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如何旅游省钱又好玩 来自RoundTable英语新闻脱口秀 05:49



Heyang: You’re listening to Roundtable. Who doesn’t like to save money when possible. Traveling can be expensive, but the right strategy can bring down the cost. Yes, let’s look at in 2017, what are some of the things that we can do to save a couple of bucks on travel and our wallets will be saying thank you afterwards. 

Ryan: Well, great question, and first thing I got for you is budget apps. What are those Ryan? I’m saying those are things like what is called digit. Digit is like a visual alert budgeting app. It also protects you from overdraft. So those are useful when you abroad, maybe ATMs don’t acknowledge your card, so you have an app on your phone that says hey you’re overdrafting or hey you know maybe you can use it at places but you can’t necessarily check your balance at an ATM machine. So this lets you know, hey, hey, chill it out on spend it man.

Niu Honglin: I like that the app saying hey to me.

Ryan: Yeah, hey hey hey. OK, also there is I guess one that I particularly liked here and scares me is the rise of cheap flights. Ok, so there’s some cheap airlines coming out of the woodwork and those are maybe some European low budget carriers like Norwegian airlines or Wow air.

Heyang: That doesn’t sound so great when it comes to air travel.

Ryan: Sounds kind of scary. Wow, we made it, air 

Norwegian is offering 585 dollars roundtrip nonstop fairs between Los Angeles and London. InApril, I guess when this article was posted in April, so I don’t know what that means now. But then we got 306 dollars seen for a round trip flight from New York to London on wow air. Round trip flights   from Boston to Beijing on air Canada for mere 485 dollars. Guys, if there anything happens to you while you’re up there in the air, you’re hundreds of feet above ground right, so it’s not like just pulling over on the freeway, what are they cutting cost on, to be able to offer tickets this low? I don’t like that.

Niu Honglin: Said something who’s really afraid of being fly

Ryan: I don’t like that. What about you guys, what do you got?

Niu Honglin: Well actually I have a personal experience. I went to Hong Kong last month. And I checked to the project to the SIM cards provide. So the packages are like if you’re using your card in the mainland and you want it as a special package, it’s just gonna be 128 for China mobile. But if you buy a local card, it would cost you like 30 or 40 Yuan. But the practice is basically similar. You can still have the same data everything, but you’re saving a lot. So I think down to the point, it all comes down to the point, that you need to invest your time and energy into doing research to save money. So, still I thinks it’s a fair trade.

Heyang: Yeah, well I guess saving on flights, hotels and other aspects of travel is the question of how much do you value the time, as oppose to energy spent I guess. I mean it’s that decision that everybody has to make if you are not willing to spend a lot or you don’t have extra dollars to spend on this thing. Yes maybe spending more time on the research and also maybe on travel, because sometimes if you go detours then it is usually cheaper, or otherwise.

Ryan: You know, we got some more old school tips that I like better, cause I’m an old school. Ok, so look for free activities, hiking, these kind of things often aren’t the most expensive thing you can do on the trip, right?So maybe it’s a little bit cheaper. Things like Airbnb you could find a fine room for pretty cheap instead of staying at a hotel, or even a hostel sometimes. There’s apps called like couch surfing where you can sign up and stay on someone’s couch for free, also really cheap. Go to local markets to buy your food, you know the locals always know where the best deals are, so follow those guys. Carrying snacks and water when you go out on those outings, folks. And if you’re visiting like a place like Beijing, maybe don’t stay in the center of the city, the first ring road, maybe stay a little bit outside, you can do your research and know the subway will take you there.

Niu Honglin: Yeah, and the ultimate way is to be really good at English and be a college student. That way you may get sponsored by CRI and visit South Africa. What’s that about?

Heyang: Yes, that’s actually coming very soon on the late August, as there will be an event held by CRI in South Africa. I will be hosting the event when we’ll have a dialogue between students from China and South Africa. Yes, and you get sponsorships that kind of thing. And also college students or students period get cheaper tickets everywhere. That’s one thing to keep in mind. You’re listening to round table. That brings us to the end of today’s show. Have a wonderful day, bye-bye everybody!

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