall always remember that last lesson!
Suddenly the church clock struck twelve. The master rose from his chair. “My friends,” said he, “My friends, … I …I …”
But something choked him; he could not finish the sentence. He returned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in large letters, “VIVE LA FRANCE!”
Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak. He signed to us with his hand: “The lesson is over. You are dismissed.”
Tiresome adj.使人疲劳的;讨厌的;令人厌倦的
Recite vi. & vt.背诵;叙述
Attentively adv.注意地;聚精会神地
Dot n.小点,圆点 vt.打点于;点缀
Scratch vt. & vi. 抓;擦;作刮擦声;乱涂(写)
Schoolhouse n.校舍
Pigeon n.鸽子
Softly adv.柔软地;轻轻地
Coo vi.(鸽)咕咕地叫
From time to time有时,不时
Impress vt. 印;留下极深的印象;使……感动
Choke vi. & vt. 哽,噎;阻塞
Unable adj.不能的,不会的;无能力的
Sign vt. & vi. 签(名);作手势 n.符号,标记;招牌
Dismiss vt. 打发走;解散;开除
1.       I hardly knew how to write, and I would never learn now. 我几乎还不会写呢!而我再也不能学了!
would never learn是过去将来时,表示“从那以后,我再也不能学了”。
now用在故事的叙述中,意为at this time in the past(那时,当时)。如:
He was now working at an invention.当时他在搞一项发明。
2.       How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied! 我多么懊悔我在树林间和田野里浪费掉那么多的时间,我多么懊悔我把本该好好学习的日子都玩掉了!
regretted之后有两个宾语,一个是the hours,另一个是the days。
过去分词短语wasted in the woods and fields和when引导的从句都用作定语,分别修饰hours和days。
关于should have studied这种说法,见上一课课文注释。
3.       How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake! 我多么想能够一点不错地把那些规则说出来啊!
4.       For that day the master had prepared some cards on which were written, “Alsace, France; Alsace France.”老师为那一天准备了些卡片,上面写着:“阿尔萨斯,法兰西;阿尔萨斯,法兰西”。
on which were written, “Alsace, France; Alsace France”是定语从句,修饰cards。这个定语从句的语序是倒装的。Alsace, France; …是主语,were written是谓语,on which是状语。
5.       Will they, too be obliged to sing in German? 它们(指鸽子)也会被迫用德语唱歌吗?
be obliged to do something相当于be forced to do something。
6.       …I saw the master looking about him as if he wished to impress upon his mind everything in the room. ……我看到老师在环顾四周,仿佛要把教室里的每一件东西都牢牢记在心里。
look about环顾四周;到处寻找。
7.       “Ba, be, bi, bo, bu” 这是法语音节的拼音练习。大致可以按照汉语拼音读作ba,be,bi,bo,bu。
8.       VIVE LA FRANCE!是法语,相当于英语的Long live France! 法兰西万岁!
9.       Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak.然后他靠墙站着,说不出话来。
现在分词短语leaning against the wall和形容词短语unable to speak都用作状语,修饰谓语动词stood。
Ⅰ. Choose the correct answer to each question according to the text:
1.       Why did little Franz begin to have regrets when he heard that this was his last lesson in French?
1) Because he loved to learn the French language so much.
2) Because he hardly knew how to write, yet he had to stop learning.
3) Because he knew it was a shame for the French people to stop learning their mother tongue.
4) Because he did not like the idea of learning German.
2.       How did the boy feel when he couldn’t recite the grammar rules?
1) He was rather ashamed(惭愧)of himself.
2) He felt very sad about it.
3) He was very worried.
4) He felt very much afraid.
3.       What did the master say to his pupils about the French language?
1) He said that French was the most widely(广泛)used language in the world.
2) He said that French was the best language in the world and that everybody should learn it.
3) He said that French was the most beautiful language in the world and that they must never forget it.
4) He said that the French language was the most beautiful tongue in the world and that they must work harder at it.
4.       Why did the French grammar which had seemed so difficult to the boy become so easy to him at that last lesson?
1) It was because the grammar rules taught at that last lesson were very interesting.
2) It was because the grammar rules the master took up for that lesson were very easy.
