













He Yang: The husband storage room first appeared as Wifi and charger offering bench in Fuzhou last year. It's now upgraded to a one-man video gaming retreat. A shopping mall in Shanghai has introduced glass pods, where husbands and boyfriends can spend some time video gaming while their significant other spends some money. So let's talk about it, how convenient, is it great, to put your husband and boyfriend in this gaming pod when you're shopping.

Niu Honglin: Sure, so let's say you're walking in a mall trying to buy something, but suddenly you see a box, you see a glass pod, you see a man inside playing some video games, so you got interested into the pods, so you ask the man what he's doing and he said, 'well, I'm being grumpy, so my girlfriend decided to put me here, there's a chair, a monitor, a computer and a game pad in here, so I can play video games, and currently the service's free, though in the future, I might be able to pay for it, scanning a QR code, but it's still good for me, I like to be here. And this kind of man, husband nursery so do we called, had been first appeared in Shenzhen in 2010 actually, and then in Fuzhou,Shanghai, followed suit. So we can see a lot of these pods being existing in different shopping malls.

Ryan: Yeah, you know, joking aside, I find this to be kind of immature. Uhm,in so many levels. Yeah, because...

Niu Honglin: really? I like it .

Ryan: I might as well just stay at home, I might as well, that's how I feel right. Because I mean we're not spending quality time together, and you're just spending money, so that doesn't ... what I am doing ...I' m playing video games in a small cube. Like some people said these cubes don't even have air-conditioning and the joysticks are awful. And it's like, it's going somewhere to be separated, you know, it's like, if I'm gonna go somewhere with you, then I'm gonna go somewhere and do something with you, but it's like if you expect me to just go shopping with you, and that's how we spend our days-off together, that's selfish of you, and so if you think by putting me in a closet and making me playing video games, even if I like video games, make this better, to me, it doesn't. I think find something, the reason why you are together, the team thing that whole mindset is to do something together, and you know, sometimes that's not shopping. I get it, but you know, nowadays we always talk how the modern day couples running running running, going going going. So that's moments you get to spend with each other. Uhm, if it's this kind of thing when you go to a mall, the most time you spend together is in the car, you get there, then you're in this little cube playing video games while she is spending all these money on other stuff, and you're OK with that, I think actually your relationship might have a lot of problems.

Niu Honglin: I don't agree with that, because for me, I totally be in those cubes, because now...

He Yang: You wanna be in the cubes.

Niu Honglin: I wanna be in the cubes.

Ryan: Then you should go the arcade with him, then you guys do that together, that's even better, but don't just shove both of you in one cube, that's just wierd.

He Yang: Might be romantic!

Ryan: Hahhhhh.

Niu Honglin: My argument is that based on a fact that I think men are multi-task creatures.

He Yang: You can't!

Niu Honglin: Let's say we wanted to go to the dinner and go to the supermarket and go watch a movie. And in between I wanted to shop a little more. So do you want him just to go home for that 2 hours? I just store him at somewhere.

Ryan: Here is my reply, you know, 'why would I go to the mall to play video games? ' that's like, if I have video games with someone that loves that, and I've invested in some kind of video games at home. I'll be like, 'Here is my card, 'cause it's pretty much what you want anyways, and go ahead and go to the mall by yourself, because we won't be spending a lot of time together. The whole idea of this is relatively insulting.

Niu Honglin: No, what I am saying is that, in between having dinner and watching a movie in the 2 hours. I wanted to go shopping, so man need to spend that 2 hours, do you wanna spend that with me, shopping or do you wanna stay in the cube playing video games.

Ryan: Guys be smart, just give her the card, tell her to go, have a good time, invite your buddies over, play video games at home, air conditioning, beer, all that fun stuff. And then when she comes back, she'll be just like, 'Hey, missed you.' that kind of thing.

He Yang: That sounds pretty good. OK, card pin number collected.

Ryan: Everybody is winning I guess, uh?

He Yang: Yes. Actually, joking aside, I think sometimes we might think of this in a totally romantic setting. But when it's mundane stuff between couples two, you need to pick up the toilet roll, you need to pick up grocery, you need to do that kind of  shopping too, can you not do it, well we are not earning so much that we haven't made to do it for us right, so I'm doing this, would you be an angel to come and company me? Yes, OK, great, let's go shopping.

Ryan: Can you do that shopping in malls?

He Yang: Yeah! There's always a supermarket at the bottom floor.

Ryan: And other stores, right? Hahhhh.

He Yang: But, I also have a question for you Ryan, that is a little bit of myth for us. That is, 'is it true that guys just hate shopping? So that's why we feel we don't want you to be bored, so we put you there.'

Ryan: We like shopping for stuff we like, but it's like when you're getting asked 20 times in a day, questions there's no right answer for, 'how does this make me look?' You're like, 'Jesus, what's the right answer, good?' 'Oh! Just Good? Oh my god, I'm leaving this store and you, blablabla...' And you're like, 'No~' So in that case maybe guy just would rather probably stay in the box.

He Yang: Yeah, or in the pod is fancy that way.



企鹅FM主播号:China Plus

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