

4 ways to Improve Concentration on Work (如何提高工作效率)
EditFocusing Your Attention
Listen to some music. Keep a pair of headphones at your desk and put them on for breaks. As you listen to music, try to remove all work-related thoughts from your mind, take a few deep breaths, and listen to the music. Then, once your break is finished, dive back into work. Listening closely to music (of any genre) will help sharpen your focusing skills, and will also allow you to return to your work with greater concentration.[1]If your office is loud, you can also use headphones to cancel out all of the noise. Simply put them on and then resume your work.
No matter what genre, it is important that you like the music that you are listening to. Your fondness for the music can directly impact how it helps or hinders your productivity. So, choose what you like![2]
Some people also find that listening to music without lyrics helps them to concentrate while they work. Try listening to some classical, electronica, new age, or even some white noise while you work.
Take notes to stay concentrated on a task. If you’re losing focus in a meeting or conversation, jot down a few of the speaker’s talking points to sharpen your focus. You can also record meetings and then play back the recordings for reference.[3]If you are in a meeting, take a pad of paper for notes. This way, you’ll be prepared for jotting down thoughts or talking points when you need a boost of energy.
Even doodling can improve cognition and concentration. It keeps you more awake and prevents you from completely disengaging due to boredom.[4]
You might even consider working with an accountability partner to help you take notes and stay on task if you think that would help you more. However, if you think you might get distracted more by working with a partner, then stick to keeping notes on your own.
Turn off your phone while working. When you arrive at work, place your phone within a closed drawer. Or, turn it off and place it screen down on your desk. Make a point to only check your phone on breaks. Frequently checking your phone will provide a constant distraction, and will result in lower productivity and concentration.[5]If your office phone is a distraction, see if you can place it on silent as well. Check your voicemail at particular times and respond to messages then.
If you rely on your phone as a way for family to notify you in case of an emergency, then you might want to designate a coworker as the person your family can contact in case of emergencies.
Take set five-minute breaks. Watch the clock and take breaks of five minutes for every twenty-five minutes of concentrated work. You can make a bathroom run, walk around the office, grab a quick snack, or even just stand and stretch. Having these set break times will keep your off-time under control and allow you to focus better while working. Timed breaks will also give you something to look forward to.[6]Some people find it useful to keep a kitchen timer or even an hour glass at their desk to keep track of time. If you miss your break, make sure to extend the next one.[7]
Chew gum or eat a peppermint. If you feel your concentration slipping at work, pop a piece of gum in your mouth. If you don’t have any gum, eat a piece or two of peppermint candy. Both gum and peppermint have been shown to effectively boost individuals’ concentration and energy levels while working on challenging tasks. If you chew peppermint gum, you’ll be able to capitalize on the benefits of both gum and peppermint.[8]Keep in mind that the benefits of gum are short lived: performance and concentration only increase for about a 20-minute period.[9]
EditMastering Time Management
Start with the tough tasks. You will likely have the most energy at the start of your work day, so jump right into those jobs that require additional concentration. Focus on tasks that are new to you or need a high level of creativity. Leave the mindless or basic work until the end of the day or when you feel as if you are lagging.[10]Avoid procrastinating or putting off difficult tasks. Your concentration throughout the day will be diminished if you’re worrying about a challenging task that you put off until the afternoon.
Work on a single task at a time. Multitasking, or jumping from item to item and trying to juggle many tasks at once, quickly drains your energies. Instead, choose a particular task and concentrate on finishing it. Don’t get caught up in making it perfect, just aim to finish it and then clean it up later. “Single tasking” will also help you to set reasonable goals and resume work despite interruptions.[11]While single-tasking, you can also break down a large task into smaller pieces. If you have a large task that needs attention, spend some time thinking about how that task could be segmented into a series of smaller projects. Then, decide on which tasks to complete first, and start working.[12]
Discover when you work best. Every person has a few hours during which they typically work the best. For a week, keep a chart where you write down your energy level from 1–10 each hour. Then, look over these numbers to see where your peaks of energy and productivity lie. In the future, spend these hours on your most challenging tasks.[13]For example, many people find that they work best between 9:00 and 11:00 am, and are at their slowest right after lunch. Take advantage of this to save mindless tasks for after lunch, and start on harder work in the morning.
Make it clear to your coworkers that you do not want to be disturbed during this time unless it is urgent.
Set your own deadlines. It is likely that your boss or employer will create big-picture deadlines for you. But, to avoid procrastination and to increase concentration, look over your work and create your own deadlines for each project. This will give you ample time for each task with time added in for breaks. You can also add in extra time if you are worried a particular project might be problematic.[14]For example, if your boss sets a deadline of Thursday, you could set personal deadlines to complete a third of the project on Monday, a third on Tuesday, and a third on Wednesday, then use Thursday to proofread and revise.