3) It was because the master explained things more clearly than usual.
4) It was because the boy listened very attentively at that last lesson.
Ⅱ. Give a word, beginning with the letter(s) given, which has the same meaning as those in brackets:
Re        (say aloud from memory)
Pu        (make a person suffer for the wrong things he has done)
T         (language)
Be        (feel sure that something said is true)
C         (a small piece of paper which is not easily bent)
R         (top covering of a building)
Dis       (allow to go)
S         (show what one means by making movement of the head or hand)
Im        (fix deeply on the mind)
A         (giving attention)
Ⅲ. Use words and expressions from the text to complete the following passage, then read it aloud:
How little Franz       that he had      so much time when he heard that this was his last lesson in French! He had never       his lessons well, so he      knew how to write.
It was the first time that little Franz had listened so       . He was      to see how well he understood. And it seemed       the master were trying to teach them       he knew       this last lesson.
That morning the pupils first had a lesson       . Then they practiced      . They were asked to write the words “Alsace, France; Alsace, France.” How they     ! There was       play now. After writing, they had a      lesson. Next, the little ones      their lesson together. Suddenly the      clock       twelve. To end the lesson the master wrote on the blackboard in        , “VIVE LA FRANCE!”. Then the lesson was       and the pupils were      .
Ⅳ. Translate the sentences in Column I into Chinese and those in Column Ⅱ into English:
Ⅰ                                          Ⅱ
1.       The enemy seems powerful but in fact it is weak. 那头熊好象死了,但事实上它是在冬眠。
2.       Books seem to me like old friends.             汤姆好象我的亲兄弟一样。
3.       I seem to have heard of the name              我们好象以前在哪里见过面。
4.       There seems to be no time for play now.         看来现在没有工作需要做了。
5.       It seems that you are not telling all that you know 这里没有一个人认识他。
6.       It seems impossible that our team can win without him 明天他来这里是不可能的。
7.       It seems as if he knew nothing about her.        她好象很了解这个人似的。
Ⅴ. Rewrite each sentence, using one of the verbs given as an infinitive and the other as a gerund:
Model: He kept on      (try, catch) the bird. → He kept on trying to catch the bird.
1.       She wishes       (star, learn) the piano soon.
2.       The doctor finally said, “Why not try      (do) exercises      (lose) weight(重量)?”
3.       She could not thank him enough for      (do) his best      (teach) her.
4.       They agreed       (stop, quarrel) with each other.
5.       We saw her      (try, do) the experiment again.
6.       She hates      (get) up early      (go) to school.
7.       I want you      (try, solve) the problem all by yourself.
8.       She has no time      (finish, write) this letter.
Ⅵ. Make sentences with the words given, paying attention to the tense and voice:
Model A: she said, she, tell, about the news → She said that she had been told about the news.
1.       I am very glad to know, many English storybooks, translate, into Chinese
2.       He was very disappointed, he, not choose, to play in the concert that night
3.       Many trees, plant, to make the city even more beautifl
4.       Several giant bridges, build, over the Changjiang River, by now.
5.       In order to stop the fire from spreading, some of the houses nearby, pull down, before the firemen arrived
Model B: the best radios, can buy in this shop, are made in Shanghai →
The best radios that can be bought in this shop are made in Shanghai.
1.       The only computer, can use, is in Room 117
2.       The best step, take, is to send him a message immediately
3.       What, must do, before building a house, is to make a plan
4.       Here are some exercises, need to do, after class
5.       This is the only answer, can give, now
Ⅶ. Read the following passage and change some of the sentences from direct speech into indirect speech:
An American Mother
My heart almost stopped beating when I heard my daughter’s voice on the phone. One short word and I knew that Linda had been taking dope again. Her voice was usually soft and sweet, but now it was hoarse.
“Linda, where are you?” I tried my best not to show my anger. “Are you at a friend’s place?”
“Yes, I’m with a friend of mine.”
“Are you sure you’re all right? You don’t sound well at all. Hadn’t you better come home?”
“I haven’t got any money.”
“Can you tell me where you are? I’ll come and bring you home.”
“No! This is no place for you.”
