

【主题词】质疑 · Question / Doubt
We have never questioned the very nature of thought. We have accepted thought as inevitable as our eyes and legs. We have never probed to the very depth of thought, and because we have never questioned it, it has assumed pre-eminence. It is the tyrant of our life, and tyrants are rarely challenged.
  The Whole Movement of Life is Learning, 'The movement of thought is not beauty'
  We are seeking certainty, and that has become the goal and we call that certainty peace, tranquility, harmony, silence, light—all the spiritual words you have, higher plane, etc. So this certainty—please follow this—which you are seeking, prevents you from doubting. Because you are seeking a certainty, you are denying doubt, which has nothing to do with suspicion.
  If you look at yourself, you will see that you are all the time avoiding being in a condition of doubt, that is, a condition of pliability; you want to be certain, which to me necessitates a choice. In doubt there is no choice; doubt prevents choice.
  So, when you crave for certainty, when you seek security, you must certainly discard and fear doubt. Now to me, doubt is a continual movement of thought and emotion, not blocked by certainty.
  The Art of Listening, Eighth Talk at Ommen, August 6, 1933
  Man in general sees life only through the tradition of time which he bears in his mind and his heart; whereas to me, life is fresh, renewing, moving, never static. Man’s mind and heart are burdened with the unquestioned desire for comfort, which must necessarily bring about authority.
  To me, an individual is a person who, through questioning, discovers right values; and one can truly question only when one is suffering. You know, when you suffer, your mind is made acute, alive—then you are not theoretical—and only in that state of mind can you question what is the true value of the standards that society, religion, and politics have set about us. Only in that state can we question, and when we question, when we discover true values, then we are true individuals—not until then.
  I say that if you would free yourselves from ideas, from beliefs, from all the securities that people have built up through centuries, then you would understand life. You can free yourselves only by questioning, and you can question only when you are in revolt— not when you are stagnant with satisfying ideas. When your minds are suffocated with beliefs, when they are heavy with knowledge acquired from books, then it is impossible to understand life.
  I say, free yourselves from all imitation, become individuals; question every standard, everything that is about you, not just intellectually, not when you feel at ease with life, but in the moment of suffering when your mind and heart are acute and awake.
  The Art of Listening, Talk in University Hall, Oslo, September 5, 1933
  A person who would live truly, understand life completely, must know doubt. Don’t say, “Will there ever be an end to doubt?” Doubt will exist as long as you suffer, as long as you have not found out true values. To understand true values, you must begin to doubt, to be critical of the traditions, the authority, in which your mind has been trained.
  But this does not mean that your attitude must be one of unintelligent opposition. To me, doubt is a precious ointment. It heals the wounds of the sufferer. It has a benign influence. Understanding comes only when you doubt, not for the purpose of further acquisition or substitution, but to understand. Where there is the desire for gain, there is no longer doubt.
  Doubt brings about lasting understanding; doubt is not an end in itself. What is true is revealed only through doubt, through questioning the many illusions, traditional values, ideals. Are you doing that? If you know you are sincerely doing this, then you will also know the enduring significance of doubt.
  Are the mind and heart freeing themselves from possessiveness? If you are truly awakened to the wisdom of doubt, the instinct of acquisitiveness should be completely destroyed, for that instinct is the cause of much misery. In that there is no love, but only chaos, conflict, sorrow. If you truly doubt, you will perceive the falsity of the instinct of possession.
  If you doubt, that is, if you desire greatly to find out, you must let go of those things which you hold so dearly. There cannot be true understanding by keeping what you have. You cannot say, “I shall hold on to this prejudice, to this belief, to this ceremony, and at the same time I shall examine what you say.” How can you? Such an attitude is not one of doubt; it is not one of intelligent criticism. It shows that you are merely looking for a substitute.
  The Art of Listening, Second Talk at Adyar, Madras, December 30, 1933
  What do you generally doubt? You doubt what the other says. It is very easy to doubt someone else. But to doubt the very thing in which you are caught up, that you hold, to doubt the very thing that you are seeking, pursuing, that is more difficult. True doubt will not yield to substitution.
  And you can find out the cause only by continually doubting, by questioning, by a critical and intelligent attitude of mind—which is a healthy attitude, but which has been destroyed by society, by education, by religions that admonish you to banish doubt. Doubt is merely an inquiry after true values, and when you have found out true values for yourself, doubt ceases. But to find out, you must be critical, you must be frank, honest.
  The Art of Listening, Sixth Talk at Adyar, Madras, January 3, 1934
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