

Copyright Law 【2】

The list of the sources for such analysis is necessarily selective. The main purpose of the selection was to comply with the needs of a course offered for Chinese students, “Erasmus” students from different European countries, as well as Hungarian students of the Faculty of Law, University of Szeged. Through the topics covered by the book students will get familiarized with major copyright policies and practices of the European Union and the United States of America, as well as their international background.


Readings include chapters discussing the problems through comparative method, analysing statutory sources and case law from multiple jurisdictions. These theoretical, analytical readings are supplemented by court decisions. The latter are edited where necessary, leaving only the most important elements of the – sometimes really long – judgments for discussion and debate. Decisions will be analysed through the „IRAC” method used especially by U.S. law schools.


The term „IRAC” is the abbreviation of the process through which the case is dissected into four parts. „I” is for issue, „R” is for the rules, „A” is for the arguments and finally „C” is for conclusion. The issue includes all the relevant facts of the case. The correct understanding of these facts is the cornerstone of a further proper analysis of any decision. This requires the accurate knowledge of both basic legal definitions and – in case of digital copyright disputes – the skill to correctly categorize technological features of the quarrels. Rules include both statutes (and other regulations) and precedents. As students will experience, referring to former court decisions has become general both in the Anglo-Saxon countries (like the United States and the United Kingdom) and more recently in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Arguments cover both the statements and evidences of parties and the reasoning used by judges in reaching the final conclusion. Law students are the lawyers of the future and they might face similar legal troubles during their career. It is really important for students to properly understand these arguments. Studying how parties succeeded or failed to win a case is extremely useful to improve students’ personal skills of argumentation. Similarly, learning how judges reach a specific conclusion is inevitable to acquire the ability to effectively predict future court decisions. And finally conclusion is the heart of the judgment: material facts, binding rules and relevant arguments mixed into sentences that sum up precisely how the judge solves the whole debate.


The author of this book is convinced that participants of the planned course will get familiarized with the practice-oriented, analytical aspect on the hot topics mentioned above. The comparative legal aspect allows the students to understand the major differences between the common law and the continental legal systems to be able to study or criticize the different legal solutions. This approach will help the students to use European, American and international copyright law rules in their future career at law firms or at courts, and to undertake independent research on the subject, using both traditional and internet resources.

本书作者相信课程计划参与者将会熟悉对热点话题以实践为中心的角度进行分析。学生通过比较法来理解英美法系(common law做普通法,又可做不成文法理解,此处建议翻译成英美法系与大陆法系对应)与大陆法系的主要区别,并通过这种方法学习与批判不同的法学解决方案(different legal solutions 应该有一种更好的表达)。这种方式有助于学生通过传统方式以及互联网资源在以后的法律生涯中更好的运用欧洲、美国、以及国际上对于著作权的法律规定,还有助于学生在学术上的独立研究。


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