“Then why did you call me? Just to make me suffer?” I was really angry now. “You promised you wouldn’t take pills any more!” I shouted at her. “Do you still remember your promise?”
There was no reply – just a click at the other end of the line.
It was a cold rainy Saturday morning in April. I was worried. “Where is she? Will she get home saftely?” I wasn’t angry any more. My heart went out to my child.
An hour later the phone rang again. I was afraid to answer it, “Something terrible must have happened,” I thought. I was right. It was the hospital.
“Is this Linda Harper’s mother?”
“Yes. What’s happened to my daughter?”
“Linda had a bad fall in the street and was brought to our hospital. She passed out while the doctor was taking care of her. We think she’s been taking dope. Would you come to the hospital?”
My husband was away. I didn’t want to ask anyone to go with me to the hospital. I felt I was to blame too. Every time Linda took those pills I felt as if I had handed them to her.
It was now raining heavily. I went to the hospital by myself. I was led to a small room. Linda lay sleeping quietly on a table.
This wasn’t the first time Linda had taken too many pills. I knew she would sleep deeply for about twelve hours until the poison had stopped doing its harm.
I sat down by Linda’s side and watched her sleep. The room was still. I looked around. The room seemed familiar. “Have I been here before?” I wondered. I looked around again. “I’m sure I’ve been in this room,” I told myself. Then I remembered. It was in this very room that I give birth to Linda seventeen years ago. How happy I was then!
Linda used to be such a bright, healthy child. “What has turned her into a dope-taker?” I asked myself. “And why are millions of young people like her taking dope to destroy themselves? There must be something seriously wrong with our society. What is it?”
Linda林达(女名) hoarse adj.发音嘶哑的 Harper哈柏(姓) dope n.有毒的药物(如麻醉药或鸦片) pill n.药丸 pass out昏过去 blame vt.责备;谴责
The whole world seemed to be black and empty. The sky was black with bright, shining stars that never twinkled. The sun, white, round and burning, seemed to hang in the black space. This was the scene that spread before the eyes of the first astronaut who left his spaceship to walk in outer space. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 165. Several months later, an American astronaut did the same thing. Both of these “space walkers” had spent months before their flight learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions that they would find in outer space. Wearing their thick space suits, they learned to deal with conditions where there is neither weight nor gravity, neither “up” nor “down”.
We do not realize how much we depend on the earth’s gravity. When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground. We float around in the air and the slightest touch may send us floating off in the opposite direction.
In the laboratories where astronauts are trained for their journeys, the conditions are like those of flight. It takes time for them to prepare for the great changes that take place in space. When the spaceship leaves the earth at very high speed, the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. Later, when they are far away from the earth and there is no more gravity, they find they are unable to stay in one place. Simple actions, such as eating and drinking, become very difficult. You may have some idea of what the astronauts have to deal with if you try to drink a glass of water while standing on your head or while just lying down.
Leonov and his companion, Beliaiev, began making preparations for the historic walk shortly after their flight began. Their spaceship was equipped with a double door, which was fitted with a bellows between the ship and the outside. This made it possible for the astronaut, in his space suit with oxygen supply, to go first from the air-filled ship to the bellows. Then the air was let out of the bellows. When the man then stepped outside, the air inside the ship remained at normal pressure. If the door had opened directly into space, the air in the ship would have rushed out and been lost when the door opened.
Leonov and his companion practiced testing the doors several times after they had begun to circle around the earth. When the time came for Leonov to go out, his companion helped him fix the line that was to keep him from floating away from the ship. Then Leonov entered the bellows and the door closed behind him. As the air was let out of the bellow, his suit began to grow out, like a balloon, because of the air pressure inside. When there was no air left in the bellows, the outer door opened, and Leonov stepped out into the empty black space.
If the sky appears blue to us on earth, it is because the earth’s atmosphere scatters a certain number of blue rays of sunlight. Out where there is no air, this phenomenon does not take place. On the earth, when the sun is up, our atmosphere diffuses light, making it seem to be everywhere. However, in the airless outer space, strong lights, such as the sun, can be seen side by side with a dark that is like the dark of the blackest night. The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space, as they do from the earth.