You can also make to-do lists at the beginning of each day or at the end of the day (to use the following day). Order your to-do list according to importance. Place the most important tasks at the top of the list and the less important ones below these. Work down the list from most to least important. Keep the list short so that it is reasonable for you to accomplish what is on it.
You can also vow not to take your work home with you to provide yourself with a deadline. If you cannot bring work home, then you will be more inclined to stay focused and get your work done so you can go home.
EditCreating the Right Environment
Keep your work area clean. It’s hard to stay focused and apply yourself to work if your work space is messy and cluttered. Spend the last 15 minutes of each day organizing your work space. Stack or file any miscellaneous papers. Throw away trash. Clear out the extra open windows on your computer. You can even set out the next day’s work, if you know what it will be. This will help you to start each day fresh with a welcoming space.[15]If you feel the unstoppable urge to clean mid-day, then give yourself a maximum of five minutes to tidy everything up. Don’t let these breaks become a distraction.[16]
Also, make sure that you have everything you need in your work area, such as tissues, water, coffee, pens, paper, etc.
Meditate on a happy thought. Sit at your desk. Close your eyes and take a series of deep breaths. Focus on a thought that makes you happy, such as relaxing on a beach or reading a good book. Keep that thought front and center and banish any work worries. Repeat this practice for just 10–20 minutes total each day.[17]Office meditation has been shown to boost concentration and to lessen signs of depression and anxiety.[18]
Keep the temperature mild. The ideal temperature for a work environment is 71° Fahrenheit (21° Celsius). If you cannot maintain that exactly, try to keep the thermostat between 68–77° Fahrenheit (20–25° Celsius). If the temperature is too high, you could overheat or become sluggish. If the temperature is too low, you may jitter or feel ill.[19]
Sit in a comfortable chair. A comfortable chair can help to make it easier to concentrate as well. Make sure that your desk chair allows you to sit upright and that it provides good back support. Also, make sure that it is the appropriate height for your desk.
Lock your computer when you’re not using it. If you are working on a task that doesn’t require the computer, go ahead and turn off the monitor. Only turn it back on when you need to use it. When you are on your computer, limit distractions by placing limits on web browsers and social media sites, and try to have relatively few browser tabs open at once.[20]You may also want to turn off email notification settings as well. Email can be very distracting and it is difficult to resist the urge to constantly check and respond.
Decorate with fresh flowers and plants. Place a small plant on your desk or a larger one on the ground. Look for a plant that requires little light, unless you have a large office window. The plants will help to provide fresh air, which can help your mind to stay clear.[21]The presence of a plant may also encourage you to open up your windows, which will have the benefit of exposing you to healthy sunlight as well.
EditDeveloping Long-Term Habits that Improve Concentration
Develop a calendar system. Keep track of all of your commitments in one place, whether on a paper calendar or on your phone. Log your phone calls, appointments, and meetings, including the amount of time spent or required. Look over your entire day each morning, so you know what to expect.[22]You may also want to consider not attending certain meetings, if that is possible. Carefully consider whether or not the meeting will be productive and worth your time.[23] Remember that you do not want to overcommit yourself. It is okay to make your personal needs known to your employer and avoid taking on more than you can handle.
Give yourself time to recharge. Make sure to spend time relaxing in your free time outside of work. Getting outside can be especially helpful if you work in an office. Participate in a hobby that you enjoy or spend time with friends. Go out to a restaurant that you enjoy. Get together with family and friends. Investing in yourself can lead to improved concentration at work.[24]
Maintain healthy habits. Eat balanced, healthy meals, especially breakfast. Exercise regularly and take good care of your body, and exercising in the morning can be even more beneficial for your concentration. Avoid smoking and drinking. All of these activities will increase your endorphin levels, assisting in boosted productivity. Getting enough sleep can also improve your energy level and concentration at work.[25]Be careful turning to caffeine to boost productivity. It may increase your pace, but could lead to jitters and dehydration as well.
Try to get up and move around throughout your work day. For example, instead of sitting in your chair all day, try to do some work standing up. Or, perhaps catch a quick work-out over your lunch break.[26]
Focus on practical applications of your work. Over time, it’s easy to lose focus when your daily work feels like an abstract, bureaucratic process. However, you can energize and concentrate by thinking of daily practical applications of the job you’re doing. For example, if you work in the publishing industry, focus on the usefulness of the published materials to the people who will read them. Whenever you feel bogged down, recall this reason to keep going and focus on it.[27]Think about what exactly fascinates or excites you about your current tasks. For example, if you are doing a job that could help someone, you might repeat, “I am helping others.”
Work alongside organized people. This may not always be possible but, if you can, try to surround yourself with people who share your work ethic. They can push you when you feel lazy. They can kick back with you when you are relaxing. It will also help you to feel like a member of a team.[28]
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