

肉末烤茄子 --最易上手的美味

        听到肉末烤茄子 你的脑子里的画面应该是烧烤炉前 火焰升腾着喷洒下来的香料的气味 ,夹带着吱吱吱 肉汁的流香 无情地撩动着你的食欲。  相对这样的场面 我这道烤箱版的肉末烤茄子,少了烟火气焰的动感。


         这道烤茄子 做法非常简单特别适合上班族的晚餐,菜肉混搭  口感滋润,不干不柴(要注意步骤提示 尽量不要把肉末炒老了)调味搭配有玄机。  作为下饭菜 你就多放肉加足料,作为主食 口味放淡一些 还可以在烤的时候放一些奶酪 来个中西潮配。

        没有烤箱的怎么办?  蒸啊!(盖子包布  不滴水)





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长按二维码 观看黄金蛋炒饭做法:

茄子2根(2 eggplant)

猪肉糜100克(100 g minced pork)

蒜末1汤匙(1 tablespoon minced garlic)

葱花1/4杯(1/4 cup chopped green onion)

鸡汤 1/2杯(1/2 cup chicken broth)

辣豆瓣酱 3/4汤匙(3/4 tablespoon chili bean sauce)

番茄沙司 1汤匙( 1 tablespoon ketchup)

盐1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon salt)

糖1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon sugar)

酱油1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon soy sauce)

是拉差辣酱(Sriracha sauce)




小贴士:不喜欢肉末腥味 可以用清水或姜水 浸泡肉末数小时 去掉血水和腥味。



1、 选2个中国的长条茄子,建议选比较粗壮的  把顶部切掉。

2、 把茄子放到滚水的锅里 用大火煮1分钟,然后关火 。    加盖焖1-2分钟,注意茄子不要煮熟,外皮稍微变软就可以。

3、 取出来的茄子放到烤盘上,对半剖开 再划2道痕,压平一边备用。

4、 炒肉末  炒锅烧热 加一些油 放入蒜末、葱花,这里的葱花多用一些葱白部分 把它们炒香。

5、 我要用一个特别的材料辣豆瓣酱( chili bean sauce)你找不到的话 用是拉差辣酱,把它同样炒香,然后加入番茄沙司(ketchup),接着是清鸡汤 。

6、 这时记得把火关小 避免鸡汤很快烧干。

7、 放入猪肉末 与锅里的汤汁炒匀,不能煮太久 避免口感变柴,再往里面放屏幕显示的调味料。

8、 现在把火开大,让汤汁快速收浓,记得不要太干 要留一点的的汤汁。

9、 现在把炒好的肉末 平铺在茄子上  烤箱预热350华氏度 烤20-30分钟。

10、 烤好的茄子 不干燥也不会太烂。我会往上面加些辣椒酱 还有香菜或者葱花。





This past weekend,  my parents went grocery shopping. They found some great deals on fresh veggies, including these plump eggplants. so today my mom will be showing a special eggplant side dish that is simple and delicious.


First we'll need 2 Chinese egg plants, go for the ones that are wide and plump, cut of the ends 

Blanch in boiling water for 1 minute then turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let it sit for 1-2 minutes, careful not to over cook it, you want just the outer layer to be cooked

Take the eggplants out and place them on a baking tray, slice in half and make 2 more slits on each side without cutting through, press flat and set aside 

Now we will make the minced meat. heat a pan until it's hot, add in some oil, stir in chopped scallion and minced garlic, try to use the white part of the scallion

Now we will need a special ingredient, chill bean sauce, if you can't find these, you can replace with Sriracha sauce. stir in until fragrant then add in the ketchup and finally the clear chicken broth

Now turn the heat down to low 

Add in the minced meat and let it simmer in the sauce, careful not to over cook it because you want it to be moist and soft. now add in the seasonings shown

Now turn the heat back up to high and the sauce will thicken, leave just a little bit of sauce behind

Now place the minced meat on top of the eggplants, bake for 20-30 minutes in a preheated oven at 350 Fahrenheit

Once it's done, the eggplant will be just cooked, not too mushy or too dry. sprinkle on some hot sauce, decorate with cilantro or scallion and it's done!

My dad absolutely love this dish, even Happy came in the kitchen from the delicious smell 

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