While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth. With his camera, he kept taking pictures of what he did and saw. When it was time for him to return to the ship, he was enjoying the scene so much that he was disappointed to have to stop his stroll in space so soon.
Twinkle vi. & vt.(使)闪闪发光 n.闪烁
Outer adj.外部的 outer space外部空间;太空
Soviet adj.苏联的
Walker n.步行者;竞走者
Flight n.飞翔,飞行
Control (controlled controlled) vt.控制;支配 n.控制;支配;调节
Deal (dealt, dealt) vt.分配,分派 vi.处理;应付 to deal with应付;处理
Weight n.重,重量
Gravity n.重力;地球引力
Float vi. & vt.(使)漂浮;飘动
Slight adj.轻微的;微小的;少量的
Opposite adj.对面的;相对的;相反的
Laboratory n.实验室
Journey n.旅行,旅程,路程;历程
Crush vt.榨;挤;压碎
Action n.行动,行为;活动
Companion n.同伴;同事
Historic adj.有历史意义的;历史性的
Shortly adv.立刻;不久 shortly after ……之后立即
Equip (equipped, equipped) vt. 装备,配备
Double adj.两倍的;双的
Bellows n.(单复同)风箱;减压舱
Oxygen n. 氧,氧气
Air-filled adj.充满空气的
Pressure n.压力
Directly adv.径直地;直接地
balloon n.气球
scatter vt.使分散;散射 vi. 分散;散开
diffuse vi. & vt.使(热、气体等)散开,使扩散;使(光线)漫射
airless adj.缺少空气的;不通风的
absence n.缺席;缺乏
keep in touch with 与……保持联系
camera n.照相机
stroll n. & vi.漫步;闲逛
1.       The sky was black with bright, shining stars that never twinkled.天空一片漆黑,晶莹明亮的星星一点也不闪烁。
2.       The sun, white, round and burning, seemed to hang in the black space.又白又圆的、一团火似的太阳仿佛悬挂在漆黑的太空里。
white, round and burning相当于which was white, round and burning修饰the sun.
3.       Both of these “space walkers” had spent months before their flight learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions that they would find in outer space. 这两位“太空行人”都在飞行前花了几个月时间,学习怎样在外层空间将要遇到的奇特情况下控制自己的动作。
4.       Wearing their thick space suits, they learned to deal with conditions where there is neither weight nor gravity, neither “up” nor “down”。他们穿着厚厚的宇航服,学会了应付那种既无重量又无重力,既无所谓“上”,也无所谓“下”的情况。
5.       We float around in the air and the slightest touch may send us floating off in the opposite direction. 我们在空中到处漂浮;稍稍一碰,就可能使我们向相反的方向迅速漂走。
句中send的意思是“使某人或某物迅速移动”。如:As he was getting off the bus, a sudden push from behind sent him falling to the ground.他在下车的时候,有人从背后猛然一推,使他扑倒在地。
around在这里是副词,意思是about或here and there (到处,四处)。如:
They like to travel around.他们喜欢四处旅行。
6.       When the spaceship leaves the earth at very high speed, the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor.当宇宙飞船高速离开地球时,宇航员感觉到自己似乎被紧压着贴在飞船的地板上。
7.       You may have some idea of what the astronauts have to deal with if you try to drink a glass of water while standing on your head or while just lying down.如果你试着倒立着或仅以躺着的姿势去喝水,你就能大致体会得到宇航员必须应付什么了。
while standing on your head or while just lying down是现在分词短语,用作状语,修饰try。
如果现在分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作在时间上是同时发生的,这时分词前面可以加上when; while等连词。如:
Be careful when crossing the street.过街时要小心。
She fell asleep while reading. 她看书时睡着了。
8.       Their spaceship was equipped with a double door, which was fitted with a bellows between the ship and the outside.他们的宇宙飞船上装有双层门,在两层门之间,即飞船与外界之间,装有一个减压舱。
9.       This made it possible for the astronaut, in his spacesuit with oxygen supply, to go first from the air-filled ship to the bellows.这使穿着供氧宇航服的宇航员有可能先从注满空气的飞船走到减压舱。
for the astronaut to go…是made的真正宾语,it是形式宾语。
with oxygen supply相当于which was supplied with oxygen用作定语,修饰space suit。
10.   When the time came for Leonov to go out, his companion helped him fix the line that was to keep him from floating away from the ship.当列昂诺夫走出飞船的时刻到来时,他的同伴帮他系好缆绳,以免他从飞船漂走。
for Leonov to go out是定语,修饰the time。因为句子的谓语动词(came)太短,主语太长,为了保持句子平衡,便把主语的定语移到了谓语动词的后面。
11.   If the sky appears blue to us on earth, it is because the earth’s atmosphere scatters a certain number of blue rays of sunlight. 如果说我们从地面上来看天空是蔚蓝的,那是因为地球上的大气散射了日光中一定量的蓝色光的缘故。
12.   Out where there is no air, this phenomenon does not take place.在那遥远的没有空气的地方,不发生这种现象。
13.   On the earth, when the sun is up, our atmosphere diffuses light, making it seem to be everywhere.在地球上,当有太阳光时,大气使光线漫射,从而使光线似乎无处不在。
14.   However, in the airless outer space, strong lights, such as the sun, can be seen side by side with a dark that is like the dark of the blackest night.然而,在没有空气的外层空间,可以看到,象太阳这类强烈光线与象最黑的夜一样漆黑的黑暗连接着。
15.   The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space, as they do from the earth.(太空)空气的不存在,也说明了为什么在太空中星星看来并不闪烁,不象从地球上来看那样。
as they do中的do用来代替seem to twinkle, 以免重复。
16.   While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth.当列昂诺夫在飞船外面时,他用电话与同伴及地面上保持联系。
keep in touch with somebody与某人保持联系。如:
Xiao Li and I keep in touch with each other by writing often.小李和我常常通信,互相保持联系。
A newspaper keeps one in touch with the world.报纸能使人与世界保持联系。
1.       在以here, there或out, in, up, down, away等副词开头的句子里,以求强调。
1) There goes the bell.
2) Here comes the bus.
3) Out rushed the children.
4) Away went the boy.
1) Here it is.
2) Away he went.
2.       直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首时,有时也用倒装。
1) “What the child said is true,” said the father.
2) “What does it mean?” asked the boy.
3.       Only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时。
1) Only then did I realize that I was wrong.
2) Only in this way can you learn from your mistakes.
3) Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work.
4.       含有否定意义的副词或连词,如hardly, never, not, not only, little等,放在句首时。
1) Never shall I forget it.
2) Not a single mistake did he make.
3) Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started.
4) Not only was everything he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship.
5) Little does he care about what others think.
5.       把副词so放在句首,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人(或物)。其句型是:So + be (have, 助动词或情态动词) + 主语。
1) She is a tailor. So is her mother.
2) You can ride a bike. So can I.
3) He has been to Beijing. So have I.
4) I saw the film last week. So did she.
6.       把neither, nor放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一人(或物)。其句型是neither (nor) + be (have, 助动词或情态动词) + 主语。
1) I have never been there, neither has he.
2) The first one isn’t good, neither is the second.
3) I didn’t read the notice on the bulletin board, nor did he.
7.       为了保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时。
1) They arrived at farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.
2) Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.
3) Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens and long passages to these rooms.
Ⅰ. Pick out ten of the following sentences that are true according to the text:
1.       In outer space the first “space walker” saw that the whole world seemed to be black and had nothing in it.
2.       Millions of bright stars were twinkling in the black sky at that time.
3.       The sun, which was white, round and burning, seemed to hang in the black space.
4.       The second “space walker” was an Austrian astronaut.
5.       The date of the first astronaut walking in outer space was March 18, 1965.
6.       The first “space walker” was Leonov, a Soviet astronaut.
7.       Both of these “space walkers” had spent years before their journey to the outer space learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions in space.
8.       They wore thick space suits and learned how to deal with conditions where there is neither weight nor gravity, neither “up” nor “down”.
9.       When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground.
10.   We know how much we depend on the earth’s gravity before we are away from it.
11.   When the spaceship is far away from the earth and there is no gravity, the astronauts find that such actions as eating and drinking become very easy.
12.   Their spaceship was equipped with a double door with a bellows between it.
13.   If the door had opened directly into space, the air in the ship would have rushed out.
14.   Leonov and his companion practiced testing the doors many times after their flight had begun.
15.   If the sky appears blue to us on earth, it is because the earth’s atmosphere scatters a certain number of blue rays of sunlight.
16.   In space the stars do not seem to twinkle as they do from the earth, because of the absence of air.
Ⅱ. For each word or phrase in Column B find a word or a phrase of similar meaning in Column A:
A              B
1.       Laboratory        the heaviness of anything
2.       Double           place for scientific experiments
3.       Weight           go for a quiet, unhurried walk
4.       Flight            a trip of some distance usually by land
5.       Stroll             the state of being away
6.       Slight             act of flying
7.       Opposite          small or weak
8.       Journey           a person or thing that is as different as possible
9.       Scatter            having or made up of two parts that are like each other
10.   Absence          cause to separate widely
Ⅲ. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the phrases given below, using the proper tense and voice:
Be away from  step out into  keep in touch with  let out of  deal with  depend on
1.       Who will take care of our little sister when we       home?
2.       Please let me know how to       the changing conditions in outer space.
3.       The strange woman pushed the door open and       the dark rainy street.
4.       The man who had killed my son       prison last week.
5.       Do      us by writing to us regularly.
6.       Whether the game will be played       the weather.
Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English:
1.       他们花了几天的时间学会了如何使用这台计算机。(to spend … time in)
2.       那位年轻妇女想要知道如何处理家庭问题。(to deal with)
3.       象吃和喝这样简单的动作,在宇宙飞船上也是很困难的。(such … as)
4.       对他们来说准备这样一个会是花时间的。(It takes time)
5.       你对那位老人说的什么明白了一些了吗?(to have some idea of)
6.       让这孩子离火远一点。(to keep away from)
Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences after the model:
Model: He answered me only after being asked three times. →
Only after being asked three times did he answer me.
1.       He was able to get back to work only when the war was over in 1918.
2.       He not only liked reading stories, he could even write some.
3.       The old woman little knew that she was seriously ill herself.
4.       He had hardly sat down when the telephone rang.
5.       The woman will never forget the day in 1960 when she first came to the city.
6.       The students read their lessons so loudly that people could hear them out in the street.
7.       The animal hardly makes any movement when it is in its hibernating state.
8.       He was so frightened in the darkness that he did not dare to move an inch.
9.       We seldom hear her reading aloud because she is too shy.
Ⅵ. Use words or expressions from the text to complete the following passage, then read it aloud:
It was      18, 1965. Leonov, the first     , left his spaceship to walk in      . Several       later, an      astronaut did the same     . Both of them had spent months      how to control their       under the strange       that they would find in      , where there is neither       nor       , neither “up” nor “down”. Because of no       , their feet no longer        the ground, and the slightest        may send them        off in the opposite        .
Ⅶ. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Mathematics Is Fun
Mathematics is fun. Long sums are often boring, but problems and puzzles are often interesting. Here is a problem for you. Three men had a meal in a small restaurant. After the meal, the waiter brought them a bill for thirty dollars. Each man gave the waiter a ten-dollar note. The waiter took the thirty dollars to the cash-desk. At the cashdesk, how ever, he found that there was a mistake. The bill was only twenty-five dollars, so he took five dollars back to the men. But the three men could not divide the five dollars among them.
“Let’s give the waiter two of the five dollars,” one of the men said. “Then he can give us one dollar each.”
The other two agreed to this, and so each man received only one dollar from the waiter. This means that each man paid nine dollars for his meal. The waiter kept two dollars. Three times nine is twenty-seven, plus two is twenty-nine. Where is the other dollar?
Sum 总额  cash-desk n.收款台  bore vt.令(人)厌烦  plus prep.加
1.       Who had a meal in a small restaurant?
2.       What did the waiter bring them after the meal?
3.       How much did each of them give the waiter?
4.       At the cash-desk the waiter found that there was a mistake, didn’t he?
5.       What did he do then?
6.       Could the three men solve the problem?
7.       What did they do in the end?
8.       Where is the other dollar?
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